
In a wooden house on the southern mountain.

Meng Dongge and his six companions who had just returned here were overjoyed, and next to them was a corpse of a white ghost.

"Dongge, your planning is still powerful. You successfully hunted another white ghost tonight without any effort."

One disciple was very excited. While talking, he stroked the corpse of the white ghost with his hand, obsessed.

"Listen to me, you can't be wrong. Those disciples are poor ghosts. They have a few money, which is far less valuable than the white ghosts. It's just right to make use of them."

Meng Dongge was no longer as amiable as before, and there was a hint of cold mockery on his face.

"That's right, Dongge, thanks to you for getting a batch of gentian grass, otherwise this plan would not be so easy to succeed."

"If you want to hunt monsters like white ghosts without paying any price before, I would never dare to think about it."

Several disciples on the side echoed in succession, full of admiration and flattery for Meng Dongge.

"By the way, what happened to Su Jie and the others? I went to the wooden house before and found that they had moved to a new house. Did they find any clues?"


Meng Dongge interrupted immediately and said confidently: "I have buried the gentian grass under the roots of the tree. No one can find it except the White Walkers who can smell that special smell.

It is probably just that they are a little suspicious and don't believe our arrangement.

So, next time I will take the opportunity to bury some gentian grass around their wooden house under the name of visiting. I don't believe they can change their address."

"This will definitely work. When they attract the White Walkers, we just need to wait for them to fight with the White Walkers and both sides will suffer losses, and then we can reap the benefits."

Several disciples' eyes lit up, as if they saw the money pouring into their pockets.

Meng Dongge and his group discussed the plan without any scruples, how to cheat.

But they didn't know that a moth was lying quietly on the window, listening to all their loud plots clearly.

"Oh, as expected, the last link of the chain has been completed."

At the same time.

On the northern peak of Niujiaoling, Su Jie slowly opened his eyes and released the shared vision with the moth.

In the hall of the wooden house, Chen Yun, who had just been rescued, was temporarily placed here.

Her wounds were very serious. Her body was scratched by the claws of the aliens with several deep wounds that could be seen to the bone. Even her intestines were exposed to the air. If her body was not much better than that of ordinary people, she would have died long ago.

"The bleeding has stopped temporarily, but the aliens' attack, because the claws carry some rotten toxins, if she wants to survive, it depends on whether her wounds will ulcerate next."

Gu Weinian checked and found that Chen Yun's injury was not optimistic.

"I see. Let's put Chen Yun aside for now and discuss other things."

Su Jie stood up from the mat, called Gu Weinian and Sun Zhihai, and said, "What do you think about what happened tonight?"

"Opinion, isn't it an accident? It's just that Chen Yun and the others are too unlucky. Hey, Brother Su, you don't think that Chen Yun and the others were killed by Brother Meng, you also saw the corpse of the alien before, your previous suspicion is not accurate."

Gu Weinian was puzzled. Not long ago, Su Jie had suspected Meng Dongge.

But the facts proved that Su Jie was wrong. Instead, it was Meng Dongge who bravely rescued people and was a completely good person.

"Yes, Brother Su, isn't Brother Meng good enough? He led the rescue team in person despite the threat of the aliens. We can't frame him."

Sun Zhihai also defended Meng Dongge.

Both of them seemed to have a lot of good feelings for Meng Dongge. That kind of warm-hearted character, coupled with his personal support regardless of danger, is indeed very easy to convince people.

"Don't you think it's too coincidental?"

Su Jie knew that the two would question it, and analyzed what happened tonight one by one: "We and Chen Yun just arrived today, and Chen Yun and her group were attacked by the White Walkers. It's a bit too coincidental.

Similarly, after the attack, didn't Meng Dongge and his group come to support too quickly? They were obviously farther away from Chen Yun's cabin, but they arrived earlier than us, and they also had a fierce battle with the White Walkers, as if they were waiting there in advance."


Su Jie's words made the whole hall silent.

Gu Weinian swallowed his saliva and said nervously: "Brother Su Su, this kind of thing without solid evidence may just be your overthinking."

He said so, but Gu Weinian thought about what Su Jie said and did have many doubts.

"Brother Gu, think carefully about the objects that Meng Dongge and his gang held in their hands when they appeared. The Nine-Curve Net, the Earth-Sunk Thunder and Fire Mirror, and the Heavenly Gang Rope. Have you thought of anything? These objects are all used to set traps and ambushes. Do you think that if Meng Dongge really went to rescue, he would bring a bunch of these things with him?"

