Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 371 Final Battle

Arakan Mountains, Honggui Bridge.

A huge army is advancing here.

This army has an astonishing number of 150,000 people. It is a mixed force of Sakura Country and Zen Country, spreading out for dozens of kilometers, as mighty as a long dragon.

In order to prevent being attacked by the Jeko Group, the Sakura Country and Zen Country troops in the Arakan Mountains have now integrated their teams together to effectively prevent being divided and broken by the Jeko Group.

But both Sakura Country and Zen Country underestimated the appetite of the Jeko Group.

Even if they gather all the soldiers, they will become prey in the eyes of the Jeko Group.

On a hilltop, Su Jie quietly watched the huge army passing through the Honggui Bridge. Such a huge march cannot be hidden.

"General Su, the brother troops are already in place."

The Iron Battalion Commander Miao Lun standing on the side spoke.

Now gathered here are not only all the gene warriors of the Iron Battalion, but also a large number of super soldiers drawn from various troops, with a number of more than a thousand people.

In addition, there are two of the most elite mountain combat brigades of the Jeko Group, totaling 9,000 people, scattered in the nearby mountains and forests.

Relying on night marches and the natural concealment of the forest, they avoided the high-altitude detection of satellites and reconnaissance aircraft all the way and came here.

"Are you scared? Now, you have to fight against an enemy that is a hundred times more powerful than you."

Su Jie slowly turned around and looked at Miao Lun and asked.

"General Su, we are the Iron Battalion. We should be afraid of those Sakura soldiers."

Miao Lun said in a serious tone, without the tension before the war.

Behind Miao Lun, the same was true for the Iron Battalion gene warriors. There was only excitement in their eyes. They were the most loyal warriors to the Jeko Group and could not wait to attack and clear the obstacles for the Jeko Group.

"Very good, then let those Sakura soldiers know whose territory this is."

Su Jie patted Miao Lun's waist because he was wearing a biological colonization suit.

"Now, as the highest commander of the Jeko Group, I order you to become the nightmare of the soldiers of the Sakura Country."

"Yes, please rest assured, General Su. All the soldiers of the Iron Battalion will complete the mission."

Miao Lun stood at attention with the soldiers of the Iron Battalion behind him, and then conveyed the combat order.

"Everyone, let the artillery fire first and cut off their retreat."

Miao Lun knew the key to this battle, and he was extremely serious at this time.

Boom boom boom!

The deafening sound of artillery sounded, and the artillery unit of the Gene Warriors used 120mm mortars. The heavy shells fell on the Honggui Bridge, blowing up the bridge. One by one, the armored vehicles and tanks that were moving in it, including the soldiers, cried and fell into the muddy river.

The sudden sound of artillery caused chaos in the 150,000-man army. The Gene Warriors artillery, who were already familiar with the route, quickly covered the artillery in just one minute, and immediately packed up and ran away, avoiding the anti-artillery radar lock and counterattack of those self-propelled artillery.

The genetic warriors fired artillery while moving, continuously bombarding the Sakura Zen mixed forces that far outnumbered them.

However, the counterattack of the Sakura Zen mixed forces soon arrived, and the roar of fighter planes came from the sky, looking for the artillery targets of the genetic warriors and bombarding them wildly.

Fortunately, the dense forest provided an excellent hiding and concealment effect. Although the genetic warriors suffered casualties in the bombing, the bombardment never stopped.

"Blow up the dam of Hugu Reservoir."

Su Jie issued a new combat order again.

In the upper reaches of the Xidan River, due to heavy rains for several days, a huge reservoir here has accumulated too much river water.

This reservoir was built by the early colonial army. At that time, there were many precious timbers in the Rakhine Mountains of Zen Kingdom, and the colonists drove the local people to build this Hugu Reservoir.

As a result, the water storage in this section of the Xidan River was regulated, making the river smoother, which was conducive to their timber being transported by river in this relatively smooth section.

When the news was received, the engineers of the Jeko Group who had been waiting here for a long time decisively pressed the detonator to detonate a large amount of explosives buried under the dam.


The explosives blew up the dam, and the full reservoir water suddenly became like a wild horse that had broken free from its reins. The river water mixed with a large amount of mud and sand formed a turbulent flood that rushed along the Xidan River.

Soon, the Yingchan troops who were fighting more than ten kilometers away heard strange movements and a loud rumbling sound came from upstream.

Without much reaction time, the soldiers on both sides of the Xidan River opened their mouths one by one because they found the source of the sound.

