Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 303: Hot around the world (three updates of 10,000 words, monthly votes requested)

When Shen Xueqing woke up again, she found that she was already on a stretcher. Next to her were Zhang Pei and Min Xingyao, who had just woken up. The three of them were carried out by the staff.

"You too."

"Hey, stop talking."

"I regret that I participated in some unsolvable haunted house."

The three of them looked at each other with deep fear in their eyes.

Today's experience in the Ghostly Marriage Haunted House will probably be unforgettable for them for the rest of their lives, and they will be left with a psychological shadow from the abuse.

Shen Xueqing sighed, her heart trembling as she thought of the last bride she saw in her wedding dress.

Obviously the wedding bride looked the most beautiful and normal compared to other ghosts, but it brought her the deepest fear. Thinking about it, her neck still hurts.

"How are you doing?"

Min Xingyao got up from the stretcher, squatted next to Zhang Pei, and touched his body.

"What are you doing?"

Zhang Pei got goosebumps. A grown man touched him here and there. Could it be that the other person was...

"I was checking to see if anything happened to your body. When I saw you being squeezed by those bloody clothes, I thought you were really dead."

Min Xingyao smiled and took back his hand, but he didn't see any injuries on Zhang Pei's body.

"You're not hurt, either?"

Shen Xueqing blinked and looked at Min Xingyao curiously. At that time, she seemed to have seen Min Xingyao being dismembered and served as snacks.

"I'm fine. It's just that I was too frightened. Now I feel nauseated when I see food. I probably won't dare to eat for a day or two."

Min Xingyao's mouth twitched and he said with lingering fear.

"It seems that these 3D glasses are more high-tech than imagined and can actually simulate such a real situation."

Shen Xueqing touched her neck. She didn't know if it was an illusion. She felt as if the touch of the bride's cold palm was still on her neck. This psychological shadow made Shen Xueqing feel weak, which showed how scared she was.

"This kind of high technology was actually developed by a pharmaceutical company. It's amazing to think about it. I decided that next time I will bring my friends to play together. I want to see them pissed and embarrassed by the ghost."

Zhang Pei also said with emotion that although he was the fastest to rush to the street in the unsolved haunted house, he still felt the sense of death that caused physical and mental collapse.

After this, when I go back to Moments and post it, I can brag about it to my colleagues and friends.

"I don't want to go through this again."

Min Xingyao shivered as he recalled the horror he encountered.

"A place like this can be regarded as the benchmark for horror haunted houses in the world. It is unmatched by other haunted houses. It is indeed worth experiencing."

Shen Xueqing's voice was full of joy. Although she was so frightened that she fainted just now, this did not prevent her from being optimistic and satisfied with this nightmare paradise.

From the perspective of Shen Xueqing, a senior horror enthusiast, the design of Nightmare Paradise is truly perfect.

There are 3D glasses for real-time simulation, which can look real and fake, there are exquisite, complex and changeable mechanisms, and there are ghosts and ghosts that are so vividly played that it is difficult to distinguish between real and fake.

Such a haunted house is simply a paradise for horror lovers like Shen Xueqing.

Shen Xueqing believes that as long as the reputation spreads, horror lovers and thrill-seeking young people around the world will come to Nightmare Paradise to check in like crazy.

And Shen Xueqing is planning to give a boost by editing and uploading the images she took during her adventure to promote Nightmare Paradise and let more people know about the existence of this place.

The day passes quickly.

On the opening day, Nightmare Paradise was packed with people.

At first, some people were still doubtful and did not believe that the world's largest and most powerful haunted house advertised by Nightmare Park was real. However, after experiencing it personally, those tourists and players who walked out of the haunted house, exhausted, with weak hands and feet, and tears all over them, were the best advertisements. , the title of the most powerful haunted house is worthy of its name.

In a specially built room in Nightmare Paradise, hundreds of Yuanling Pearls are neatly arranged. At this time, some Yuanling Pearls are shining with a faint cold light, and the color is deepening little by little. The fear coming from the nearby humans is being absorbed. Continuously absorbing it.


After the tourists left, Su Jie appeared in the Ghost Wedding House and walked into the boudoir of the ghost.

