Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 360: The Hell of the Sakura Country Soldiers (Two updates of 9,000 words, monthly votes requ

The press conference ended with Yoshimura Yuichi's harsh words. Once the news of this press conference was released, it immediately caused an uproar.

In particular, the rare lack of response by the Jeko Group further confirmed the news and caused a lot of discussion on the Internet.

'The Jeko Group has withered. Where are the strongest special forces soldiers on the surface? '

'This is fake news. Those Sakura countries like to brag about their achievements. If they are so powerful, how could they be beaten so badly last time? '

'Haha, you are scared by the halo of the Jeko Group. They are just a regional armed force from beginning to end. This time, facing the military strike of the G8, the Zen Country and the Sakura Country have received strong support from the United States. The other side is fighting with their heads. '

'Super soldiers can't withstand missiles and bombings! Don't make them myths. As long as they are flesh and blood, they can't withstand bombs. ’

‘At that time, the United States used this precise surgical strike against Iraq. In less than two months, it destroyed the Middle East Tiger, which claimed to be the world's third most powerful military country, with 6,000 tanks, 4,000 artillery pieces, 7,000 armored vehicles, 800 fighter planes, and a million troops. Modern society is already an era of science and technology. Don't be superstitious that flesh and blood and spiritual will can fight against missiles and artillery. ’

‘The last war, the victory of the Jeko Group was mainly due to their sneak attack that destroyed the air supremacy of the Zen army and the Sakura country. This time, there is no such good luck. Sure enough, whoever has air supremacy wins the world. ’

The Internet is full of bad news about the experience of the Jeko Group. The Sakura country and the Zen government, which have air supremacy and various long-range firepower strikes, are simply unilaterally crushing the Jeko Group.

Jibang, Jiwei City.

This city with a population of more than one million has been plagued by disasters recently.

Not long ago, it was repeatedly fought over by the Jeko Group and the Zen government, and suffered serious war trauma.

In the half month since the war began, the city has experienced multiple rounds of air raids.

Many civilian facilities in the city were destroyed, and the nearby military bases also suffered the most brutal blows.

Just because Jiwei City is the provincial capital of Jibang, it is too close to the border with the Zen government, and the Rakhine Mountains are not far away.

In order to prevent Jiwei City from becoming a logistics supply station for the Jieke Group, it will naturally be attacked in turn.

From the appearance, the entire Jiwei City is extremely miserable, with collapsed buildings everywhere and abandoned cars abandoned on the roadside.

There are almost no people in the whole city, and everyone has gone to the air-raid shelter to avoid air raids.

And the military base of the Jieke Group next to Jiwei City has been almost razed to the ground on the map, and there is no intact building.

From the appearance, Jiwei City has lost its qualification as a war supply.

But in fact, things are sometimes not as simple as they seem on the surface.

Just underground in Jiwei City, there is another world.

"Train B23 is about to arrive, prepare the supplies."

Deep underground in the brightly lit area, there is an underground base that is tens of meters wide, ten meters high, and has no end in sight. There are four railroad tracks in the middle, concrete asphalt roads on both sides, and various internal buildings.

Soldiers in green uniforms are loading and unloading goods here, and heavy trucks are flowing on those concrete roads.

No one would have thought that deep underground in Jiwei City, separated by thick granite, there would be such an unknown super-large underground base.

The entire base covers a very large area and has independent energy and communication systems.

Not only can it prevent floods and earthquakes, but it also has command posts, power stations, hospitals, ammunition depots, food warehouses, kitchens and other facilities, and even small factories that can make and repair some weapons and equipment.

On the wall, there is a large text of the No. 5 underground base, which means that there are at least 4 such bases.


Amid the long whistle, a train clanged and clanged, making a huge noise, and slowly stopped at the platform.

Thousands of soldiers filed out of the train, carrying marching backpacks, rifles and various light and heavy weapons.

The soldiers gathered here. They will serve as reserve troops and undergo training and recuperation here. Once there is a change on the front line, they will immediately go to support.

After the soldiers got off the train, the logistics of the underground base sent them hot food and hot showers. Because the water from the underground river was drawn, there was no shortage of water.

Thousands of soldiers were not crowded at all in this huge underground base. As the soldiers dispersed, they were quickly arranged to go down.

Then the logistics soldiers drove forklifts to transport boxes of arms and ammunition onto the train.

