Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 34 The dead can’t speak


Su Jie felt unhappy. Most of these children were used to practice some special magic skills.

This is also the impression given by demonic cultivators, that they are cruel and bloodthirsty, killing innocent people indiscriminately.

Even if Su Jie is a demon cultivator, it doesn't mean that Su Jie can understand when something like this happens.

While Su Jie was frowning and thinking, Chen Yun, who was worried about Su Jie's safety, ignored the dissuasion and insisted on coming to the battle area to check.

Just when they came over, Chen Yun and Gu Weinian were shocked by the corpse of the White Walker hanging on the tree.

"Brother Su, could it be that you killed this strange ghost?"

Gu Weinian was shocked at first, and then realized that the White Walker was already dead.

Then, Gu Weinian swallowed again and looked at Su Jie in disbelief.

The White Walker turned into a corpse. In other words, Su Jie killed a White Walker in a single fight?

Thinking of this, Gu Weinian's heart beat wildly.

This is a ghost!

He had never heard of any outer disciple who could confidently defeat the White Walkers in a duel, and there were not even many outer disciples who dared to look directly at the White Walkers.

Chen Yun was also shocked by Su Jie's amazing fighting power.

Since he can kill the White Walkers in single combat, in terms of hard power, no one from the outer disciples can be his opponent.

"The White Walkers themselves are not in good condition. By chance, I found an opportunity."

Su Jie glanced at the two of them, and regardless of whether they believed it or not, he said: "As soon as I return to the sect, I will tell you that the White Walkers were killed by Meng Dongge and others. Don't involve me."

Gu Weinian and Chen Yun knew that Su Jie was hiding his clumsiness, so they nodded and said, "Understood."

Su Jie was talking to Gu Weinian and Chen Yun when suddenly, a commanding voice sounded.

"Hey, you three, pack my goods immediately and don't let the ice melt, otherwise you won't be able to afford the compensation."

Jia Xin was seen returning accompanied by two martial arts guards. Apparently he still missed his goods, or he thought that Su Jie had lured the White Walkers away and could come back quietly to take the goods away.

Su Jie looked around, only to find that Jia Xin was staring at Su Jie's corpse of the White Walker hanging on the tree, with greed in his eyes.

"Also, this White Walker attacked our caravan before. We severely injured it until it was on the verge of death, and then gave you the opportunity to kill it. Therefore, it is my prey. Leave it to me to deal with, and you will be compensated for me. part of the loss.”

A White Walker is worth hundreds of blood marrow crystals. Jia Xin couldn't help but feel hot in his heart and shamelessly wanted to paint the body of the White Walker.

In this case, not only can the capital be saved this time, but also a small profit can be made.

If it were an inner disciple, Jia Xin wouldn't dare to make a decision, but when he was facing an outer disciple, he was very confident.

Hearing Jia Xin's whimsical words, Su Jie was amused, but his smile seemed a little cold.

"You still want my White Walker?"

Su Jie's eyes were playful, if he dared to make such a greedy request, he really thought he couldn't afford it.

"What about your strange ghost? It is now my property. My uncle is the owner of Liuyun Villa. Anyone who wants to curry favor with me has no chance. He doesn't know what is good or what is bad."

Jia Xin said very arrogantly, with threats in his words.

Relying on its backing, Liuyun Villa, Su Jie was completely ignored.

"Then I have to thank you!"

Slowly raising his right hand, Su Jie was in a very unhappy mood, and if he was unhappy, someone would have to pay the price.

Large swaths of Yin Fire Blood Bees flew out, and in Jia Xin's dull eyes, lines of fire were aimed at the carriages, burning the ice cubes together with the young corpses to ashes, destroying these crimes.

"Brother Su, don't be impulsive."

Gu Weinian's eyelids twitched slightly, sensing that things might be going bad.

He had no reaction to those corpses of young children. After staying in Ghost Ridge Palace for so many years, he had never seen any cruel scenes.

Gu Weinian was just worried that Su Jie might cause trouble if he acted like this.

After all, Jia Xin's background is really great. Compared with an outer disciple, the senior officials of Guiling Palace must value Liuyun Villa, which has a constant supply of people, more than an outer disciple.

"Impulsive? No, no, no. Brother Gu, don't you think these goods are too annoying? It would be nice to burn them all on fire."

Su Jie's eyes were as sharp as a knife, which made Gu Weinian feel inexplicably frightened and he did not dare to say anything more.

At this time, Jia Xin finally reacted and saw that the cargo of his carriage was engulfed in fire.

The corpses of the children he had collected with great difficulty were reduced to charcoal in the fire. The scene before him made his heart bleed and he was furious.

