Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 32 Shell Company

After an hour of practice, Su Jie slowly opened his eyes, his eyes shone brightly, which was the manifestation of the spiritual power almost materialized.

Gently swinging his arms, Su Jie walked to his BMW M8, squatted behind him and exerted force.

A scene that could make the blue star people stunned happened. This 1.9-ton car was lifted by Su Jie with both hands and lifted above his head.

"The quality of the spiritual power fed back this time is very high."

Su Jie took a long breath and was extremely satisfied with the gains brought by this promotion.

In addition to the changes in his body and spiritual power, Su Jie looked down at his body.

Then he put his right hand together like a knife and slashed it fiercely on his left arm.

With the bone broken, Su Jie's five fingers were like eagle claws, tearing off his left hand at the shoulder.

There was no imagined severe pain. The granulation tissue began to proliferate wildly at the wound of Su Jie's broken left shoulder.

In a minute, a brand new arm grew out.

The severed hand that Su Jie threw on the ground seemed to have a will to live. It struggled unconsciously, its flesh and skin were wriggling strangely, and its arm was like a poisonous insect that was dead but not stiff, with extremely strong vitality.

The differentiation and super self-healing characteristics of the Thousand-Handed Centipede began to manifest in Su Jie.

The split body was influenced by Su Jie's will, allowing it to be like a living thing.

Of course, if it is left alone, the severed arm will die completely soon. Creating life is not something he can do at this level.

Su Jie leaned over to pick up the severed arm on the ground and aimed it at his left hand. The severed arm immediately grew granulations and began to fuse and adhere to the new left arm. Soon it was completely integrated into it without leaving a trace.

"Now I am afraid that even if my heart is pierced, I can survive. Haha, it's just a fatal injury."

Su Jie thought to himself that if his cultivation could continue to improve, he would be able to be reborn by dripping blood in the future.

After finishing his training, Su Jie let the Thousand-Handed Centipede go to the farm for a feast, then cleaned up the traces, left the farm, and drove back to Jingjiang No. 1 Villa.

"Su Jie, you're back."

As soon as he returned to the villa, Liu Yingying, who was wearing a hip skirt uniform, brightened her beautiful eyes and hurried over to greet him.

"How have you been doing in the few days I've been away?"

Su Jie sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, and drank the fragrant tea brought by the nanny.

Liu Yingying took the initiative to step forward, gently massaged Su Jie's shoulders with her delicate hands, and said with a hint of pride: "I just came back from Hong Kong Island yesterday, sorted out your previous companies, and registered three new shell companies, transferred them to the Cayman Islands behind the scenes, and opened up the checkpoints in Shan Country in Southeast Asia, and successfully registered several cross-holding raw material production companies, making our business more legal."

"So capable? It seems that choosing you as a secretary is right."

"After all, I also studied finance, so these operations are nothing."

"Did you encounter any difficulties?"

"No, with money as the way, things work very well. Especially in Chan Country, the local customs and forestry departments from top to bottom are blatantly accepting bribes. Any documents and procedures can be handled for you as long as the price is right."

Liu Yingying walked back to the room and took out a stack of information and placed it in front of Su Jie.

Su Jie picked it up and saw Fu Ju Trading Co., Ltd., Jin Dedi Log Import Co., Ltd., Jie Xin Home Furnishing, etc., and some documents behind it.

There are a series of documents related to the import and export of logs, such as the timber felling permit of Zen Country, fumigation certificate, plant inspection certificate, endangered species certificate, and code list.

Take these "legal" documents of Zen Country to declare customs, and the logs can be transported and imported from Zen Country to China through legal and reasonable procedures, so that several shell companies can operate smoothly, and finally come to the hands of Tianyuan Home Furnishing Company.

The reason why Su Jie did this was mainly because the mountains near the Guiling Palace in the Tianyuan World were damaged by him, and too many existing small-leaf red sandalwoods were cut down, making it increasingly difficult to find.

As a last resort, Su Jie prepared to cut down other precious trees, such as golden nanmu, huanghuali, golden camphor, etc.

However, Su Jie had previously made small moves, and it was not suitable to use the name of ancestral inheritance.

Those trees must go through legal procedures to circulate in the country, and now Tianyuan Home Furnishing Company has been established.

A company cannot sell only one kind of wood furniture, and must enrich its categories, so such a set of deceiving processes was born, thereby washing the precious trees of the Tianyuan family ashore.

For this reason, Su Jie plans to go to Chan Country when he has time. In addition to preparing wood materials, he also has a crazier idea to verify in Chan Country.

When Su Jie was looking through the documents, Liang Lianjun, who received the news, hurried into the villa.

"Mr. Su, I'm late."

"Sit down."

Su Jie raised his hand to let Liang Lianjun sit down, and then asked: "Have you bought the processing plant?"

"I have bought it, but..."

Liang Lianjun hesitated and said embarrassedly: "It's not that Leng Baili had that kind of thing. Cui Dong's children are fighting for the family property and selling Leng Baili's property everywhere. I bought a wood processing plant and some talents in the design department of Leng Baili, and set up the framework of Tianyuan Home Furnishing."

