Ghost Ridge Palace, Command Hall.

Su Jie and the other three entered the mountain gate and went straight to the command hall where the mission was handed over.

This is a tower with a height of 100 meters, with black smoke lingering at the top, like a dark beast that is swallowing clouds and smoke.

There is a plaque carved with blood hanging at the door of the tower, with the three characters "Bailiff Hall" written on it. The bright blood on the plaque seems to be flowing continuously.

"You guys look at the goods here, I'll go in and take over the task."

Su Jie gave instructions to Gu Weinian and Chen Yun, and then walked into the command hall.

Stepping into it, it was a deep and dark hall, and the temperature dropped sharply by several degrees.

There are very few disciples in the main hall. Except for handing over and assigning tasks in front of the counter, most disciples will not hang out here if they have nothing to do.

Su Jie walked to a counter.

"What's the matter?"

Behind the counter, a man in his thirties wearing a black uniform looked over.

This is Manager Wu from the Command Hall. Su Jie has been here before. His cultivation is only at the third level of Yunling Realm, but don't underestimate him.

The Command Hall specializes in managing the assignment of tasks for the inner and outer disciples of Ghost Ridge Palace. Those who can be in charge here may not be strong, but they must be close followers of the sect master.

For example, the manager Wu in front of him has a blood relationship with the leader of Guiling Palace.

"Outer disciple Su Jie is here to submit a rest mission."

Su Jie handed over his mission token and the envelope allowing him to return to rest.

After taking it, Manager Wu found the file and looked at it, and said calmly:

"How come you have so many people dead?"

"We were attacked by the White Walkers, and only three of us survived out of twelve. We are lucky."

Su Jie reported truthfully, and all traces of evidence of crime were eliminated. Since he was only an outer disciple, the command hall would not spend a lot of time investigating for the sake of an outer disciple.

As expected, Manager Wu had no doubts at all.

After a brief inspection, Su Jie and the other three were asked to press their fingerprints to confirm the handover of the task.

"By the way, have you killed the White Walkers?"

Seemingly thinking of something, Manager Wu asked one more question.

"Yes, we have brought back all the corpses of the White Walkers."

Su Jie nodded, he couldn't hide it anyway, the bodies were going to be sold.

"Have you found a buyer? I know a few good businessmen, and the price is very reasonable."

Manager Wu suddenly became enthusiastic and his attitude changed 360 degrees.

"Manager Wu, please know that we are about to go to the black market to auction. If it is convenient for Manager Wu, can you lead the way and help us with the notarization."

Su Jie took advantage of the situation and said, these stewards sit in the command hall, are well-informed, know many people, and like to get involved in business.

When ordinary outer disciples make a large transaction, they will also find a steward to act as a notary to ensure the normal progress of the transaction between the two parties.

While talking, Su Jie took out a few pieces of blood marrow crystals from his pocket and handed them over: "Steward Wu, you can take these to drink tea."

I saw Manager Wu quickly put the blood marrow crystals into his sleeves and said with a smile: "Easy to say, the price of White Walkers on the black market has increased again. At least 650 blood marrow crystals per head, don't sell them cheaply. I There are many businessmen you know in the black market, so you will never suffer a loss."

Manager Wu made the promise firmly and stood up to leave his post.

The other stewards pretended not to notice. After all, everyone is on their own, so there is no point in trying to fish.

The two walked out of the command hall together, and soon met up with Chen Yun and Gu Weinian who were looking at the goods outside.

"This is Manager Wu of the Command Hall. This is what I said before, Fellow Taoist Gu Weinian and Fellow Taoist Chen Yun."

Su Jie introduced both parties.

"My real name is Wu Bin, so you don't have to be so polite. Fellow Daoist Su, go and check the condition of the corpse first. The prices of corpses of White Walkers of different sizes are also slightly different."

Wu Bin looked at the flatbed truck protected by Gu Weinian and Chen Yun, and said, "Is it placed on top?"

Su Jie winked, and Chen Yun stepped forward to grab the covering tarpaulin and lifted half of it, revealing the true appearance of the White Walker inside.

"You have caught up with the good times. In the past, the value of a White Walker was only about 300 blood marrow crystals. Recently, the price has increased sharply. It is not easy for you to hunt one. It is best to take advantage of it."

Wu Bin was still trying to persuade him, but he suddenly got stuck at the end of his words. His eyes widened, and he looked at the three corpses of the White Walkers piled on the flatbed truck in shock.

It wasn't the one he expected, but three corpses of White Walkers piled together. This scene made Wu Bin stunned on the spot.

"Why are there three corpses and you killed three White Walkers?"

The voice was full of disbelief. It was not that Wu Bin had never seen the world before. He had handled goods of higher value.

But only a few outer disciples brought three strange ghosts, which he had never seen before.

"As luck would have it, we just got a bargain."

Su Jie told the story of his original encounter very "honestly", but the version was slightly improved, changing Meng Dongge's death to being killed by a strange ghost, which seemed more reasonable.