There was no one in the boudoir, and Su Jie sat directly in front of the dressing table.

After a while, Han Ruyan's beautiful figure appeared in the mirror, and her graceful body floated out of the mirror.

"Madam, look at what we have gained today."

Su Jie took out the storage bag and took out a batch of Yuanling Pearls. These Yuanling Pearls were the ones placed in Nightmare Paradise today.

The Yuan Lingzhu was still white when it was put in, but now it has become as dark as ink.

This shows that these Yuan Lingzhu have absorbed the energy of fear.

Normally, an ordinary first-grade fierce ghost only needs ten Yuanling Pearls to be promoted.

And now there are dozens of Yuan Lingzhu in Su Jie's hand, all of which are filled with the energy of fear.

In other words, the Yuanling Pearl in Su Jie's hand was enough to promote several first-level ghosts to second-level ones at once.

And this is just one day's harvest in the Nightmare Paradise. The fear generated by the visitors who came here to participate in the haunted house, after being absorbed by the Yuan Lingzhu, became Su Jie's qualifications for improving the ghosts.

There are so many gains because there are so many people involved.

Most people enter the haunted house but are scared out of it within ten minutes, so the haunted house operates very efficiently.

The fear these people exude is more likely to trigger all kinds of inner fears because of the atmosphere in the haunted house that is difficult to distinguish between true and false, and the fragile human body encountering evil spirits.

Therefore, the concentration of fear gas emitted is quite high, and when multiplied by the huge base, there will be so many gains.

However, this is not without cost, because these evil spirits are operating in the spiritless environment of Blue Star, Su Jie must use spirit stones to maintain the bodies of the evil spirits.

If Su Jie had not made a fortune from Qiu Laodao before returning to Blue Star, the consumption would be so high.

If he had continued to maintain this day by day, Su Jie would be afraid that he would go bankrupt first.

When the wedding dress ghost saw the Yuan Lingzhu that Su Jie took out, her eyes changed.

She gently covered it with her right hand, and the fear gas inside each Yuan Lingzhu was all absorbed into the body of the wedding dress ghost.

The Yuan Lingzhu turned white again and could continue to absorb the fear gas.

This thing is similar to a power bank and can be used repeatedly. The only bad thing is that once it is full of fear gas, it is easy to burst the Yuan Lingzhu if it is not absorbed and utilized in time, and then the Yuan Lingzhu will be scrapped.

The blood-red wedding dress on the wedding dress ghost became darker. The absorption of fear was slowly improving the strength of the wedding dress ghost. She took another small step forward on the road to promotion to the sixth rank.

"I said I would find more channels for you to obtain fear. I did what I said. This is the current result. In the future, our haunted houses will be opened in a chain, and the speed of producing Yuanlingzhu every day will be faster and faster."

Su Jie touched the black hair of the wedding dress ghost. The wedding dress ghost did not object to this intimate behavior.

"Husband, is there more?"

The wedding dress ghost looked at Su Jie and opened her red lips with a bit of unsatisfaction.

"That will have to wait until tomorrow. If you continue to feed at this speed, how long will it take for you to be promoted to the sixth rank?"

Su Jie saw that Han Ruyan's intimacy with him deepened a little bit. This feeding was quite useful.

"It will probably only take three months. If I get more Yuanlingzhu, I will be promoted even faster."

Han Ruyan said a time and looked at Su Jie's dead eyes. She seemed surprised that Su Jie could actually obtain so much fear through this method.

There are dozens of Yuanlingzhu harvested in one day, and it is a long-term trickle.

If it comes down to a year, it will be tens of thousands, a number that even the ghosts of wedding clothes will be excited about.

If it is replaced by simply slaughtering to collect fear, I don't know how many people have to be slaughtered to obtain so many Yuanlingzhu.

If the Tianhunmen knew this number, they would be envious and vomit blood.

They worked hard to create killings everywhere, keep the city people in captivity, and do all kinds of hard work. If they are not careful, they will be easily destroyed by the righteous way.

And Su Jie, who runs a haunted house, is just like a landlord. He just needs to collect rent on time every day. The rent is the fear contributed by those tourists.

"Then I will wait for you to be promoted to the sixth rank as soon as possible."