What they saw was like a raging yellow dragon sweeping in. The flood mixed with broken branches and stones rushed down from the upstream and continued to rush into the already turbulent river.

The rumbling sound, while beating the shore, also shocked the hearts of the soldiers who witnessed all this to the greatest extent, making them pale.

"Flood, flood is coming."

"The upstream dam has burst."

"Run, why are you still standing there!"

After a short moment of daze, the soldiers ran away like crazy.

But how could human legs outrun the flood? The roaring flood pounced on the panicked soldiers like a beast, swept them in and rushed downstream.

At least thousands of soldiers were washed away, and this was just the beginning.

Because this area is surrounded by vast mountains on both sides, and the low-lying Xinfan Avenue in the middle, the massive floods continued to pour into the low-lying road according to the laws of nature.

The rolling floods turned the road into a marsh, and many trucks and armored vehicles were trapped in it. These steel behemoths had nowhere to go and could only be abandoned by the soldiers.

Needless to say, those infantry soldiers, the soldiers of Sakura Kingdom and Zen Kingdom were shouting at each other, the water was already up to their chests, and they were running for their lives in the mountains and forests on both sides in panic.

Before the Sakura Nation soldiers who fled high up in the mountains could take a breath, the Steel Battalion soldiers and super soldiers who had been waiting here for a long time launched a death assault on these enemy troops.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Miao Lun, the commander of the Iron Battalion, took the lead, armed with a 14.5mm anti-aircraft machine gun, and took the lead into the Yingchan mixed force.

The bodies of Sakura Kingdom soldiers were torn apart by bullets, and screams and wails could be heard endlessly.

Behind the Iron Battalion genetic warriors were the first-class super soldiers, and finally the second-class and third-class super soldiers.

Although compared to the enemy's army of hundreds of thousands, the number of soldiers of the Jieko Group is hundreds of times smaller, but their impact and lethality are unparalleled. Especially after losing many armored units and fire attack vehicles, these genetic warriors and super soldiers are even more rampant. avoid.

"Little dwarves of Sakura Valley, take my bullets."

Miao Lun had the deepest hatred for these Sakura Country soldiers who provoked the Jieko Group. Bullets continued to fire at them, breaking each Sakura Country soldier in half.

"It's those guys from the Steel Battalion, come up quickly with heavy weapons."

The soldiers of the Sakura Kingdom recognized the biological reproductive suit at a glance, the latest signature image of the Iron Battalion.

The two sides fought hand to hand, and various rocket launchers and SLR tank missiles were fired at them.

Miao Lun kept dodging, and the bioradar sense inherited from the Purple Light Bat made him at home on the battlefield.

While dodging, his bullets were also fired back sharply, killing the Sakura Country soldier in front of him with blood flowing into a river.

More Steel Battalion soldiers formed a team of three, cooperating with each other to attack.

The entire steel battalion was like sharp arrows inserted into the soldiers of Sakura Kingdom and Zen Kingdom.

Following closely behind were the first-class super soldiers, while the second-class and third-class super soldiers were covering.

As for the two more peripheral mountain brigades, more than 9,000 people also pressed forward from all directions to help the Steel Battalion and the super soldiers relieve the pressure.

Not only the ground, but also an extremely fierce battle broke out in the sky.

Su Jie shipped it in a storage bag, and the radar of the ground anti-aircraft missile site concealed here was turned on. Anti-aircraft missiles were launched one after another, chasing the Sakura fighter jets in the sky for support.

In addition, dozens of fighter jets purchased by the Jieke Group from Mao Xiong, and pilots trained by the Mao Xiong Kingdom, also flew fighter planes over the Arakan Mountains, engaging in fierce air battles with the fighter jets of the Sakura Kingdom and Zen Government.

Various air-to-air missiles and decoy bombs were flying randomly, and fighter planes were hit from time to time and exploded in the air, leaving them without even a chance to parachute.

It can be said that for this battle, the Jieke Group has deployed many of its trump cards to try its best to contain the air supremacy of Sakura Country, leaving them with no time to worry about other things and giving the ground forces time to win.


Amid the violent roar, a heavy aerial bomb hit Miao Lun fifty meters away.

Although Miao Lun tried his best to dodge, he still could not completely escape the explosion range.

This was not because the fighter planes deliberately wanted to bomb him, but because the air battle in the sky was too fierce. In order to reduce the load and gain better maneuverability, the fighter jets took the initiative to throw away the bombs mounted in the magazine. By coincidence, one of them fell on Near Meulon.

The fire and shock wave of the explosion knocked Miao Lun away, and the biological reproductive equipment became tattered and unusable.

