Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 359 War breaks out (first update)

Lloyd looked at the group of warlords, pulled up a chair and sat down, crossed his legs and said:

"What's the condition? We can agree to it, but you have to mobilize more than half of the army. Don't fool me with the police and militia. I want soldiers who can fight."

When Wu Aung Lai heard this, a hint of joy flashed on his face.

They asked the beautiful country to give them a total of 10 billion US dollars in aid, and also asked to participate in the carving up of East Chin State and Ji State under the rule of the Jieko Group, and asked the Zen government not to continue to attack them.

The warlords themselves felt that the CIA would not agree to such a series of conditions, but they did not expect that things would be accomplished so easily.

Only the number of troops they needed to send gave Wu Aung Lai and other warlords a headache.

After all, where is the combat power of the Jieco Group? They originally thought of sending out some troops to fool them, so that they could contain the Jieco Group's military strength a little.

"Everyone, this is your only chance now. If you miss this time, don't talk about occupying the land and sharing the money next time. When Jieke Group is free, do you think you can continue to be stable?

You don't know what the Jieco Group is like, right? Under their rule, they crack down hard on all kinds of illegal crimes. If you fall into the hands of the Jieco Group, tsk tsk, the end will be hard to say.

I suggest you take a look at the fate of the warlords in East Chin State. Their death methods may be able to tell you the answer. "

Lloyd knocked on the table. Compared with the interests of Jieke Group, the interests of only 10 billion US dollars were simply the difference between Yinghuo and Haoyue.

As for the land, the beautiful country has never cared about this land.

There is no oil down here, the mountains are high and the forests are dense, so he wouldn't mind garrisoning him.

Only these warlords, who are used to living in poverty, are so petty and do not dare to make bigger demands.

Of course, 10 billion US dollars is not a small amount, but you can repudiate it afterwards! These warlords can still bite themselves.

"You threaten us!"

Wu Anglai looked unkind and said coldly: "Believe it or not, you won't be able to leave this park if I give the order."

"Behind me is the world's largest country, with eleven aircraft carrier battle groups and military bases all over the world."

Lloyd smiled. Although he did not yell or curse in any angry voice, this contemptuous attitude made him even more arrogant and confident.

Wu Aung Lai was silent, he was not from the Jieke Group, and he dared to fight against the number one overlord of Blue Star.

"If you want us to send troops according to your request, we have two conditions."

Wu Aung Lai whispered to several other warlords for a while, and then spoke again: "The first condition is that we need you to give us a guarantee that you will allow us to immigrate to the beautiful country in the future and ensure the safety of our lives and property."

"Of course there is no problem. Our beautiful country always likes talents from all over the world to come and settle here."

Lloyd agreed without thinking, knowing that the other party was looking for a way out for him.

"The second condition is that we need the United States to help us build our country. We want to be independent in the northern border of Zen."

Wu Aung Lai announced a bold and crazy plan, and several other warlords also had bright eyes. It was obvious that they had already discussed today's move.

Lloyd frowned slightly and looked at several people puzzled: "Jianguo? What do you want to do with this?"

"Only as a nation can we protect our business."

Wu Aung Lai didn't make it too clear, but Lloyd understood immediately when he heard it. This was to help his park business develop and grow!

A local warlord is very different from a country in the international community.

"I can guarantee that the beautiful country will support you when the time comes!"

Lloyd was laughing at the whims of this group of warlords. A group of rotten fish and shrimps also wanted to establish a country.

However, Lloyd did not refuse, but only said ambiguous words.

Supporting your founding of the country can be just verbal! Anyway, you don’t have to spend your own money and effort, so this is not a squid person.

Anyway, you support me verbally. Whether you can succeed in founding a country is your own business.

"I need a vote from beautiful countries and allies in the United Nations Security Council in favor of our statehood."

Wu Aung Lai turned up the volume and heard Lloyd's perfunctory attitude.

"Yes, but we have to wait until you destroy the Jieko Group. We promise to give you a vote."

Lloyd actually had no authority to decide this matter, but that didn't stop him from bragging first.

Wu Aung Lai also knew that the beautiful country was unreliable, but he had the idea of ​​​​fighting with dates and without dates. He would be the best if he could succeed, and he would not suffer any losses if he failed.

"That's a pleasure to work with."

U Aung Hlaing and Lloyd shook hands and reached an agreement.

