"Brother Su, we are late!"

As soon as they met, Meng Dongge sighed, pointed at the insect corpses all around, and said: "I heard the noise and realized something was wrong, so I came over immediately to provide support. Unexpectedly, I was one step too late for the White Walkers and failed to save Chen Yun's husband and brother. ,Blame me"

"We discovered it too late. After all, we are closer to Chen Yun and the others."

While talking, Su Jie carefully observed his surroundings and secretly guarded himself.

Because Chen Yun and others may not have been attacked by a strange ghost, it is possible that the attacker was Meng Dongge in front of them.

"Well, no one wants something like this to happen. Since it is really the White Walkers who did it, it can only be blamed on bad luck."

When Gu Weinian saw the situation at the scene, he immediately made up a general situation.

Most likely, Chen Yun and others were attacked by strange ghosts at night and failed to resist, resulting in the death of Chen Koudang and Xu Chaoxian.

For people like Meng Dongge to come to support so quickly, they are considered very loyal among the disciples of Guiling Palace.

You know, even Gu Weinian, who is from the same lineage of Qiu Laodao as Chen Yun, is very hesitant to come to support, let alone disciples from other branches like Meng Dongge.

"This is too tragic."

Sun Zhihai only felt his scalp numb. It was not that he had never seen dead people, but that Chen Yun and others came with him to patrol the mountain and protect the road.

As a result, he fell into this situation on the first day, which made him feel the same way.

"Chen Yun is still angry"

Su Jie checked Chen Yun's situation, turned to Meng Dongge and asked: "Fellow Daoist Meng, why are you alone? Where are the other five people in your team?"

"They went to hunt down that evil beast. We can't let the culprit go. I'll stay here to protect Chen Yun."

Meng Dongge explained through gritted teeth, looking very hateful.

As he was talking, a fierce shouting came from his ears.

"Stop it quickly."

"Use the Jiuqu Net to seal its retreat."

"Come together, we will succeed soon."

Accompanied by shouts, a three-meter-tall creature flashed past Su Jie and others' eyes.

Its skin is pale, its body is hunched and on all fours, and its sharp claws are like steel blades, making it intimidating.

"White Walkers."

Gu Weinian was so frightened that he screamed.

The current environment was too frightening, and any slight disturbance made people feel like they were facing a powerful enemy. The sudden appearance of the White Walkers almost scared him to death.

"Could it be that I'm too worried?"

Su Jie thought in his mind that it was really a strange ghost. Could it be that he had misunderstood Meng Dongge?

"Run! We can't defeat the White Walkers."

Sun Zhihai's voice also trembled slightly, and his remaining arm kept touching his chest, where an emerald-green lizard poked its head out, and even summoned its own Gu.

"Look, this White Walker is no longer alive."

Su Jie raised his hand to stop the two of them. The two of them took a closer look and realized that this strange ghost was covered in scars. There were corrosion and penetrating wounds in many places on his body. Large areas of torn muscle tissue were exposed to the air, and even his internal organs and intestines were leaking. When he came out, his movements were slow, and even if he didn't have to worry about it, it would be impossible to survive.

After running forward for only a few dozen meters, the White Walker was finally too injured to bear. His blood almost dried up and he fell to the ground.


Immediately afterwards, a large number of Gu insects came one after another.

Hundreds of migratory locusts, venomous snakes, venomous scorpions, killer bees, poisonous spiders and other poisonous insects swamped the White Walkers.

A large amount of deadly toxins were poured into it, causing the scarred White Walkers to reach the end of their lives and no longer move or struggle.

Five Ghost Ridge Palace disciples emerged from the woods where the White Walkers were running, holding some fine nets, ropes and other objects in their hands. They were the other five teammates of Meng Dongge.

They quickly surrounded the corpses of the White Walkers and looked at Su Jie and the others with vigilance.

This is because they are worried that Su Jie and others will try to rob them after seeing the money. After all, the price of White Walker corpses has increased seriously and they are precious.

"What are you doing? The three fellow Taoists are not the kind of people who act recklessly. There is no need to be on guard. What are you saying to others?"

Meng Dongge scolded and cursed the other five people.

This made Sun Zhihai and Gu Weinian quite embarrassed.

Gu Weinian coughed twice and said: "Fellow Daoist Meng, since this strange ghost was hunted by you, it can be regarded as avenging Chen Yun. We will not have any wrongdoing."