Su Jie was in high spirits. The fifth rank wedding dress ghost was so powerful. If Zou Minzun met the sixth rank wedding dress ghost, he would probably be able to confront it head-on, or even defeat it.

A few days passed in a flash. A few days after the opening of Nightmare Park, the number of tourists fell slightly.

This is normal. In all parts of the world, Nightmare Park has not really made its name except for its own active publicity.

However, in the following days, the anchors and bloggers who were invited to come released videos about the experience of playing Nightmare Park one after another. With the promotion of a large number of tap water, the name of Nightmare Park has been known by more and more people.

Among these experience videos, the most popular one is the one released by Shen Xueqing.

On websites such as Douyin Video, Slow Hand Video, and Xiaopo Video, a video quickly rose to the hot list, attracting a large number of people to watch.

Xia Di is a graduate student at Hailan University. On this day, he was browsing Xiaopo Station in his dormitory as usual, and suddenly he was attracted by the title of a video.

《Sister Calm will show you the whole process, what is the most powerful haunted house in the world! Nightmare Paradise, a trembling place that challenges the limit of human fear.》

"It's a catchy title."

Muttering to himself, Xia Di still clicked in.

"If you brag too much, don't think about taking the round and cute little coins from me."

As the video was clicked to play, Shen Xueqing's appearance made Xia Di, an old pervert, brighten his eyes.

Xia Di was reluctant to click the upper right corner and enjoyed it with relish.

After a brief introduction, Shen Xueqing officially entered a haunted house called the Weeping House.

'High energy ahead. '

'Be careful of those things that don't look like living people. '

'Remember to turn up the volume, and remember to wear headphones if you have them, the experience will be doubled. '

As the bullet screens passed by, Xia Di didn't think much of it, but felt that the layout of the haunted house in the video was really thoughtful, unlike the haunted houses he had visited before, with rough props and vulgar makeup, which looked fake at first glance, and there was no horror atmosphere at all.

But soon, when those medical human models moved like spiders and their strange and twisted bodies advanced by leaps and bounds, Xia Di's expression was like this (⊙_⊙).

When the medical personnel models crawled one by one, the teeth-grinding clicking sound was like a heavy hammer hitting the atrium, which made Xia Di feel immersive fear.

When Shen Xueqing came to the delivery room, the barrage appeared again.

‘Super super super high energy ahead. ’

‘Barrage protection, barrage protection. ’

‘It’s still time for the timid to turn off the video now. ’

‘At this time, a 185cm tall man silently retracted his feet outside the quilt. ’

‘The same goes for me upstairs. I am protected by the holy light of my bed, so no mere brat can even think of hurting me. ’

Looking at the barrage, Xia Di didn't think he was timid. He snorted coldly and turned off the barrage directly in order to prove his courage.

But the next moment, Xia Di regretted his recklessness.

When the wooden door of the toilet was pushed open, a few pale fingers emerged from the cracks in the door. From the look of a pair of vicious blood eyes, there was a deep and sinister moan, as if a evil ghost was about to emerge from the screen.


With a shake of his hand, Xia Di was so shocked that he threw the mouse away.

"Holy shit, shit, shit, what the hell is that? It scared your grandpa to death."

Xia Di's eyes were wide open and his heart was pounding. He usually didn't feel that scary when watching horror movies.

"Lao Xia, what kind of plane are you planning? Why are you so surprised?"

The roommate yelled with some dissatisfaction, Xia Di quickly picked up the mouse, and in order to be brave, he decisively found some of his roommates who were the same as him to enjoy it together.

Then the exclamations changed from one to a team, as if participating in a tenor competition, the exclamations became louder and louder.

When the level of the Crying Tower was over and the stage of the Ghostly Wedding Haunted House was entered, the number of barrages completely exploded.

‘The ultimate high energy ahead is a terrifying challenge to the limits of human physiology. ’

‘Conscience advice, timid people and heart patients should point the cross when they see this. ’

'Anyone who dares to finish reading is a warrior. ’

‘I declare that from today onwards, the bride will be my wife. ’

Xia Di licked his dry lips, and then saw a scene that shocked him.