"When do you need us to send troops?"

"After we attract firepower and draw most of the soldiers of the Jieco Group to Jibang, you can start from the north, stab the Jieco Group in the butt, invade East Chin State from north to south, and go straight to the home base of the Jieco Group."

Lloyd took out a satellite phone and tapped his ear: "I will contact you at any time to prepare your soldiers."

"You can definitely do it. The Jieko Group is not easy to mess with."

Wu Aung Lai muttered, the last time the so-called Group of Eight lost the rich Ji State in a very embarrassing manner.

Lloyd looked very confident and said: "This time is different from the past. You will see our strength."

Sakura country.

A secret special congress was convened without publicity.

Hundreds of members of the Senate and the House of Representatives attended the scene together. All the figures in suits and ties solemnly looked at the Prime Minister of Sakura Country, Tsushima Juichi, who was standing on the stage.

"The day before yesterday, our Group of Eight has made the latest decision to launch a new round of military strikes against the Jieko Group. Our Sakura Army will work with the Zen government to attack and eliminate the cancer of the Jieko Group."

Tsushima Juichi's voice was calm and he told what everyone had guessed.

"Prime Minister, are we ready? The Jieko Group is not easy to deal with. If we lose our troops in the Zen Kingdom, there will be huge opposition in our country."

One council member stood up and asked a question.

"Prime Minister, the benefits promised by Beautiful Country have not yet been seen. If we continue to rush to intervene, I am afraid that something will not be good."

"The Zengu government forces are vulnerable. We in Sakura Country only have 20,000 soldiers, and the Jieko Group is said to have expanded the number of soldiers to hundreds of thousands. There are also super soldiers. This battle is very risky."

There are many voices of opposition. The Sakura Kingdom has been peaceful for a long time and has not fought a war since World War II.

The last time they took action, they were severely punished by the Jieke Group.

Thousands of soldiers sent were killed and injured, and they were beaten like rats running around. Many soldiers who returned home suffered from psychological shadow.

“The beautiful country has set a timetable and will sign a historic agreement with us within three years to upgrade and unbundle the Security Treaty on the largest scale.

As long as the Jieko Group is eliminated, our Self-Defense Force will become the Self-Defense Force. At that time, we will reshape our national defense and open a new chapter in Sakura Country becoming a normal country. "

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was quiet for a moment. The people who had previously opposed it completely changed their faces, their eyes were wild and excited.

Sakura Country has always been seeking to become a normal country. As the fourth largest economy in the world, it has always been labeled as a defeated country and the self-defense force. This is an eternal pain in the hearts of all Sakura Country people.

Now that they have seen hope, it is like a dog seeing a bone. Even if there is an owner holding a rope behind them, they still dare to pounce on it and solve the owner's problems so that they can get the bone reward.

Especially since this bone still contains meat and can participate in the distribution of profits after the collapse of the Jieko Group, this is even more exciting.

Tsushima Juichi looked at this scene with satisfaction. He knew clearly where the interests of the Sakura Country lay. Following the beautiful country was to safeguard the interests of the Sakura Country. Only in this way can the powerful Sakura Country be restored and become a country that attracts the attention of the world.

"Now, those who agree with sending troops, raise your hands."

As soon as Tsushima Shou finished speaking, he raised his arms one after another.

"423 people are in favor and 12 are opposed. I announce that from now on, troops will be sent to destroy the dangerous extreme radical organization of the Jieko Group."

When the decision was announced, all the members stood up and applauded enthusiastically, and there was thunderous applause.

January 27th.

When the time comes this day.

The Sakura National Aviation Mixed Group is stationed at Xin'an Airport in Zen Country. Facing thousands of members of the aviation mixed group, speakers were hung up on site, and a voice was heard inside.

It was the Emperor of Sakura Kingdom who was broadcasting on Yuyin, and his voice traveled thousands of miles and reached the scene.

In the open space of the airport, the soldiers of the aviation mixed regiment were standing there, listening to the emperor's voice with excitement.

Although the emperor no longer has real power and is more like a decoration, all major decisions are made by the prime minister.

But in the eyes of the Sakura people, as a spiritual symbol, he still cannot be loved and respected by the Sakura people.

“...Our Sakura Country has a glorious history of thousands of years, a long and splendid culture and beautiful moral qualities passed down from ancient times.

