Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 370: People's Heart (2 updates, 8,000 words)

"Village Chief Sang, if what I say is true or false, you will know after a little inquiry. You can take people to visit under the rule of our Jieke Group. Then you will naturally know whether Jieke Group is what I said."

Seeing Sanka's eager eyes, Jia Sashan knew that his words just now were not in vain.

He still remembered the lesson he had given to them by General Su. There was one sentence in it that still shocks him.

"We don't engage in formalism. We will solve whatever the farmers need most and solve the poverty problem of tens of millions of people. Only in this way can the entire northern border and the entire Zen Kingdom accept us."

Jasashan always remembered this sentence, and he did the same.

If we want to break the foundation of the warlords' rule here for many years and the deep-rooted concept of opium cultivation, we can only solve the problem fundamentally.

The so-called fundamental problem is actually to make money, have enough to eat, and live a stable life. This is something that Jieke Group is fully capable of doing.

"I want to see it, I want to see it."

Sanka nodded repeatedly. He had gone to the town before and heard others say that in the territory governed by the Jieko Group, the salary income there was several times that of theirs.

However, under the rule of the warlords, the Jieke Group was a strictly forbidden topic to be discussed. In addition, Xikou Village was located in the mountains and there was no Internet access here. All he knew about the Jieke Group was from watching TV and listening to the radio in the town. , his understanding is really limited.

Now that he heard what Jia Sashan said, he realized that the rule of Jieke Group turned out to be such a profitable place.

"Fellow fellows, you can all switch to raising poisonous insects in the future. Anyway, the food yield of your mountainous environment is too low. But if you switch to raising insects, the environment here is naturally suitable for this."

The villagers looked at each other, and some people couldn't help but ask loudly: "Sir, if it is really so profitable, we will definitely work with you!"

When other villagers saw someone speaking, they immediately became active.

"I want to visit the Jieke Group, but I don't have travel expenses. Can I go?"

"I am good at raising bugs! I caught a lot of bugs and raised them myself when I was a child. I am very good at raising them. No one in this village can raise them better than me."

"Fuck your mother, Wu Laosan, when you fought with me before, you were eaten to death by me. When it comes to raising insects, I, Xia Ping, am the number one in Xikou Village."

The atmosphere among the villagers became more and more lively, and they started discussing fiercely with each other.

Seeing this scene, Jia Sashan smiled on his face.

"Fellow, can you tell me now the location of those warlord soldiers?"

Jia Sa Shan's opening once again plunged the environment into silence.

In the end, it was Sankar who made the decision.

"I'll bring you here."

Sanka knew that if his bet was right this time, their Xikou Village would take off.

As for the failure, in fact, Xikou Village has seen more than one wave of defeated troops fleeing from the vicinity in the past few days.

Those warlords themselves were about to be wiped out, so naturally there was no way to retaliate against them. He could still see this kind of thing clearly.

Under the leadership of Sankar, several rebel soldiers hiding in the village finally raised their hands in despair and were captured by Jasa Mountain.

Xikou Village is just a small microcosm of the entire battlefield. There are many villages and towns like Xikou Village that have been economically kidnapped by warlords.

In the past, even if the government troops could defeat the warlord soldiers, they would be helpless against the warlord soldiers who were broken into pieces and hiding among the people.

The warlord soldiers have the support of local people in the local area. This kind of mass base is difficult for outsiders to shake.

It is also the key to the warlord's ability to survive and resurrect every time.

But it was the Jieke Group that took action and used only the simplest tactic of spreading money to easily disintegrate the warlord's local mass base.

Not just in the countryside, but also in the cities, the Jieko Group's actions are more radical.

Mangshan City, a city affiliated to the Zen Liberation Front.

At this time, the city has been completely captured by the Jieco Group. Large numbers of Jieco Group taxis entered the city and immediately cleared away the city's casinos, brothels, fraud parks, and all those engaged in various black industries. All the power was wiped out in one fell swoop.

"Thank you, thank you so much. You saved my life. You saved my life."

"You must not let those devils go. I beg you. My family was killed by them. You must not let those inhumane scum go."

"Jacko Group, woo woo, thank God, you finally called me. I thought I wouldn't survive that day."

In a square, the survivors who were rescued from the fraud park cried and laughed, and shed tears of excitement.

