"It looks like we had a tie today."

At the same time, Qiu Laodao walked across the sky from Juxian Tower.

Wherever he passed, a group of businessmen lowered their eyebrows and lowered their eyes, and the noisy scene suddenly became quieter.

A secret realm elder, no matter in terms of strength or influence, cannot be offended by these ordinary black market merchants.

There were still people who dared to shout in front of Pei Haibing, but in front of Qiu Laodao, no one even spoke loudly.

"Hmph, Old Taoist Qiu, how about comparing the number of White Walkers killed by all the disciples? This will better reflect the level of our teaching disciples."

Yi Jinggong was about to come down with a dragon-like leap. Seeing such a result, his eyes were particularly fierce.

He and Qiu Laodao had been at odds with each other for a long time. Qiu Laodao had always been harsh on his disciples, so he thought of suppressing him in this regard. This was the opportunity he finally found.

In terms of the number and quality of his disciples, Yi Jinggong believed that he was far superior to Qiu Laodao, and it was impossible for him to lose.

Qiu Laodao turned around, his narrow vertical pupils narrowed slightly, his gaze was like a poisonous snake, cold and slippery, it was creepy when it fell on him.

Before he could speak, there was suddenly another noise from the crowd.

You could faintly hear a businessman shouting things like 'White Walker Corpse', 'Three Heads', 'Go and grab it'.

The businessmen who were originally gathered around the Juxian Tower turned around and saw a simple flatbed truck being pushed, with three corpses of the White Walkers neatly placed on it.

Seeing this scene, the businessmen coaxed, spread their legs and leaned over, each vying for the first to occupy a favorable position to take pictures.

"Whose inner disciple comes here at this time?"

Pei Haibing felt that he had been robbed of the limelight and cursed in displeasure.

Yu Wenxian, who was next to him, also cast a curious glance, but compared to Pei Haibing's cursory glance, she looked more carefully and quickly noticed something was wrong.

"Wait, something is wrong. Isn't that a disciple of our lineage?"

Yu Wenxian opened her mouth in surprise and recognized the identities of her disciples Su Jie, Gu Weinian and Chen Yun.

"What are you talking about? How could it be...?"

Pei Haibing almost laughed out loud. Who's outer disciple can hunt three strange ghosts?

But when he turned his head and took a closer look, he saw that the three disciples around the flatbed truck were wearing outer uniforms, and he had a vague impression that these three people were really of his own lineage.

Qiu Laodao also heard the commotion, looked at it intently, raised a mocking arc at the corner of his mouth, and said pitifully to Mr. Yi Jin: "Elder Yi, our competition is not over yet."

Yi Jingong's face turned dark and his voice was hoarse: "Old Taoist Qiu, could it be that you are playing a trick and even meddling in the competition between your disciples? Do you still have any grace?"

"It's a joke. If I, Mr. Qiu, can win against you, why should you resort to fraud? Wenxian, go call someone over and make Elder Yi give up."

Qiu Laodao snorted coldly. Although he didn't know where Su Jie and the other outer disciples got the three-headed ghosts, it didn't matter, as long as they could beat Yi Jingong.


Yu Wenxian took the order and quickly walked towards the flatbed truck.

"Don't worry, everyone, we are selling all the White Walkers, and the one with the highest price will get it."

Su Jie stood on the flatbed truck, stepping on the head of a White Walker, and looked very excited at the businessman who was attracted.

The more people and the more aggressive the bidding, the more you can earn!

"Fifteen hundred blood marrow crystals, how about selling these three White Walker corpses to me."

A businessman squeezed in front, but as soon as he said these words, he was interrupted by Wu Bin with an unhappy look on his face.

"Go away, you are bullying us because we don't know the price, right? If you don't have money, go home and beg from me. Don't be embarrassed here."

Wu Bin said while raising his foot to kick.

As a steward of the bailiff, he is not an outside disciple. Ordinary businessmen would have to smile to please him when they see him.

"Sir, our Zhang Chamber of Commerce will offer you 1,800 pieces of blood marrow crystals."

"Biyue Mansion offers one thousand five hundred pieces of blood marrow crystals, plus a low-grade magic weapon and two low-grade high-grade talismans."

"Youdan Valley offers a bottle of refining elixir and five hundred blood marrow crystals."

