"You don't need to know this."

Su Jie's eyes drifted to his feet, and he suddenly kicked his legs and jumped up.

Meng Dongge on the opposite side also made the same move, and his body retreated several steps at a rapid speed.

Su Jie had just jumped up, and seven or eight earthworms as thick as arms broke out of the ground under his feet, and their terrifying mouths with round fangs bit the air.

Across from Su Jie, the place where Meng Dongge had been standing was engulfed by a large line of fire.

The Yin Fire Blood Bee from Su Jie's envoy launched a sneak attack in a hidden place, and the blazing flames rose, illuminating the dark night sky.


Meng Dongge's face was particularly gloomy under the light of the fire.

"You are not bad either."

Su Jie sneered, and both sides thought of the same thing, wanting to talk to delay time and trick the opponent.

"Brother Gu."

Seeing that the sneak attack failed, Su Jie winked.


Gu Weinian knew that the battle was inevitable, and his stomach swelled violently, and a strange sound came from inside.

Then the mouth opened, and a group of black mosquitoes flew out of the throat, like dense steel needles, whizzing towards the three people on Meng Dongge's side, breaking branches and cracking bark.

Meng Dongge threw out a low-grade primary talisman, propping up a red spiritual power net, blocking the black mosquito attack.

But the two disciples following him were not so lucky.

They reacted and wanted to dodge, and Chen Yun, who was staying next to Su Jie, also moved, and the dark sound bat let out a sharp scream.

The subsonic wave swept in, hitting their internal organs like a tsunami, making them spit out blood on the spot. If they were half a beat slower, half of their bodies would be stabbed into a hornet's nest.

And the real killer move, several silver-winged golden cicadas flew down and instantly pierced the heads of the two disciples, causing them to die before they even mobilized the poisonous insects.

This was a combined attack that Su Jie and the other two had practiced specially, and it now seemed to be very effective.

Of course, if they had not previously fought with the White Walkers and consumed too much physical strength and poisonous insects, it would not be easy to succeed so easily.

"I don't have enough spiritual power, I have to slow down."

Panting, the old Gu Weinian was insufficient in spiritual power, and after such a full-strength attack, it was difficult to continue.

Chen Yun next to her was even more miserable. She was already seriously injured and had not recovered yet. She forced her body to control her life-definition poisonous insect, which killed half of its life on the spot.

She herself also sat limply on the ground, many wounds on her body burst again, and blood oozed from her clothes.

"I'm going to kill you, fire-poison cockroaches."

Seeing the last two teammates die tragically, Meng Dongge was stunned at first, then furious, with a ferocious look and wishing to eat Su Jie and the others alive.

Large groups of cockroaches emerged from his trouser legs.

The tails of these cockroaches were like fireflies, shining with a pale green light. Once they appeared, they fluttered their wings and flew over.

Boom boom boom!

After getting close, these fire-poison cockroaches exploded in the air, and the corrosive liquid evaporated, corroding the rocks and trees into pits. The power was very strong.

Su Jie had to use a golden swirl talisman to protect himself, and the golden light deflected the corrosive liquid.

Gu Weinian was older and was a little slow to dodge, and his calves were corroded. His muscles were dissolved a lot, and his white bones were vaguely visible, screaming.

Chen Yun stood next to Su Jie, but was not affected by the explosion.

"He is going to fight to the death."

Staring at Meng Dongge, just when Chen Yun thought that Meng Dongge was going to fight to the end and was ready to risk his life to control the dark sound bat to launch a fatal attack.

But he saw Meng Dongge not looking back, and fled to the outside of the dense forest with the delay of the fire-poison cockroaches' self-explosion.

"I expected that people like you would not fight to the death."

Su Jie chased after him slowly. With the insect control technique for reconnaissance, he was not afraid that Meng Dongge would run away.

Su Jie even hoped that Meng Dongge would keep running. He was injured and bleeding. If he continued to run like this, the bleeding would cost him his life.