Many of them were covered in scars, including the most common bruises from beatings, as well as cigarette burns, some had their fingers chopped off, some had deep scars on their faces, and some were missing ears and noses.

They were all rescued by soldiers from the Jieko Group. Even though many of them were so miserable, they were actually considered lucky.

Those who were really miserable had already been tortured to death, and then their internal parts were removed and sold at high prices.

There were many Jieco soldiers at the scene to maintain order. Most of the civilians in Mangshan City gathered here to see what the Jieco Group, which had newly entered Mangshan City, wanted to do.

"Detain the prisoner."

Officers shouted in the square, and men and women were escorted onto the high platform.

A sign stuck high on the back of their neck spelled out their crime.

Crimes of intentional homicide, forcing women, opening casinos, illegal detention, opium trafficking, human trafficking, organ trafficking...

As the people were escorted to the stage, many civilians in Mangshan City recognized that these people were basically prominent figures in Mangshan City.

Every wealthy businessman and big shot who used to criticize Fang Qiu has now become a prisoner.

"The prisoner here is Huang Junyun, 48 years old. He was previously the owner of Jingyan Science and Technology Park. He is actually engaged in various types of fraud, kidnapping, extortion, causing disability and death.

Wu Jinggu, 52 years old, engages in the illegal trade of human organs and conducts bad behavior by assuming that the victims will be killed and buried.

Wu Pin, sixty-one years old..."

A personal charge was read out, and many of the guys who were caught on stage peed their pants. They were no longer as high-spirited as in the past, and many people cried and screamed earth-shatteringly.

Of course, there are also those who know that they will definitely die this time, and they keep yelling at the Jieke Group and are furious about their incompetence.

"I have money. I still have a lot of money in foreign accounts. If you let me go, I will give you all the money if you let me go."

"It's none of my business. It's the warlords who said they wanted to attack the Jieko Group. I have always opposed their actions. I am one of my own!"

"Bah, you guys from the Jieko Group will die badly."

"How dare you arrest me? Let me tell you, my father is..."

The expressions of the people being escorted onto the high platform range from ferocious to ferocious, crying, and remorseful expressions. All aspects of life can be seen here.

Under the high platform, when those survivors who had been dealt with by various evil forces saw those who had persecuted them, their eyes were red. All kinds of garbage and debris were thrown on the stage and they were hit, and many people were hit on the head. Broken blood flow.

If it weren't for the soldiers from the Jieco Group who stopped them, these people might have rushed to the high platform and tore those bastards alive.

Even the people in Mangshan City also threw things and smashed them together.

Because these so-called big shots have never done anything good.

They are engaged in various evil forces and have caused countless massacres in the local area. There are warlords standing behind them to act as a protective umbrella. Naturally, the people of Mangshan City have also been harmed.

It's just that I was afraid of the power of these warlords in the past, but now that the leader of the Jieko Group is standing up for them, I can't wait to kill them quickly.

The locals have no favorable impression of warlords, except those who are engaged in black industry.

Because the warlords are not the government, they will not deal with people's livelihood, let alone allocate funds to build roads, build schools and hospitals, and build power stations and tap water. Places under the rule of warlords are often the poorest.

In comparison, the government of the Zen Kingdom is in decline, and it still allocates a small amount of education funds and health bureau funds every year, which is better than those warlords who spend nothing.

People's livelihood infrastructure is so poor that it is difficult for ordinary people to make money. Coupled with the public security problems caused by allowing illegal industries to flourish, the residents of these cities naturally have no sympathy with those warlords.

The excited crowd was stopped by the soldiers of the Jieco Group, especially a few first-class super soldiers wearing alloy armor. Their cold and violent aura made people afraid to approach them, so people could only complain below.

"That bastard broke my hamstring. I wanted to kill him immediately."

"Wuwu, my wife, my wife was captured by him, captured..."

"He cut off both of my ears because I didn't complete my performance. He must be killed."

"Kill them."

"Kill them."

"Kill them."

The shouts grew louder and louder, and finally turned into a uniform, murderous intent rising into the sky.

"Anyone who commits ten crimes shall be punished for his crime. He shall be sentenced to death and executed immediately by firing squad."