A group of businessmen surrounded Su Jie and popped out numbers that made Su Jie's heart surge.

Next to him, Gu Weinian was equally excited and blushed. Although he only had a small portion of the profit, it was still an extremely considerable fortune for an outer disciple.

It's just that Chen Yun has always been cold, and the shadow of losing her brother and husband has not dissipated.

"Master Su, Master Su, it's me! Our Taixu Pavilion is willing to purchase all three White Walkers. The price is negotiable."

At this moment, Su Jie heard a somewhat familiar voice.

Looking down, he found that the charming young woman in charge of Taixu Pavilion, Cai Chun'e, ran over at some point and shouted breathlessly at Su Jie.

While speaking, Cai Chun'e unconsciously raised her plump and round breasts. This move made the buttons on her chest almost burst. Her pair of pink and phoenix eyes were very attractive and full of charm.

When the surrounding businessmen looked at it, they couldn't help but cursed in their hearts for using a honey trap without respecting martial ethics.

"Sister Cai, why are you here?"

Su Jie's eyes moved slightly, and he nodded with a smile, but did not agree to what the other party said.

Although the woman in front of her looks like a ripe peach, just looking at her makes people want to take a bite.

But in the face of sufficient value, Su Jie would not betray his own interests for a little beauty.

"If Mr. Su doesn't come back without looking for someone else, I won't be able to come over in person."

Cai Chun'e rolled her eyes at Su Jie charmingly, and then said: "Three White Walker corpses, Mr. Su, please seriously consider our Taixu Pavilion. Our bid will never be lower than others."

When speaking, Cai Chun'e's voice was filled with humility.

In fact, when Cai Chun'e saw Su Jie before, she could hardly believe her eyes.

A mere outer disciple was able to hunt three White Walkers, which was as amusing as a sow climbing a tree.

But what happened was that it really happened, and it shocked her for a whole year.

"We'll talk about this later."

Su Jie shook his head and noticed a young woman wearing a gauze approaching. This was inner disciple Yu Wenxian, Su Jie's senior sister.

"Gee, Junior Brother Su, it's really you! I said I won't admit the wrong person."

Yu Wenxian smiled before saying anything. Perhaps it was because of her prestige that after she approached, the businessmen immediately vacated the area around her.

"Sister Yu, come here."

Su Jie secretly became wary, maybe he was eyeing this windfall of his own.

"The master is also in front. He asked you to come over."

Yu Wenxian stretched out her jade finger, poked the corpse of the White Walker on the flatbed truck, and said with a smile: "Junior Brother Su will probably become famous among the masters this time, come here quickly."

After that, Shi Shiran led the way.

Su Jie was still thinking about what Yu Wenxian meant. Wu Bin next to him saw Yu Wenxian, a dangerous woman, leaving, and immediately asked in a low voice:

"Are you a disciple of Qiu Laodao?"

He really hadn't read Su Jie's information carefully before, otherwise he wouldn't have asked this question.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Don't you know yet? The conflict between Qiu Laodao and Elder Yi Jingong intensified again. The two secretly bet and competed to see whose disciples had hunted more White Walkers. To this end, they each gave out generous rewards to motivate their disciples. Disciple, there has been a lot of buzz in Guiling Palace recently, I guess that’s why I asked you to come over.”

Wu Bin is worthy of being the steward of the command hall. He is well-informed and knows all the gossip among the elders.

"Ah, no wonder our master spent so much money and took out the Bone Sword of Heaven as a reward."

Gu Weinian suddenly realized something and immediately understood some of the things that happened at the beginning.

"The time limit set by the master at the beginning was one week. We have already exceeded the time limit. Is the reward still counting?"

Su Jie licked his lips. He had never thought about this before. First of all, the time exceeded the agreed week, and the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword looked like it was prepared for Pei Haibing, who practiced the White Bone Transformation Technique. No matter how you look at it, the disciples have no chance.

"That's because Elder Yi had an accident while refining the alchemy, which delayed it for some time."

Wu Bin explained the reason, and Su Jie couldn't help but feel hot in his heart. He might really have the opportunity to get his hands on the Bone Sword. Opportunities never come in vain. The right path must be fought for, and the devil's path must be fought for even more.

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