Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 358 Chapter 273: Prelude to War (two updates of 8,000 words!)


Miao Lun tried to take a step. This reproductive suit was completely able to synchronize with his own will, like an extension of his own hands and feet, without any discomfort at all.

Miao Lun tried to increase the range and intensity of his movements. The flesh and blood inside the suit seemed to grow together with his own skin. How his body muscles moved would be fed back to the suit in real time.

The colonial clothing is not made of large alloy metal plates. Instead, it is made of thin scale-like metal pieces spliced ​​together, and its strength is lower than that of a whole piece of alloy.

But the flesh and blood behind it is like a buffer spring, which can relieve the force, and the overall defense is better than the previous alloy armor.

This also makes it easier to move without any hindrance caused by joint friction.


Miao Lun punched, and amid the explosion, this biological reproductive suit completely transmitted his power. Not only was there no loss of power, but it also enhanced part of Miao Lun's strength.

His fist hit a concrete wall hard, making a big hole.

If this power falls on a person, his body will be basically destroyed, and there will be no need for rescue.

"Arm weapons."

Su Jie gave an order, and the logistics soldiers hummed and brought over various weapons and ammunition.

On the right arm, the 14.5mm anti-aircraft machine gun is lifted up. There are various weapon slots on the lower part of the biological suit. The anti-aircraft machine gun is directly stuck here, making it very convenient to lift and hold.

On the left arm, there is an RPG-29 rocket launcher with a caliber of 105 mm.

On the back and shoulders, two individual anti-tank missiles are erected, which can not only anti-tank but also anti-helicopter.

In addition, there are rows of ammunition chains, rockets, individual soldier rations, grenades, etc., all installed throughout the mecha, and there are concave parts to swallow them.

It is also very convenient to take out. The flesh and blood fascia inside will automatically transport bullets and rockets to the hand through peristalsis.

Such a set of biological breeding equipment can hold half a ton of excess load.

This biological reproductive suit contains 2,000 14.5mm machine gun bullets of 200 grams each, equivalent to 400 kilograms, and fifteen rocket rounds, plus anti-aircraft machine guns and individual anti-tank missiles weighing dozens of kilograms , making Miao Lun look fatter at this time.

But the good thing about biological reproductive equipment is that it is like a human belly that can expand, instead of being like metal that can only hold a fixed volume.

Although this is slightly inconvenient for Miao Lun, Miao Lun is willing to carry such a large amount of ammunition. The increase in combat effectiveness brought by long-term endurance is too great.

At this time, Miao Lun stood on the same spot, with two individual anti-tank missile muzzles exposed on his shoulders, a 14.5mm anti-aircraft machine gun on his right arm, and a 105mm rocket launcher hanging on his left arm. It looked like a humanoid fort, just standing. There, the ferocious and huge appearance makes people tremble with fear.

I can't imagine how much psychological impact this image would have on the enemy if it appeared on the battlefield.

Miao Lun himself was also very happy. Such a biological breeding suit perfectly met the needs of protection, firepower, and battery life, which made him crazy about it.

"General Su, is this kind of equipment really for us?"

Miao Lun's voice was trembling. He actually owned the world's first biological mecha. Yes, in Miao Lun's opinion, this was a genuine mecha.

"All soldiers in the Steel Battalion will be assigned a set."

Su Jie felt a little sad in his heart. The price of such a biological reproductive suit was worth a lot of spiritual stones, and spiritual stones had to be invested regularly for maintenance, otherwise the flesh and blood inside would rot and age.

But in order to arm his ace troops, Su Jie had no choice but to bear the pain.

"Long live General Su."

Hearing this, the cheers of the genetic warriors suddenly rang out at the scene, and their worries were completely relieved.

Such a set of biological reproductive equipment is a huge bonus to combat effectiveness. Who wouldn’t want it?

"You should learn how to use this reproductive equipment as soon as possible. There will be a big battle waiting for you soon."

"Don't worry, General Su. We will be proficient in using biological breeding equipment as soon as possible. We will live up to your wishes. If any foreign enemy dares to invade, we will smash them to pieces with our iron fists."

Miao Lun led his men to salute with excitement on his face, feeling very emotional in his heart.

It was indeed the right choice for me to join the Jieke Group. With such a world-leading biotechnology, the enemy would never have imagined it.

"Very impressive."

Su Jie nodded and visited here again before turning around and leaving, returning to the headquarters building of the Jieke Group in Mander City.

Just after returning to the office, Liu Yingying hurriedly greeted her.

