Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 308 Sakura Country, don’t say I didn’t warn you! (Three updates of 10,000 words, please give

"Recently, it was revealed that Jieke Group is actively promoting arms sales negotiations with the Bear Country, and is expected to purchase dozens of Su-30 fighter jets and multiple sets of anti-aircraft missile interception systems, with arms sales of up to US$7 billion. 》

On September 5, an ordinary day, a piece of news was disclosed by the Daily Mail.

This news is not very eye-catching. Except for military fans, not many ordinary people pay attention to this.

But when the name of Jieke Group appeared in the news, it aroused the curiosity of many people.

The impression given by Jieke Group is that it is more of a company that sells shampoo. How can it be related to the arms trade.

Before the melon-eaters could figure it out, Meiliguo stood up immediately and issued a statement of protest.

At the press conference, the White House press secretary took the microphone and said angrily: "This is an inhumane arms sales agreement. Knowing clearly that Jieko Company engages in and supports extremist radical organizations, the Bear Country ignores civilians and In order to safeguard national security in the southeast region, they insist on entering into an arms trade with the Jieke Group.

We severely protest against this. Any arms transaction between the Jieko Group and the Furry Bear Country will directly violate multiple resolutions of the United Nations Security Council.

The American government will continue to pay close attention to the development of the situation and urge the Bear Country to stop arms negotiations with the Jieco Group and abide by its public commitment not to provide or sell weapons to the Jieco Company.

Our government will also continue to identify, expose and sanction any individuals and entities that assist Jieco’s arms transactions. "

The reporters in the audience raised their hands one after another, and one reporter asked: "Excuse me, your Excellency, what if the Jieke Group continues to engage in arms sales and trade with the Bear Country?"

"If they insist on their own way, we will never sit idly by and allow such behavior that endangers regional peace and security to occur.

And we have decided to implement a security assistance plan to the Zen government from now on. In the next few months, we will continue to provide a large number and various types of ammunition and weapons to the Zen country to help the construction and development of the Zen country's defense industry. "

Kirby responded immediately without thinking. As the Jieko Group strengthened their armaments, they naturally could not fall behind and provided arms assistance to the Zen Kingdom.

"Is the Jieko Group really related to extreme radical organizations? Do you have any concrete evidence?"

"We have the evidence, but due to confidentiality, we cannot release it for the time being."

Kirby changed the topic and said something that left people speechless.

I have an expression that says, "I have evidence, but I just won't tell you. What can you do to me?"

The beautiful country that holds great power wants to frame someone up, so they don't care about their appearance.

Kirby finally slapped the table and said angrily: "I emphasize once again that everyone should not be fooled by the appearance of the Jieke Group. I can say bluntly that this is an extremely dangerous and evil organization. The other party is also trying to purchase goods from the Mao Xiong National Army. Negotiations, this will be extremely disturbing information for the Southeast region. If the Jieko Group wants to arm itself through arms purchases to provoke regional security, our country will not remain silent about it.”

The protests from the beautiful country were spread as quickly as possible by reporters, and soon all parties responded.

Mao Xiongguo immediately held a press conference. Regarding the accusations made by Beautiful Country, the spokesman sneered and said: "It is not the turn of Beautiful Country to control our arms trade with anyone. They themselves are not clean, so they should go back and impose sanctions first." Those arms dealers at home.

The weapons they sell indiscriminately have caused instability in many countries and displaced people. They cannot clean up these problems themselves, and they still have the nerve to interfere with other people's arms sales negotiations. "

The Bear Country is as tough as ever, and everyone has expected this.

This country and nation have long given people such an unyielding impression in their battles with beautiful countries.

What people are more interested in is actually Jieke Group.

How could a group of companies allow a beautiful country to impose sanctions and accusations without regard to its image?

After the press conference at the White House, reporters from all over the world rushed to the Zen Kingdom and entered Mander City, wanting to interview the Jieke Group.

And soon, Jieke Group also responded to everyone's demands.

At noon the next day, Su Jie personally attended the press conference in the headquarters building of Jieke Group in Mandalay City.

This is Su Jie's first public appearance. In the past, Su Jie's face was only famous in Zen countries. Now in front of reporters and media from all over the world, Su Jie walked from the backstage to the front stage.

It is foreseeable that after today, Su Jie's reputation around the world will rise a lot.

