Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 304: Frightened Foreigners (First Update)

The popularity of Nightmare Paradise is attracting more and more tourists.

Affected by this, the tourism industry in the Mandeb region has benefited greatly and the economy is booming.

Half a month later.

Nightmare Paradise, White Abbott walks through this scary haunted house that has recently become a popular phenomenon and check-in place on the Internet.

White Abbott is from the beautiful country and is an employee of Microsoft Asia Pacific Group. He is also an intelligence collector for the CIA.

In addition to collecting intelligence through various secret theft methods, CIA agents will also place their own agents in many foreign companies. Only with a legal identity can they provide better cover for intelligence collection.

"This place is really big!"

White Abbott looked at Nightmare Land, a terrifying haunted house that has been built covering hundreds of acres, with thousands of acres still to be developed. If it were all built, it would be an extremely spectacular scene, and even Disney’s theme parks would have to Resigned to defeat.

After passing the security check, White successfully entered the park.

The dense flow of people here gave him a little shock. It was hard to imagine that this could be seen in a poor and weak country.

"Haha, Jamie, Luen, Wilmore, Dudley, let's compete and see who can get the medal for successfully passing the level."

"Levinia said she likes brave men. I must succeed and show her my courage."

"I want to take pictures of my heroic adventure and go back to show my friends what it means to be a real man."

Among these tourists, White saw many blond European and American tourists, shouting about taking photos and videos.

Compared to East Asia, Europeans and Americans are more keen on various exciting sports, otherwise extreme sports would not be so popular in Europe and the United States. The emergence of the Nightmare Haunted House perfectly satisfies the desire to win and lose among these people.

"I hope this mission will go smoothly."

White visited with the tourists, but actually observed in secret. Many times he deliberately went to some relatively remote places, took out a small instrument, and scanned everywhere while avoiding the cameras.

Appearing in Nightmare Paradise this time, White has two tasks.

A mission was assigned to him by the CIA, asking him to come to Nightmare Paradise to investigate.

Let's see if the Jieco Group is secretly building any military facilities under the guise of building a nightmare paradise.

Another task was a request from Microsoft, asking him to come to the Nightmare Haunted House to experience whether the 3D glasses in the haunted house were as magical as others said.

This 3D glasses has been highly praised on the Internet. It is said that it has ultra-real real-time AI simulation, which has made the technology giants excited.

In particular, Microsoft's recently developed HL2 smart glasses have just been released. This product focuses on mixed augmented reality. When wearing smart glasses, you can click, slide, and drag by waving your arms and fingers, just like smart glasses. A principle of mobile phones is claimed to be able to replace smartphones in the future and become human beings' personal information terminals.

As a result, not long after Microsoft's HL2 smart glasses were launched, there was overwhelming publicity about Nightmare Paradise on the market, and the 3D smart glasses in the haunted house were constantly touted.

So White was also arranged to come over and wanted to check the authenticity.

After some inspection, White found no traces of military facilities here.

"Those people at the top are out of their minds. Who would put a military base in a place with so many people? They think there are not enough secrets leaked, right?"

White cursed, but he didn't expect that if the ghost was regarded as a biological weapon, then Nightmare Paradise could really be regarded as a military base.

While thinking about it, White walked to Nightmare Paradise Plaza and wanted to buy a cup of coffee, but his attention was attracted by the lively movement here.

"Is there anyone in the Wraith House who can form a team? We need someone who can run fast and scream at the sight of ghosts. This will harm others and ourselves."

"Hun Yu Zhai, Hun Yu Zhai Haunted House is recruiting people. As long as you have enough courage, come and join our Lan Yao Studio."

"The old driver here in the Undercity will lead the way. Our boss has experience in five normal-level haunted houses and one difficult-level haunted house. Based on the choice of win-win cooperation, we are now choosing the right partner to go through the levels together."

"In the Wailing Wilderness, due to the level requirements, we need a special person with a height of less than 1.6 meters. Male is required. If you meet the conditions, you can sign up. The reward is 500 Chinese yuan. You must be obedient when entering the haunted house."

"Death and Lost, are there any bosses who want to beat the level of Death and Lost? I am very experienced in this level. For 300 yuan a time, I can form a team with the boss."

White looked curiously and saw a group of men and women holding signs with the names of the haunted houses on them. They were recruiting people here. It looked like they were forming a team to download a dungeon.

"It turns out that someone really does this as a business!"

White was filled with emotion. He had only heard others talk about it online.

In order to earn the Jieke Group's level-breaking bonus, many people spontaneously formed teams and took risks to break through levels in haunted houses.

Although the success rate is very low, and the haunted house will be different every time you enter it, unlike games where you can rely on past experiences, there are still many people flocking to it.

Nothing more than the rewards given by Jieke Company are too good. The reward for the ordinary haunted house is 10,000 yuan, which is the salary income of ordinary people for one year.

