Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 20 Investigation

"Su Jie, do you want the eggs to be cooked or runny?"

In Jingjiang No. 1 Dabieye, Liu Yingying was busy preparing breakfast in the open kitchen, wearing home clothes and an apron.

"All cooked!"

"Wait a moment, it'll be ready soon."

"Just let the chef do this kind of thing. He is so good at cooking."

Su Jie sat on the sofa and watched the TV broadcast about the mansion fire that had shocked the city in the past two days.

"This is different! The breakfasts made by others are full of love. Huh, I remember Su Jie, you said you knew how to cook, but I haven't seen you cook for me even once."

"Who said that? Didn't I feed you milk this morning?"

"That's not just a coward, you already know how to bully others."

Under Liu Yingying's creamy snow-like skin, there was a faint layer of rouge, and her charming and passionate eyes gave Su Jie a few hard glances.

She lived with Su Jie for two days and asked for leave from the company. Although Su Jie didn't make any promises to her, she was willing to wait.

"Then I will give you a chance to fight back now. Maybe your cooking skills can conquer my stomach and then tie my heart."

"That's right. With my limited cooking skills, I can only make a simple breakfast. Just don't mind if my cooking isn't delicious. Leave those complicated lunches and dinners to the chef you hired."

As she said this, Liu Yingying's face was filled with joy.

A few minutes later, Liu Yingying came to Su Jie with breakfast, glanced at the TV, and said, "It's this news again. This boss Leng Lily is on the headlines of our local TV every day."

"After all, it was a wealthy boss who was burned to death, so the news must be following the hot topics!"

Su Jie smiled and ate the breakfast carefully prepared by Liu Yingying.

Hearing this, Liu Yingying commented: "Today's news is getting more and more bottomless. Isn't it just an accidental fire? Reporters are chasing after interviews, making up all kinds of conspiracy theories, and there are murders and assassinations. They only know how to do it." flow."

Su Jie couldn't stop laughing after hearing this. If the real culprit behind Liu Yingying's incident was sitting in front of him, he didn't know what his reaction would be.

"Mr. Su, there are two policemen outside the door, saying they want to see you."

While he was teasing, a servant suddenly came over, bent down and said to Su Jie.

"Well, let them in."

Su Jie's eyes flashed and he waved his hands.

"What are the police here for?"

Liu Yingying looked puzzled and didn't know what was going on.

"Who knows."

Su Jie shrugged and continued to eat breakfast as if nothing had happened.

A moment later, two policemen appeared in front of Su Jie.

One person has a face with a Chinese character, an old policeman in his forties, and he looks like an upright old policeman.

One of them is a young female police officer, probably in her early twenties, who must have just graduated from the police academy.

"Hello, Mr. Su, I am Zhang Yanqing from the Linping City Criminal Police Brigade, and this is my partner Zhou Xiner. I am here to ask you for information about a case."

The two introduced each other while showing their police ID cards.

"Please sit down, please sit down. If you two have anything to ask, please ask. If there is anything I can do to help the police, I will give my full cooperation."

Su Jie enthusiastically invited the two of them to sit down and asked the servant to bring some fruits.

"Mr. Su, let me get straight to the point."

Zhang Yanqing seemed to be very talkative and said: "The day before yesterday, a fire broke out in Villa No. 12 of Changtan Villa Community in Linping. The fire killed Cui Yunchun, a well-known wealthy businessman in Linping City and the chairman of Leng Lily Company, and his secretary. Malanfei’s death.”

Su Jie nodded and said, "I was watching this news on TV just now."

"As far as I know, Mr. Su runs a timber business and once had business dealings with Leng Lily Company. On November 16, a fire broke out in a warehouse you rented in Nanqiao Logistics Center, burning a batch of expensive of wood.”

Zhang Yanqing's eyes were bright, his voice suddenly accelerated, and he had a breathtaking majesty.

"That's right. That batch of wood was passed down by my ancestors who worked hard, but it was all burned up in a fire, which cost me a lot of money."

