Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 25 Tragic Situation

After cleaning the house, Su Jie heard a crow crow outside.

When I walked out of the house, I saw a black crow hovering in the sky, making strange and hoarse calls. The sound traveled far away, constantly tormenting people's ears.

Su Jie took out a black feather folding fan from his arms and waved it high.

After a while, the black crow in the sky landed on Su Jie's shoulder, its beak wide open.

After searching around on his body, Su Jie caught out a scout dragonfly and fed it to the crow.

Then he took a piece of letter paper from the bird's leg, picked up a pen, wrote down the status of today's itinerary, put his fingerprints on it and tied it back.

Then he let the crow fly again and watched the other person disappear into the sky.

This kind of crow is actually a homing pigeon, which was bred by Guiling Palace to deliver messages.

Such a lofty method as spiritual consciousness and sound transmission for thousands of miles is not something that disciples can learn.

The Xinyahui communicates with the disciples at the mountain gate of Guiling Palace every day, and the disciples need to report their daily itinerary and the situations they encounter.

If there are any arrangements that need to be made by the disciples, orders will be issued through Xinyao.

Not long after the letter crow was released, Gu Weinian also came back, but the news he brought back was not good.

"No success?"

Seeing the embarrassment on Gu Weinian's face, Su Jie knew that it probably didn't work out.

"No matter how hard you say it, people just don't believe it, especially that Chen Koudang."

Gu Weinian shook his head and did not continue speaking. He must have been sarcastic.

Sun Zhihai also expressed his opinion and said: "Let's not meddle in other people's business. Since others don't want to, then we can just take care of ourselves."

Su Jie consoled him: "Just look at it and treat it as farts. Don't take it to heart."

"I see."

"That's good. We'll take turns keeping watch tonight. I'll keep watch for the rest of the night, and you can go and have a good rest first."

Late at night, ugly time!

The forest land was completely shrouded in darkness.

On Niujiao Ridge, the noisy chirping of cicadas during the day disappeared, and dark clouds covered the full moon.

In front of the wooden house, an ancient tree stands quietly.

The tree is at least a thousand years old, with roots like a dragon, skin like cracked rock, and numerous scaly knots, just like a skinny old man.


A gust of night wind blew by, swaying the branches.

The candlelight from the wooden house casts mottled light and shadow among the dead branches and leaves, making it look even more terrifying, like a demon with teeth and claws.

At this time, Su Jie was sitting on the top of this ancient tree, sharing his vision with many moths, always observing any movement within a hundred meters.

"Brother Su, I'm here to change the shift."

In the wooden house, the yawning Gu Weinian walked out and waved to Su Jie on the treetop.

"Brother Gu, be careful. If anything happens, call someone as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, even though I'm old, I still have this vigilance, if..."

Before Gu Weinian could finish his words, Su Jie suddenly said: "Wait, what's the noise? Did you hear anything?"


Before Gu Weinian could react, Su Jie looked out through the dark night.

In the silent night, except for a few unknown birds' whining, there was no other sound, as if they had just heard an auditory hallucination.

"Brother Su, this is your first night patrol, maybe you are too nervous."

Gu Weinian, who thought he had made a mistake, shook his head. Just as he was about to continue, his voice suddenly paused. He and Su Jie looked at each other, and both heard a faint voice.


The small, continuous screams kept coming to my ears, and they sounded a bit like the barking of mice.

Immediately afterwards, Su Jie and Gu Weinian saw a bat covered in blood staggeringly falling from the sky, like a bird with broken wings.

"It's Chen Yun's natal Gu, the Dark Sound Bat."

Su Jie's expression changed slightly as he recognized the origin of this bat.

This bat is a rare species of poisonous insect that can produce infrasound waves that are difficult for humans to detect.

Not only can it crack and explode objects, but when used on living creatures, it can also cause the internal organs of the human body to resonate, leading to rupture of internal blood vessels and death. It is a very vicious and insidious poisonous insect.

Now this Gu worm is falling from the air, its body has been injured in some way, and blood is bleeding from its mouth and nose.

Su Jie took two steps forward and jumped high to catch the Mingsheng Bat.

The bat that landed on his hand was two circles larger than his palm, and it let out a burst of mournful screams.

"Something must have happened over there with Chen Yun. It might be a strange ghost. Go call Brother Sun."

Su Jie took a deep breath. The appearance of the Dark Sound Bat here was a signal for Chen Yun to call for help.

Gu Weinian quickly called for someone, and soon Sun Zhihai was woken up from his sleep.

Gu Weinian's old cold legs immediately ran very fast, not daring to delay.

Hearing that there might be a strange ghost, Sun Zhihai, who was still a little sleepy at first, felt a jolt all over his body, and he lost all sleep in an instant.

"We. Do we really want to go there? What if it's really a White Walker?"

At the critical moment, Sun Zhihai hesitated, a look of fear appearing on his face.

Su Jie looked solemn and said: "Of course we can't be so reckless. Let's observe from the outside first. If we really encounter a ruthless person, it's no wonder we don't save him."

Sun Zhihai breathed a sigh of relief, this was very safe, the demon cultivator did not have the heart to sacrifice himself for others.

Gu Weinian didn't say much. From the process of getting along with him, he had discovered that Su Jie was a very cautious person, and felt that Su Jie must be somewhat confident in doing this.

The three of them did not carry any torches or lanterns, for fear of attracting unknown enemies, so they rushed towards the residence of Chen Yun and others in a dark environment.

There was still some distance to go. Su Jie's nose twitched and he could vaguely smell the blood in the air. The outline of the wooden house of Chen Yun and others was already visible not far away.

"The battle there seems to be over."

Su Jie, who had secretly observed with a moth, had a complicated look in his eyes. He stood up and lit the torch he carried with him and walked towards the wooden house.

About a hundred meters away from the wooden house, a tragic battlefield appeared in front of the three people.

The ground was covered with a layer of poisonous insect corpses, and many poisonous snakes and ants were trampled into mud.

A queen ant as big as a ball was missing half of its body.

Another giant grasshopper as big as a table was split in half, and green insect blood splashed everywhere.

These were the natal Gu worms of Chen Koudang and Xu Chaoxian.

Even the natal Gu worms ended up like this, let alone their own bodies.

The arrogant Chen Koudang in the daytime had his face torn and hung on the tree branch, and his body became fragments.

Xu Chaoxian was left with only a head, and his body disappeared.

At the edge of the battlefield, a bloody "corpse" leaned against the bottom of a big tree.

If it weren't for the slightly rising and falling chest, almost no one would think that the other party was still alive.

This is Chen Yun, the only survivor still alive at the scene.

In addition to Su Jie and the other two who just arrived at the battlefield, surprisingly, someone had arrived earlier, Meng Dongge from the other side of the Niujiaoling Mountain.

He held a torch and seemed surprised that Su Jie and the other two arrived so quickly.

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