Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 148 Asde Pharmaceuticals (5 updates, 10,000 words, please subscribe)

Linghui Company.

Chairman Wang Xiaotong tore up a document, his eyes were red, and he stared at Lu Yixin, the head of the medical research office in front of him, and roared:

"Haven't the ingredients and production process of Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid been researched yet? What's the point of raising you? You're all a free earner. I've provided you with so many sophisticated and expensive high-tech instruments. Is this how you repay me?"

Wang Xiaotong has reason to be angry. Before the advent of Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid, the mino hair growth drugs he represented accounted for 20% of China's hair loss market, making money every year.

However, after Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid came out, especially after the official results and fake videos were exposed, their Linghui Company's market share completely collapsed.

Not to mention that no one cares about it now, the sales volume sold every day is not even enough to maintain the water and electricity bills of the factory.

Moreover, after the fraud was exposed, his company had to face huge fines, and the entire company was on the verge of bankruptcy.

For this reason, Wang Xiaotong put all his hopes on imitation.

As long as the ingredients of Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid can be deciphered and successfully counterfeited, Linghui Company may still be able to come back to life.

Wang Xiaotong also specifically checked and found that the Tianyuan Daily Use Company had not registered any relevant formula patents.

As long as he imitates it and registers his own patent, he can defeat it and make Tianyuan Daily unable to produce it, thus allowing Linghui to monopolize the entire Chinese hair loss market.

However, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is very cruel.

The imitation hair growth serum has not been successful for a long time, and now the company is on the verge of collapse. This makes Wang Xiaotong unable to stand it anymore and calls someone over to curse.

Lu Yixin was scolded and looked disgraced, and said bravely: "Mr. Wang, we really tried our best, but there is a very special substance in Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid. This substance plays the role of hair growth, and we cannot study it."

"Mr. Wang."

There was another person in the office who stood up at this time. His name was Liu Canlin and he was the general manager of Linghui Company.

"Mr. Wang, we have found relevant information. According to the intelligence provided by our bribed informant, the reason why Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid is so magical is that it mainly contains an imported hair growth puree.

The origin of this imported hair growth puree is in the Mande area of ​​Zen country. It is airlifted into China every time, and it is processed confidentially by dedicated personnel. The people we bribed cannot participate at all. "

Liu Canlin told the information he found out that he was the general manager of this company and still held shares.

Now seeing that Linghui Company is about to close down, he feels equally heartbroken, because then the shares in his hands will be worthless.

Therefore, Liu Canlin tried his best to imitate Tianyuan hair growth serum and contacted many channels to investigate. The previous Yafa hair growth serum was also produced at his suggestion.

"Hair growth serum, imported from Zen country?"

Wang Xiaotong seemed to have grasped the only straw for a drowning man, and asked quickly: "Is the news true? Can we import this kind of hair growth puree?"

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. This hair growth puree must be Tianyuan Daily's confidential information, and it's probably an exclusive product. It's almost impossible for us to get involved."

Liu Canlin shook his head and expressed his guess.

Wang Xiaotong slammed the table and said angrily: "I don't care whether it is exclusive or not. Even if we steal it, we must get this hair growth essence. Once we crack it, we can not only save Linghui Company, but also Achieve a dominant market position.”

Liu Canlin nodded and finally said: "Mr. Wang is right, we should try it."

“It’s not that you should, but you must go.”

Wang Xiaotong snorted coldly.


It was at this moment that a pop-up window for an enterprise-level remote video conference came to Wang Xiaotong's computer.

Wang Xiaotong glanced at it and was immediately shocked. He quickly calmed down his anger and clicked on the video pop-up window.

A blond, blue-eyed white man smoking a cigar appeared in the video. The other person was Poirot Bunsen, the CEO of Asder Pharmaceuticals.

Asder Pharmaceuticals is a listed pharmaceutical company in the United States, and is also a Fortune 500 and well-known multinational pharmaceutical company.

The company's main business covers pharmaceuticals, human vaccines and animal health. It has approximately 60,000 employees worldwide, 15,000 of whom are R\u0026D personnel.

"Mr. Poirot, the matter on my side is still being processed. Please give me a little more time. A result will be given soon."

After seeing Poirot, Wang Xiaotong's tone suddenly became humble.

Poirot in the video looked about 60 years old, wearing a well-made suit, and said calmly: "Wang, it's not that I don't give you a chance, it's that you are so disappointing, I will hand over the company's products to you. Agent, is this how you repay us?"

Wang Xiaotong's expression changed, and he always felt that these words seemed familiar, but he did not dare to lose his temper with Poirot, so he could only keep nodding and bowing.

"Mr. Poirot, you should have verified the effect of the Tianyuan hair growth serum we sent. This product is too exaggerated. It is difficult for our products to compete with others. Now the Chinese market is basically monopolized by this Tianyuan hair growth serum. We There is really nothing we can do.”

Wang Xiaotong first presented his problems to the other party and kept complaining in the hope of being forgiven.

"The Tianyuan Hair Growth Essence you sent is indeed amazingly effective. Our R\u0026D personnel have gone through various tests and failed to figure out how it is produced."

Poirot also looked amazed when he talked about this.

You must know that modern technology has become very advanced. As soon as a drug is released, it is easy to analyze the ingredients and principles. At most, the purity is different due to different production processes.

Essentially, it is not difficult to imitate a drug and produce it.

What really prevents pharmaceutical companies from imitating is the patent stick hanging over their heads.

Before the patent expires, everyone abides by the rules of the game.

Of course, there are also those who do not follow the rules. For example, Asan Ge's generic drugs are extremely rampant.

But when it comes to Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid, even multinational pharmaceutical companies like Asder cannot understand the ingredients and principles, which makes them very confused and confused.

"Yes, that's our problem, but I've found a solution."

Wang Xiaotong became excited and told Poirot about his next plan: "Mr. Poirot, we found that the reason why Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid has this magical effect is entirely due to the action of a kind of hair growth essence.

This hair growth puree is produced in the Mande area of ​​Zen. We are preparing to go there to obtain the corresponding production formula. We also hope that Asde Company can provide some help. After all, we are currently short of manpower. "

Poirot squinted his eyes, listened to these words, blew out a smoke ring, and showed a rare look of interest in his eyes:

"I heard that the Zen Kingdom is relatively chaotic. I can provide you with some military help. As long as we can get the hair growth puree formula back, we can work together to develop it. With the reputation of our Asder Pharmaceuticals, we can do it as quickly as possible. Monopolize the market."

For Asder Pharmaceuticals, hair loss drugs are just one of their many pharmaceutical products, accounting for only a few billion dollars in the company's revenue, and they are not considered the lifeblood of the company.

But this is the prerequisite for Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid to not appear. In the face of Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid’s miraculous curative effect, it takes effect in one week, is cheap, has no side effects, and can cure most hair loss patients in one go.

This is a huge market with hundreds of millions of patients and a market size of nearly 100 billion US dollars.

Once eaten, it will definitely double the market value of Asder Pharmaceuticals. This is the real reason why Poirot is tempted.

"Mr. Poirot, I feel reassured by your words. In such a small place, we can definitely get the hair growth serum formula."

Wang Xiaotong was extremely excited and confidently made the promise.

"I hope you can bring me good news."

Poirot hung up the phone without comment.

Wang Xiaotong looked at Liu Canlin and Lu Yixin in the office and waved his hand: "Get ready now. Let's set off to the Zen Kingdom to get the formula back and let our Linghui Company return to its peak."

Liu Canlin's eyes were fiery, and Lu Yixin didn't want to lose his job, so they both agreed.

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