"Su Jie, our intelligence department has recently discovered that senior leaders of the Group of Eight are holding frequent talks. In addition, the Zen Kingdom has stopped transporting supplies on a large scale recently. Instead, it has begun to increase wages for soldiers and make up for past salary arrears."

Liu Yingying's tone was urgent. Jieke Group has an intelligence department dedicated to external affairs. In addition to bribed informants, there are also specially trained spies.

As well as those who are bribed within the G8, money means everything, and nothing is impossible if you spend enough money.

"The war is about to begin."

Su Jie sat on the boss's chair and said very confidently that he had also received the news before, and he was just confirming it further at this time.

"This is the same analysis by the Intelligence Department."

Liu Yingying nodded, and then took out a document.

"This is our current material reserve situation and troop deployment in various places. We have also completed 75% of the material reserves here, and the rest can only be produced during wartime."

Su Jie took the document and read it carefully. After reading it, he said: "It's enough. We can't compete with the G8 in firepower and logistics. We must fight guerrilla warfare with them in this battle. This is our advantage."

Su Jie picked up the pen and poked it on the map, and clicked on a mountain range.

"The core of this confrontation is in the Arakan Mountains. This is the gate to and from Jibang, and it is also the dividing line between us and the Zen government.

If the other party occupies this place, they can poke into the plains of our Jibang. Haha, this is exactly what I want. I feel sorry if they don't come. We have to bleed the G8 here and drain the vitality of the Zen government army and the Sakura soldiers."

Su Jie's eyes flashed with cold light, and Liu Yingying followed Su Jie's line of sight.

The area of ​​Zen is about 678,500 square kilometers, with high terrain in the north and low terrain in the south.

The north is a mountainous area and the east is a plateau. The west and south are separated by the Arakan Mountains. The west is the territory of the Jieke Group, and the south is the low-lying alluvial plain, which is also the real core area of ​​Zen. The Zen government controls the core of Zen.

The Arakan Mountains separate the Jieke Group and the Zen government, and are also the real focus of the war between the two sides.

"I'm afraid this war will be very tragic."

Liu Yingying took a deep breath and had this premonition.

Su Jie touched Liu Yingying's face and said with a smile: "Hehe, this time it's just the dogs raised by the United States. No matter how fierce the fierce dogs are, they will only be a snack if they enter our forest and encounter jackals, tigers and leopards. This time, I won't let them go back unless I break one of the legs of this vicious dog."

"Yes, we will definitely win."

Liu Yingying was infected by Su Jie's confidence and nodded heavily.


Just as Su Jie had a premonition, less than a week had passed.

On January 23, the President of the United States publicly delivered a televised speech: "In view of the rampant illegal forces in the Zen region, two amphibious landing ship battle groups will be dispatched from now on to be deployed in the southeastern waters to maintain the safety of the waterways and navigation in the region."

This move by the United States is nothing. As the overlord of the Blue Star, its fleet is frequently mobilized, but combined with some actions of the G8, this behavior is intriguing.

The Prime Minister of Sakura also spoke at a press conference the next day, saying: "We and our ally the Zen government are working together to contain the extremely radical organization Jeko Group in the northwest of Zen. In order to protect the people of Zen from the harm of the Jeko Group, we are ready to fight at all costs."

In addition, the other six countries of the G8 announced that in order to strengthen military cooperation within the group, they would each send a force to hold a joint military exercise in Siam, near the border of Zen.

Almost immediately after these speeches were announced, in Zen, early warning aircraft, electronic reconnaissance aircraft, electronic signal aircraft and battlefield surveillance aircraft around the Sakura Kingdom base began to take off in large numbers every day, constantly flying over the Eastern Chin State and Jibang areas of Zen, conducting high-intensity reconnaissance and surveillance.

At the same time, more than a hundred fighter jets were deployed to the core areas of the southern Zen, patrolling with missiles on the edge of the war zone every day.

At the same time, in terms of public opinion, the G8 also began to exert their strength. The European and American media, which have the mainstream discourse power in the world, frequently accused the Jeko Group and threw dirty water on the Jeko Group.

"Listing the ten sins of the Jeko Group, biochemical human experiments, oppression of freedom, war atrocities, dictatorial economy..."

"The people of Eastern Chin State and Jibang have been suffocated by the Jeko Group. This area is becoming the largest concentration camp on the surface of the blue planet. 》

"A demon cave that actually performs evil deeds in the name of a company. The children of Eastern Chin State are crying, and the girls of Jibang are crying. This place needs to be redeemed by freedom and democracy. 》

《The oppression and blockade of the areas under the control of the Jeko Group have led to an extremely serious humanitarian crisis. The Jeko Group must be banned.》

These news continue to spread various information through newspapers, radio, television, and the Internet, relying on the powerful network to stigmatize the Jeko Group.

