Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 305 Visit from Microsoft (Second Update)


Microsoft Asia Pacific R\u0026D Group is located here. This research institution built with an investment of one billion US dollars has a R\u0026D team of more than 3,000 people.

At this time, in the R\u0026D group, Dallas Lynch, president of Microsoft Asia Pacific, was inspecting the R\u0026D center and asked: "Rolph, have the 3D glasses of the Jieco Group not yet achieved results?"

"President, things are a bit unexpected."

Chief Technology Officer Rolf wears gold-rimmed glasses and looks gentle.

"What's surprising?"

Dallas frowned slightly and said: "The beautiful country headquarters is already urging us to study and understand the secret of Jieke's 3D glasses."

Since the advent of Nightmare Paradise, Microsoft has noticed the 3D glasses in it, and obtained several pairs of glasses through special channels for research, hoping to decipher the secrets inside.

"These 3D glasses don't have any technological content. They are just ordinary smart glasses + bone conduction system. Bluetooth and communication are integrated inside, but there is nothing fancy. I even found familiar traces of factory assembly in some places. , very much like those produced by OEMs in China.”

Rolf spread his hands and said helplessly.

"What, are you sure?"

Dallas was stunned. Although he did not go to Nightmare Paradise in person, several past employees came back and they all said with certainty that the 3D glasses contained high technology and could simulate ultra-realistic visual scenes.

"I guarantee it with my character and 30 years of experience in the industry. I am responsible for every word I say."

Rolf nodded, indicating that this was his judgment.


Dallas frowned and then made a call. After a while, an employee appeared here, it was White who had returned from Nightmare Paradise.

"This is White. He personally went to Nightmare Paradise to investigate."

Dallas introduced him and asked directly: "White, tell me everything you saw in Nightmare Paradise."

".When I woke up, I was already in the pavilion outside the haunted house."

White recounted his experience in Nightmareland, omitting, of course, the part about working for the CIA.

After finishing speaking, White emphasized: "The 3D glasses in Nightmare Paradise integrate ultra-high information technology and computing technology. They can perform such complex calculations and AI calls, and implement them in a small pair of glasses. They must have Many world-leading technologies.”

White's words were so firm that Dallas nodded subconsciously, and he thought that was the case.

"This is the research data from our disassembly and testing of 3D glasses. You can take a look. This is an ordinary smart glasses."

Rolf was speechless and threw out the evidence, saying that he could never make a mistake.

"this data"

After reading it, White's head suddenly got bigger.

Such data support could never meet the requirements of what he saw and heard in Nightmare Paradise.

"Then what's the problem? It's impossible for White and the other investigators to make mistakes at the same time."

Dallas said solemnly, wanting to understand the key to the problem.

"Maybe there are technologies in these glasses that we don't know about, such as quantum cloud transmission and the like. Big data is processed in the background. These glasses are just a medium. Maybe they have a mature quantum computer, then This kind of quantum computer can fully satisfy such real-time AI calculation simulation, right?”

White made a bold guess. If this is the case, this information is also very important to the CIA, and the importance of the Jieko Group will be even higher.

Rolf was stunned for a moment, thought about it carefully, and found it difficult to refute.

"I don't know if the future technology you are talking about can do it. Anyway, under the current technical level, we cannot detect it."

But in his heart, Rolf still mostly didn't believe it.

What about quantum transmission and quantum computers? How can a pharmaceutical company or a shampoo seller develop such super technology?

How could this kind of super technology suddenly appear without years of investment and research and development, and generations of iterative improvements, without even a hint of news being heard around the world?

"It seems that if you want to know the real answer, the only way is to talk to Jieke Company."

Dallas touched his chin. As a world-renowned technology giant, Microsoft's current business is mainly engaged in games, cloud computing, intelligent research and development, operating systems and office software. These businesses have basically touched the market ceiling.

In other words, the market for these businesses is only so big, and they have to face brutal and fierce competition from other technology giants. It is very difficult to capture more market shares.

Smart glasses are a new track. Although the sales of its own HL2 glasses are average, the technology is not yet mature and the price is as high as 20,000 to 30,000 US dollars.

But if they can get the blessing of Jieke Group's 3D glasses technology and have that kind of super-realistic visual images, they can open up a vast blue ocean market in this new track, a trillion-dollar supermarket.

Mander City, headquarters of Jieke Company.

Liu Yingying found Su Jie and reported an important news.

"Su Jie, the president of Microsoft's Asia Pacific region is coming to visit you personally."

