Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 337 Rocket Launcher (First Update)

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A week later, Su Jie was playing with a half-meter-tall doll on the table.

The doll is made of simple spiritual wood, and the amount of rare spiritual materials is very small, which is incomparable with the puppets that are actually used for fighting.

"Yin Shen Puppet Technique."

When Su Jie bit his fingertip and blood dripped on the doll, the doll immediately started to move, taking steps with Su Jie's spiritual control.


After receiving the command, the doll jumped up and down.





"Paddle on all fours!"

"The Thousand-Handed Centipede that attacked my house."

Su Jie continued to conduct tests, and the little doll made a lot of noise. It was not made of good materials, and the joints rubbed seriously.

In the end, it annoyed the sleeping Thousand-Armed Centipede, and he flipped over and pushed it away. The doll hit the wall with a squeaking sound, its body clicked twice, and it was immediately scrapped.


The Thousand-Handed Centipede turned over and continued to sleep.

"It seems that I am quite talented in learning puppetry!"

A smile appeared on Su Jie's face. He had mastered the puppetry technique to this point in a week. Su Jie thought he was very talented.

He dismantled the scrapped puppets and recycled some materials that could still be used. After packing them up, he left the mansion and came to the Puppet Hall.

Here, just like last time, the disciples of the Puppet Hall gathered together, but this time they did not play with puppets, but gathered in front of a drawing board, which was filled with dense design drafts. They were designing a new puppet plan.

"Hall Master."

Zhu Changqi noticed Su Jie and stood up quickly.

The other disciples stood up and saluted, and ran up to Su Jie.

Because Su Jie said a few days ago that he would show them a brand new puppet design, and everyone was curious.

"This is my design drawing."

Su Jie didn't show off, and took out a batch of drawings from the storage bag, a large number of them.

Taking out one of the weapon structure diagrams, Su Jie placed it in front of the drawing board so that everyone could see it.

"What is this, so many tubes?"

Zhu Changqi came closer and looked at the strange-looking puppet design in front of him, with a bunch of question marks popping up in his head.

But on the design drawing, the main body is a square rectangular shell.

There are dozens of honeycomb-shaped holes on the front of the shell, and below are several round wheels, which are very similar to wheels, as well as hanging devices, which were mostly pulled by oxen and horses.

"Is this a puppet?"

"What are all these chimneys for?"

"What a strange puppet. How does it fight? It seems like it can't be fast. There's no floating formation here, so it can't fly."

All the disciples in the Puppet Hall looked confused. They had been playing with puppets for many years and had seen all kinds of fantastic puppets, but they had never seen such a square puppet.

"This kind of puppet, I call it a rocket launcher."

Su Jie smiled and pointed at the drawings of rocket launchers, which he had asked Liu Yingying to collect.

Rocket launchers are not high-end weapons. Today’s rocket launchers are developing in the direction of informatization, digitization, and intelligence.

Liu Yingying didn't even need to get a quote from Mao Xiongguo, the inventor of the rocket launcher. When she heard that Jieke Company, a super arms customer, wanted an old rocket launcher design, Mao Xiongguo's Ordnance Design Bureau directly packed a copy and sent it over.

"Bazooka? Hall Master, how exactly is this weapon going to attack?"

Zhu Changqi scratched his head. As the most skilled puppet master in the Puppet Hall, he was able to independently design fourth-grade puppets, but he was also stumped by this weird puppet.

"His weapon is not for close combat, but for attacking enemies more than ten kilometers away. The specific principle is to use spiritual stones as kinetic energy to launch the tail rockets in the barrel to attack distant enemies."

When Su Jie said this, he pointed to a young disciple next to him and said with a smile: "Zhang Lei, didn't you make a jet-type spiritual stone kinetic energy device last time? It can be used here. How to make it, the drawings are here. Here, let’s do this first”

Su Jie took the drawings and conducted scientific research on the structure of the rocket launcher one by one.

"Do you understand everything?"

More than an hour later, Su Jie looked at everyone again.

A group of disciples nodded. They were all talented people who studied puppetry. Although the structure of the rocket was weird, the principle was not complicated, and they quickly figured it out.

"Okay, let's start production. First make a sample."

Su Jie clapped his hands and handed them all the design drawings.

"Okay Hall Master, but in terms of spiritual materials, we don't have much left in the hall."

Zhu Changqi was full of confidence, but when he talked about spiritual materials and money, his tone immediately dropped.

"What spiritual materials do you plan to use to make it?"

Su Jie asked bluntly.

"I plan to use the main body of Bihai Iron. This kind of steel is strong and heat-resistant. It has good vibration resistance and can further improve the accuracy of the launch. In addition, in order to make the excitation device more rapid, it is best to use the Shunri Orb as energy storage and rocket For the tail part of the bomb, I plan to use gold wire tail feathers.”