When everything was ready, the train started slowly and drove forward again, heading for the next stop.

"Line up."

Suddenly, the commander of this underground base seemed to have received some news and hurriedly asked the soldiers to line up on the platform.

On the concrete road, a convoy drove in.

When the motorcade stopped, all the elite soldiers who got off the cars were fierce and cold-eyed, looking at them intimidatingly.

A man and a woman got off the car, and the nearby soldiers saw them and stood at attention and saluted.

"Hello, General Su."

The people who came to inspect were Su Jie and Liu Yingying.

Su Jie waved and smiled, "Hello to you too, everyone has worked hard."

"It's not hard to serve General Su."

After exchanging a few pleasantries with the soldiers, Su Jie pointed to the huge underground base and asked Liu Yingying what she thought.

"After inspecting all the way, how is our ground dome system?"

"An incredible human miracle."

Liu Yingying's eyes widened, and she did not hide her shock.

It is very difficult to construct underground, let alone such a huge and complex underground project.

Su Jie laughed and said, "The G8 thought that they could destroy our military power by air strikes. What they can think of, we will naturally consider how to deal with it."

The underground base in front of him is naturally Su Jie's masterpiece, or more precisely, the result of Xiao Qian's hard work.

The so-called ground dome system is to create a transportation and military network that spreads all over the underground.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede will dig underground, and other engineers will repair it.

Originally, this project was a bit difficult to complete on time. Later, Su Jie strengthened the Thousand-Handed Centipede's jaws. These jaws that can clamp off the top-grade magic tools were not used for fighting, but were used to dig the soil first, which greatly increased the efficiency of the Thousand-Handed Centipede's digging.

The entire ground dome system is composed of twelve large underground bases as the skeleton, which can be connected to each other through underground tunnels, and use the underground railway network and underground road network to complete the transportation of materials and troops.

These underground bases include factory bases located in the rear, which specialize in the production of military supplies and weapons, warehouse bases that specialize in ammunition storage, and special soldier training bases.

In addition to these large underground bases, there are also large and small medium and small bases throughout Ji State and East Chin State, extending to the edge of the Rakhine Mountains.

The army of the Jeko Group had already entered the underground from the ground when the war broke out.

Together with various strategic material warehouses, most of the ones built on the ground are just show goods, which are used for bombing by the Group of Eight.

The really important material warehouses have long been transferred underground.

Through this ground dome system, the Jeko Group suffered minimal losses in manpower and materials in the large-scale bombing of the Sakura Country, and it was not the countless casualties they said.

With the existence of the ground dome system, the Jeko Group can also completely hide and protect itself.

Otherwise, if they were to march and transport supplies normally on the ground, with the Sakura Kingdom controlling air power and satellite reconnaissance, the soldiers of the Jeko Group would not know how many bombs they would suffer and how much supplies they would lose.

With 100% of the troops, it would be good if half of them could be sent to the front line.

"The commander of the Sakura Kingdom also said that we should surrender within three days."

Liu Yingying pursed her lips and looked at the endless stream of cars, trains and soldiers in the underground base. If the commander named Yoshimura Yuichi saw the scene here, I wonder what he would think.

"If we don't let them see the opportunity, how can they dare to enter the Rakhine Mountains easily? If we don't enter there, how can we bleed them."

Su Jie looked at the vehicles loaded with soldiers and supplies with sharp eyes, and mocked: "They call this Operation Typhoon, but a typhoon can't destroy the Rakhine Mountains. Soon, the Jeko Group will let all the Sakura Kingdom soldiers who broke into the Rakhine Mountains know whose territory this is."


The Sakura Kingdom did not break its promise. When the air strikes made brilliant progress, it joined the Zen Kingdom government forces to send a large number of ground troops.

In the Rakhine Mountains, countless heavy artillery pieces that were transported here began to roar like gods, and in coordination with the air force air strikes, shells fell like raindrops, indiscriminately bombing the possible outposts, barracks and fortresses of the Jeko Group.

With the material backing of the United States, the wealthy Sakura and Zen governments did not care about this little ammunition at all.

In the Rakhine Mountains, there is a road leading to Jibang, called Xinfan Avenue, which is also the real throat.

If you want the army to enter Jibang, it is the fastest from here. Although this road is tattered, it is still a road. Otherwise, you can only enter through the primeval forest of the mountains, which is not the first choice of the G8.