After the judge read everyone's charges, he really did not disappoint. He made the verdict on the spot, which immediately made the audience cheer.

Bang bang bang!

The soldiers of Jieko Group picked up their rifles, pointed at the prisoners kneeling on the ground, and pulled the triggers.

No matter how brilliant these people are at this time, they can only become cold corpses in front of the peanuts of the Jieke Group.

Groups of criminals were pulled up to the high platform for execution. In troubled times, heavy punishments were used. The Jieke Group would not pity these scum and decisively sent their souls to the west with a bullet.

As the evil forces in these cities have been eradicated, and Jieko has promised the next big infrastructure plan, Jieko Group's local support has been rising steadily, and there is no need to worry about falling into the public security war of the People's War.

After dismantling the local rule base of the warlords, the Jieko Group was unstoppable. Eighty thousand soldiers almost completed a head-on attack on the six warlords in a sweeping manner.

In just three days of participating in the war, the seemingly numerous troops of these six warlords retreated repeatedly with less than 20,000 casualties, constantly handing over their territory to others.

His fighting will and fighting qualities really surprised people all over the world.

But the most eye-catching thing about this battle is the appearance of the first-class super soldiers.

People were surprised to find that the ace soldiers who were originally affiliated with the Steel Battalion were now transferred to ordinary troops. This was also the main reason why those warlord troops were on the verge of collapse so quickly.

First-class super soldiers can achieve an exaggerated battle loss ratio against the armies of major powers, and they can defeat lagging warlords. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are a dimensionality reduction blow.

Among the six warlords, the Zen Liberation Front, which was closest to the Jieko Group, had its entire territory occupied by the Jieko Group, and it was very easy to handle the whole process.

But for the G8, this news is not good.

Especially for the Sakura Country troops participating in the air strikes, Yoshimura Yuichi couldn't figure out where so many soldiers of the Jeko Group came from, and they had so many weapons and ammunition.

"Damn it, where did the soldiers of the Jeko Group come from? Were they temporarily recruited to make up the numbers? It doesn't look like that!"

Yoshimura Yuichi looked at the telegram of the war situation in the north, his face full of confusion.

Their previous air strikes clearly destroyed most of the military bases and material reserves in the Jeko Group.

The enemy's soldiers should have been disorganized for a long time. How could they suddenly come out of the ground and pull out 70,000 or 80,000 troops to defeat the six warlords?

In fact, Yoshimura Yuichi was not wrong. These soldiers of the Jeko Group really came out of the ground.

"Speaking of which, these warlord soldiers are too rubbish. They collapsed after only three days of fighting."

Thinking of the combat effectiveness of the warlord soldiers, Yoshimura Yuichi was even more speechless.

I knew that the combat effectiveness of the warlord soldiers was poor, but I didn't expect it to be so poor.

The Zen government army had been able to fight back and forth with these warlords before. If the G8 had not provided instructor support training to the Zen military, I am afraid that their comrades would also be such monsters.

"Where are our troops in the Arakan Mountains?"

Yoshimura Yuichi asked the staff officer. Now the warlords can't be relied on, and the other side can involve the 80,000 troops of the Jeko Group, which is also a success.

Now Yoshimura Yuichi really cares about the 150,000 troops in the Arakan Mountains.

That is the most capable group of troops in Zen. If the whole army is wiped out, Zen will be in danger, and he, the commander-in-chief, will also be brought to the military court.

The staff officer spread out the map and said, "Our troops evacuated smoothly. Now 150,000 troops have retreated to Yangling Mountain. We are still three days away from leaving the Rakhine Mountains.

Because the continuous heavy rain made the march very difficult, we have ordered the entire army to be on alert to guard against the attack of the Jeko Group.

The other side has gone to great lengths to block our troops in the Rakhine Mountains. They definitely want to eat up our troops."

"When will the Scorpion Cloud Mountain be opened?"

"We are mobilizing various engineering machinery and manpower, digging day and night. The front line has issued a military order and will completely open it within five days."

"Notify the fighter planes to cruise with bombs, and the reconnaissance planes and early warning planes to scout the Rakhine Mountains for me around the clock. No clues can be missed."

Under a series of attacks by the Jeko Group, Yoshimura Yuichi understood the horror of the Jeko Group and did not want to be attacked by the Jeko Group at all costs.

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