Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 37 Gift of Treasure

Su Jie and others came to the door of Juxian Tower, and sure enough they saw Qiu Laodao and a short middle-aged man with gloomy eyes.

This person should be the Yi Jin Gong mentioned by Wu Bin, Elder Yi.

"Disciple Su Jie, pay your respects to the master."

Su Jie stepped forward quickly and saluted Qiu Laodao, as did Gu Weinian and Chen Yun.

Of the three, one was partially disabled and the other was seriously injured. Only Su Jie was intact. Anyone with a discerning eye could see who was in charge.

Qiu Laodao looked past the three of them and looked at the three corpses of the White Walkers piled up on the flatbed truck behind him, and said, "Where did you get these three White Walkers? Please tell me in detail, and you must not hide anything."

"Reporting to the master, the White Walkers are not hunted entirely by our side. There were others at that time."

Su Jie once again praised Meng Dongge's "brave and selfless" demeanor, and praised him as a strong man who could fight one against ten.

They were just lucky and got the result in the end.

"Stop talking about these things. We Demon Sect disciples don't pay attention to the process, we only care about the results. Now that the corpse of the White Walker is in your hands, the result of the battle is yours."

After hearing this, Qiu Laodao had no intention of criticizing Su Jie and others.

No matter whether Su Jie and others got the advantage of others, or there was some other conspiracy, he only valued the final result.

"Elder Yi, I wonder what else you have to say?"

After finishing speaking, Qiu Laodao turned his eyes to Yi Jingong again, his eyes dark and as silent as a deep pool.

"Hmph, I have nothing to say. It was my disciple who failed to live up to his expectations. I lost this round."

Yi Jinggong's face was particularly gloomy.

As Qiu Laodao said, they are demon cultivators who focus on results in everything, no matter how dirty and despicable the process is.

Yi Jinggong is not someone he cannot afford to lose.

After admitting that he had lost the bet, he took off the rosary beads around his neck and threw them to Qiu Laodao.

There were countless businessmen around who were secretly frightened. They didn't expect the two of them to have such a big gambling fight.

That string of rosary beads is a real, top-notch, middle-grade magic weapon. It is also one of the magic tools that Yi Jinggong is famous for. It is called Taisuhuang Soul Bead, and it has the powerful power to refine souls and destroy evil spirits.

When an ordinary practitioner is hit, his soul will be sucked into it immediately, and he will suffer the pain of burning his body with Yin Fire until his soul is exhausted, which is more terrifying than death.

"Tai Suhuang Soul Bead, haha, it tastes really bad. Let's go home and use it as a dog collar."

Qiu Laodao accepted the Tai Suhuang Soul Bead unceremoniously, and even more mercilessly ridiculed him.

"Next time, you may not be so lucky."

Duke Yi Jin was even more angry and looked at his disciples with sharp eyes, which made all those disciples sweat.

On the contrary, Qiu Laodao is now pleased with whatever Su Jie likes.

After getting the Taisuhuang Soul Bead, Qiu Laodao took out a flying sword that was all crystal white and had a bright aura. It was the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword, and said in a faint tone.

"Su Jie, what a good name. The so-called five people are called Mao, ten people are called Xuan, a hundred people are called Jun, a thousand people are called Ying, twice the Yings are called wise, and ten thousand people are called Jies. I hope you will be worthy of this name in the future and become a demon. Outstanding people."

After saying that, he handed the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword to Su Jie.

As soon as this move came out, countless disciples and businessmen were shocked and jealous, with extremely greedy eyes.

This is a low-grade flying sword, and it is the best among low-grade flying swords. It is one level higher than the low-grade high-grade magic weapon.

The price on the black market would be at least a thousand pieces of blood marrow crystals, and it would be so priceless that most people wouldn't even dare to think about it.

Su Jie took a deep breath, knowing that if he accepted the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword at this time, he would immediately become a fat sheep in the eyes of many people, and he would also completely offend Pei Haibing, an inner disciple.

But... so what!

Su Jie has always been cautious in the past, but when it's time to fight, Su Jie will fight hard.

He never believed in the saying that there is a time in life, but there is no time in life, so don't force it.

Even without this low-grade flying sword, the wealth Su Jie gained from selling the three White Walkers would have become the target of many people trying to get rich overnight. This kind of thing is simply unstoppable.