This Xinfan Avenue is at the forefront of the Rakhine Mountains. There is a peak called Twin Peaks. Xinfan Avenue passes between the two peaks.

These twin peaks are like two door gods, guarding the passage of Xinfan Avenue.

This place was also occupied by the Jeko Group when Jibang was captured last time.

If you want to enter Jibang, the best option is to take the Xinfan Avenue, and if you want to take the Xinfan Avenue, you must take out the Twin Peaks.

In order to take down the Twin Peaks, the G8 carried out the most violent bombing here.

In just one week, more than 50,000 tons of ammunition were bombed on the Twin Peaks.

The tens of thousands of soldiers of the Jeko Group stationed here, each of whom was subjected to five tons of explosives, the mountain peaks were flattened by dozens of meters, and no grass or trees could survive.

After a week of bombing, accompanied by ground shaking, a large number of armored personnel carriers and tanks drove to the foot of the Twin Peaks.

These vehicles could not go up the mountain, and could only be captured by infantry.

"Those bastards of the Jeko Group should all be dead."

Matsumoto Koichiro sat on the upper deck of a tank, shaking with the ups and downs of the car, looking at the Twin Peaks in the distance that had been bombed into a scorched earth, and said excitedly.

"With such fierce firepower, even an iron man would be blown to pieces. We'll probably just be collecting the bodies of the Jeko Group soldiers if they still have intact bodies. Haha."

"That's even better. They deserve this kind of treatment. They're lucky to have no remains. At least they died quickly. Otherwise, if I catch them, I'll make sure they understand my methods."

"Not only the Twin Peaks, our fighter planes also bombed the entire territory under the control of the Jeko Group. Their military power has been defeated. I hope the Jeko Group will not surrender so quickly, otherwise it will be like we are out for a trip, and all the credit will be earned by the guys in the Air Force."

The soldiers sitting on the tanks laughed and laughed, and there was no tension at all.

Several fighter planes flew low, causing the soldiers below to cheer and howl. On the faces of the high-spirited Sakura soldiers, there was no breath of war at all, and they all thought they had already won.

Looking at the fighter planes that were still dropping bombs, Matsumoto Koichiro couldn't help but laugh and curse: "Baga, there are too many bombs, no one can survive such a bombing, don't you want to leave any military merits to us infantrymen?"

Amidst the laughter and curses, soon, more than 50,000 Zen and Sakura soldiers came to the foot of the Twin Peaks.

There were only 10,000 soldiers of the Jeko Group stationed at the Twin Peaks, and they had even been bombed to pieces. All the soldiers of the Zen Country and the Sakura Country thought that this was a battle without suspense.

However, some soldiers who had dealt with the Jeko Group before did not dare to be careless and ordered the ground troops to start searching the mountain.

There was no attack on the way up the mountain, and the soldiers gradually became more and more courageous. In order to seize the first merit, the soldiers of the Sakura Country did not even look for shelter, but rushed forward directly, wanting to reach the top of the mountain as soon as possible and plant their own national flag there to declare sovereignty.

These Sakura Country soldiers did not know that their every move was being watched by others.

Inside the Twin Peaks, there are intricate tunnels and caves, like natural trenches, and they are extremely strong reinforced with various steel bars and concrete.

The Sixth Mountain Division of the Jeko Group is stationed here, with a total of 11,000 people.

Relying on the tunnels dug in advance, they avoided the terrifying bombing outside. Although there were inevitable losses, they were still within the acceptable range.

"Division Commander, the enemy has crossed the foot of the mountain. Can we open fire?"

In a hidden observation port, Li Yuqi, the commander of the 6th Mountain Division, was holding a telescope and watching the movement at the foot of the mountain. The staff officer next to him could not help but remind him.

"Don't worry."

Li Yuqi's expression remained unchanged. As a talent selected by the Jieke Group, although he was a native of Zen, he received formal military education and graduated from the Shijiazhuang Army Command Academy in China.

After returning to China, because of his upright style, he could not get used to the corruption and degeneration in the Zen government army, so he resigned in anger and planned not to work in this industry.

But the emergence of the Jieke Group gave him hope of saving the country.

After inspecting the governance of the Jieke Group on the spot, he took the initiative to join the Jieke Group and was promoted to the position of division commander with his excellent level.

"The enemy has occupied the foot of the mountain."

