Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 147 Public Opinion War (Fourth Update)

Liu Yingying acted swiftly and decisively, and after talking to Su Jie.

The next day, she sent a complaint to Linghui Company and publicly condemned it online.

"Linghui Company, a counterfeiting workshop with no bottom line."

In order to better spread the relevant accusation news, Liu Yingying specially registered accounts on multiple social platforms.

Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid was a hot topic in the news during this period. Once the accusation was issued, it immediately attracted a large number of people to watch.

Milk Tea Don't Cry: This Linghui Company actually put Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid into its own health products and sold them at such a high price, which is simply a collapse of the three views.

Chi Chi Wai Wai: I don't think that's the case. Linghui Company is a well-known old company. The previous Mino has always been very effective. This time, they are probably developing a new product. Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid saw that there was competition and deliberately suppressed its opponent.

July Naizi: The one above, a neighbor of mine bought Linghui's hair growth health care products, and the results were also effective in a week, but hair fell out after one month if he didn't continue to use it. How do you explain why the two products are so similar.

Lychee Kitten Q: That's right, Linghui launched hair growth health care products at a different time, but it happened to be launched shortly after Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid was launched. I don't believe there are such coincidences in the world.

Indulging in Starry Night: I noticed that the president of Tianyuan Daily Use Company is very beautiful?

I Want Yuanyuan: +1, she is really beautiful!

ZYLZYWY: I also found that this woman has appeared in Tianyuan Home Furnishing, Tianyuan Daily Use, and Muhua Food. Combined with the last Muhua acquisition case and Yikan merger case, this woman's origin is not simple!

Online public opinion quickly fermented, and most people supported Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid. After all, the similarity of the two products is easy to see.

In the face of the fierce wave of public opinion, Linghui Company also came forward to clarify at the first time.

"Regarding the unwarranted slander of Tianyuan Daily Use, our Linghui Company has been established for 23 years and has many world-class patents and research institutes. The Yafa hair growth promoting liquid is completely independently developed by our company, and every drop and every bottle is produced and assembled by ourselves. In this regard, our Linghui Company once again solemnly declares that it will use legal means to sue Tianyuan Daily Use for its slanderous behavior. "

After publishing a statement, more medical-related companies and doctors have stood up to speak for Linghui Company.

Kangxun Pharmaceutical: Support Linghui Company to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests and combat malicious competition.

Qian Zhongxun (famous hair medical expert): Linghui Company is a mature large company with first-class industry research and development level. In this world, Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid is not the only company that can develop good anti-hair loss products.

Qingzhou Chain Beauty Salon: We have been partners with Linghui Company for many years. Linghui Company has always put integrity first, and I believe in it.

These remarks are exactly the opposite of most people. Most ordinary people support Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid, while these experts, professors and pharmaceutical companies stand on the platform of Linghui Company.

The two parties quarreled fiercely on the Internet, insulting each other.

And just a few days later, a piece of news appeared, which completely broke this trend of quarreling.

"Recently, my country has made an important breakthrough in the field of hair care. A revolutionary hair growth product, Tianyuan hair growth liquid, has come out. This product has an excellent hair growth effect. It not only breaks the hegemony of foreign countries in the field of hair care, but also proves that my country has the ability and strength to guarantee the health care of all citizens. 》

If this news appears in other media, it may not be a big deal, but if it is broadcast in the form of CCAV-1's 7 o'clock news program, the influence and effect will be sensational.

This is equivalent to national certification, which is not something that Linghui Company can do.

And this is not over yet. On the night of the news broadcast, a video went viral on the Internet.

The video was shot at Linghui Company's local OEM factory, which originally produced the Asder hair growth drug, and now the production line has been remodeled.

It can be clearly seen in the video that bottles of Tianyuan hair growth liquid were unpacked and poured out here, and then mixed into Linghui's own Yafa hair growth promoting liquid.

The video was shot from a wide angle, and the factory environment, employees, company logo, etc. were all filmed, making it difficult to deny.

After these two big news appeared, the public opinion on the Internet suddenly reversed.

I am wrong no matter what: Haha, let me say it, now the country has come to the platform, what else can you Linghui company quibble about.

Steam is raging: It is simply embarrassing, and it is still a TM old company. What Mr. Liu said is really right, it is just a counterfeit workshop.

Xiongguan Mandao Zhenru Tie: What else can Linghui company say now? I hope everyone will tell their relatives and friends around them not to be fooled by Linghui company's disgusting tricks. If you want to treat hair loss, just look for Tianyuan hair growth liquid. This is too much certified by the country.

Yizhixueluo: A pure passerby. If I were to ask you, Linghui’s methods are not very good, but they are also for the sake of consumers. No one wants to see only one product monopolizing the market. Wouldn’t it be like that? They can manipulate us consumers at will and raise prices arbitrarily, and we have no way to do anything about it.

Yellow is a serious color: Get lost. You are justified in stealing other people’s products and making fakes. The price is even higher than others. I would rather Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid monopolize the market.

Fushengyimengye: Others rely on technology to monopolize. If you have the ability, you can also research hair growth drugs yourself. You have the nerve to come out and shout after stealing other people’s products. Go to hell.

Faced with overwhelming abuse, Linghui deleted the original counterclaim, and decisively closed the comment area and began to play dead.

The two parties who had previously cursed each other, those medical companies and experts and scholars who supported Linghui, were also dragged out one by one to whip their corpses, and the Internet was full of comments that Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid had won a great victory.

On the sales side, the sales of Linghui Yafa Growth Liquid, which was exposed to be fake, fell to the bottom, and it completely lost the ability to compete with Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid.

Taking this opportunity, Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid took advantage of the victory.

New production lines were put into production one after another, and at the same time, advertising was increased, seizing almost all the markets related to hair loss.

Like a whirlwind, the market share of Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid has been rising steadily, almost as high as more than 90%, and no company on the market can match it.

A large number of companies related to it suffered, and they were killed by Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid.

One after another, wig companies, hair loss drug companies, hairdressing and beauty salons, etc., either closed down, or were forced to change their business or cut projects. The market has completely entered an era where Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid is the only one.

After completing the full occupation of China, Tianyuan Daily Necessities Company, under the leadership of Liu Yingying, began to march overseas, intending to spread the war abroad and kill them all with Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid.

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