The two chased and fled, and in a blink of an eye, they left Gu Weinian and Chen Yun behind.

Half an hour passed in a flash, and Meng Dongge, who was running away in a panic, suddenly stopped.

Su Jie stepped over and raised his eyebrows and said, "Why don't you run?"

"I didn't expect you to dare to catch up with me alone, hehe! You thought I was running away, but I was just dividing your team and defeating them one by one."

Meng Dongge showed a cruel smile on his face, and a gray mantis emerged from his sleeves. It swelled up visibly and became as tall as a person. A pair of forelimbs shone coldly, like a sickle.

"Iron-eating sickle mantis, a low-grade poisonous insect, is also my natal poisonous insect. Today I will show you the difference between our strengths. Even if I am injured, I can easily kill a small fish like you."

As soon as Meng Dongge finished speaking, the huge iron-eating sickle mantis screamed, flapped its wings and glided, and a pair of sickle forelimbs slashed towards Su Jie.

Along the way, the ancient trees were touched by the forelimbs and were cut in half. They were extremely sharp.


The next moment, Su Jie's waist and abdomen swelled.

The terrifying body of the Thousand-Handed Centipede snaked out, and the pale and weird corpse hands grabbed the Iron-Eating Sickle Mantis.

The forelimb blade slashed down, and several pale corpse hands were cut off.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede was enraged, and instantly strangled the Iron-Eating Sickle Mantis like a giant python.

The iron-eating sickle-mantis tried to escape in fear, but the pale corpse hands rolled and pushed, and in the blink of an eye, it was wrapped into a ball of corpse hands. Only layers of corpse hands could be seen, and the figure of the iron-eating sickle-mantis could no longer be seen.

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible, to be a low-grade first-grade Gu insect. How could you, an outer disciple, have such a Gu insect?"

Meng Dongge's eyes almost popped out of his head, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

This was a low-grade first-grade refining Gu worm. Even he, a disciple at the fifth level of Yunling Realm, had to spend a lot of effort and some luck to manage to cultivate a low-grade Gu worm.

As for refining the low-grade Gu insect spirit again and allowing it to metamorphose and develop, I would never dare to think about it.

How many resources are needed? Only inner disciples can afford it.

But now he saw that Su Jie was only at the third level of Yunling Realm, but he had a low-grade first-level Gu insect.

This was something completely beyond his knowledge. How could a mere outside disciple come with so many resources to cultivate him?

"Everyone is different. Just like you think you can defeat us one by one, how could this be because I did it on purpose? I don't want my own Gu to be seen by others."

Su Jie chuckled lightly. The battle between Gu masters was just Gu insects. There weren't too many fancy spell collisions or magic weapons and flying swords.

Even if Su Jie's cultivation level is lower than Meng Dongge's, Thousand-Handed Centipede is enough to easily close the gap.

"Impossible, how could I lose, how could I die here, I haven't become an inner disciple yet, I can't die."

Meng Dongge roared wildly. His only trump card, the Iron-eating Scythe, was defeated to death. He didn't bring the poisonous earthworms at the time, and the fire-poisonous cockroaches self-destructed and consumed them all. The talisman was used up. He had no other means and he actually rushed forward. Using fists to attack, a Gu Master was forced to engage in hand-to-hand combat.

"Those who kill will always be killed. No one is immune to death."

Su Jie had no intention of engaging in close combat with the opponent.

Although he specially learned Tiger Roar Fist, he only had a rough understanding of it, and there were too many surprises in close combat.

Facing Meng Dongge's madness, Su Jie just raised his fingers.

Silver-winged and golden-threaded cicadas flew towards him and pierced his legs, causing him to fall to the ground unable to get up again.

At the same time, the Thousand-Handed Centipede also decided the winner.

The iron-eating mantis is a poisonous insect that likes to eat iron objects. After being promoted to the lower level, its body is three times harder than steel.