The staff officer reminded again.

"Then let them occupy it and let them go up the mountain."

Li Yuqi's face remained calm.

When the soldiers of the Sakura Country crossed the halfway point of the mountain and headed towards the top of the mountain, Li Yuqi finally waved his hand.

"Order, prepare firepower."

This order was quickly passed down, and the loose soil shook under the hidden caves, and the shooting windows were pushed open from the inside. Countless light and heavy machine guns quietly poked out from them, all ready.

On the upper half of the mountain, there were gun muzzles extending out, slowly aiming at the Sakura Country soldiers who were climbing the mountain.

At this moment, all kinds of hidden firepower points were ready for slaughter.

Li Yuqi watched all this, watching the increasing number of troops and supplies piled up at the foot of the mountain, as well as the excited and shouting Sakura Country soldiers, slowly put down the telescope, and said coldly: "Pass the order down, open fire."

The order was passed down layer by layer, and all the light and heavy firepower at the hidden points opened fire together.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

At a shooting window in a cave, a 12.7mm caliber heavy machine gun was deployed there, spewing out a nearly half-meter-long tongue of fire. As the ammunition belt jumped rapidly, the bullets continued to harvest lives.

In particular, the operator of this machine gun was a third-class super soldier. After swallowing the body-strengthening pill, he had a stronger reaction and ability to capture fighter opportunities.

The Sakura soldiers in front of him who were straight up the mountain were like harvested wheat, and were laid down in rows.

More than 20 people were shot dead in just a few seconds, and the remaining Sakura soldiers lay on the ground, shouting and looking for various shelters.


The heavy artillery on the top of the mountain began to bombard, and those areas where supplies and troops were piled up at the foot of the mountain were baptized by heavy artillery. Human limbs flew around with twisted metal parts and fell dozens of meters away. Blood seeped into the soil in large streams, fertilizing the grass and trees here.

In almost a short time, the Sakura soldiers and Zen soldiers who were as proud as roosters before were hit hard.

This sudden attack caught them off guard, and the entire mountaineering team fell into chaos.

"Oshima, cheer up, don't die, hey, don't die!"

Matsumoto Koichiro held his friend's stomach tightly, trying to push the intestines back, but it was useless.

"Ko... Koichiro, I seem to see the cherry blossoms in my hometown... The cherry blossoms are in full bloom, so beautiful!"

The friend was dying and had hallucinations. He looked straight at the white clouds in the sky and seemed to see the beautiful scenery of cherry blossoms in full bloom in his hometown.

"Wake up, you won't die, come back alive, military doctor, medical soldier, come here quickly, I have seriously injured people here."

Matsumoto Koichiro yelled like crazy, but no one paid any attention to him, because the Twin Peaks were already full of wailing.

Just the moment Matsumoto Koichiro looked up, he saw a soldier cut in half by a machine gun, with his upper body crawling on the ground in despair.

A soldier was shot through the head, and his brains spurted out several meters away.

A soldier's body was set on fire, screaming and running around, and finally fell to the ground, curled up and burned into a charred corpse.

Several soldiers were hit directly by heavy artillery, leaving a scorched earth pit where they were, and they were no longer visible in it.

There were also soldiers who were frightened by the tragic scene, standing still, muttering something in their mouths, and you couldn't understand what they were saying at all. In less than two seconds, they were killed by the machine gun bullets that swept in.

The tight feeling in his hands awakened Matsumoto Koichiro, and he looked down, only to see his friend holding him tightly with both hands, a large stream of blood gushing out of his mouth, his eyes wide open, and he had stopped breathing.


Matsumoto Koichiro roared in resignation and grief.

Previously, he thought he had a sure victory. He had never imagined that after repeated bombings of tens of thousands of tons of ammunition, there were still so many soldiers of the Jeko Group on the Twin Peaks, hiding insidiously underground and using various underground bunkers to slaughter them.

Now, these mountaineering troops have become living targets on the Twin Peaks that have been bombed bare, and it is difficult to find many places to hide.

They can only withstand the reckless bullets and shells of the Jeko Group, resulting in heavy casualties among the soldiers of the Sakura Country and the Zen Country. The mountains are covered with corpses and broken limbs, and the smell of blood is extremely pungent.

It can be said that at this moment, the Twin Peaks are as terrible as hell for the soldiers of the Sakura Country.

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