"Really, they actually suspected you, these policemen are too incompetent."

In the villa, Liu Yingying was still defending Su Jie.

"The police are also serving the people, we citizens just need to cooperate well, anyway, if you are upright, you are not afraid of your shadow."

Su Jie spoke with righteousness, and he was telling the truth.

That night he never did anything, it was all done by the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

If an animal kills someone, you should catch the Thousand-Handed Centipede!

Thousand-Handed Centipede: Squeak?

"Let's not talk about this, Yingying, are you interested in being my secretary?"

"Ah! Being a secretary, me?"

Shocked by Su Jie's sudden turn, Liu Yingying was confused.

"You heard it just now, I'm doing some wood business, and now there is no reliable manpower to help here. I think you are capable, why don't you quit your job and come to help me."

Crossing his legs, Su Jie pushed a drafted employment contract on the table.

When Liu Yingying saw the salary amount on the contract, her mouth suddenly opened wide.

"This... Does this count as being kept by you?"

Liu Yingying's heart was pounding, and the number made her mouth dry.

"Don't say such harsh words, I value your ability."

Su Jie poked Liu Yingying's forehead. He had limited time on Blue Star, and someone had to help keep an eye on some things.

Liu Yingying had a close relationship with him. No matter what her ability was, she just had to guarantee a certain degree of loyalty.

Besides, Su Jie was not afraid of betrayal, just look at Cui Yunchun.

"Hehe, I don't think I have any reason not to agree. Please take care of me in the future, Mr. Su."

After thinking for a few seconds, Liu Yingying readily agreed, because she believed that choice was more important than hard work.

In fact, she was willing to be kept, and there was nothing wrong with being a canary. Su Jie was not that old and ugly old man. He was in good health and tossed her to death in bed, not to mention that Su Jie also gave her a platform to display her talents.

Su Jie patted Liu Yingying's head and said with a smile: "Little naughty, I will teach you a lesson tonight. Go and ask Auntie to prepare tea. A guest will come soon."

"You are ordering me around now!"

Liu Yingying kissed Su Jie on the face and left with a happy step.

Twenty minutes later, the guest Su Jie mentioned arrived.

In Jingjiang No. 1 Villa, Liang Lianjun sat cautiously opposite Su Jie, feeling very nervous.

"Why, Manager Liang is so distant after not seeing him for two days."

Su Jie said with a smile as he poured a cup of tea for Liang Lianjun.

"No, no, I just, I didn't expect Mr. Su to invite me for tea."

Liang Lianjun quickly held the tea with both hands, but what Su Jie said next made Liang Lianjun's heart tremble.

"Hey, who let that happen? I asked you to come for tea just to understand the situation. Obviously, Director Cui is a good person, why did he die so suddenly? I was originally planning to sell this batch of wood to him."


Liang Lianjun almost jumped up as his palms trembled and the hot tea spilled.

"What's wrong? Is it because the tea doesn't suit your taste?"

"No, no, I'm just a little excited. Ha, ah, I'm really fine."

Liang Lianjun's smile was extremely stiff.

When he heard that Cui Yunchun died two days ago, or was burned to death by a fire, a terrifying speculation came to his mind.

He had also heard that Cui Yunchun had a dirty background, and at that time he was surprised why Cui Yunchun refused to purchase Su Jie's batch of wood.

Combined with the burning of Su Jie's warehouse, and then Cui Yunchun was burned to death at home the next night, many things can be inferred through motives even if there is no evidence.

"You seem to be afraid of me?"

Su Jie smiled kindly and said sincerely: "I'll make it clear in advance! I am very sad about the death of Mr. Cui, but life has to go on, so don't get too immersed in it."

"Mr. Su, I'm not"

"Okay, I know you value friendship, and I asked you to come this time because I value your friendship. I want to start a furniture company. You have been in this industry for many years, so I'll be frank and want to dig you to work here and be the general manager."


Liang Lianjun, who was drinking tea, choked.

"Mr. Su Su, didn't your batch of materials get burned? Why are you still thinking about it?"

"Oh, you mean that! I restocked a batch, and it's exactly the same as the last batch. You can relax."

When Liang Lianjun heard this, he became even more suspicious.

Because in his opinion, the materials Su Jie mentioned might have been snatched back from Mr. Cui.

"This is my annual salary for you. If you do a good job, you will get dividends. You can consider it carefully. I will never treat you unfairly as long as you work hard for me."

Su Jie also knew that empty words could not fool people, so he directly used his money ability to launch a contract.

Just like Liu Yingying's reaction before, Liang Lianjun, who originally wanted to reject Su Jie's offer, could not say the words on his lips after seeing the sincerity of Su Jie's contract.

Just because the amount on the contract was too dazzling.

"You know my strength here. If you come to work for me, it's hard to say anything else, but high-quality wood raw materials will continue to flow. With your ability and connections, our new company will definitely be able to open up the market for high-end furniture soon."

Recruiting Liang Lianjun was a move Su Jie chose after thinking about it.

Simply selling raw materials will always be remembered by others. In this case, it is better to process the tree raw materials and sell them to consumers.

Liang Lianjun has been working in the furniture industry for many years and has the ability and connections to be a general manager.

Swallowing his saliva, although he speculated that Su Jie might have violated laws and disciplines, this contract was too tempting.

Even though he knew that working with Su Jie was risky, Liang Lianjun still couldn't resist the temptation. He hesitated for several minutes and finally picked up the contract on the table.

"Mr. Su, I don't have the experience of managing the company as a whole, but I'm grateful that you think highly of me. As long as I'm still on the job, I will definitely help you manage the company and sell our furniture all over the country."

"Very good, that's the spirit, I believe you."

Su Jie reached out and shook hands with Liang Lianjun, then called Liu Yingying over: "This is my personal secretary Liu Yingying. When I'm not here, you can find her if you have anything, and she will pass it on to me."

"Hello Secretary Liu."

"Hello Manager Liang."

After the two sides got to know each other, Su Jie continued: "You guys should get the company registered first, and Lao Liang, you can buy a processing plant. I'll approve 30 million yuan for you. It's enough for you, right?"

30 million yuan was the mortgage loan Su Jie took out from the bank for Jingjiang No. 1 Villa.

"That's enough, but Mr. Su, what's the name of our new company!"

Liang Lianjun was even more excited. The company had sufficient funds, and he had the confidence to do his work.

"It's called Tianyuan Home Furnishing."

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