Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 381 Hurting each other (two updates, 8,000 words!)

"In the Age of Mechas, on the new equipment of the Jieke Group, the advantages and disadvantages of the Tiger-type main battle mechas. 》

"The actual combat performance of the Tiger-type main battle mecha is worrying. Everton, a famous military expert, said that this mecha does not have actual combat value and there is no need to worry. 》

"Humanoid mechas are a wrong route, and the development of human military industry will not work by relying on evil methods. 》

The next day, the Jieke Group's military parade celebration was, as expected, a hot news topic around the world.

Among them, the appearance of the tiger-type main battle mecha is expected to shock the whole world like thunder.

Although many military experts have jumped out and pointed out the shortcomings of the Tiger main battle mecha, calling it flashy and unrealistic.

But the majority of melon-eating people don't care about this, because the tiger-type main battle mecha is so handsome.

That kind of fantasy-level equipment in movies appears in reality. The thick barrels, tough lines, and powerful power have hit the G-spot of too many people.

"Holy shit, shit, shit, this mecha is perfect. It's almost forty meters tall, and it has many weapon systems. If it appears on the battlefield, I can't imagine how powerful it would be."

"I don't know how cool it would be if I could drive this mecha. Ah, ah, I'd be willing to pay a million dollars to drive it for five minutes."

"The Gundam figure in my hand suddenly no longer tastes good. I also want a big toy."

"The cost of this must not be more than a billion dollars! I can't afford to play with it. This is a figure that only a big country can collect."

"When will the main battle mecha of our beautiful country be unveiled? Looking forward to it."

"Don't think about it, we can't even copy someone else's three-meter-tall biological reproductive suit, let alone this big guy who is more than thirty meters tall, we have to use the head to copy it!"

"It's just a piece of iron that looks useless. Our beautiful state-owned aircraft carrier fleet doesn't care about this kind of iron lump at all."

"Upstairs, what do you think of the "On Actively Cooperating with Major Military Industrial Enterprises, Accelerating the Research and Development of Individual Mechas and Main Battle Mechas, and allocating US$60 billion in special funds for mechas" just passed by the National Congress? Isn’t this a rare performance?”

Not just on the Internet, countries all over the world began to take action quickly due to the emergence of tiger-type main battle mechas.

"In order to promote the military development of new mechas, relevant mecha courses will be launched in many universities and the development of intelligent robots and humanoid intelligent driving will be increased. 》

This is the latest news announcement in China. In many universities, there are even e-sports masters who have entered the military's sight, hoping that these people can drive mechas to fight.

"Strengthen exploration in the field of mechas, establish research on mecha combat systems, and develop domestic mechas. 》

This is news from the Bear Country, which also wants to enter the mecha field.

"Mecha culture was developed by our Sakura Kingdom. Our Great Sakura Empire must have its own mecha. The Imperial Science and Technology Union will develop a mecha product that attracts world attention within three years. At present, a preliminary design plan for the mecha has been prepared. This mecha is temporarily named the Super Destruction. It will represent the hope of our Sakura Kingdom to take off and destroy all enemies of the empire. 》

The news in Sakura Country was very exciting, and the slogans were loud. As for whether they have this ability, only God knows.

After all, their craftsmanship has long been known internationally, and all kinds of fraud are nothing new.

"The Jieke Group is wantonly hyping up the arms race, arming mecha troops, and establishing biochemical hegemony. This is a provocation to global security. We have recently decided to purchase a batch of beautiful Chinese F35 stealth fighter jets in response. 》

This is the news from Siam. They were trembling with fear from the tiger-type main battle mecha of the Jieke Group. Siam knew that it was incapable of developing mechas, so it could only rush to hug the thick legs of its beautiful country father, using the power of a fox to fake the power of a tiger. This is a way to warn Jieco Group that I am not someone to be trifled with.

However, there is a question mark as to whether this kind of behavior can scare the Jieko Group.

It’s not like the Jieke Group has never fought against the beautiful country. I even dare to attack the father of the beautiful country that you rely on. Am I still afraid of you, Siam?

It can be said that with the debut of the Tiger main battle mecha at the Jieco Group military parade, the whole world was shocked.

Because of the previous genetic warriors wearing biological reproductive suits, they had a strong record of defeating hundreds of people.

Although the emergence of tiger-type main battle mechas has been widely questioned, no one dares to say with certainty that tiger-type main battle mechas cannot be used in actual combat.

Especially now that the Jieko Group has continued to gain military victories, it is even easier for people to make blind judgments.

I think that as the inventor of mechas, Jieke Group must know the benefits of mechas. No one wants to fall behind the times and join the mecha club.

With the evolution of modern warfare, nuclear forces are basically impossible to appear, and armored forces are too bulky, making them particularly easy targets for fighter planes and drones.

The Jieke Group has previously demonstrated the superiority of mechas through the Steel Battalion. Therefore, the emergence of the Tiger main battle mecha, as a new type of equipment that combines powerful armor with the human body, has naturally become the focus of global military competition.

For those military powers, it is of vital significance to have powerful mecha forces to protect national security, maintain territorial integrity, and maintain the balance of power among major powers. No one wants to miss this military revolution.