As for the difficult level, successfully passing the level will reward you with an income of 50,000 US dollars. So far, only three people have succeeded.

In the half month since the opening of Nightmare Level, no one has succeeded in passing the level, and no one has received the $100,000 reward.

Because of the high reward, this kind of professional haunted house team has appeared in Nightmare Park.

These bonuses also attract more tourists to come, and everyone will think, what if the lucky one is themselves.

Many people are blindly confident in themselves. Some people buy lottery tickets and have already arranged how to spend the money after winning before they win the prize.

After leaving the square, White chose a haunted house called Bloody Castle. After queuing for half an hour, he successfully followed a group of tourists and put on 3D glasses to enter it.

"Is this environment real, or is it calculated by 3D glasses?"

After entering the haunted house, White was shocked.

The area of ​​this castle is not small, and it is full of the format of European castles. There are only a few beams of light through the small windows, projected on the shabby furniture.

The castle is dilapidated, the walls are mottled, and the furniture is old and musty, as if it will fall down at any time.

Some corners that can be seen everywhere are full of miscellaneous items, and old oil lamps and some old paintings are hung on the walls.

Most of the portraits have faded, and the blurred faces of the characters in the paintings are slightly distorted under the oil lamps, as if they are staring at the visitors, revealing a hint of evil light.

"Great, the environment here is really great."

"Just like what is said on the Internet, the atmosphere is bursting."

"If I run into a ghost later, I will tease him."

Next to White, tourists kept exclaiming as if they had never seen the world.

"Woo woo!"

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and the windows creaked. The sound of men and women talking, scolding and crying rang out in the house, but when people walked to the source of the sound, they would find that there was no one here, only the portraits of people hanging on the wall.

A group of tourists felt a chill rising from their backs, and the timid ones had already hugged their arms and began to shiver.

White was shocked. He was able to enter Microsoft with real talent and knowledge, and he knew clearly the value of this.

If it is really real-time calculation of 3D glasses, the glasses simulate a real and illusory visual experience, and transmit real-time sound effects through bone conduction, the company that masters this technology, Jeco, undoubtedly has the technological strength that surpasses Microsoft's smart glasses.

Such ultra-realistic AI calculations are enough to easily make a trillion-dollar plate.


Suddenly, the team that was moving forward cautiously and slowly, all screamed in panic.

But everyone came to a place similar to a slaughterhouse, and the pungent smell of blood rushed straight into the nose.

What I saw was a tall and fat butcher holding a huge bone-cutting knife, chopping the human body on the chopping board, that was dismembering.

In the big pot in the kitchen, the boiling soup was gurgling, and some fingers and hair popped out from time to time.

Several fierce dogs, as big as calves, wandered under the table, licking the meat and bones that fell to the ground.

On the ceiling, naked bodies were hung upside down with iron hooks, like fat pigs that had been slaughtered. The hair on the face of the people who saw it stood up and their faces suddenly changed.

"Living people, food."

The fat butcher's eyes flashed with green light, and he stepped closer with a grin, holding a bone-cutting knife. Several fierce dogs bared their teeth and rushed over barking.

A group of tourists and players were scared silly, some screamed, some wet their pants, and some ran away.

When the fierce dogs pounced on them, the panic reached its peak.

Many tourists who had previously boasted that they would succeed in the game were trembling at this time, like lambs to be slaughtered, showing their weakness and fear.

White saw that the black guy who had just shouted that he wanted to tease the evil spirit was caught by the fat butcher, and was lifted up with one hand. A thick iron hook pierced his shoulder blade and hung him in the air. He could only struggle and cry for mercy.

"This is fake, this is fake, this must be fake."

White said this in his heart, but when he saw the tourists who were pounced on by the fierce dogs and bitten and howled in pain, his heart trembled violently, his psychological defenses were washed away layer by layer, and his feet retreated step by step.

No matter how the mind told him that this was fake, the body was still very honest. People believed that seeing is believing, and now the eyes told him that what he saw was true.

"Run first, I have to leave here, fuck, this TM doesn't look fake at all!"

Fear continued to grow in his heart. Between choosing to run and stay, White finally wanted to run first.

But he was delayed and hesitated just now, and it was too late to run now.

The fat butcher was wearing an apron stained with smelly blood, holding a giant bone-cutting knife that was shining with blood, and chopped down on his head.

Must dodge!

White used his hands and feet, mobilized all his strength, and narrowly avoided the knife. The skills he had learned in the CIA training were still there.


But before White could breathe a sigh of relief, the fat butcher grabbed his neck with his big hand. The huge force made White feel like he was clamped by a pair of pliers, and then the bone-cutting knife stabbed at his head.

White's pale face seemed to have been drained of blood, and his eyes were wide open with fear.

The next moment, White's eyes went dark.

"Fuck, this is a real fight!"

Before he fainted, this last thought flashed through White's mind, and then he knew nothing.

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