Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 235 Qi Shijian (Second Update)

Su Jie didn't let Ning Xinyue leave after all, and she even had a sumptuous lunch.

As Su Jie returned, the news of his exit was spread by word of mouth, and soon many people in the entire sect knew about it.

"Sir, there are many people visiting outside the gate."

A servant came to ask for instructions and informed Su Jie of the situation.

"Visiting me for what?"

Su Jie was puzzled, as he didn't know many friends in the sect.

After thinking about it, Su Jie walked out.

At the door of the mansion, Su Jie saw many extraordinary people gathered here. Some were managers of certain mines and medicine gardens, some were managers responsible for the distribution of disciples' rewards, and some were related to certain elders. They were all well-known figures in Guiling Palace, and their power was only below that of the elders.

"Su Daoyou, haha, congratulations on your exit. We have produced a lot of spiritual plants in Pan'an Valley. I think you may need them. I'll send some to you to try the effect."

A wealthy middle-aged man cupped his hands with a warm smile on his face.

"Manager Ji, you're too polite."

Su Jie had some impression of the man in front of him. He was in charge of planting a certain spiritual medicine valley in Guiling Palace. Although he was not in the Secret Treasure Realm, his brother was in the Secret Treasure Realm, otherwise he would not have been able to get such a lucrative position.

"Fellow Daoist Su, this is the spiritual wine brewed by our Hundred Flowers Garden. I'll give it to you for a taste."

"Fellow Daoist Su, my master will give you ten servants and ten pounds of Bodhi Iron."

"Fellow Daoist Su, my daughter is twenty years old and is waiting to be married."

A group of people came up enthusiastically, flattering and giving gifts.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I really don't understand why you gave me so many things. Can you tell me why?"

Su Jie was confused. He didn't understand why these people were so enthusiastic. They were giving gifts and marrying their daughters. Why did he become so popular?

"It is rumored that Fellow Daoist Su gained a lot from this retreat and will soon break through to the Secret Treasure Realm."

Someone spoke up and told the reason.

Su Jie suddenly realized that these people had heard rumors that had changed their meaning, and they were rushing to curry favor with him, wanting to sell him a good deal before he broke through the Secret Treasure Realm.

"Who spread this? I am only at the ninth level of the Soul Condensation Realm now, and there is still a long way to go before I break through. Everyone, take the gifts back."

Su Jie shook his head, there was no need to covet this little bit of bargain.

"The rumors are indeed true."

"It has been less than half a year since Fellow Daoist Su was promoted to an inner disciple, and he has already reached the ninth level of the Soul Condensation Realm. I think he will be able to break through to the Secret Treasure Realm in less than a year."

"Fellow Daoist Su must accept these gifts, just as congratulations to our sect in advance for having another elder."

"I also have a distant niece, who has a gentle and virtuous personality, and is definitely a good match."

"My daughter is so beautiful, she is more suitable."

"Stop it, my Wan'er"

Unexpectedly, when Su Jie said this, the eyes of the dignitaries at the door lit up, and they became more enthusiastic than before.

These people, after Su Jie's growth stage, were sure that Su Jie would be promoted to the Secret Treasure Realm sooner or later, so they had to come here to curry favor with him.

Su Jie looked helpless. Seeing these enthusiastic people, he couldn't drive them away, so he could only be forced to accept these gifts. As for marriage, forget it.

When everyone was sent away, Su Jie's forehead was sweating, more tired than a big battle.

"Su Jie, so many people want to marry their daughters to you, why don't you want to."

Ning Xinyue had been peeking behind the door. When she saw that everyone had left, she jumped out immediately.

"I don't want to be tied to my in-laws."

Su Jie put the gifts into the storage bag, turned around and looked at Ning Xinyue, and said, "It's about time for you to go back."

"Someone else is coming, I'll go in first."

Ning Xinyue quickly found an excuse to hide back, and disappeared directly.

"This girl."

Su Jie turned around, and a man in plain white clothes walked over.

This person has a handsome face, eyebrows like snow, eyes like stars, and a warm smile, like a spring breeze.

Seeing this person, Su Jie narrowed his eyes slightly.

This person is not the dignitaries before. The other party is a genuine disciple, and he is also a recognized master among the disciples.

In Guiling Palace, there are three disciples in the tenth level of the Soul Condensation Realm who are recognized as the strongest.

The three are Xiao Fengyuan, Qi Shijian, and Luo Jian. Su Jie has only dealt with Xiao Fengyuan.

And the person in front of him is Qi Shijian, one of the three.

"Su Daoyou, I have heard of your great name for a long time."

Qi Shijian smiled before he spoke. His temperament of tranquility and spiritual brilliance made people want to get close to him. He felt very intimate.

"In front of Daoyou Qi, I dare not talk about any great name."

Su Jie cupped his hands. This person is considered a veteran strongman among the disciples. Su Jie, a newcomer, is less famous.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Su, you are too modest. The battle of killing Du Shaochang has greatly inspired countless disciples in the sect. Everyone in the sect knows your name."

"I wonder what Senior Brother Qi's intention is in coming this time."

Su Jie did not exchange too many pleasantries. He had never dealt with this person before, and it felt a bit strange that he suddenly came to him.

"It's like this. During the battle with the righteous disciples, I accidentally discovered a Vajra Tribulation Gemstone Mine, but there are many Blue Sea Red Scorpions there. I am not strong enough to handle it alone, and the reward is limited if I tell the sect, so I want to find someone to cooperate and take over this Vajra Tribulation Gemstone Mine. I estimate that the output there can produce hundreds of gems. We can collect them in a week and split the profits 50-50 afterwards."

Qi Shijian expressed his intention and said it very sincerely.

The Vajra Tribulation Jade Ore is a very precious mineral material, which is mostly used to make mid-grade magic weapons. A piece of Vajra Tribulation Jade can be sold for thousands of blood marrow crystals.

If things are really like what Qi Shijian said, those hundreds of pieces of Diamond Tribulation jade are worth an astonishing 100,000 blood marrow crystals, half of which is half for one person, which is also an astonishing wealth of 50,000 blood marrow crystals.

"Is this true?"

Su Jie was surprised that there was such a good thing.

"It's absolutely true. This is a piece I mined before."

While Qi Shijian was talking, he also took out a piece of Diamond Tribulation jade. The surface of the pure and flawless jade was as smooth as a mirror, reflecting bright light in the sunlight.

Su Jie nodded heavily and said, "In that case, what are you waiting for? Fellow Daoist Qi, just go find someone else."

"Young Daoist Su are not willing to cooperate?"

The expression on Qi Shijian's face was obviously very surprised by Su Jie's answer.

"Yeah, I'm not interested in that."

Su Jie said without thinking about the pie in the sky thing. Su Jie felt that he was not so lucky.

"Okay then, I'll find someone else to cooperate."

Qi Shijian seemed a little regretful, but he didn't try to persuade him again.

But after turning around and walking away, Qi Shijian's expression suddenly darkened.

Su Jie watched Qi Shijian go away and murmured to himself: "With the character of a demon cultivator, if someone discovers this kind of diamond tribulation treasure and jade mine, he will kindly find someone to share the accounts. Think about it, there is a problem."

This was also the reason why Su Jie was unwilling to go. Although it was unclear what Qi Shijian was planning, Su Jie would not take the risk anyway.

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