But all this is not enough in front of Thousand-Hand Centipede.

I saw the corpse hands constantly pressing inside, entangling the Iron-eating Sickle Mantis so that it could not move. When the critical point of pressure was exceeded, the Iron-Eating Sickle Mantis's entire body was suddenly squeezed and cracked, and was crushed by dozens or hundreds of pairs of corpse hands. Torn apart, the muscles, internal organs, and carapace were all dismantled into a pile of flesh.


The life-blood Gu insect was destroyed, Meng Dongge's breath became weak, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede quickly crawled over, and in Meng Dongge's unwilling eyes, bit it on the neck and broke it off.

Finally, holding the head in its mouth, the Thousand-Handed Centipede ran back to Su Jie.

"You're so good, go and eat."

Su Jie patted the Thousand-Handed Centipede's head and asked him to enjoy the iron-eating mantis.

After searching the body, Su Jie found fifty pieces of blood marrow crystals on Meng Dongge's body, but nothing else.

He used up all the available resources during the battle and left nothing for Su Jie.

Fortunately, the fifty pieces of blood marrow crystals satisfied Su Jie enough. After the Thousand-Handed Centipede devoured the Iron-eating Scythe Mantis, he burned the headless corpse and left with Meng Dongge's head.

In front of the wooden house, Gu Weinian and Chen Yun heard footsteps coming from the darkness and hurriedly looked for the sound.

Su Jie had been chasing for a long time but did not return. Both of them were afraid of an accident, but their physical condition did not allow them to keep up with Su Jie's speed. At this time, they were afraid that Meng Dongge would come back with revenge even though he was still alive.

The footsteps got closer and closer, and soon a figure appeared in front of them.

Gu Weinian felt relieved and said, "Brother Su, are you okay? Did you catch up to Meng Dong Pavilion?"

"No, here it is."

Su Jie swung his hand and threw a dark object towards Chen Yun.

Chen Yun subconsciously picked it up with her hands. After seeing it clearly, she could no longer control her tears.

Because this was Meng Dongge's head, her brother and husband were avenged.

"Woo, Kou Dan, Chao Xian, have you seen it? Meng Dongge is dead, and I have avenged you."

After crying loudly, Chen Yun, who had finished venting her emotions, plopped down, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed three times to Su Jie.

"Fellow Daoist Su, my life will be yours from now on. If there is any need, I, Chen Yun, will definitely accompany me with my life."

"Needless to say, I won't be polite when it comes to use."

Su Jie did not refuse and nodded in agreement.

The three of them then cleaned up the battlefield and gained little else.

In addition to the insect corpses all over the ground, there were also some captured poisonous insects that were not dead yet, including the corpses of two White Walkers. Their combined value was more than a thousand blood marrow crystals, making them rich overnight.

According to the principle of distribution of efforts, Su Jie was able to get 80% of the spoils according to the rules agreed in advance, while Chen Yun and Gu Weinian shared the remaining 20%.

The strongest and most difficult Meng Dongge was dealt with by Su Jie personally. Others did not have this ability.

After harvesting the trophies, the remaining traces of the battle were removed one by one, and the corpses of all the disciples were burned, completely leaving no evidence of death.

"Brother Gu, I will write a report to the command hall about what happened tonight. Meng Dongge and others died heroically in the battle against the White Walkers. Now we are short of manpower, with many injuries, and unable to maintain the garrison mission. Please ask Transferred back to the sect for temporary rest.”

Su Jie looked at Gu Weinian with sharp eyes, trying to consolidate his confession.

"I understand, Brother Su, I won't let anything slip."

Gu Weinian nodded quickly to show that he understood.

"Okay, let's go back."

Su Jie nodded with satisfaction and took the two white walker corpses back to his cabin.

This battle tonight was the most intense battle Su Jie had experienced since he traveled through time, and it was also a hearty victory.

After selling the two white walker corpses, it was enough to make Su Jie's wealth more than ten times.

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