"Is that guy from the Steel Battalion dead?"

"Haha, that aerial bomb was so close, he must have been killed by the bomb."

"Onboard! I'm going to cut off his head and decorate it as my trophy."

When the nearby Sakura Country soldiers saw this scene, they who were originally frightened by Miao Lun suddenly became energetic one by one. Some Sakura Country soldiers ran forward and planned to cut off Miao Lun's head.


But at this moment, Miao Lun suddenly moved on the ground.

The tattered biological clothing was torn open, and a figure, no, to be precise, a shadow-like existence stood up.

Layers of strange gelatinous substances secreted and proliferated all over Mullen's body, and after solidification, they turned into an insect-like chitin exoskeleton.

The muscles of his legs were stretched, and the muscles were like wire ropes, full of unparalleled explosive power.

On his forehead, there are two black halberds with sharp horns rising up into the sky.

At this time, Miao Lun has fully unfolded his complete genetic warrior body. He can't see much of a human being. He is more like a purgatory devil in the abyss. He has exoskeletons all over his body, with halberd horns standing high on his head, and he is two feet tall. Mi Ersan weighs hundreds of kilograms, with bloodthirsty and cruel eyes.

The Sakura Country soldier who stepped forward to cut off his head was so frightened that he could not walk after seeing the image of Miao Lun.

"You want to cut off my head, just because of you?"

Miao Lun looked at him coldly, his hand speed was faster than his voice.

With a flash of his left hand, he grabbed the Cherry Blossom Country soldier's neck. As his palm exerted force, a terrifying scene happened.

The skin, flesh and bones of the Cherry Blossom Soldier's neck were like mud, squeezed out from the gap in Miao Lun's wide palm, and a living head was picked off like this.

Seeing this scene, every Sakura Kingdom soldier's eyes were straight and dumbfounded.

Not only does Miao Lun look completely different from a human being, his abilities are also completely incompatible with humans!

"Now, it's your turn."

Miao Lun twisted his neck, making a crisp sound. The next moment, his figure ran out at a super high speed, running at a speed of 180 kilometers per hour.

In the past, because of the weight of the biological suit and the large amount of ammunition he carried, his speed was actually suppressed.

Now without the restraint of the biological suit, he can run at full speed.

At a speed of 180 kilometers per hour, he can run 50 meters in almost one second.

Many Sakura soldiers didn't react before Miao Lun appeared in front of them.


Miao Lun punched out, and a Sakura soldier's head was directly blown up.

The right leg kicked out, and the Sakura soldier who was kicked flew more than 20 meters away, his body kept rolling in the air, and after landing, almost all of his body was broken, and his internal organs were shattered, as if he was hit by a high-speed car.

In fact, this is almost the same. Miao Lun's strength can lift two tons of weight with both arms. With his speed, the simple punches and kicks falling on the human body are like a car accident scene.

After killing several people in a row, the bullets of those Sakura soldiers also fell on Miao Lun.

But the bullets were directly deflected by the heavy exoskeleton armor, which can defend against heavy machine gun fire.

Miao Lun has no shortage of strength, speed, and defense. With his biological radar and five senses, Miao Lun's combat effectiveness is No. 1 even in a place where strong men gather like the Iron Camp.

"Monster, this is a monster."

Seeing that bullets can't kill Miao Lun, the nearby Sakura soldiers are even more terrified.

They can still understand the biological colonization suit as a single soldier mecha, but Miao Lun's appearance and the terrifying combat power he showed have brought a shock and fear to their three views, far exceeding the biological colonization suit.

"Monster? I like this name."

Miao Lun smiled grimly, rushed to a heavy machine gun position, crushed the heavy machine gun team inside, held a heavy machine gun himself, and hung a belt on his body. While running at a speed of more than 150 kilometers, he shot at every Sakura soldier who showed his head in his field of vision.

The speed of killing is much faster than using fists and cold weapons. The soldiers can't even hide, and they can't run faster than Miao Lun.

Heavy weapons are even more difficult to hit Miao Lun, who is fast and flexible. Ordinary gun bullets are ignored by Miao Lun, and the battle becomes a one-sided fight.

In less than five minutes, the soldiers of Sakura Valley here were killed by Miao Lun and collapsed. Everyone cried and ran away, away from Miao Lun, a humanoid demon.

This kind of killing and the impact of the terrifying image, the soldiers of Sakura Country can't stand it at all, and they want to escape from Miao Lun's sight at all costs.

I accompanied my father to the hospital today, and there are only 4,000 words.

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