Su Jie was not intimidated by Zhang Yanqing's upright aura. Compared with the Qiu Laodao aura that Su Jie had seen, Zhang Yanqing was several ranks lower and had no influence on Su Jie.

Hearing this, his face suddenly showed a look of pain, as if he was sad for the loss of that batch of wood.

"I would like to ask what Mr. Su was doing on the night of November 17, the day of the incident."

Zhang Yanqing continued to ask, while closely observing Su Jie's facial expression.

Su Jie shrugged and said, "I remember that night very clearly. In order to celebrate the handover and transfer of this villa, many people were invited to the house for a party. Many people can testify."

“Your warehouse just burned down and you’re throwing a party?”

Zhou Xiner was taking notes and interrupted.

"It was because the warehouse was burned down that we held a party to get rid of bad luck."

When Su Jie said this, he paused, pointed at himself with a shocked look on his face and said, "Wait a minute, don't you suspect that I set fire to someone else's villa, right? I am a good law-abiding citizen, and I have always done my duty. , If you don’t believe it, go and ask, many people can testify for me that night.”

"Yes, Su Jie was with me at that time, I can testify."

Liu Yingying stood up immediately and looked at the two policemen opposite with some displeasure. How could they frame such a good brother Su.

"We just investigated a little bit and didn't say you were the murderer."

Zhang Yanqing laughed and asked Su Jie some more questions before he got up and left the villa with Zhou Xiner.

Outside the villa, Zhou Xiner looked at Zhang Yanqing and pursed her lips: "Captain Zhang, do you think he is suspected?"

"Objectively speaking, he has no suspicion, but from a subjective level, I have doubts. After all, everything is too coincidental. Cui Yunchun himself is not clean. He has raised a group of thugs to do dirty work for him. It is possible that Mr. Su's It was this group of people who burned down the warehouse. What’s even more coincidental is that the next day, on the day of the fire in Cui Yunchun’s villa, this group of people also disappeared, leaving no one alive or dead.”

Zhang Yanqing held up his policeman's cap, let out a long sigh, and said: "In addition, a senior manager of the Nanqiao Logistics Center accidentally lost water and died on the same day. The manager's account happened to have a sum of money transferred from Cui Yunchun's personal account. A sum of money. From all aspects, there are traces of motives and suspicions.”

"In that case, can't you ask him to go back to the police station?"

Zhou Xiner frowned slightly when she heard this. Su Jie had a motive to set fire to kill people.

"How can you arrest someone without evidence?"

Zhang Yanqing couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this, and shook his head and said: "First of all, Cui Yunchun's fire department and autopsy found no traces of murder or evidence of intentional arson. Then we investigated the surveillance of Jingjiang Community that day and found that Su Jie and his vehicle did not enter or exit at that time. Just now, Xiao Zhang also went to ask some salespeople at the sales office, and they all agreed that he and Su Jie would attend a party that night, so the time would not match. "

"Could it be that he arranged for someone to do it?"

"It's possible, but where's the evidence?"


Zhou Xiner stopped talking. The judgment of the case was not based on subjective consciousness.

"Xiao Zhou, have you seen the video of Cui Yunchun's villa on the night of the incident?"

"I watched it several times. There were many cameras around his villa, but only one person was captured entering. According to the investigation, that person was Cui Yunchun's confidant, a man named Ahu."

"To rule out all suspicions, I can only start from the factual evidence. It was indeed Cui Yunchun who assigned Ahu to burn down Su Jie's warehouse. But later, Ahu and Cui Yunchun may have had an internal fight over the division of accounts, and finally died together."

Zhou Xiner thought to herself that this was really the case. Zhang Yanqing's theory was much more reliable than Su Jie's arson.

"Both parties involved are now dead, and there is no evidence. Maybe I guessed wrong, but this case can only end here."

"I understand Captain Zhang."

Zhou Xiner soothed her brows and couldn't help but look back at the very large villa. She vaguely saw someone looking at her and Captain Zhang on the balcony on the second floor.

She rubbed her eyes and looked again. There was no one on the balcony. It seemed like it was just a dazzle for her.

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