After hearing that Meng Dongge led the team to achieve most of the results, Wu Bin reluctantly accepted this reality.

"Meng Dongge, I have heard of this person. He is at the fifth level of the Yunling Realm. He is a very powerful figure among the outer disciples. He even hopes to be promoted to the inner disciples. It's a pity."

Wu Bin sighed with emotion, and then couldn't help but look sideways at Su Jie.

"You see, fellow Daoist Su, you are so young, but you are actually able to achieve such great results. I don't know it, but I am shocked when I see it. It turns out that a hero comes from a young age!"

Regardless of whether Su Jie took advantage and was able to get the three White Walkers, Su Jie definitely had his own strengths and might become prosperous in the future. Wu Bin instantly wanted to make friends with him.

"Manager Wu has given me the reward, but it doesn't mean anything to me."

Su Jie waved his hand repeatedly, but Wu Bin grabbed it.

"What do you call Guanshi Wu? How much older am I than you? Just call me Brother Wu."


"Hey, dear brother."

The two parties just called each other in such a disgusting way, showing no trace of their new acquaintance.

Black market central street.

In Juxian Tower, two men with extraordinary bearing were sitting here, with a chessboard in front of them. They had been playing chess for a long time.

One of the old men was wearing a purple robe, with a black python coiled in his hand. He had a skinny face and deep eyes, and exuded a cold aura that made people dare not look directly at him.

Opposite him was a short, middle-aged man with an ordinary face and a string of black rosary beads hanging around his neck. There were faint wails and screams from the rosary beads, as if someone was undergoing torture inside. The torture is terrifying.

These two people are both elders of the Secret Realm of Ghost Ridge Palace, namely Qiu Laodao and Yi Jinggong.

There was a maid next to them, pouring tea and water for the two of them, but it was inner disciple Yu Wenxian.

"It's a dead end, do you want to play again?"

Holding the white chess piece and throwing a piece in the middle, Qiu Laodao slowly spoke.

Yi Jinggong dropped the chess piece, his eyes were cold and stern, and he turned his gaze to the window: "I lost the chess game today, but in the gambling battle between you and me, there is no telling who will win."

Before he finished speaking, Yi Jingong pulled off a black rosary bead from his neck and threw it out of the window. The black rosary flew automatically towards a certain location.

"Then let's see whose disciple is better and hunts more ghosts."

Qiu Laodao pulled out a piece of hair, and the hair turned into a colorful snake, swallowing the snake's message, winding its body and quickly disappearing from sight.

Soon, the disciples on both sides who received the news rushed towards the Juxian Tower.

Pei Haibing was riding on a tall horse, followed closely by two disciples.

Behind the group of people was a high platform pulled by four tall horses. There were long poles erected on the high platform, and two pale white ghost corpses hung down.

Such an eye-catching scene immediately caused a sensation in the black market.

Most of the merchants on the street gathered around Pei Haibing, vying to bid first.

"Master Pei, one thousand two thousand, one thousand two hundred blood marrow crystals, our Mingyue Hall is willing to buy these two strange ghosts."

"On behalf of the Zhang family's caravan, I offer 1,300 blood marrow crystals and a piece of blood sacred tree for Mr. Pei to practice. All I want is to purchase these two corpses of the White Walkers."

"Our Taixu Pavilion..."

Among these merchants, a plump young woman also bid. This person was Cai Chun'e, the steward of Taixu Pavilion.

In front of everyone, Pei Haibing had a cold face and folded his arms in front of his chest. He seemed to think that these people were too noisy and said in a cold voice: "Shut up, wait until the master and the old man have a look before these strange ghosts start." auction."

"Junior Brother Pei, I hunted two strange ghosts at once. It seems that this bone-white evil sword belongs to you."

Yu Wenxian stood waiting at the foot of the Juxian Building. At this time, she raised her beautiful eyes to look at the two corpses of the strange ghosts, and said with a sweet smile.

"It took some effort, but fortunately I didn't lose the master's face. Senior sister Yu, what did the master say?"

"I don't know, Elder Yi seems to be very confident."

While Yu Wenxian was talking, there was also noise from the other end of the street.

I saw a few disciples of Ghost Ridge Palace pushing a tall cart with two corpses of strange ghosts on it.

The leader of the group, a man wearing a blue robe and a beautiful face, bowed his hands in this direction in a graceful manner. He was Feng Wenjin, an inner disciple of Yi Jingong's lineage.

"There are actually two strange ghosts."

Yu Wenxian covered Cherry's little mouth with a surprised look on her face.

"Consider him lucky. If the White Walkers are not hard to find and will run away when the situation is bad, I can kill even ten White Walkers."

Pei Hai snorted coldly, thinking that he was simply unlucky. The outer disciples were afraid of the White Walkers, but he was not afraid of them. It was just bad luck that he didn't bump into a few White Walkers.

Fortunately, he could barely accept this result, at least he was not surpassed, otherwise Qiu Laodao might be so angry that he might not even be willing to reward him with the Bone Sword.

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