Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 31 Second Refining Gu Worm

The order letter was sent to the command hall through the messenger crow. For the next week, Su Jie and others continued to be stationed.

However, on the seventh day, Su Jie returned to Blue Star from Tianyuan World under the pretext of practicing.

Because Thousand-Hand Centipede has reached the juncture of the second spiritual refinement, it is safer to return to the Blue Star World for promotion.

Blue Star, Linping City Yaogang Scorpion Breeding Farm.

Accompanied by Chen Yaoguang, Su Jie inspected the expanded breeding farm.

Among the three newly established farms, one of them was crowded with cobras, forming a dense snake cave and snake ball.

In one breeding farm, there are a large number of red-headed centipedes, with pairs of red abdominal limbs crawling on the ground, which makes people suffer from trypophobia.

There is also a breeding farm filled with large and small glass cages, filled with various types of spiders.

Tarantulas, golden spiders, burrowing wolf spiders, and Chinese wolf spiders must be kept separately because spiders have the habit of preying on the same kind.

"Mr. Su, these are the poisonous insects recently purchased from overseas breeding farms. They are large and small poisonous snakes, centipedes and spiders. They cost about three million yuan."

Chen Yaoguang pointed to the livestock farm. These are the results of his purchases.

“Don’t be afraid to spend money and keep purchasing.”

Su Jie glanced around and saw that it was enough to easily meet the Thousand-Handed Centipede's promotion needs. He smiled and patted Chen Yaoguang on the shoulder: "You must have been working hard in the field for these poisonous insects. I have made arrangements for you to have a dinner at a five-star hotel. You can bring it." Let the employees take a good rest for two days, and all employees’ wages will be doubled this month.”

Chen Yaoguang's eyes widened and he said, "What, is the salary really doubled?"

“I don’t like to paint a pie like other bosses do, saying double the salary means double the salary.”

"Okay, Mr. Su, I want to thank you on behalf of the employees."

Chen Yaoguang smiled broadly, thanked him repeatedly, and turned to inform other employees.

After a while, the employees cheered one after another in the farm. It was rare to encounter such a generous boss as Su Jie.

After all the employees were led away by Chen Yaoguang, only Su Jie and a few wolf dogs who guarded the farm were left in the entire breeding farm.

Su Jie released the Thousand-Handed Centipede calmly.

Woof woof woof woof

When several wolf dogs saw this scene, they were so frightened that they clamped their tails and huddled in the kennel, shaking into a ball.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede stretched its ferocious body and crawled into the cobra's breeding ground.

These cobras were bred for venom, and their fangs and venom glands are still there.

The Thousand-Hand Centipede was obviously very interested in it, grabbing several cobras and stuffing them into its mouth, chewing and swallowing them.


The cobras were restless, and some were so ferocious that they opened their fangs and bit the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

It's a pity that it can't even bite through the insect shell, let alone inject poison.

What's more, the neurotoxins of these cobras are not even scratching for the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

The Thousand-Hand Centipede simply ignored them, completely eating these venomous snakes that looked creepy to humans as delicious spicy sticks.

After eating hundreds of them in a row, the Thousand-Handed Centipede ate slower and slower, its body curled up into a ball, the insect shell turned into a translucent cocoon, and black shadows could be seen slowly squirming and struggling inside.

The entire promotion lasted for more than three hours.

When the accumulated power reaches its peak, a new and tender body breaks through the cocoon and emerges from the old body bit by bit.

The newly transformed Thousand-Armed Centipede grew to more than six meters in length. When it stood upright, it was taller than a bungalow. Its ferocious and powerful aura spread unchecked, silencing the insects and snakes in the farm.

In addition, the new shell of the Thousand-Hand Centipede is lavender in color, full of a mysterious luster, and becomes harder and harder.

I don't know if it has something to do with it eating the iron-eating mantis. When the insect shell is knocked up, it feels like it is hitting a steel plate. The hardness is amazing.

Although the body size has increased significantly, the Thousand-Handed Centipede is not bulky when moving, but is more flexible and faster than before.

All this is due to the increase in the number of pale corpse hands under its abdomen. Now there are hundreds of pale corpse hands, working together to make the Thousand-Handed Centipede astonishingly fast.

"The second spirit is refined."

Su Jie couldn't stop smiling.

The current Thousand-Handed Centipede is a low-grade second-level refined Gu insect.

Su Jie didn't know the situation of the inner disciples, but he knew that among the outer disciples, he was definitely the disciple with the highest quality of native Gu insect.

While other outer disciples were still fighting tooth and nail for a low-grade Gu worm, he had already cultivated the Thousand-Handed Centipede to a low-grade second level.


The Thousand-Handed Centipede let out an excited cry. The newly born centipede moved its body, and then its body suddenly expanded and split apart.

The huge body turned into tens of thousands of small centipedes, forming a small sea of ​​insects that swarmed forward like a wave, biting and devouring all creatures in front of them. Wherever they passed, no cobra bones were left in the breeding ground.

In the blink of an eye, the small centipedes gathered together again, merging their flesh and blood to form a six-meter-long original body.

This is the ability that the Thousand-Hand Centipede mastered after the second spiritual training, differentiation and super self-healing.

Differentiation is what Su Jie saw just now, and super self-healing means that during the battle, tens of thousands of small centipedes were killed, and as long as they can't catch the one with the soul, the Thousand-Handed Centipede can survive. And then eat quickly to get back into shape.

After demonstrating the new ability and characteristics, the Thousand-Handed Centipede crawled back to Su Jie, wanting to lie on Su Jie's body and help him practice like before.

"You're going to crush me to death! You're so big and you still want me to hug you."

Su Jie slapped the Thousand-Handed Centipede's forehead in annoyance, making it sizzle and look at Su Jie with its big, resentful eyes.

Su Jie actually saw a wronged emotion on such a ferocious beast, as if it was a poor little thing abandoned by its parents.

"Cooperate with me with your spiritual power, and I will shrink your size first."

Su Jie scratched the Thousand-Handed Centipede's chin, then put his hands on the head of the Thousand-Handed Centipede, and connected his spiritual power with the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

Visibly, the Thousand-Handed Centipede shrank in size, and finally became a small one as long as an arm.

This is one of the methods of the Hundred Poisons Refining Gu Sutra, which can control the size change of the Gu worm.

Of course, this form is only suitable for carrying with you, and it must be restored to its original size during battle.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede successfully lay on Su Jie's waist and abdomen, and began to feed back the huge spiritual power and blood that was promoted to the second spiritual refining to Su Jie.

This spiritual power was extremely refined by the Thousand-Handed Centipede, and since it was his own Gu insect, he would not reject it.

Under the feedback, Su Jie's cultivation level was like riding a train, rising step by step, and he broke through to the fourth level of the Soul Condensation Realm in just ten minutes.

If I tell others, I'm afraid they won't believe it. In less than a month, Su Jie has gone from the second level of the Soul Condensation Realm to the fourth level of the Soul Condensation Realm. Even the inner disciples don't have this speed of cultivation.

Su Jie even feels that in less than a month, with the help of the lower-grade second-refined Thousand-Handed Centipede, he can be promoted to the fifth level of the Soul Condensation Realm again.

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