Sun Zhihai also sneered and said: "Yes, Fellow Daoist Meng, you are worrying too much. We still have some sense of propriety."

Although the corpse of this strange ghost is extremely envious, once it is sold to the black market, it will be worth at least hundreds of blood marrow crystals. However, no matter from the perspective of morality or strength, especially the latter, it is impossible to rob it. That is Seeking death.

Su Jie's eyes narrowed, this move of retreating into advancing is so powerful!

Looking at the performances of Gu Weinian and Sun Zhihai, it was obvious that they were both fooled.

Su Jie did not point it out immediately. Instead, he was more righteous than Sun Zhihai and Gu Weinian. He said: "Brother Meng, it is only human nature for them to think so. After all, the reputation of our lineage of demon cultivators is not very good, but don't worry. I, Su Jie, have always been honest and aboveboard in my work, and I hate evil as much as I hate evil. If it is not mine, I will definitely not take it.”

Gu Weinian looked at him speechlessly. Is this too much? Are you really a demon cultivator?

Meng Dongge smiled again and said loudly: "Don't be offended, fellow Taoists. It took us a lot of effort to successfully hunt this alien ghost. We spent a lot of talismans and poisonous insects. We had to sell them to recover our losses. Otherwise, I would have given you a share. Hey, I feel very sorry. Let's do this. At present, these dead Gu worms in this battlefield will be handed over to you to deal with. After all, they are all from the lineage of your elder Qiu."

"Thank you very much."

Gu Weinian and Sun Zhihai both bowed their hands.

There are many dead Gu worms around. It is very beneficial to use them to feed your own Gu worms, especially the two Gu worms belonging to Chen Koudang and Xu Chaoxian.

"Brother Meng is too polite."

Su Jie's hand speed flew up quickly. Gu Weinian and Sun Zhihai didn't see his movements clearly. The most valuable queen ant corpse on the ground was taken by Su Jie.

This operation made Meng Dongge unable to do it. He looked at Su Jie with a strange look: Is this what you said not to take? So you only want the big ones, right?

"In this case, we won't stay here any longer. Fellow Daoist Chen is seriously injured now. Why don't you leave her to us? I'll see if I can try to cure her."

Looking at Chen Yun, Meng Dongge kindly made a request.

Sun Zhihai and Gu Weinian were about to agree. Now it was unknown whether Chen Yun could be saved or not. She was just a burden. It was just right to leave her to someone else.

But at this moment, Su Jie suddenly said: "Don't bother Fellow Daoist Meng. Chen Yun is from our branch. We are also responsible for taking care of her in her current situation."

"We still have some medicine for injuries, which is very helpful for treating injuries."

Meng Dongge was stunned and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Really not."

Su Jie shook his head and refused. Even Sun Zhihai and Gu Weinian were extremely puzzled. Is it really like what he said, this guy is an upright person?

"Well, I won't force it. I hope Fellow Daoist Chen Yun can recover soon."

Meng Dongge didn't force it anymore. He smiled and said goodbye.

"We need to deal with the corpses of the aliens as soon as possible, so we won't stay here for long. Three Taoist friends, be careful. If you encounter aliens, you must ask for help from us as soon as possible. I don't want to see what happened to Taoist friend Chen Yun happen to you."

"Take care."

"Take care."

The two teams bowed to each other, and Meng Dongge and others carried the corpses of the aliens away from the battlefield.

Sun Zhihai and Gu Weinian couldn't wait to take action and pick up the corpses of various poisonous insects on the ground.

The poisonous insects that just died are still fresh, just right for the natal poisonous insects to take.

Su Jie followed Meng Dongge and others and disappeared into the woods, his fingers slightly hooked.

A moth took advantage of the cover of night and flapped its wings to follow quietly.

This kind of insect control method of the inner disciples is difficult to detect without specific defense.

"Brother Su, we made a fortune today!"

After counting, Gu Weinian was quite excited.

The corpses of poisonous insects swept from the battlefield filled a basket, which was a very rich harvest of spoils.

"It's a good harvest tonight."

Su Jie took a glance, but compared with the alien corpses that Meng Dongge and his team had harvested, these insect corpses were not good enough.

"But... do you really think you can hide it from the world?"

Licking his lips, Su Jie glanced at Chen Yun on the ground, then at Meng Dongge and others who disappeared from his sight, and a cold arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

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