"Everyone, I completely deny the claims made by Beautiful Country. We, Jieke Group, have always been a company that loves peace, loves people, and actively participates in poverty alleviation and charity. This is also the purpose of our group's establishment."

Su Jie picked up the microphone and spoke the first sentence, which shocked many reporters below who knew the inside story. They looked at Su Jie with weird eyes.

With the development history of your Jieco Group, can you be called peace-loving?

Why did the Man-Democratic United Army disappear, how did the Eastern Chin State come to be, and how did those smugglers in Mexico develop with more ferocious firepower than drug traffickers? Don't say that the Yinjieke Group didn't know anything about it.

The reporters below immediately raised their hands, densely packed.

Su Jie casually pointed at a blond French girl, a reporter from the French News Agency.

"I would like to ask Mr. Su, since your Jieke Group is a normally operating company, why do you want to purchase so many arms from the Bear Country? Is the news about arms sales negotiations false?

Also, is the behavior of the JECO Group in Zen Country an actual act of secession? What is your explanation for this?

Finally, I would like to ask whether the JECO Group is acting as a pawn of the Mao Bear Country by selling arms to the Mao Bear Country. The other party wants to infiltrate the southeast region and repeat the style of the red Mao Bear in the last world. "

The French girl reporter took the microphone and asked questions one after another like a string of witty remarks. Several questions were immediately thrown out.

"You have so many questions. Forget it this time. Next time, each person can only ask one question."

Su Jie picked up the microphone, looked around the scene, and said calmly: "To answer the first question first, the reason for purchasing arms is for self-defense considerations. Everyone should also know that there have been warlords in Zen Country for many years, and the public security problem is very serious. There are several mob shootings every day. The existence of these illegal mobs has seriously endangered the development of JECO Company.

We, the JECO Group, want to operate safely in Zen Country. Under the circumstances, we can only form a security team to protect the safety of company employees and property.

So there is no need to be nervous. JECO is a law-abiding commercial company. The fighter jets and anti-aircraft missiles in these arms purchases are only used by the security department to resist the destruction of rioters. This should be reasonable. "

Reasonable, you devil!

The reporters in the audience rolled their eyes. Do they really think they are fools?

In order to deal with rioters, the company will equip security guards with fighter jets and anti-aircraft missiles.

This is not a cannon hitting a mosquito, this is a nuclear bomb hitting a mosquito.

The rioters will at most rob gold shops and banks. If they knew that you were going to use Su-30 fighter jets to hit them, they would cry on the spot. Believe it or not.

You still say that others are warlords. I think your JECO Group is the largest warlord in Zen.

"As for the second question, our JECO Group does not recognize the current Zen government at all. Their coming to power itself is not legal. We do not recognize their rule, so how can there be any separatist behavior? This country does not belong to them. "

Su Jie's smile faded and he spoke calmly.

The reporters in the audience all knew what Su Jie was talking about.

The current Zen government actually came to power through a military coup more than a decade ago. It dismissed 24 ministers and representatives and appointed 11 successors, including finance, health, internal affairs and foreign affairs. In the end, there was a lot of chaos and they took over the management of the country, which has continued to this day.

Their legitimacy has always been questioned. Su Jie's statement is also the cognition of many local warlords in Zen.

Everyone is dissatisfied with the current Zen government and believes that the other party is just a group of rebels of the military government. Why should they manage themselves, pay taxes to them and obey their orders?

"And the third question is even simpler. We are tens of thousands of miles away from the Bear Country. Although we have commercial cooperation with the Bear Country, our Jieke Company will never participate in more affairs, nor will we engage in any geopolitical gang-building behavior. "

After Su Jie finished speaking, he saw more and more hands raised below, and he pointed to a reporter from the United States, wanting to see what bad questions the other party would ask.

As Su Jie expected, the reporter from CNN started with a big question:

"Mr. Su, I respect the Jeko company you lead, and it can do legal business. But the Zen government has now issued a statement claiming to expel Jeko, and the G8 has also spoken out, and there is a UN resolution, which also states that the existence of Jeko Group will undermine regional peace.

Have you considered moving to other countries and regions, such as a capital country like the United States, and listing on NASDAQ? This will also ease the conflict between the two sides, right? "

"Change home? "

Su Jie sneered. What a joke. He had been running the territory for so long, and they wanted him to leave with just one sentence.