Su Jie laughed and said: "What's the matter, it's a waste not to dig the corner of the old boss. I don't mind this kind of thing. You can get the processing plant as quickly as possible. It's a skill."

It must be said that Liang Lianjun is a talent.

"Now Tianyuan Home Furnishing can operate normally, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Su, now the processing plant has complete equipment and workers. As long as the logs arrive, the furniture can be processed."

"The logs are not a problem. Look, all the code sheets and information have been prepared for you. You can purchase them from Jin Dedi Company in the name of Tianyuan Home Furnishing, and the logs can be shipped from Zen."

Su Jie handed over a stack of documents with a smile. Liang Lianjun saw the various log import and export documents, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

After taking a sip of tea, Su Jie said: "The logs are ready for you. I don't care about the specific sales. It depends on your ability."

"Don't worry, Mr. Su. There is no need to worry about sellers for these high-end rare furniture. We just lack sufficient supply. Our market competitiveness is too strong, and there will be no problems in selling them."

Liang Lianjun patted his chest with confidence. Even if Tianyuan Furniture is just a new brand, it can still rise by relying on various high-end woods.

"So best."

Liang Lianjun chatted for a while, and accidentally saw Liu Yingying's eyes drifting over to her. Liang Lianjun understood something and said goodbye at the right time.

"Su Jie, why don't you go out tonight."

As soon as Liang Lianjun left, Liu Yingying sat next to Su Jie, shaking her arms, exhaling like blue, and her eyes were charming.

"I still have things to deal with over there, but"

Just as Liu Yingying showed a disappointed expression, she heard Su Jie change her voice and said: "There is still time. Seeing that you have been traveling so hard at home and abroad recently, your boss, I will give you a good reward and relax for you." Muscles.”

As soon as he finished speaking, amid Liu Yingying's exclamations, Su Jie picked up Liu Yingying by the waist and walked to the bedroom.

After some clouds and rain!

The exhausted Liu Yingying lay on the bed, looking at Su Jie who was dressed again, with a rather reluctant tone.

"You can't stay a few more days! I don't want you to leave."

Her voice was soft and soft, like a coquettish kitten. If Liu Yingying initially got together with Su Jie, it was because of money.

So after getting along with each other these days, especially the job Su Jie arranged for her, which allowed her to put her financial talents to use, Liu Yingying couldn't be too happy with this kind of spiritual satisfaction, and she became more and more dependent on Su Jie.

"Little greedy cat, I'm going to Zen country in a few days. You should accompany me then, because I'm afraid we won't have time to be together."

After flicking Liu Yingying on the forehead, Su Jie walked out of the bedroom while she screamed in pain, went to a deserted place, opened the ancient mirror and returned to Tianyuan World.

Tianyuan World, Niujiao Ridge.

Su Jie, who had just returned, heard good news.

In the wooden house, Gu Weinian held the letter and said excitedly: "Brother Su, there is a letter from the command hall, which allows us to return to the sect to rest. There are other disciples here at Niujiao Ridge to garrison, so we can go back."

"It took four or five days to wait for a reply, which is really slow."

Su Jie complained, but the news was still joyful. Being able to get rid of the threat of the White Walkers was a good thing.

"The command hall has always been like this, and it's not the first day it's been like this."

Chen Yun touched the ugly wounds on her face that had healed a lot. Like most of the outer disciples, she didn't have much favorable impressions of the Order Hall.

"At least I got a letter. If you don't let me go back, I'm afraid my legs will be lame."

Gu Weinian was the most impatient. His right leg was corroded by the self-explosion of a poisonous cockroach last time, and it has not healed yet. Most of the muscles in his right calf were corroded, exposing the pale bones.

"If you are injured, go back to the black market and buy a bottle of low-grade muscle-stimulating pills. It will almost be cured. Don't worry."

Su Jie comforted them, went to the house and dragged out the two corpses of the White Walkers, piled them on a flatbed truck, and covered them with layers of heavy tarps.

This is the most precious trophy, and Su Jie has to escort it personally.

Gu Weinian and Chen Yun carried their packages on their backs. One of them walked with half a leg lame, and the other was seriously injured and walked slowly. Together with Su Jie who was pushing a flatbed cart, the three of them walked out of Niujiao Ridge in the face of the sun and headed towards Guiling Palace. Return to the mountain gate.

Originally thinking that this trip would go smoothly, the three of them all wanted to return to the mountain gate as soon as possible.

But things often backfire. When Su Jie and others were walking on a mountain road, they suddenly heard some screams and calls for help.

The screams continued to echo in the high mountains. Su Jie, Gu Weinian and Chen Yun looked at each other and did not act rashly.

"You guys wait here, I'll go check on the situation."

Su Jie asked Gu Weinian and Chen Yun, who had limited mobility, to stay where they were. He walked into the dense forest and controlled the reconnaissance dragonfly to check.

Soon, with the help of the reconnaissance dragonfly's vision, Su Jie discovered the cause of the screams.

A small caravan of dozens of people fell to the ground in a mess. The carriage specially designed to pull heavy objects overturned and fell to the ground. There were human body parts and broken arms everywhere.

A three-meter-long White Walker chewed a human thigh in its mouth. Its scarlet and ferocious eyes looked to the side, where the few remaining living people were running away frantically.

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