When Liu Yingying spoke, her tone was neither urgent nor slow. Now she has developed her composure, even if the visiting person is a world-renowned technology giant.

"Let him come up to the drawing room."

Su Jie waved his hand, guessing the other party's intention.

Jieco Company can still deal with pharmaceutical companies, but it has no contact with technology giants like Microsoft.

Soon, Liu Yingying walked in with a blond and blue-eyed foreigner in the reception room.

"Mr. Su, I am Dallas, President of Microsoft Asia Pacific. I am here to visit. Sorry for intruding."

Dallas greeted him familiarly in Chinese. As the president of the Asia-Pacific region, China is one of Microsoft's most important markets. Anyone sitting in this position speaks fluent Chinese.

"Please take a seat."

Without reaching out to hit the smiling man, Su Jie stood up and shook hands with him in a friendly manner.

Liu Yingying brought tea at the right time, and the two sat down opposite each other.

"Mr. Su is really young and promising. He has built such a big business at such a young age. When I was your age, I was running around trying to find a suitable job every day."

Dallas smiled and looked very kind.

Of course, Dallas's flattery is not fake. Although I checked the information, Su Jie's age is indeed very impactful.

Generally speaking, big entrepreneurs give people the impression that they are middle-aged and elderly.

For someone like Su Jie to become the controller of a global multinational pharmaceutical giant at such a young age, in his twenties, it really shocks people's outlook.

Su Jie picked up the teacup and took a sip, and said, "President Dallas is too polite. I have only achieved a small amount of achievements. I can't be considered young and promising."

Dallas twitched the corner of his mouth slightly. You have a Jieco company with an annual revenue of hundreds of billions of dollars. You call this a small achievement, which makes other small and medium-sized enterprises unable to survive.

The two parties exchanged some polite words. Dallas was white and didn't like to beat around the bush, so he said, "Mr. Su, we are here this time because we actually have something to ask for."

"Please tell me, I'm also curious about your purpose."

Su Jie looked at the other person, waiting for the other person's next words.

"That's right. We at Microsoft want to launch strategic cooperation with Jieko Company on smart glasses."

Dallas revealed his purpose, which was also the real reason why he came to Su Jie, in order to find new business opportunities.

Su Jie was stunned for a moment and asked suspiciously: "What smart glasses?"

"Mr. Su, these are the 3D glasses you use in Nightmare Paradise. They contain extremely high technological content and are capable of real-time AI intelligent calculation of images. Not only are the visual effects realistic, the sound quality transmission is clear, and the dynamic movements are without any incongruity. Such technology is really We are so impressed.

So we came here to seek cooperation. In the global technology market, Microsoft's latest HL2 glasses account for half of the global market share. In addition, our company also has complete online and offline channels. Whether it is promotion or sales, we can easily Distributed worldwide.

In terms of operations, Jieco provides technical support, and we, Microsoft, are responsible for the specific operations. The two parties will jointly establish a new company. If we hold shares, we are willing to invest 12 billion U.S. dollars. You do not need any funds, you only need to provide technology, and we Fang holds 70% of the shares, what do you think? "

Dallas spoke out and brought his own plan for cooperation.

Su Jie now understood that the other party had misunderstood and mistook the 3D glasses in the Nightmare Paradise Haunted House for some high-tech thing.

In fact, that thing is produced by an ordinary foundry, which is why it can show such realistic effects in Nightmare Paradise.

It’s not because of the 3D glasses, but because the ghosts are real, and what visitors see is not special effects, but the result of real ghosts, formations and some phantom formations.

It's normal for the other party to think wrongly. Compared with the emergence of mysterious testing ghosts in the world, people will only rely on technology, thinking that Jieke Company has developed some awesome technology.

"Sorry, President Dallas, we cannot agree to your cooperation. The smart glasses technology you mentioned is not for sale."

Su Jie shook his head. Even if he wanted to agree to this cooperation, he couldn't. After all, he couldn't introduce Li Gui.

"Are you dissatisfied with the shareholding ratio? We can discuss this slowly. If we have more money, we can invest more, but the shareholding ratio cannot be changed. We need to take the dominant position in the new company to increase the stock price."

Dallas thought Su Jie refused because he didn't have enough money, because Jie Ke Group was also a wealthy owner.

"This is not a matter of money, President Dallas. This cooperation is impossible. Just give up."

"Since it's not about money, what if we help you convince the military to make the beautiful country give up its actions against you?"

Dallas pondered for a long time, then suddenly said something shocking.

I'm a little stuck. There are only two updates and 6,000 words today. Don't wait any longer and go to bed early. w(Д)w

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