So Su Jie took a deep breath, took the White Bones Sword with both hands with a solemn expression, and said, "Thank you so much, master, for giving me this treasure. I will definitely practice diligently and not fall short of my master's reputation."

Pei Haibing stared at Su Jie, a cold light shot out from his pupils. Seeing that the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword was about to be taken over, he finally couldn't help but said: "Master, he is only an outer disciple, and it is luck, so he is completely worthy." Not this white-bone evil sword."

Pei Haibing had always regarded this white-bone Tiansha Sword as something in his pocket. Now that Su Jie was taking it away like this, how could he be willing to accept it?

Next to him, Duke Yi Jin sneered, his smile mixed with disdain and contempt: "It seems that your command, Mr. Qiu, is lax! Any disciple would dare to talk back to you."

Qiu Laodao narrowed his eyes slightly. What Pei Haibing did just now was undoubtedly a loss of Qiu Laodao's face, and it was in front of Yi Jingong.

Glancing over unhappily, Qiu Laodao stood up with the black python coiled in his hand and said in a cold voice: "You can also decide my decision."

Pei Haibing's whole body stiffened, and then he realized that he had said something wrong. He wanted to explain but was too slow.

Pei Haibing suddenly groaned, and the blood vessels on his face bulged violently. Small snakes the size of earthworms swam under the skin, and finally broke out of the skin like iron worms.

The severe pain caused the veins in Pei Haibing's neck to bulge, and he was shaking in pain.

But he didn't dare to scream out loud because he would lose Qiu Laodao's face.

Su Jie was secretly shocked and noticed the black python coiled in Qiu Laodao's hand.

Just now, this black python spit out snakes at Pei Haibing, and Pei Haibing ended up like this.

He didn't know how Pei Haibing was hit, it was really weird.

The people around him immediately stayed away from Pei Haibing, fearing that they would be affected.

"Master, Junior Brother Pei just made an unintentional mistake, don't be angry."

Yu Wenxian stepped forward to smooth things over, but she had no intention of going over to help. The smile on the corner of her mouth seemed more like gloating.

"Take him down and lock him up for a few days to reflect on himself."

Old Taoist Qiu looked coldly at Pei Haibing who fell to the ground, and the black python of the poisonous insect in his hand stopped hissing and coiled back on his arm.

Even if you are an inner disciple, you cannot offend the majesty of the elder of the Secret Treasure Realm at will, even if the two are master and apprentice.

Pei Haibing should be glad that he is an inner disciple. If he was an ordinary outer disciple, his body would probably be cold now.

Two of Pei Haibing's teammates stepped forward cautiously, helped Pei Haibing up and fled like flying.

Taking his eyes off Pei Haibing, Qiu Laodao looked at Su Jie again.

"Remember to concentrate on your practice."

This time, Su Jie successfully took over the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword. After encouraging Su Jie, Qiu Laodao, who was disturbed by Pei Haibing, turned and left.

Today's goal has been achieved. He doesn't really appreciate Su Jie, so he won't waste more time.

Yi Jingong glanced at Su Jie, not knowing what he was thinking. He also left here accompanied by several disciples.

"Congratulations, Junior Brother Su, the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword is the best among the lower-grade flying swords. You made a lot of money this time."

Yu Wenxian came up with a bright smile.

"Senior Sister Yu, this is a hot potato. I don't know how many people want to get it."

Touching the cold sword body of the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword, Su Jie said meaningfully.

"You've gotten an advantage but you're still not obedient. If you're afraid, I'll keep it for you."

"Don't bother Senior Sister Yu. If you die because of this, you can only blame me for my inferior skills."

Putting the White Bone Sword on his back, Su Jie refused directly. Once it's in his pocket, don't even think about getting it out again.

"Your character."

Wrinkling her cute nose, Yu Wenxian rolled her eyes at Su Jie, sounding like she was acting like a spoiled child.

If Su Jie didn't know Yu Wenxian's true side, he might have been deceived.

Su Jie exchanged a few more polite words with Yu Wenxian, and when he saw the merchants who had gathered around again, he smiled again. The White Bone Sword was an unexpected gain, and the true value of the White Walker had not yet been sold.

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