Zhu Changqi talked nonstop, already knowing exactly how to make the rocket launcher Su Jie mentioned.

"Stop, stop, stop."

Su Jie interrupted Zhu Changqi and looked at him helplessly.

"Why do you use such good materials? According to your thinking, how much does this rocket launcher cost?"

"But, shouldn't all puppets be made of good materials?"

Zhu Changqi scratched his head and said innocently.

"You haven't changed your mind. Listen to me. The main body of the rocket is mainly made of some low-level spiritual steel. Except for the eruption-powered spiritual stone, I have replaced the spiritual materials in other places with the lowest grade. I can save as much as possible. "

Su Jie gave the order without hesitation. Zhu Changqi and other disciples of the Puppet Hall did not change their thinking. They still wanted to follow the high-quality thinking of making puppets in the past. Little did they know that Su Jie had no intention of doing this.

"But in this case, the accuracy and stability will be greatly reduced."

Zhu Changqi wanted to argue more, but when faced with Su Jie's gaze, he could only lower his head angrily like a defeated rooster.

"When the samples come out, you'll understand why I did what I did."

Su Jie waved his hand and joked about the accuracy required for a rocket launcher.

Being able to quickly pour a large amount of explosives on the target area, with intensive firepower and a large killing area can already meet the needs.

As for precision bombing, that is the goal of artillery and missiles. However, compared with other artillery, rocket launchers are easier to produce and have become Su Jie's first choice.

"In addition, this is the spiritual material I borrowed from the Weapon Refining Hall for the Puppet Hall. If any of you need it in the future, you can come to me for approval. As long as it is research on puppets, I will not support you."

Su Jie took out a brand new storage bag, which contained the spiritual materials Su Jie borrowed from the Refining Hall last time.

Suddenly, the entire weapon refining hall was filled with precious light and sparkling spiritual brilliance.

"Cold Golden Divine Sand, Fire Essence Black Gold, Star Magnetite, Azure Silk, Heavy Iron Wood, Ten Thousand Years Sky Blue, Ruiyun Stone Milk, Black Ice Soul, Nanming Li Fire Stone, Golden Thunder Bamboo"

The eyes of all the disciples present shone. Many of these spiritual materials were high-grade spiritual materials, worth thousands of spiritual stones. They were used to being poor and couldn't walk when they saw these spiritual materials.

"Not making it yet."

Su Jie knows what is most attractive to these guys to keep them motivated.

"Hall Master, just watch. Give us two days, no, one day, one day and we will make a rocket launcher for you to see."

Zhu Changqi's whole body was as if he had been pumped with blood. He waved his fists and shouted: "Everyone, hurry up and make rockets to show Hall Master Su our capabilities."


All the disciples were gearing up, rolled up their sleeves, and agreed with a bang.

Soon, the thirty-six disciples started to move.

Someone began to process the steel, using spiritual power to throw the spiritual steel ore into the furnace to dissolve, and separate out the required molten steel.

Someone nearby used spiritual power to manually pour the corresponding mold and mix the molten steel into it.

Someone refined the processed molten steel to further strengthen the steel. Then, before the steel was completely shaped, they used their naked eyes to tap on the cast barrel guide rails, which was more accurate than the error of a ruler.

Some people began to make rocket chassis, some people built and fixed the gun barrels one by one, and some people started to make corresponding rotating mechanisms and aiming devices.

The disciples have a clear division of labor among each other and are busy working in full swing.

Compared with making those exquisite puppets in the past, the difficulty of making simple, silly and thick rocket launchers has dropped by several levels, not to mention the magical energy of spiritual power, which allows them to fly quickly.

Su Jie didn't just watch. On those special tail rockets, human-faced moths were released from the insect bag one after another, spitting acid into the special glass jar to complete the production of the tail rockets.

When the time came in the afternoon, the first rocket launcher was made with the concerted efforts of everyone.

This is my first time making it and it’s relatively manual. Many areas require a little research. Once you become proficient, the speed will increase even more.

As the sun set, a rocket launcher appeared on the ground of the Puppet Hall.

The cold steel body has 32 cold gun barrel guides arranged in a 4*8 array, and 220 mm caliber tail rockets are placed among them.

The large tires below are not made of rubber, but made of a kind of gum called Huanglongye, which has the same effect as rubber.

Looking at the completed rocket launcher, Su Jie called out the Thousand-Handed Centipede and said to Zhu Changqi and others: "Come up, let's test the effect of this weapon."

"so big!"

The disciples witnessed Su Jie's famous Thousand-Handed Centipede, and felt in their hearts that it was indeed a middle-grade fifth-refined Gu insect that lived up to its reputation, and then carefully climbed onto the back of the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

Su Jie also put the rocket launcher into his storage bag and flew into the sky with the Thousand-Handed Centipede, preparing to find a place to test the power of the Tianyuan World version of the rocket launcher.

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