Doesn't Su Jie understand the nature of the United States? There is no way they will let go of the fat piece of meat of the Jeko Group.

The so-called relocation of the Jeko Group is just to shake the Jeko Group's determination to fight, to make the Jeko Group break away from the mass base in East Chin State, and to avoid being stuck in the quagmire of security war. The United States' Middle East garrison has a say in this.

"I have said before that the Zen government and our Jeko Group do not recognize their legitimacy, and the so-called G8, they are stretching their hands too long. We are a Zen company, not a company in their country. I have never heard of the United Nations resolution, unless you can make the veto of the Bear Country ineffective. "

Su Jie looked indifferent. The United Nations and the like. The Bear Country had just reached a military sales cooperation with the JEC Corporation. Naturally, it would not cooperate with the actions of the United States.

As long as the United States agrees, the Bear Country will definitely vote against it.

"Also, our JEC Group will never go public in a country like the United States."

Su Jie made the final decision. Going public in the United States, facing greedy capital, he thought those jackals and tigers could not reach it, so he personally delivered it to their mouths.

I am afraid that by then, the shares that Su Jie can get will not exceed 20%. Su Jie has no intention of playing business intrigues with those capitals.

The CNN reporter was very unhappy after hearing this. He picked up the microphone and continued to ask questions. As a result, he was directly held by the JEC security guards on the scene. He was dragged out of the press conference like a dead pig.

"One question per person, and you must abide by the rules."

Su Jie said lightly, and the other reporters were honest.

Another reporter from Sakura Country's "Asahi Shimbun" was selected. This beautiful reporter with long black hair looked serious. She picked up the microphone and asked: "Mr. Su, our Prime Minister issued a statement not long ago. In order to deal with the epidemic in some areas of Zen Country, As the situation heats up, the deployment of local troops in the Zen Kingdom will be accelerated.

At the same time, the President of the Zen Kingdom also spoke out, claiming to deploy more military forces in Jinlao Mountain, Wuhe and Nanguan City in Ji State to deal with the threat of the Jieke Group.

Once a conflict breaks out between the Zen government forces and the Jieko Group, according to the security agreement between the Sakura Kingdom and the Zen Kingdom, our army will also participate in the battle.

I would like to ask, by rashly disregarding international moral principles and norms and blatantly purchasing a large amount of arms, does Jieke Company want to challenge the Zen government and our great Sakura Country? Do you dare to start a war with us? "

This female reporter from Sakura Country obviously came well prepared and directly talked about matters related to the war.

When she talked about the latter part, she held her chin up proudly.

Su Jie smiled, very happily: "Haha, rather than saying whether I dare to start a war, it is better to say that I can't ask for it. If your soldiers from the Sakura Kingdom dare to set foot on the land of the Jieko Group, our Jieko security will automatically They are treated like thugs.

By the way, Miss Reporter, you may not know that our Jieke Group started by breeding poisonous insects. We have great experience in crushing those arrogant and overestimating bugs to death. "


The pretty face of the Sakura Country female reporter turned red with anger. How could a reporter who often dealt with words not hear Su Jie's subtext, which was mocking her country.

"Mr. Su, you are looking down on the world's fourth largest economy, the giant of Asia."

The female reporter from Sakura Country raised her voice, glared at Su Jie angrily, and scolded: "Once the war starts, by that time, for the Jieko Group, the day of destruction will not be far away.

I think that Jieke Company should be more open-minded and not be so aggressive in the local area, using military intimidation by upgrading and expanding its armaments, and not harming the national interests of Zen and Sakura Kingdoms with their own selfish desires. "

"Destruction is not defined by you. Jieko Group has never been afraid of competition, whether it is business competition or the threat of military conflict as you call it.

Companies that are afraid of competition cannot go far, and our Jieke Group cannot develop to this point step by step, so... If your threat is to use bullets and blood to speak, and use this method to compete, then I I also tell you and the country behind you that when friends come, there is wine, and when wolves come, there are shotguns. "

Su Jie smiled, but his words were full of killing intent, making all the reporters break out in a cold sweat.

When the words were finished on the spot, Su Jie took the microphone, looked at the slightly pale female reporter, and said in a cold voice: "I have a final message for you. Don't say it was unforeseen."

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