Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 307 Air Show (Second Update)

Bear Country, Zhukovsky City!

The biennial international air show opened again as scheduled.

Arms companies from many countries showed their latest products here, various aviation equipment and various models of aircraft models and actual machine samples. In addition to aviation products, there are also various weapons and equipment, such as guns, tanks, ships, etc.

Looking for expected customers and completing arms orders.

The development of the air show today is actually a large-scale international trade fair, which is no different from the auto show. It is to show the military strength and strength of one's own country, various physical exhibitions, vivid and exciting flight performances, attracting others to watch and negotiate.

It's just that the auto show is to show the image of the company, while the air show is to show the image and national strength of the country.

September 3.

The second day of the opening of the air show was a time when there were many tourists and it was very lively.


A team of luxury motorcades came to the air show. Liu Yingying got out of the car in high spirits. Accompanied by several officials from the Bear Country, she walked into the air show with a group of elites in suits and leather shoes.

Many tourists and arms buyers from other countries looked curiously. Some people recognized several officials from the Bear Country who accompanied them. Their status and positions were not low. One of them was a bearded man, Ivanov, the director of the Bear Country Arms Foreign Trade Bureau, which made many people who saw him secretly smack their lips.

"Director Ivanov, what types of fighter jets do you sell?"

Liu Yingying wore a professional suit and dressed beautifully and capablely. Even though the other party was the director of the Russian military industry foreign trade, she was neither humble nor arrogant. Now she was the one who spent money, and the customer was God.

"Miss Liu, our current foreign trade fighters mainly include Su-30, Su-35, and MiG-29. Su-30 and Su-35 are the main heavy fighters in active service in my country. One is a two-seater and the other is a single-seater, both equipped with vector thrust engines. The former highlights the dual purpose of air-to-ground and air-to-ground, while the Su-35 is a super-maneuverable multi-purpose fighter. The MiG-29 is a medium-sized fighter, which is relatively cheap and affordable."

Ivanov immediately became energetic and talked to Liu Yingying with a smile on his face. The translator could hardly keep up with his speed.

For a long time, the arms trade has been the most profitable of all industries in the world. Its profits are not only huge, but also generate long-term and continuous benefits.

Therefore, the arms trade has always been on par with the drug trade and the smuggling trade, and is known as the world's three most profitable industries.

And the fighter jet, a masterpiece of industry, is even more expensive, costing tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars.

The last time, the Bear Country cooperated with the Jeko Company. Those artillery, rocket launchers, armed helicopters, armored vehicles and tanks, etc., were sold to the Jeko Company by them. That deal made the Bear Country earn a lot.

Now seeing the big customer Jeko Company coming again, plus they know the current situation faced by the Jeko Group, they are of course very enthusiastic, knowing that this is another big deal.

Liu Yingying nodded, then walked back to her team and looked at the military experts brought.

These are senior officers from various countries who retired. Because of various practical difficulties, they were re-employed by the Jeko Group. Now their families also live in the Mande area and are forced to board the big ship of the Jeko Group.

"Miss Liu, considering all aspects, the Mi-29 has short legs and a small combat radius. If it takes off from our Mande area, it is difficult to threaten the southern core area controlled by the Zen government army."

A military expert whispered, first crossing out the Mi-29, the famous short-legged fighter.

The overall shape of Zen is like a diamond, with a length of 2,000 kilometers from north to south and more than 900 kilometers from east to west. The Mi-29 has insufficient range and is unlikely to threaten the elite hinterland of the Zen government army. This is absolutely not possible.

"The Su-35 is good, but it is too expensive and too sophisticated. It is difficult for us to maintain it with our own industry."

Another military expert also spoke up and crossed out the most expensive Su-35.

"From the perspective of cost performance, the multi-purpose Su-30 is the most suitable for us."

After some discussion, the Su-30 fighter stood out.

Liu Yingying took note of it in her heart and continued to visit accompanied by Ivanov.

Liu Yingying's arrival was accompanied by Ivanov himself. The military enterprises present were all interested people. They inquired and investigated each other and soon understood Liu Yingying's identity.

Liu Yingying was easy to say in the past. She was an ordinary undergraduate who had worked in finance and real estate.

Now it's different. She represents the Jeko Group.

Nowadays, who doesn't know that the Jeko Group is rich!

Otherwise, the United States would not have targeted them, it was just because the Jieke Group made too much money that they were jealous.

After learning about their identities, these people's eyes lit up, and the heads of military enterprises came forward one after another, enthusiastically introducing their own businesses to Liu Yingying.

