Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 33 Liuyun Villa

The current situation is very easy to understand.

This caravan must have encountered a white walker while on the road.

Although the Guiling Palace has arranged disciples to station around the trade route, most white walkers will be stopped by the disciples.

But there are always some white walkers that break through the defense line and wander into the trade route, attacking the caravan.

This caravan is such an unlucky one.

At this time, the white walker that killed dozens of people chased and killed them. The three living people who escaped were a wealthy businessman and two martial arts guards.

With the help of the vision of the reconnaissance dragonfly, Su Jie noticed that the wealthy businessman took out a blue talisman from his arms and threw it at the white walker with a painful look on his face.


The talisman spontaneously ignited in the air and turned into an octagonal spirit column cage, trapping the white walker inside.

The talisman that can trap the white walker is at least of the lower intermediate level, and one piece costs dozens of blood marrow crystals.

Seeing that the White Walkers were temporarily trapped, the wealthy merchant stumbled and continued to flee with the help of two martial arts guards, and the direction happened to be Su Jie's.

The straight-line distance was too short, and the two sides soon met.

Seeing Su Jie's team, the merchant shouted to Su Jie: "Hey, the people from Guiling Palace over there, are you blind? There is a White Walker behind me, help me stop it."

The merchant's shoes fell off while running, and his fat face was scratched by branches and bushes.

Seeing Su Jie at this moment, he wanted Su Jie to help resist the White Walkers without thinking.

"Don't you understand what I said? It is your task to protect our merchants. Believe it or not, I will go to the Zhiling Hall to sue you."

The merchant pointed at Su Jie with a very bad attitude.

Black market merchants like them maintain the supply input of Guiling Palace, so even a demon sect like Guiling Palace will not attack merchants at will, but will win them over and protect them.

While speaking, the merchant reached out his hand to search for the pass token distributed by the Zhiling Hall.

But he touched nothing and didn't know where it fell in panic.

"Fatty, you are so noisy!"

Su Jie frowned and looked at him. The sharp eyes with cold light made him tremble all over.

Then, as if he was angry, the merchant was furious: "Do you know who I am, Jia Xin? Let me tell you, my uncle is Jia Geng, the owner of Liuyun Villa, one of the five franchised merchants of Guiling Palace. You dare to talk to me like this, believe it or not, I will let your elders peel your skin."

"Brother Su, this fat man is really not simple. He is a merchant of Liuyun Villa. Let's not get into trouble."

Gu Weinian seemed to recognize him and told Su Jie not to frown.

The so-called five franchised merchants are a cooperation mechanism established by Guiling Palace and five aristocratic families.

Guiling Palace opened resources to them, and the five big merchants had to meet the special resource requirements of Guiling Palace.

What are special resources? Of course, it is the population.

Magic cultivation cannot do without this.

It can be said that the five major franchise merchants are all well-known slave owners, and the human trafficking on the black market is basically monopolized by these five.

Because they can get the scarce human resources of Guiling Palace, the five major merchants have a high status in Guiling Palace, no wonder they are so arrogant.

"What are you still standing there for? Come and protect me quickly. If I lose a hair, I will make you pay for it."

Jia Xin looked at Su Jie proudly, and was about to continue talking when he suddenly heard the roar of the aliens from behind.

Then, the terrifying hunched figure of the alien appeared in the field of vision, but it had already broken free from the shackles of the talisman.

"Not good, Brother Su, let's retreat quickly."

Gu Weinian subconsciously took a step back, his heart and liver were trembling, not everyone has the courage to face a alien.

Not to mention that he was injured in the leg now, Chen Yun next to him was seriously injured.

Even if the team is intact, facing such a strange ghost, the chance of winning is less than 30%.

Chen Yun took a deep breath, his eyes were firm, and he seemed to have made a decision. He took the initiative to stand in front of Su Jie and said, "Friend Su, you go first, I will stop the strange ghost."

Such behavior has shown that Chen Yun is determined to die and is willing to buy time for Su Jie to stop this strange ghost.

Su Jie ignored Jia Xin's shouting at the side, but was just measuring the gap between himself and the strange ghost, and then patted Chen Yun's shoulder in front of him.

"No need, I'll deal with this strange ghost, you can't hold it back."

Su Jie looked at the strange ghost, and was worried that he could not test the combat effectiveness of the second spiritual refining Thousand Hands Centipede. Now is a good opportunity.


A large number of Yin Fire Blood Bees flew out, with their tails raised, and lines of fire poured down.

The White Walkers were extremely swift, and they avoided most of the fire with a few clever moves. The fire that occasionally splashed on their bodies was also blocked by the pale skin, which only burned a layer of skin and did not affect their movements too much.

Several silver-winged golden cicadas also returned in vain, unable to break the defense of the White Walkers.

"Really powerful."

Su Jie took a step, suddenly rushed forward, and got into the woods next to him.

The White Walkers were attracted by the offensive and instantly shifted their attention to Su Jie, roaring angrily and chasing after him.

