Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 336 We Will Win (3rd Update)

"It's not difficult to understand. Ou Meng's gang of ghosts are so smart! When you look at the old Americans, they don't want to end up. They are afraid of falling into the quagmire of the Vietnam War again."

Su Jie was not surprised at all. Ou Meng did not have much interest in Southeast Asia, so he naturally had no need to come here to film with the Jieko Group and fight for the beautiful country.

"Except for the fate of this good dog from Sakura Country, other countries are waiting to see what happens."

Liu Yingying pursed her lips and smiled. As a Chinese, Liu Yingying naturally had no favorable impression of Sakura Country.

"It can only be said that the beautiful country's long-distance breeding industry is highly skilled, and it has indeed succeeded in raising children to provide for old age. Without the Sakura Kingdom working for them, if it were replaced by soldiers from the beautiful country, I wonder if they can withstand such casualties."

Su Jie touched Liu Yingying's thigh and what he said made Liu Yingying chuckle.

"Recently, the air force of the Sakura Kingdom has begun to show off its power again, passing by the edge of the airspace of East Chin State and Ji State many times. However, according to our intelligence, this time the Sakura Kingdom has dispersed the construction of airports, and they are all built in the southern hinterland of the Zen Kingdom. On every voyage, we carry two or three auxiliary fuel tanks for a long range flight, just to avoid a repeat of the last surprise attack.”

“The next war will only take place in high mountains and dense forests, and the air and air control aspect of combat aircraft is not a big problem.

However, we have to guard against a group of Sakura fighter jets coming to Eastern Chin State and Ji State to carry out air strikes, bombing our power stations, oil depots, electronic communication facilities and weapons factories, paralyzing our command, control, communications and intelligence capabilities. How are our cave defense preparations going? "

Su Jie touched his chin and said, with the urine of Sakura Kingdom, he would definitely be able to do such a thing.

Once a large amount of civilian and military infrastructure is destroyed, it will cause huge trouble for the Jieko Group.

"According to your instructions, we taught the local people to conduct corresponding air defense warning training and set up multiple air raid shelters in the city.

In addition, we have excavated huge bunkers in the mountains and underground in various parts of East Chin State and Kyrgyzstan, and have stored a large amount of communication equipment, fuel and power generation equipment, etc., as well as various arms and ammunition. We also use underground bunkers for protection to prevent them from attacking. Our war potential. "

Liu Yingying said that everything is proceeding in an orderly manner. Thousand-handed centipedes serve as the main force of excavation, but they are many times more powerful than the so-called shield machine.

Coupled with various construction machinery, concrete pouring and construction in the bunker, and digging underground air defense bunkers are no trouble for the Jieke Group.

"By the way, Su Jie, there have been some unusual movements in our neighbors recently. Our informant discovered that there are CIA members in contact with the warlords in the northern border of Zen Kingdom."

Liu Yingying suddenly mentioned something, which brought the CIA, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, into Su Jie's field of vision again.

"CIA, it seems that they are not willing to be left alone. Do they want to bribe those warlords to attack our Jieke Group from both front and rear?"

Su Jie raised his eyebrows and immediately guessed the CIA's plan.

Zen Kingdom is like a diamond-shaped crystal on the map, with sharp ends and a thick middle.

In the current territory of the Jieco Group, East Chin State is mainly located in the upper area of ​​the rhombus, while Ji State is located in the middle area of ​​​​the waist.

In the south is the location of the Zen government troops.

To the north is the territory of various scattered warlords in the Zen Kingdom. These warlords raise military funds by growing opium, running various electronic frauds, casinos and brothels and other illegal businesses. The famous Golden Triangle in the past was located in this area.

These warlords did not obey the rule of the Zen government and often fought with the Zen government troops.

In the past, it would have been basically impossible for the Zen government to form any alliance with these warlords. The two sides had been fighting each other for many years, and they had long been in conflict with each other.

But now that the CIA has intervened, it's hard to tell.

You can scold the CIA, but you must not doubt his ability to cause trouble. When it comes to sowing discord and creating war conflicts, he is first-rate.

"We also have to guard against these warlords."

Liu Yingying felt that there were still fewer militiamen, so she planned to increase the number of militiamen trained.

"Those warlords have little publicity and rely on some illegal businesses to operate the army. Their combat effectiveness and fighting will are limited. That is, the vast tracts of primitive jungle in the northern border of the Zen Kingdom make them look quite capable. Through jungle warfare and guerrilla warfare , they can play tricks on the Zen government troops, but when they encounter us, haha! "

Su Jie sneered. When it comes to special operations in the jungle, is there anything more suitable than the Steel Battalion?

It's even a bit of a killing. Let alone the first-class super soldiers of the Steel Battalion, even if they are only second- and third-class super soldiers, entering the primitive jungle environment, their individual soldier qualities will be fully utilized. Covered and suppressed by heavy weapons fire, it was a paradise for super soldiers.

"Su Jie, when do you expect the war to break out?"

Liu Yingying asked the question she was most concerned about. Not only the warring parties were aware of the stormy atmosphere in the entire Zen Kingdom, but the international community also generally believed that a great war would break out in the Zen Kingdom next. This battle is likely to directly Determine the ownership of the Zen Kingdom.

"The war will break out within two months if it's fast, and within half a year if it's slow. If you pay attention to public opinion on the Internet, when will there be a major outbreak of international public opinion intervention, and when will the Group of Eight countries conduct frequent military exercises, then a war will break out. harbinger.”

Su Jie said in a deep voice that the Zen government and the Sakura Kingdom need time to prepare logistics materials, and the same goes for the Jieke Group.

The material consumption of modern war is very staggering. A missile costs millions of dollars. Preparation of various materials before the outbreak of war, including artillery shells, steel, oil, cement, coal, grain, medicine, etc., are very important. resource.

Neither side will rashly start a war without complete preparations. Otherwise, it would be a tragedy if the logistics are disrupted.

"We can win."

Liu Yingying clenched her fist and waved it a few times to cheer up, but she felt a little lacking in confidence.

After all, the Group of Eight we are facing is backed by the world's hegemon, the Beautiful Country, the Sakura Country, the world's fourth largest economy, and a group of small powerful countries in Southeast Asia.

It can be said that in terms of national strength, financial strength, and military strength, the Group of Eight surpasses the Jieke Group by countless times.

Take the beautiful country alone, its annual military expenditure is nearly one trillion U.S. dollars, accounting for about 40% of the world's military expenditure. This data is compared with the profit of Jieke Group of 70 to 80 billion U.S. dollars a year, 20 to 30 billion U.S. dollars. The contrast in military expenditure is particularly strong, not to mention that the beautiful country also has a long list of younger brothers.

"Of course we will win, you man, when have I ever lost? No matter how many enemies come, I will make the primitive jungle of Zen become the burial ground of the opponent. I will tell those outsiders that the forest is not destroyed by technological weapons. If it can be easily conquered, it will be an excellent slaughterhouse for our special operations."

Su Jie touched Liu Yingying's head with a loud voice.

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