"Crazy, crazy, are you crazy? You dare to burn my goods. Do you know how much they are worth? This is money that an outer disciple like you will never earn in your life. I have to go to the magistrate's hall to sue you. I will ask you to act like a bull for the rest of your life to compensate for the losses.”

Seeing his precious goods being burned, Jia Xin wanted to eat Su Jie alive.

"I'm afraid you won't have this chance."

Su Jie's eyes were cold, as if he were looking at a dead person.

"What did you say."

Before Jia Xin understood what Su Jie meant, he suddenly saw a golden and silver line cutting through the air.


The heads of the two guards standing next to Jia Xin rolled off their necks, and blood splattered all over Jia Xin's body.

These guard martial arts masters have some rudimentary kung fu, they can smash bluestones with their fists, and they can climb up to a house several meters high in one leap. They are considered masters for ordinary people, but in front of demon cultivators like Su Jie, they are just stronger mortals. .

"How dare you, how dare you do this, if you are not afraid of me going to the command hall, my uncle is the owner of Liuyun Villa."

The sudden killing made Jia Xin, who was extremely angry before, feel as if someone had poured cold water on his head. He trembled all over and stepped back unconsciously.

"If you have a pass token, I will give you some face. Now look at what this is?"

Su Jie sneered and threw a black token in his left hand.

This is the pass that Zhiling Hall specifically gives to black market merchants.

Because Guiling Palace knows the nature of its own sect disciples.

If there are no measures, I am afraid that these merchants will be robbed before they can even reach the black market.

After this pass token is activated, as long as it is near the mountain of Guiling Palace, the surrounding images can be transmitted back to Zhiling Hall with spiritual consciousness.

If the disciples attack and rob the caravan, in order to maintain its reputation, Zhiling Hall will severely punish the offending disciples after catching them.

This token fell to the ground and was picked up by Su Jie, and Jia Xin's biggest threat was gone.

"I know Elder Situ of your Guiling Palace. My uncle is the owner of Liuyun Mountain Villa. If you dare to touch me."

Jia Xin's face showed a deep fear.

This demon cultivator in front of him is simply lawless, and he has no means to check and balance.

"I dare to kill even the White Walkers, so why can't I kill you, a merchant? The dead can't talk."

Su Jie pointed at the White Walker corpse next to him, his eyes full of recklessness.

Jia Xin's face was ashen, and he said angrily: "You two, did you hear what he said? He is violating the order set by your Guiling Palace to treat merchants preferentially. Hurry up and catch him, otherwise I will report you two."

In a desperate attempt, Jia Xin tried to get Gu Weinian and Chen Yun to stand on his side.

"Brother Su, if the Zhiling Hall finds out about this, we..."

Gu Weinian hesitated. The older people get, the less courageous they are. If this matter is discovered, it will be a big trouble.

"You are right, so we must advance and retreat together."

Su Jie picked up a long knife on the ground and stabbed it into Jia Xin's waist without saying a word.

Then, amid Jia Xin's screams, Su Jie smiled and handed the long knife to Gu Weinian, saying, "Brother Gu, it's your turn."

Gu Weinian's body shuddered, looking at Su Jie's smiling expression, how could he not know that this was a token of surrender.

After committing this crime together, no one dared to tell on him again.

Chen Yun silently blocked behind Gu Weinian, and the Dark Voice Bat poked its head out of her arms, staring at Gu Weinian with a very dangerous look.

Gu Weinian realized that he was already riding a tiger and it was difficult to get off. Su Jie, who could kill the White Walkers, was not someone he could compete with.

Now he had no choice but to go all the way with Su Jie, otherwise he had no doubt that Su Jie would make him, the insider, never see the sun tomorrow.

"Don't blame me."

Gritting his teeth, Gu Weinian took a few deep breaths, took the long knife, stabbed it into Jia Xin's stomach, and stirred it hard.

Chen Yun took the knife without Su Jie's instructions, and cut off all of Jia Xin's hands and feet, cutting him into a human stick.

"Hey, this guy! I'm most afraid of greed. Not everyone is afraid of your background."

Su Jie squatted in front of Jia Xin, patted his fat face, and then cut off with a knife, separating the body and the head, and ending his life completely.

After searching the body, Jia Xin was quite rich.

Su Jie found more than 200 blood marrow crystals, which was simply a big fat sheep. It was not difficult to kill it. It was no wonder that Guiling Palace had to set up rules, otherwise these merchants would not be enough for the disciples to slaughter.

After cleaning up the traces, the three continued to move forward along the road of the mountains.

There were no more accidents on the return journey, and the gate of Guiling Palace was seen in the afternoon.

The atmosphere in the sect was more solemn than before Su Jie set out, and the number of people was much less.

It was obvious that the aliens in recent days put a lot of pressure on the disciples, and all the people were withdrawn to guard.

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