Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 302: Unsolvable Haunted House (Second Update)

Putting on 3D glasses and signing the responsibility notice, the experienced people were familiar with the process.

"Passing conditions: find the bride in her wedding dress and take off her gold hairpin."

The staff member explained the passing conditions and then pushed open the door. After the people walked in, he immediately closed it.


As the door was closed, the people began to observe the environment.

The interior was completely decorated like in a costume drama, with pavilions, towers, bridges and flowing water, and luxurious details everywhere.

Red lanterns were hung around, and festive ribbons and happy characters were posted everywhere.

"This place is not cheap to decorate."

Shen Xueqing murmured to herself. Unlike the previous time in the Weeping Tower, where there was dilapidation and weirdness everywhere, this ghost house of ghost marriage was full of liveliness and joy, without any gloomy horror.

"Are we together?"

Min Xingyao looked at the two tourists who came in together.

"It's safer to act together. My name is Shen Xueqing."

"Zhang Pei."

"Min Hangyao."

The three of them briefly introduced themselves and then set off.

Two men and one woman walked on the cobblestone path, passed through the garden scenery in the front yard, and came to the courtyard.

So far, this haunted house has not given people any sense of horror, which also made the three people relax a little.

"Just now the staff said that you need to find a wedding dress to successfully pass the level. This is the dress for the wedding day, so the bride should be in the boudoir.

The layout of the ancient wealthy families usually has the hall in the middle line, and the east side of the residence is the most respected. First, you need to find the hanging flower gate, which is the partition door between the inner courtyard and the outer courtyard. We often say that the young ladies of wealthy families do not go out of the main gate and the second gate, which refers to this gate.

Inside the hanging flower gate are the areas where the real wives, young ladies and owners of this mansion live, and outside are the servants' residences and activity areas. We are still in the outer courtyard area now, and the bride's boudoir is mostly in the inner courtyard."

Shen Xueqing judged where to go, otherwise it would be easy to get lost in such a large house.

Zhang Pei and Min Xingyao looked at Shen Xueqing with some admiration. Although she was a girl, she knew much more than them.

The three of them discussed briefly and pushed open a room, wanting to go in and find some clues. It would be even better if they could find a map.

In the room, it seemed to be a cloakroom. On each hanger, there were clean cloth strips and clothes. Layer upon layer, blocking the view.

"This place is not the place we are looking for. Let's go first."

After a simple check, the three of them didn't find anything.

Just when everyone was about to leave.


A drum sound suddenly sounded, and the drum sound and the bell sound were repeatedly intertwined, and a total of more than ten times were struck.

"Where did the bell and drum sound come from."

Min Xingyao touched the back of his head. The bell and drum sound made him inexplicably uneasy.

"It's the morning bell and evening drum. This is the sound of the bell and drum tower. You can understand it as Big Ben, a means of telling time. The number and order of the knocks just now indicate that it is dusk now. It's not good!"

Shen Xueqing also noticed the change in the atmosphere, and her face became a little stiff.

"What's wrong with dusk? Is there any saying about this time?"

Zhang Pei was also a little confused and didn't understand the meaning.

Shen Xueqing had no choice but to explain to the two people: "In ancient times, marriages were about to start in the morning and go to the woman's house to marry the bride in the morning, and the wedding ceremony would be held at dusk. The word "marriage" is composed of "woman" and "darkness", and "darkness" means dusk. Now dusk has arrived, which means that the wedding ceremony is about to begin and the bride will also show up."

Almost not long after Shen Xueqing finished speaking, the sound of festive music came from outside the house. It was the joy composed of suona, gongs, flutes, etc. At the same time, there were dense footsteps coming, as if a large team was marching outside.

The three people in the house looked at each other, but the next moment, there was a movement behind them.

Those white strips of cloth and clothes seemed to have gradually turned red as the auspicious time had arrived, like the color of blood, which was extremely strange and weird.

Zhang Pei, who first discovered this, was curious to see, but this one glance made him regret it.

I saw these blood-stained clothes suddenly fluttering. The collars, sleeves, and hems of the clothes, which should have been made of silk and satin, slowly grew illusory but real hands and feet, and the clothes also stretched up, as if there was a person wearing blood-stained clothes inside.

When Zhang Pei saw this scene, the blood-stained clothes seemed to have noticed his gaze, and the original action of dressing suddenly stopped.

The next second, without any warning, severe pain swept through his body and mind.

Zhang Pei was horrified to find that his clothes had turned blood red and were tightly tightening his body, as if to squeeze his body into meat paste.

Those blood-stained clothes also fluttered over, one after another, stacked on Zhang Pei, and bursts of sinister laughter came from inside, and Zhang Pei's figure disappeared in a blink of an eye.


Shen Xueqing was startled, pushed open the door and ran fast.

"Wait for me."

Min Xingyao was almost scared to pee, and he rolled and crawled out of the clothing room.

