Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 234 Return to Tianyuan World (First Update)

Tianyuan World, Ghost Ridge Palace.

Su Jie pushed out the door of the practice room, took a deep breath, and felt the spiritual energy entering his belly that Blue Star did not have.

"Congratulations to welcome the young master out of seclusion!"

When a servant saw Su Jie, he immediately knelt down to say hello.

"Go and prepare some food for me, and also inform a few of my friends to come over for a party."

Su Jie stretched himself and prepared to greet his friends.

After moving for a while, Su Jie walked to the garden in the backyard of the mansion and saw a girl leisurely basking in the sun. There was a little maid beside her who was reading a book with her.

This person is none other than Xuanyin body Ning Xinyue.

"You girl, you really know how to enjoy it!"

Su Jie stepped forward and reached out to pinch Ning Xinyue's nose.

"Ugh, who is it?"

Ning Xinyue, who couldn't breathe, opened her eyes with a fierce expression.

But after seeing that the person coming was Su Jie, his expression couldn't help but change.

"How did you come."

Ning Xinyue made Su Jie laugh as soon as she opened her mouth.

"This is my home. If you ask me why I'm here, it's me who should ask this question. Why did you come to my house?"

Su Jie pinched Ning Xinyue's cheek, then looked at the maid beside him, and asked, "Does this guy take advantage of my seclusion and come to our house often to eat and drink?"

"Why do you speak so harshly? What do you mean by eating and drinking? I'm clearly just here for a visit. Do you understand me?"

Ning Xinyue puffed out her cheeks, like an angry and cute pufferfish.

The maid who was asked was very embarrassed and didn't know how to speak.

"Okay, stop talking, I know she comes often."

Su Jie waved his hand. Looking at Ning Xinyue's comfortable look, he knew that it wasn't just once or twice that she came to enjoy her family's mansion.

Based on the relationship between Ning Xinyue and Su Jie, the servants all knew that the two were close and would not dare to interfere too much.

"What can I do to allow you, the inner disciples of Ghost Ridge Palace, to allocate residences? Those cave dwellings are not good for living and food. You don't want to see a lovely, beautiful and smart friend like me suffer, right? "

Ning Xinyue deliberately showed a wronged expression and said it very sadly.

It's not that she can't endure hardships. When she and Su Jie were running around in the woods, they would never sleep in the open air. But now that she is in the sect and has better conditions, she naturally doesn't want to wrong herself.

"Sorry, I really don't care."

Su Jie answered without hesitation, leaving Ning Xinyue speechless for a while.

"You, I still treat you as a friend. This is how you treat your friends."

"You have to pay more to be my friend."

"I have no money."

Ning Xinyue rolled her eyes and just leaned on the chair, as if I won't leave and there's nothing you can do about me.

"Xiao Qian, come out and play games together."

Ning Xinyue's move was fine against other people, but she was overthinking it against Su Jie. Su Jie knew very well what this girl was most afraid of.

As soon as he finished speaking, a thousand-handed centipede came out of Su Jie's sleeve and robe, intending to pounce on Ning Xinyue.


Ning Xinyue's pretty face turned pale and she jumped up like flying.

Although she has been in contact with the Thousand-Armed Centipede many times, she is still afraid of its appearance.

Especially since I haven't seen him for a while, I feel that Thousand-Handed Centipede is more ferocious than before.

Su Jie smiled and lay down on the chair, occupying Ning Xinyue's seat, making Ning Xinyue's teeth itchy with anger.

"Can you have some moral integrity and keep scaring me with bugs?"

"Please, I am a demon cultivator, you are not joking when you tell me this!"

Ning Xinyue was right when she thought about it. She had nowhere to vent her anger.

"You haven't been on a mission in the past few months?"

Su Jie looked at Ning Xinyue. This girl seemed too leisurely.

"Hmph, I'm only at the third level of Yunling Realm, who would let me go on a mission!"

A hint of cunning flashed in Ning Xinyue's eyes. She had always pretended to be a talented girl who had just started. Unless she was willing, the sect did not want to throw such a genius into the battlefield and waste our war in vain. potential.

"You are quite a ghost."

Su Jie also wanted to understand. No wonder this little girl was so leisurely. When others were participating in the sect war and fighting to the death, she came to Su Jie's residence to enjoy her leisure time.

But strictly speaking, this girl is not a demon cultivator. She really has no obligation to serve the Ghost Ridge Palace.

"That's right, this girl is the smartest."

Ning Xinyue raised her chin proudly, then looked at Su Jie again, poked Su Jie's arm with her jade finger, and asked curiously: "Has your strength improved again? And your centipede seems to have also transformed. Is it over?"

The electric light on Su Jie's body flashed, and the purple sky thunder was activated. The thick thunder instantly illuminated the surrounding area in white.

Ning Xinyue subconsciously had a stress reaction. The frost in her body was like a cold moon, and the frost and mist froze the void, blocking the thunder.

"What are you doing, scaring me?"

Ning Xinyue patted her chest, startled by Su Jie's actions.

"I have been in seclusion for so long, and I have to gain something before I can get out."

Su Jie stroked the Thousand-Handed Centipede lying in his arms, and his eyes wandered over Ning Xinyue: "But you, your strength hasn't dropped yet!"

Through the test just now, Su Jie could clearly feel that Ning Xinyue's cultivation level had increased a lot compared to the last time they met, and she was almost reaching the top level of Yunling Realm.

It seems that after repairing the defects of Xuanyin's body, her strength is improving by leaps and bounds every day, and the qualifications of the divine body can be truly reflected.

"I will soon be promoted to the Secret Treasure Realm, and you will be left behind by me."

Ning Xinyue said, thinking that she would surpass Su Jie in the future, and retaliate against him for all the bullying he did to her, so that Su Jie would cry and beg for mercy, and she couldn't help but laugh.

"Do you want to defeat me in strength and make me regret everything I have done?"

Su Jie narrowed his eyes, and Ning Xinyue came back to her senses immediately.

"I don't think so, you made it up in your mind."

Ning Xinyue waved her hands repeatedly, although she denied it, but the expression on her face was too easy to understand.

"Little girl, you have a beautiful idea."

Su Jie pretended to be angry and stood up to grab Ning Xinyue.

Ning Xinyue quickly retreated, shouting: "Stinky Su Jie, you are relying on your strength to bully me now, when I become a secret treasure, I will let you know how powerful this girl is."

Su Jie curled his lips: "Xiao Qian, go bite her."

Ning Xinyue looked at the Thousand-Handed Centipede with its fangs and claws, and dared not continue to be stubborn: "No, no! I was kidding you."

Su Jie walked forward and flicked Ning Xinyue's smooth forehead.

"It hurts."

Ning Xinyue's eyes were full of tears, and she secretly swore in her heart that she would let Su Jie taste her own bitterness in the future.

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