Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 309 The situation heats up (first update)

《Daily News: The Jake Group claims that arms purchases with the Bear Country will proceed normally and will be used in foreign wars. Conclusion: A terrifying warmongerer is showing a devilish smile. 》

《New York Daily News: Private enterprises touching arms trade will greatly endanger the safety of local people. The Bear Country must immediately stop the relevant arms foreign trade and stop aiding and abetting. 》

《Wall Street Journal: Inflated wealth brings inflated desires. Su Jie, the controller of the Jake Group, made bold statements that if commercial competition does not work, then use force to gain benefits. 》

The next morning, a freshly-published newspaper put Su Jie on the front page, and most of them were negative.

These news have long deviated from basic professional ethics, disregarded facts, and wantonly thrown dirty water.

Not only in newspapers, but also on radio, television, and the Internet, various insults and distorted interpretations of the Jake Group are also being carried out simultaneously.

Through various channels, they spare no effort to smear, so as to better incite emotions.

Because only in this way can the G8 better portray itself as a righteous army in the next military action.

Western media have already used similar methods very well.

Public opinion war in modern society is also very important. They must first isolate the Jeko Group so that it will be easier to start.

These overwhelming news, from the speech of Su Jie of the Jeko Group to the recent series of explosive posts by the G8, the verbal battle between the two sides immediately attracted heated discussions from many people.

‘Fuck, I just know now that the Jeko Group is so powerful that it bought $7 billion worth of fighter jets and missiles. I used to think that it was just selling shampoo. ’

‘If you know the development history of the Jeko Group, you will understand that the other party must not be regarded as an ordinary company. In the Eastern Chin State area of ​​Zen Country, the Jeko Group can be said to actually play the role of the local government, a small country disguised as a company. ’

‘God, the boss behind the Jeko Group is actually Chinese, and so young, this net worth can definitely be on the Forbes rich list, right? ’

‘The above is at most a small warlord. ’

‘The following is the information I collected from public and secret channels, to reveal the information of the Jieke Group and Su Jie behind them.

According to public information, in addition to the Jieke Group, Su Jie also owns Tianyuan Home Furnishing, which is a leading enterprise occupying the high-end home furnishing market in China. A Muhua Food Company, which raises more than 15 million pigs, is one of the top five pig breeding companies in China.

In addition, there are large and small affiliated subsidiaries. According to preliminary estimates, Su Jie’s personal net worth can definitely rank in the top ten of the Forbes rich list in the world. ’

‘You are talking about the wrong thing. Is this the time to discuss how rich others are? I saw Su Jie’s remarks at the press conference. This is clearly a posture for fighting! ’

‘This is courting death. The Zen government army has 300,000 troops, plus the rotation training troops of the Sakura Country. The Jieke Group cannot defeat it. Once the war starts, it will be defeated in an instant. ’

‘People will be punished for their arrogance. Now the G8 has publicly announced that it will take sanctions against Jeko, including but not limited to military actions. Even if the Jeko Group buys fighter jets and anti-aircraft missiles, what's the use? Will those bumpkins use them? ’

‘It's just another Colonel Ka in reality. He is young and frivolous and thinks he can fight against the sky, the earth and the air, but he doesn't know that his body is already half buried in the ground. ’

‘The United States is really right. The Jeko Group is an extremely radical organization. Otherwise, how could it buy so many arms? What about fighting thugs? This is too much firepower for the warlords. So I support the United States' just sanctions to eliminate the Jeko Group, a cancer entrenched in Southeast Asia, as soon as possible, and return peace and prosperity to the region. ’

‘I guess Su Jie is just shouting, and he dares not to have a military conflict at all. Otherwise, according to the "Sakura Zen Mutual Defense Treaty", the Sakura Country will legitimately send troops to crush his small Jeko Group. Long live my great Sakura Empire. ’

‘Yabai, although I don’t like fighting, my Sakura Self-Defense Force will definitely have no problem bullying a small warlord. I wish you a triumphant return, onboard!!! ’

‘I am from Hokkaido. My husband Oda-san went to Zen Country. Oda-san told me that if I made meritorious contributions in Zen Country this time, the reward would be very generous. I would buy a house and settle down in Tokyo when I come back, and we can become Tokyo residents. ’

These overseas netizens kept discussing with each other, and most of them laughed at and were not optimistic about Su Jie’s remarks.