Perhaps in the eyes of the White Walkers, other people are prey that can be teased. Su Jie not only did not run away but also dared to fight back, so he must be dealt with first.

Su Jie's speed is completely incomparable to the White Walkers, and he was caught up after a while.

When the heavy footsteps and panting sounded behind him, Su Jie also called out his trump card.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede crawled out from the sleeve robe, and its body expanded rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a six-meter-long behemoth, more than twice the body length of the White Walker. He braked on the spot, and two long ravines opened on the ground.


The White Walkers roared like a demonstration, and each of their sharp fangs was covered with fleshy threads, which was extremely bloody.


The Thousand-Handed Centipede neighed in response, and a strong fishy wind swept over, causing the skin and flesh on the White Walker's face to tremble like water, showing a high and decisive momentum.

"Kill it, Xiaoqian."

Su Jie rubbed the Thousand-Handed Centipede's ferocious insect body and gave attack instructions.

The next moment, Thousand-Handed Centipede carried out Su Jie's order without hesitation.

The huge body crushed large bushes and swept in like a black wind.

Without any bells and whistles, the White Walkers were not willing to be outdone and rushed forward, using both their minions and claws.

Claws and fangs that can easily cut through steel, coupled with a strong body, are the assets that allow the White Walkers to run rampant.

Ordinary outer sect disciples cannot fight a white ghost with one blow. They can only use Gu insects to continuously inject toxins to grind it to death.

This is also the reason why outer disciples are almost certain to die when they encounter a strange ghost when they are alone.

Unfortunately, today the White Walker encountered a being more powerful than his physical body.

In hand-to-hand combat of the same size, insects' perception, mobility, and catching methods are often stronger than those of wild beasts, not to mention that the Thousand-Handed Centipede is far larger than the White Walkers.

Just a face-to-face encounter, the White Walkers felt like they were hit by a speeding train and thrown away by a thousand-armed centipede.

Then the Thousand-Handed Centipede clamped the White Walker tightly between its pair of jaws, breaking down towering trees along the way.


The White Walkers struggled wildly, and the rocks and ancient trees were easily torn open when touched by sharp claws, as if they were made of tofu.

But when the target of destruction is replaced by the Thousand-Handed Centipede, the situation is completely different.

The seemingly sharp claws of the White Walkers fell on the chitinous shell of the Thousand-Hand Centipede, only to make deep grooves and scratches.

Occasionally, some fragile parts of the joints where the insect shells are connected are injured, and green insect blood spurts out, but they will heal quickly.

Even the injured part split directly and turned into small centipedes that fell down and burrowed directly into the skin of the White Walkers.


The Thousand-Handed Centipede was even more excited during the battle, as if he had obtained a big toy. Each pale corpse hand stretched out, entangled the White Walker around the trunk of an ancient tree, and strangled the ancient tree together.

In an instant, two huge figures were buried by fallen branches.

A few seconds later, only the Thousand-Handed Centipede could be seen standing upright. The bones of the White Walker on the ground had been broken, and the colorful internal organs and intestines were squeezed out of the stomach, making no sound.


Holding the corpse of the White Walker high in its mouth, the Thousand-Handed Centipede kept shaking its head, as if it was not having all the fun.

"That settles it."

Su Jie was a little stunned when he saw this scene.

Although Su Jie knew that the Thousand-Handed Centipede that had evolved to the second level of the lower level was much stronger, the current situation still exceeded his expectations.

Such a terrifying White Walker, capable of destroying a team of three White Walkers, was killed by the Thousand-Handed Centipede in less than two minutes.

After having enough fun with the Thousand-Hand Centipede, he took the mutilated corpse of the White Walker and placed it in front of Su Jie.

"This is the power of low-grade second-level refined Gu worms. Sure enough, my route is correct."

Su Jie looked at the corpse of the White Walker sent by the Thousand-Handed Centipede with a smile on his face. This was another hundreds of blood marrow crystals.

After hanging the corpse of the White Walker on the tree, Su Jie did not rush back. It happened to be nearby the place where the caravan was attacked by the White Walker.

Su Jie, who believed in taking advantage and not taking advantage of the sky, ignored the blood on the ground and searched for the corpses on the ground one by one.

There were some bits and pieces of blood marrow crystals in these corpses, and Su Jie didn't want too few, so he put them all in his pocket.

After searching through it, Su Jie harvested twenty-three pieces of blood marrow crystals.

Finally, Su Jie turned his attention to several fallen carriages, which were goods that merchants were preparing to transport to the black market of Guiling Palace.

A hint of coldness came from the carriage. Su Jie lifted up the tarp and took a look. The shocking sight made Su Jie take a breath.

The carriage was filled with cubes of ice, with the bodies of young children frozen inside.

The oldest corpse was only five or six years old, and the youngest was even less than one year old. The dead corpse was obviously strangled to death, with a circle of bruises and bruises around the neck.

A few more carriages were turned over, all in the same condition.

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