Bloody clothes floating around, a feast of ghosts, the living dead singing, and the ghost of a wedding lady in the mirror. These scenes of video, with weird and horrifying images, creepy sound effects, and terrifying ghosts that seem to be coming out of the screen, like handfuls of The sharp knife pierced the chest, making Xia Di and the other college students turn pale.

I don’t know why, but the quality of the haunted house shot in this video is definitely not as good as that of the movie, but the immersive horror atmosphere almost spreads out of the screen and arouses the emotions of the viewer.

To describe it in one sentence, the evil ghost in this haunted house does not look like an actor.

"It's so fucking awesome. What kind of nightmare paradise is this? The atmosphere is created so well."

Xia Di finally recovered his mood. This was more exciting than the first time he watched a horror movie.

"Lao Xia, when it's National Day, do we want to go play together? It's so exciting to watch the video. I don't know how cool it would be to experience it in person."

At this time, a roommate suggested it, and Xia Di suddenly became energetic.

"What a great idea. Let's go try it. I want to see if those haunted houses can scare an eight-foot tall guy like me."

Xia Di patted her chest, stood up and said, "Wait for me, I'll go to the toilet, and I'll discuss the departure time with you when I get back."

But I had been watching the video for too long and was so frightened that I had to urinate urgently.

But when he walked to the toilet door, Xia Di couldn't help but think of the pale fingers in the toilet. His body suddenly became excited. He looked at the toilet door that was ajar and hesitated in his steps.

"Haha, Lao Xia, you are still an eight-foot tall man. You are too scared to go to the toilet."

Seeing this, the roommates immediately laughed unceremoniously.

"You guys, you'll find out when you go to the toilet."

Xia Di's face turned red and she quickly ran into the toilet.

Beautiful country!

Cullin Angelo is a horror film enthusiast. When he saw this video on Twitter, he didn't believe it at first.

After all, it’s not like he hasn’t visited haunted houses before. He has also visited some of the top ten haunted houses in the world, but nothing stands out to him.

But when the video played, his mouth never closed.

"Hey, what is this? How is this done? Are 3D glasses already so powerful?"

The sudden appearance of the medical mannequin caused Kulin, who was drinking coffee, to spray directly onto the computer screen.

Not caring about his new computer, Kulin quickly wiped the computer screen and watched it intently, his emotions rising and falling as the video played.

When all kinds of evil ghosts appeared one after another and the terror was completely detonated, Kulin's whole body was tense and he didn't dare to breathe.

Especially when the ghostly marriage haunted house appeared at the end, he felt the urge to urinate and his heart jumped into his throat.

"Is this Eastern horror? Weddings can also be regarded as horror themes, ghost marriages, I checked, wow, that's what happened. It's completely different from the blood and nausea here. It's even scarier than watching a movie. Very, very good.”

After watching the half-hour video, goosebumps appeared on Kulin's arms, and he was completely enlightened.

It turns out that it’s not that haunted houses aren’t scary, and the haunted houses he went to in the past were too rubbish.

"I must go to this nightmare paradise."

Ku Lin jumped up excitedly. For horror lovers, this kind of nightmare paradise is a must-visit place in life.

Similar scenes happened all over the world, and the video about Nightmare Paradise received many views and likes.

Because the content inside is so exciting and terrifying, a blogger specially sorted it out and found that there are nearly twenty haunted houses in Nightmare Paradise, and each haunted house is unique.

Among them, the most popular video, shot by Shen Xueqing, has received hundreds of millions of views on the Internet, and Shen Xueqing's Weibo account gained five million followers overnight.

Also famous together, in addition to Nightmare Paradise, is the image of the Wedding Dress Ghost.

Although this gorgeous female ghost only appeared for a dozen seconds and her face could not be seen clearly, her figure, temperament and terrifying ability were too impressive, so she attracted a large number of fans.

After this wave of explosive publicity, Nightmare Park has completely become famous worldwide and has become the first choice for everyone who wants to experience a haunted house.

Therefore, after a short period of decline in the flow of people, the number of tourists in Nightmare Park has reached a peak again.

There is an endless stream of tourists coming and going to experience the horror haunted house every day, and the number of tourists received daily is rising steadily, which also makes the number of Yuanlingzhu produced more and more.

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