Su Jie's voice was terribly calm. He was not angry because of Gu Weinian's doubts. He just explained and analyzed the matter.

Gu Weinian's face turned pale and he was speechless because Su Jie's analysis was all true.

"Brother Su, these are just your speculations, not evidence at all. I know you want to get the body of the alien, but we don't have that kind of strength and can't rob it. Please don't drag us into the water, okay?"

Sun Zhihai stood up angrily, thinking that Su Jie was greedy for the value of the alien and had evil intentions. He made some seemingly ambiguous speculations to drag himself and Gu Weinian into the water.

But don't you look at the strength of the three of them? Even if the three of them were added together, they might not be a match for Meng Dongge, not to mention that the other party has six disciples, which is twice as many as our side.

"Do you want evidence? Or are you afraid and unwilling to admit the truth?"

Su Jie looked over with deep eyes, which made Sun Zhihai feel a little guilty. He was not sure whether Su Jie really had substantial evidence.

"Ahem, what you said is true!"

At this moment, a weak and extremely weak mosquito-like sound came.

It was Chen Yun who was still in a coma before and woke up. Just when she heard Su Jie's analysis, her eyes were glaring and her chest was filled with strong anger. She ignored her injuries and struggled to sit up, breaking the wound that had just stopped bleeding.

Su Jie turned back and looked at Chen Yun, and said lightly: "You rest first. Even if this is true, you can't do anything. Now you are a useless person."

"I want to kill them, kill them."

Chen Yun bit her lips tightly and bled without knowing it, but she was full of anger and had nowhere to vent.

Tonight, her closest husband and brother died. She originally thought that they died in the attack of the White Walkers, but it was just bad luck.

But after listening to Su Jie's analysis, she realized that there was another hidden story, which seemed to be a trap set by Meng Dongge's group.

Su Jie no longer paid attention to Chen Yun. When he rescued her, he just thought that she might be able to be cured.

At that time, he would have more combat power on his side, which would be convenient for fighting against Meng Dongge.

In the end, he came back with a useless person, which was disappointing.

"Brother Su, what is the evidence you are talking about?"

Gu Weinian couldn't help asking.

"Have you heard of gentian grass? Meng Dongge buried this grass outside Chen Yun's wooden house, which was the biggest inducement for the attack by the White Walkers tonight. By the way, the wooden house that Meng Dongge originally chose for us was also buried with the same gentian grass by him."

"What, gentian grass, where did he get this thing from?"

Gu Weinian was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat.

Gentian grass is like cats to catnip for the White Walkers.

It can emit a smell that the White Walkers like, which is easy to attract the White Walkers.

It's just that gentian grass has always been scarce, and few people have found it. Many people have heard of it, but few have seen it.

Touching his chest in fear, Gu Weinian said gratefully: "Fortunately, Brother Su, you took us to change homes, otherwise we would have ended up like Chen Yun tonight."

At this time, Gu Weinian had completely believed in Su Jie's judgment. Today's tragic situation was really Meng Dongge's fault.

This man looked upright on the surface, but secretly had ulterior motives. He actually set up such a trap and directly killed Chen Yun and the other two.

"I have to say that the other party is indeed a good plan. Just like fishing, Chen Yun and the others are baits, which can not only attract the White Walkers to take the bait, but also be used to consume the White Walkers in advance, fighting to the point of both sides being injured. In the end, Meng Dongge led the team to set up an ambush and end the game, so that a White Walker was easily obtained, with a value of hundreds of blood marrow crystals, how crazy it is!"

Su Jie sighed, thinking of the clean wooden house at the beginning, I'm afraid Chen Yun is not the first one to be set up like this.

"Gentian grass... If I had listened to you and moved, none of this would have happened... I hate you so much, I hate you so much, Kou Dang, Chao Xian, I killed you, I killed you..."

Chen Yun was completely filled with regret when she heard Su Jie's words.

If she had listened to the advice, she would not have lost her brother and husband tonight.

Gu Weinian didn't know how to comfort her, and finally sighed and looked at Su Jie.

"Brother Su, what should we do now? Should we hand over our analysis to the Zhiling Hall?"

"Do you think it will be useful?"

"I'm afraid it won't work."

Gu Weinian smiled bitterly. They were a demon sect, and it was common for the lower-level disciples to kill each other. Even public killings could be done safely as long as there was enough money to pay.

Outer disciples were just consumables for the sect's top leaders. They could be replenished after consuming a batch, so the sect didn't bother to pay attention to this trivial matter.