And some remarks that wanted to speak for the Jieke Group and said that the G8 was engaged in hegemony were ruthlessly restricted and hidden.

After all, these news media and social platforms are completely controlled by capital, and some remarks that are not beneficial to themselves will naturally be swept away.

Don’t take the freedom of speech that Western social media believes in seriously.

However, in China, the public opinion is on the other side.

On social media such as Douyin, Slow Hand, Xiaopo Station, Weibo, and Bihu, people left comments below.

Pixiu is not a shrew: Damn, there is such a ruthless person in our country, awesome bro.

The world is so big, go and make money: Money and guns, my god, young people nowadays are so good at playing?

Legion Recorder: This is the real winner in life, occupying the territory for development, the domestic capitalists are weak.

Ink dyed blue and white: These are not on the same level. The 70,000 square kilometers of Eastern Chin State occupied by the Jieco Group are comparable to those of domestic capitalists, not to mention that in terms of financial resources, they are no match for the Jieco Group.

Romantic to Death: With a net worth of hundreds of billions of dollars, hey, I declare that Su Jie will be my idol from now on.

Cao Cao-Liu Xie certified loyal minister: I want to travel to Eastern Qin State. It just so happens that the Nightmare Paradise there has been very popular recently. The country has just issued a notice saying that the recent security situation in Chan State is severe and complex, and it may face extremely high personal risks. Otherwise, I would have bought a plane ticket and left.

The fish guarding the cat: Haha, are you really going to start a war with Xiaoli? Then I support them with all my hands and feet, and give them a good beating for me.

You are meowing me, right? If you are fighting for a small life, do you still need soldiers? I have been a soldier, so I can come and support you for free. Fighting as a soldier has been my dream since I was a child!

I just want to drink AD Calcium. Wahaha: I also want to play for a while. @JackoGroup. When will the registration channel be opened? Just give a gun to those who stutter.

Tennoji Shinoko: You guys upstairs really think war is child's play! If you really go to the battlefield and fight, you will probably be scared to death. This is different from the game. The game can be restarted. You only have one life on the battlefield.

Who doesn't like the big orange cat: I guess they can't fight. Objectively speaking, the strength gap between the two sides is too big. If there is a conflict, Zen and Sakura will be pushed equally.

Cotton player who can't play the guitar: It's already awesome to be able to say harsh words, but you still have to be rational when fighting. Don't spit out all the territory you finally won.

These Chinese netizens support Su Jie even more because Su Jie's identity gives them a sense of identity.

Anyway, it is the Zen Kingdom that occupies the territory, and the Zen Kingdom has done a lot of disgusting things in recent years.

Various fraud parks are popping up everywhere, causing most Chinese people to have a very poor sense of Zen.

Su Jie was racing and staking land in the Zen Kingdom and received only encouragement.

In addition, the video of Su Jie angrily criticizing a Sakura Nation female reporter at a press conference also received tens of millions of likes on major video platforms.

In the feud with Sakura Country, netizens always like to see Sakura Country being unlucky.

Su Jie's tough response naturally attracted applause.

Of course, more netizens still watch it for fun.

After all, they thought, with Zen Kingdom's two to three hundred thousand active troops and the help of Sakura Kingdom, how could the Jieko Group dare to provoke a war.

The response from Jieke Group came shortly after the press conference of Jieke Group.

The Zen government immediately jumped out and wrote a thousand-word article scolding Jieke Group.

"The Jieco Group is a cancer that harms the people of East Chin State. As the orthodox and legal government of the Zen Kingdom, we have the right to demand that Jieco Company immediately stop its arms expansion and withdraw from East Chin State as soon as possible.

Otherwise, in the face of this kind of military threat, our Zen authorities will never stand idly by.

Our Zen Kingdom announced that starting from September 7, it will officially mobilize 30,000 troops to the Jinlao Mountain area of ​​​​Jibang, dispatch the 19th Mobile Division, the 8th Mobile Division, and the 2nd Armored Division to establish the Northern Regional Command."

This news is from the "Global Times" interview with the President of Zen.

On the day the news was released, the foreign minister of Zen began an intensive visit to other G8 countries.

At the same time, large groups of troops began to station in the Jinlao Mountain area of ​​​​Jibang, which borders Eastern Chin State.

During Zen's visit, member states of the G8 came forward to support Zen's actions.