Even if there is no evidence, they will deliberately stage some videos that are difficult to distinguish between true and false, showing that the Jeko Group persecutes the people.

The mainstream media in the West have been unceremoniously smearing the Jeko Group, but they have remained silent about the atrocities of the Zen army. Western online platforms have blocked and blocked anti-G8 voices.

However, with the rise of Internet self-media today, the truth will still be spread through various channels. The fire cannot be covered by paper, and people all over the world are still neutral about this.

The G8 has made such a series of dangerous speeches and military mobilizations, and countries and military experts have also smelled the strong smell of gunpowder. It seems that the Zen country is about to start a war again.

Faced with the sudden tense situation, the Jeko Group also responded.

Many ordinary people in East Chin State and Jibang have received some educational materials such as air defense warning instructions.

Air defense fortifications have been opened one after another, and relevant air defense exercises are conducted every week.

The cities near the border between the Jieke Group and the Zen government have begun to enter the second-level emergency state, and the cities on the front line have entered the first-level emergency state.

Ordinary people near these cities have begun to distribute some emergency supplies and carry out a certain degree of evacuation.

At the same time, in the Jibang area, all factories here have switched to a wartime system, no longer producing ordinary civilian goods, but all producing military products.

In order to protect this important industrial base, Jieke Security has deployed multiple sets of air defense missile positions purchased from the Russian bear.

In order to cope with future logistical pressure, transportation systems such as railways, highways, and aircraft transportation are all under control, and material reserves such as steel bars, cement, and grain are further increasing the speed of collection.

At this time, the tit-for-tat confrontation between the Jieco Group and the Group of Eight made the whole world understand that a war would inevitably occur here.

The previous armistice was due to high-tech warfare and huge consumption that put great pressure on logistical support.

During the armistice, both sides were replenishing their logistics. Now that the replenishment is complete, war will naturally spread again.


In the northern border of Zen Kingdom, Neibi City and Xinhui Park.

CIA High Commissioner Lloyd Irwin entered the park escorted by a group of local warlord soldiers.

"Stop hitting me, stop hitting me."

"Help, I really don't know, it's really none of my business."

"I'm just a little bit close to completing my performance. Please let me go this time."

Cries and screams were heard, and Lloyd looked over. Many men and women were imprisoned in water prisons.

A warlord soldier was holding a pointed iron rod and kept knocking it into the water.

On the ground, a warlord soldier held a machete, stretched it out against others' fingers, and then swung it down.

There were also soldiers from warlords holding electric batons and electrocuting people until they cried like ghosts and howled like wolves, causing feces and urine to flow out.

"Tsk, tsk, what a barbaric style."

Lloyd chuckled. Due to the underdeveloped industry in the northern part of the Zen Kingdom, it is located in the mountains and virgin forests. It has always been a paradise for various warlords.

This place is filled with the smell of sin and death. Gambling, fraud, extortion, extortion...all the darkness you can imagine exists here, and is performed almost every day.

Men and women will be bought and sold as livestock, and any laws here are empty talk.

Through the chaos of the campus along the way, Lloyd was taken to a high-rise conference room, where people were already waiting.

A total of six men are sitting here. Some of them are wearing local national costumes of Zen country, some are in suits and leather shoes, and some are wearing military uniforms with a series of medals.

"Haha, all six families are here, it seems I'm late!"

Lloyd smiled and spoke. The six people in front of him were the six largest warlords in the northern part of the Zen Kingdom. They had taken root in the northern territory for many years and formed family rule.

They are the Wa-Xin United Defense Force, the Kagan Alliance Army, the Northern Chan Independence Army, the Tereng State Army, the Burmese Border Guard Army, and the Shan State Liberation Front.

The number of troops supported by these six warlords varies. The largest Kagan Alliance Army has an army of 100,000 people, and the number of other warlords' armies is more than 50,000.

Of course, this number should be about the same if half of the water is squeezed out, because these warlords often include military family members, some patrol militiamen, and even police officers. The actual number is highly questionable.

"Lloyd, if you want us to help you send troops to fight against the Jieko Group, you must agree to our conditions. No matter how beautiful your country is, it will not work with us."

Wu Aung Lai, the leader of the Kagan Alliance, was the first to speak, his tone was very arrogant, and he understood the predicament that the beautiful country was in urgent need of power.

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