Su Jie spread his hands and said solemnly: "We have no choice now. Either we kill Meng Dongge and his gang, or we die. There are only two outcomes." As for escaping, whoever dares to leave the station without the permission of the Executive Order Hall will wait for the corpse to be collected. "How can we be the opponent of Meng Dongge and his gang?" Sun Zhihai immediately jumped up and down, his face full of fear. The gap in combat power between the two sides is too big. Not to mention the quality, the number of combatants is twice as much. Such a battle is nothing but suicide. "Do you have a better choice?" Su Jie looked over. "I, I, I" Sun Zhihai's lips moved, but he couldn't say anything. "Although the other side has more people than us, we are not without a chance."

Su Jie retracted his gaze, glanced at Chen Yun on the ground, and said: "As the saying goes, give someone a taste of their own medicine. Meng Dongge used gentian to set up a trap, and we can also use gentian to deal with them."

"You mean, take out the gentian from our original wooden house and put it near Meng Dongge's residence to attract the White Walkers to deal with them?"

Gu Weinian quickly understood Su Jie's idea, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

Because this plan has a high possibility of success.

"The White Walkers are very useful. If the White Walkers cannot be completely dealt with, we will go up and take charge of finishing them off."

Su Jie set the tone for the plan, and then said to Gu Weinian: "You go there overnight. The gentian grass is buried under the roots of the trees around our cabin. They should not have taken it out yet. Dig it out and bury it near Meng Dongge's cabin. Be careful and don't be discovered."

"Okay, I'll go there immediately."

Gu Weinian responded repeatedly. Now he was ready to go all the way with Su Jie.

There was no other choice except to solve the threat of Meng Dongge.

Su Jie watched Gu Weinian go away, and there were moths following him in secret.

He would not trust others easily. If Gu Weinian had any tricks, he would know immediately.

Among the outer disciples, none of them had learned the insect control method, and they had no defensive psychology against ordinary insects. Su Jie had a great reconnaissance advantage.

"Su Daoyou, let me join the battle, I can still help."

Gu Weinian left, but Chen Yun was holding on to her body, her eyes were extremely firm, and her determination to revenge was not shaken by her injuries.

Su Jie looked at Chen Yun, and suddenly thought of something, and said: "It's not impossible, but you might die."

"Do you think I'm afraid of death now?"

Chen Yun smiled bitterly. She had lost her brother and husband, and she would rather die than let Meng Dongge have an easy life.

"Okay, I'll help you."

Su Jie didn't say anything more. Chen Yun's injury could actually be cured, but he couldn't afford the healing pill.

Carrying Chen Yun back to the bedroom, Su Jie prepared to perform a surgical operation on Chen Yun.

Without too much preparation, Su Jie released the Thousand-Handed Centipede, borrowed the Thousand-Handed Centipede's dexterous pale arms, cut off a few strands of Chen Yun's long hair, and sutured with hair.

Su Jie had never sutured a wound before, and his technique was very poor. The sutured wounds were ugly and awkward, and some of the skin and flesh were not even aligned.

Because there was no anesthesia, Chen Yun gritted her teeth and persisted throughout the whole process, and sweat and blood soaked the bed.

After the stitches were finally completed, Chen Yun was completely exhausted, with centipede-shaped stitches all over her body, including her face.

Su Jie poured some medicine on Chen Yun's wounds, and gave her a hemostatic pill. It was not even a low-grade pill, but it still had a hemostatic effect, because it was a holy medicine for healing among outer disciples.

"Can you move?"

Su Jie asked.

"I'll try."

Chen Yun gritted her teeth and propped herself up to get out of bed. It must be said that the physical strength of a cultivator is much higher than that of an ordinary person. A normal person who suffers this kind of injury would not be able to get out of bed for a year or two, but Chen Yun can now prop herself up and move slowly.

Su Jie shook his head and said, "It's still too much of a stretch."

"No, it's enough. I can still control the Gu worm. Even if I risk my own Gu worm and my own life, I can still do a few attacks. Let me participate in the battle."

However, Chen Yun looked at Su Jie with a determined look and called the Dark Voice Bat.

But this life insect was now seriously injured, and couldn't even fly. It could only lie in Chen Yun's hand and chirp weakly.

"Not bad."

Su Jie looked at Chen Yun differently. This woman's heart was really good, at least she was cruel enough to herself.

"When do we set off?"

Chen Yun touched the dark voice bat, and the deep hatred almost burned her body. She wanted to avenge her brother and husband.

"We still need to wait for good news from Brother Gu, and..."

Su Jie opened the window and looked to the east to see a red dawn. He chuckled: "And there is still a hidden danger that needs to be cleared. After doing all this, it's almost done."

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