"Recently, we have noticed that the Zen government's dissatisfaction with the Jieke Group is not only limited to the Jieke Group's lawlessness and misbehavior, but also that it still covets more of the territory of the Zen Kingdom.

Our country, Sakura Country, has always firmly supported the legitimate demands of the Zen government and decided to once again upgrade its military cooperation with the Zen country and speed up the deployment and training of soldiers in the Zen country to deal with the substantial threat posed by the Jieke Group in the northeastern region of the Zen country. . 》

"In response to the repeated provocative behavior of the Jieko Group, our beautiful country has officially issued a resolution. If the Jieko Group continues to engage in arms trade with the Bear Country and maintains this dangerous military expansion in spite of the warnings of the Zen Kingdom, our beautiful country will not Will sit back and do nothing.

I declare that in order to prevent the Zen Kingdom from committing itself to the strategic shadow of the Jieko Group’s expansion and becoming the property of the Jieko Group, I will provide the Zen Kingdom with huge amounts of material and financial assistance. At the same time, I will also call on the entire West to oppose the Jieko Group. Further sanctions were added to the list of 'dangerous organizations'. 》

"It is hard to imagine that today in the 21st century, there will still be an organization like the Jieko Group that adheres to the World War II mentality and is so greedy for land, population and resources, trying to create an excuse to expand its territory by creating a state of regional war. Therefore, at the invitation of the authorities of the Zen Kingdom, we, Siam, will provide corresponding logistical supplies to the Zen Kingdom. At the same time, our country officially announced that it will prevent all Jieke Company products from entering the country. 》

"We, Temasek, will strengthen our ocean escort cooperation with the Group of Eight in the Bay of Bengal and deploy an additional Formidable-class frigate to restrict the transportation vessels of Jieco Company from sailing in the waters as a form of military intimidation against the Jieco Group. revenge. 》

The Group of Eight countries expressed their voices and support one after another. For a moment, there was a sense of tension that a storm was about to come.

Jieke Group also responded to these accusations and sanctions with practical actions. Many troops rushed to the Jinlao Mountain area of ​​​​Jibang, which borders the Zen government.

At the same time, he also accepted interviews from major neutral news outlets and seriously expressed his protest against the sanctions imposed by the Group of Eight.

《Our JECO Group has repeatedly stated that it is a normal business trade with the Bear Country. In response to the false accusations of the G8, we urge Zen Country not to act as a pawn of the United States and stir up trouble in sensitive areas such as the Bay of Bengal.

We also reiterate that if you think that through the joint provocation and intimidation of Zen Country and Sakura Country, fabricating the story of the thief crying thief, and sanctioning the export of JECO Group's products, these means will not scare us.

At the same time, in order to cope with the escalation of regional tensions, our JECO Group Security Department will mobilize the 1st and 2nd Brigades to the Jinlao Mountain area in the south to protect the lives and property of JECO employees from external threats. 》

JECO Group's response was very tough, without any concessions, but instead mobilized the army on a large scale.

Fifteen thousand soldiers came to Jinlao Mountain, which borders the Zen government, and the two armies began to look at each other across the mountain.

The strong response of the JECO Group caused Zen Country to be like a powder keg at this time, which could be detonated by a random spark.

In this tense situation, the Sakura Kingdom has frequently made big moves.

Not only did it quickly send the 13th Brigade and the 1st Airborne Regiment of the Ground Self-Defense Force to the land of the Zen Kingdom within half a month.

The Aviation Mixed Brigade also stationed in major airports controlled by the Zen government forces and conducted training all day long in various places.

Fighter planes constantly flew over Eastern Chin State, sometimes deliberately lowering their flight altitudes and flying over the ground to provoke.

On land, the Sakura Kingdom was also unwilling to be lonely, and joined the Zen government forces to play joint military exercises in Jinlao Mountain.

The sound of artillery roared day and night, and some shells even fell into the territory of Eastern Chin State.

When accountability was asked, the other party would lightly say that it was a misfire and the shells were affected by strong winds and deviated from the predetermined trajectory.

In just less than a month, the tension in the Zen region has reached a critical level.

The G8 has even conducted state visits to each other, held leaders' summits, signed a number of defense agreements, and continuously supplied arms and ammunition to the Zen government and the Sakura country. The intention is self-evident: to contain and strike against the Jeko Group.

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