But just when they came outside, they were horrified to find that the environment here was completely different from the one they had just come from.

However, amid the deafening sound of gongs and drums, the cold wind was like a knife, and the beautiful flowers, plants and trees withered and died, turning into a desolate and silent place.

The mottled wall skin was peeling off, weeds and moss grew in the cracks of the wall, and the strange trees were entangled with vines, like snake-like tentacles, wandering in the air.

The towering buildings in the distance were entangled in fog, and the dark green candlelight was swaying and shining.

In the open space, the situation here has changed a long time ago. Round tables are placed one after another, with rich dishes, fine wines and delicacies from the mountains and the sea on the tables.

In the distance, footsteps are heard continuously, as if the diners who came to attend the wedding banquet are about to take their seats. Since this wedding banquet is held for ghost marriage, the origins of the diners

Thinking of this, Shen Xueqing shuddered.

"We must not stay here."

Shen Xueqing's heart tightened, as if a cold snake crawled up her neck. Her sweaty palms clenched into fists, but she still couldn't control the trembling of her body, and she staggered when she ran.

Min Xingyao was also running, but when he ran, he passed by the round table and saw the delicacies from the mountains and the sea on it. He couldn't help his curiosity and touched the food with his hands to see if these foods were real or fake.

However, his hand had just touched the food, and the food on the plate suddenly turned into poisonous insects and snakes, and crawled directly around him.


Min Xingyao screamed shrilly, as if he was really bitten by poisonous insects and snakes. The heart-wrenching pain frightened Shen Xueqing's face pale.

When she ran away and looked again, she could only see the vague and horrible figures on the round table through the thick fog that had floated up at some point. They were hideous and twisted, ghostly and scary.

These horrible beings were waiting for the wedding banquet to start. No one dared to move their chopsticks before the real host appeared.

Not far away, a high platform was set up, and a troupe was performing a wedding play. The actors were dressed in gorgeous and beautiful clothes, and their skin was bloodless, like corpses.

Min Xingyao, who had just escaped with Shen Xueqing, seemed to have been dismembered when Shen Xueqing saw him again, and he also became part of the banquet.

"Someone's dead, no, no, no, something's wrong, this is wrong!"

Shen Xueqing's breathing stopped and she was completely dumbfounded. Fear made her hide in a room directly.

When Shen Xueqing turned around and gasped for breath, she saw the house, which was decorated very strangely.

There were strange paintings hanging on the wall, and the ghosts in the paintings were hideous. A huge stone bed was placed on the left, with thick ghost hair on the bed, a huge ghost head pillow in the middle, and a few withered ghost flowers on the pillow. The house was full of strange and terrifying atmosphere, which made people shudder.

This seemed to be the residence of a certain evil ghost. Suddenly, Shen Xueqing felt something moving.

When she turned her head, she saw a mirror on the desk.

In the mirror, there was a woman sitting in front of the dressing table, dressing up. She wore a beautiful golden hairpin on her head and a wedding dress. She was elegant and graceful. The only thing was that she couldn't see the other person's face clearly, as if blocked by a layer of fog.

But just relying on her sixth sense, Shen Xueqing knew that this must be a gorgeous woman with absolute elegance.

"The bride in the wedding dress."

Shen Xueqing saw the woman in the mirror, with long hair like ink, a blood-red wedding dress, and a golden hairpin on her head, and immediately understood her identity.

But when Shen Xueqing saw her, the bride in the wedding dress in the mirror slowly turned her head, as if she had discovered her existence through the mirror.

Then, the bride's arm passed through the mirror and stretched out from the mirror into the house.


Shen Xueqing widened her eyes and thought of the classic horror movies she had seen.

But the bride in the wedding dress in the mirror did not crawl out with her hair disheveled, perhaps because she felt it was too low-class.

The hand that stretched out the mirror had delicate and white fingertips, like solidified fat, with cinnabar-colored patterns on the nails, and the jade bracelet on the hand swayed gently.

Before she could see too much, the hand suddenly clenched in the air.

Shen Xueqing's neck seemed to be pinched in the air, and the suffocation made Shen Xueqing unable to breathe.

What was even more terrible was that Shen Xueqing found that her body was beginning to lose control, and she could only look at the dead and cold eyes of the bride in the wedding dress in the mirror in despair.

With just a glance, Shen Xueqing seemed to see her own reflection in the mirror, fear, weakness, resentment, resentment, darkness, fear... and all the negative and panic emotions, her body was also rapidly pulled towards the mirror.

At this moment, fear surged like a tide, filling every area of ​​Shen Xueqing's body and mind.

In extreme fear, Shen Xueqing rolled her eyes and fainted.

At this time in the outside world, as the three people were wiped out, the red wedding lanterns went out one by one, and the corridors and houses gradually fell into darkness.

The woman in the red wedding dress slowly shook her head and uttered a few words: "You fainted so quickly, it's so boring."

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