In addition to some relatively neutral countries, many member states of Europe, such as Britain, Germany, France, etc., rushed to Liu Yingying, trying to grab this order.

"This group of poor people, do they still have the pride of us Westerners? They actually went to lick the soles of Jieke Group's shoes. Shame, shame."

Not far away, Dixon, an official of the United States delegation, had a dark face. He came here with the aerobatic team, and saw a scene that made his blood pressure soar.

As an ally of the United States, knowing that the United States was preparing to use force against the Jeko Group, they actually went over to sell arms to the other side, which was simply a disgrace to their European gentlemen.

If Dixon had not taken the occasion into consideration, he would have cursed.

"Haha, Mr. Dixon, it seems that your appeal is not enough!"

Next to Dixon stood Cao Shanmu, an official of the Chinese delegation. The two were also old partners and often met at major air shows.

While talking, Cao Shanmu saw Liu Yingying's side with the corner of his eyes, and he was also quite emotional.

Regarding the situation of the Jeko Group, the upper level had already conducted many investigations.

Cao Shanmu also knew the financial strength of the Jeko Group. If he was not afraid of causing international disputes, he would have brought his Chinese military industry to it.

However, the arms trade is to some extent linked to political transactions.

In addition, the relationship between China and Jeko Company is somewhat sensitive. Su Jie's background is there, and it borders the territory of Zen.

If this arms deal is done, it will be deliberately interpreted by the entire Western community and scolded by the whole group. At that time, it will not be cleared even if you jump into the Yellow River.

"A group of fools who are greedy for money and only know how to make a little immediate profit. No wonder they lost their position as the world's hegemon. Unlike our country, we can stand in the current position by relying on unity."

Dixon sneered and looked down on those European Meng guys who only care about money.

"Ahem, Dixon, why don't you take a closer look?"

Cao Shanmu's mouth twitched and he held back a smile. He pointed to Liu Yingying, his face full of teasing and teasing.

Dixon was stunned, took off his glasses and wiped them, put them on and looked at Liu Yingying again. He almost got angry because of high blood pressure, and his whole face was blue and purple.

It was just because Dixon saw the well-known military enterprises in the United States, such as Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and General Motors, squeezed in front of Liu Yingying and introduced their products incessantly, hoping to attract business.

"Ms. Liu, Lockheed Martin is the world's number one airline. If you are interested in purchasing, I will try to persuade the country to release it."

"Our General Dynamics is the leader in ground vehicles, and various military armored vehicles can meet the combat needs of many different regions and environments."

"Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and the world's leading manufacturer of civil and military aircraft. Customers are distributed in 150 countries and regions around the world. If Miss Liu is interested in purchasing, we can definitely give you value-for-money services."

These companies squeezed in front of Liu Yingying, bidding against each other, and strongly recommending their own products.

As for the conflict between Jeko and the United States, what does it have to do with their arms dealers.

There is a saying that if you don't sell arms to fight your own country, you can't be considered a real international arms dealer.

Of course, if they want to sell, whether they can pass the approval of Congress is another matter.

In any case, their attitude is clear. JECCO is so rich. Its market value is not obvious because it is not listed, but in terms of net profit, it ranks among the top few in the world. It would be too unreasonable not to introduce business to such a rich company.

"Fuck, a group of shameless bastards, traitors, and American parasites. I feel ashamed for them. I must impeach them to the president when I go back."

Dixon couldn't hold it back and cursed.

Cao Shanmu was watching the joke on the side. If he told his colleagues about this joke, they would be so happy.

Liu Yingying didn't know that her appearance caused quite a stir. She visited the air show back and forth and spent a lot of money to buy various arms according to the advice of military experts, which made a group of arms dealers including Ivanov smile.

Especially the biggest winner today, in the initial negotiations, the Bear Country won an arms order worth $7 billion, accounting for one-seventh of their annual arms export quota.

Such an order is not only the price of fighters and weapons, but also includes ground support equipment, spare engines, ground support and pilot training, software and other corresponding supporting facilities.

As for the subsequent logistics maintenance and regular repairs, upgrades and renovations, this is another huge expense.

This money has to be paid periodically. The additional income brought by the maintenance and parts replacement of a fighter during its life cycle is far greater than the price of the aircraft itself.

If it were an ordinary small country, it would not have the qualifications or financial resources to purchase such a huge amount of arms.

In addition to the Bear Country, other arms dealers also shared a lot of small profits. It can be said that at this Bear Country Air Show, Jeko Company became the largest financial buyer, attracting a lot of envious eyes.

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