This war is under the watchful eye of Amaterasu. It is justice wielding the sword against evil, it is wielding the sword to protect the weak, and it is wielding the sword for the thousands of oppressed people.

You have reason to be proud. You are practicing the Bushido beliefs of our Sakura Country, obeying benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and trust, bravely moving forward, moving forward, moving forward, and breaking the cruel and exploitative rule of the Jieko Group.

Don’t be afraid of the enemy’s swords, guns and bullets. Even if your soul returns to the arms of Amaterasu, hundreds of millions of people can pay homage to you, the warriors of the empire, at Shizukuni Shrine. "

After a passionate speech, the emperor finally said loudly:

"I announce that a large-scale air strike codenamed Project Typhoon will be launched from now on. All necessary means can be used to destroy the rule of the Jieko Group. You will return in triumph."

"Long Live His Majesty the Emperor."

"Long Live His Majesty the Emperor."

"Long Live His Majesty the Emperor."

Amidst deafening shouts, the pilots rushed towards the fighter planes.

Not only this airport, but all the major airports under the Zen government's rule, fighter planes were dispatched one after another and began to launch large-scale air raids on the areas ruled by the Jieko Group.

At sea, several warships sent by Sakura Country are also launching sea-based cruise missiles to carry out targeted attacks and blasts on important facilities and bases.

In just half a month, the governments of Sakura Kingdom and Zen Kingdom dispatched thousands of fighter planes, dropped 30,000 tons of bombs, and cooperated with cruise missiles to attack a large number of power stations, electronic communication facilities, railway bridges, military bases and supplies within the Jieke Group. The warehouse caused devastating damage.

At this time, East Chin State and Ji State under the rule of the Jieko Group were like a small boat in the wind and rain.

Many places were bombed into ruins, and the entire Jieke Group was under the rule of smoke everywhere.

Through real-time reconnaissance by multiple military satellites, it can be seen that there are not many soldiers of any size gathered in the military facilities and military bases of the Jeko Group.

Many material warehouses were on fire all night, and it seemed that they had lost their resistance.

Faced with such a situation, the Sakura Country stood up and announced this gratifying result at the first time.

In Yangcheng, the capital of Zen Country, the commander-in-chief of the Sakura Country, Yoshimura Yuichi, said happily to countless media reporters around the world:

"After a week of large-scale attacks, our attack on the extreme radical organization Jeko Group has made a perfect start. Most of the bases of the Jeko Group have been destroyed, and a large number of the opponent's living forces and strategic reserves have been eliminated.

We are confident that in the next week, we will send ground troops through the Rakhine Mountains, step into Ji State and Eastern Chin State, completely destroy the rule of the Jeko Group in this area, and save these two states from the clutches of the Jeko Group."

The spotlights of the reporters below the stage kept flashing, and the shutters were pressed frantically. Many reporters couldn't believe that the military progress of the G8 would be so smooth.

"Is the news true?"

A reporter immediately raised his hand to ask, wanting to find out the truth.

In the last war, the Jake Group was very popular. It destroyed the air supremacy in a short time, and later annihilated tens of thousands of troops from the Zen Kingdom and the Sakura Kingdom in Jibang.

Could it be that this time, the situation has changed, and it is the turn of the Jake Group to be preemptively attacked, so it can't bear such losses?

"This is a photo taken by our satellite and high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft. Each media will issue a copy later. Our results are undoubted.

Everyone overestimates the Jake Group. They can have what they have today, not because of how powerful they are, but because of despicable sneak attacks.

In a real high-tech war, their fragility is exposed and they become a ridiculous clown."

Yoshimura Yuichi said contemptuously, saying that the Jake Group is vulnerable.

The reporters saw the photos shown by Yoshimura Yuichi, which showed various destroyed military bases, and the large screen behind him also had video projections of the destruction, and even the scene of human bodies flying around, which looked very real.

This time, the reporters really believed that Yoshimura Yuichi was telling the truth.

Finally, Yoshimura Yuichi turned to all the reporters and raised three fingers: "I advise the Jeko Group to lay down their arms as soon as possible. I will give you three days. If you surrender now, you can still get a decent result and accept the trial of the International Court of Justice. Otherwise, after three days, my Sakura Country soldiers will arrive, and what awaits your Jeko Group is only complete destruction."

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