It's just that no one in these countries thought that the Tiger main battle mecha was a fake and shoddy product, and they were led into the ditch.

However, they did not research in the wrong direction. The current tiger-type main battle mecha of the Jieco Group is fake. This does not mean that the Jieco Group cannot develop similar mechas in the future, but it may not be that big, and it may not be that big. It must be humanoid.

At a time when the craze for research and development of mechas has been vigorously launched all over the world, Jieke Group has also officially entered the international stage in this novel way, and received greetings from major international players for the first time.

Some countries that are friendly to the Jieco Group have made public statements internationally recognizing the legitimacy of the Jieco Group's rule over the Zen Kingdom.

Neutral countries did not make any statements. As for countries that had a grudge against the Jieko Group, they naturally chose to add insult to injury.

On the third day after the military parade celebrations of the Jieko Group, ASEAN directly chose to launch an attack and announced that Zen would be removed from the ASEAN organization, kicked out of the group, and would not play with Zen.

The so-called ASEAN is a regional international organization in Southeast Asia, which mainly strengthens economic, trade and commercial cooperation.

Prior to this, ASEAN consisted of ten countries: Siam, Temasek, Luzon, Java, Roubu, Annam, Chenla, Lancang, and Bo Ni.

Now that this organization has stated that it will not take Zen Kingdom to play, it is self-evident who it is targeting.

On the same day in Sakura Country, Prime Minister Tsushima Juichi made a speech: "Under the rule of the Jieko Group, Zen Country has completely become an extreme axis country. Our country will sever diplomatic relations with Zen Country and ban trade. economic exchanges.”

The spokesperson of the beautiful country was even more naked, saying bluntly: "Due to the current changes in the situation, President Lawrence signed an executive order on April 2 and decided to freeze the deposits of US$9.5 billion in the Central Bank of Zen.

US$9 billion will be allocated to compensate for my country's material losses during the civil war in Zen. The remaining US$500 million will be transferred to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and will be used for humanitarian relief in Zen, but it will not be channeled through the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Hands of Science Group. "

As soon as this news came out, the reporters below were in an uproar.

A reporter couldn't wait to stand up and asked: "What qualifications does a beautiful country have to freeze the assets of other countries?"

The spokesman curled up his lips and said: "We have legal basis for freezing foreign assets. The relevant law of 1977 gives the president "special economic powers." This right allows the transfer of foreign frozen assets to the Federal Reserve Bank of the country. and use it for other purposes.”

A reporter from the Bear Country stood up and mocked: "As far as I know, the financial reserves of the Central Bank of Zen in Beautiful Country belong to all the people of Zen Country. Such a unilateral agreement by President Lawrence of Beautiful Country is contrary to relevant international norms and laws. .

In this world, no country has the right to decide to confiscate another country's money. The beautiful country should return the money to the Jieco Group. "

"Our beautiful country does not recognize the Jieko Group as the legal regime of the Zen Kingdom. This money belongs to the original Zen government, and he is a member of the G8. As the leader of the G8, our beautiful country has the right to handle the whereabouts of this money. "

The spokesperson of the beautiful country acted like a dead pig and was not afraid of boiling water. It was obvious that he wanted to embezzle this money, and he said it brazenly.

“If it wants to get the money back, the Jieko Group must acknowledge the debt in the contract signed between the Zen government and our country.

We have provided a large number of loans and material resources to the Zen government, of which arms sales alone amounted to 79 billion, all of which were completed in the form of arrears.

The Jieco Group must bear this part of the debt and publicly apologize for the civil war in Zen. Otherwise, our beautiful country will never recognize the legitimacy of the Jieco Group in Zen. "


When the news traveled across the ocean and reached Zen, other European and American countries followed suit and froze the local assets of Zen Bank.

"It's so shameless. This is a naked robbery. You don't need 79 billion US dollars in arms. You sold arms on credit to the Zen government to attack us, and you want us to pay back the arms money. There are such shameless people in the world. "

In the office of Jieke Group, Liu Yingying was furious after receiving the news, feeling deeply angry at Meiguo's shameless behavior.

"79 billion U.S. dollars, the beautiful Chinese military really dares to repay it! It seems that they are using our Jieke Group to settle the debt, knowing that the dead people of the Zen government cannot speak."

Su Jie had a mocking smile on his face, patted Liu Yingying on the back, and said: "The beautiful country has always been like this. Now they have to experience both military defeat and moral failure. It is obvious that they don't want our economy to be easy. You If you are so angry that you lose control of your temper, that will suit their needs."

"But the other party went too far. That money clearly belongs to us. Many of it is the savings of the people of the Zen Kingdom, and it was just occupied by their beautiful country."

Liu Yingying was very unwilling. Meiliguo's actions were so disgusting.

"Others can do the first grade, so we can do the fifteenth grade!"

Su Jie knocked Liu Yingying on the head and said with a smile: "I remember that there are many oil and gas field companies in our country invested by Europe and the United States. It is time to take them back to the country."

Zen is rich in oil and gas resources, with proven oil reserves of 3.1 billion barrels and natural gas reserves of 2.54 trillion cubic meters, ranking among the top ten in the world in terms of natural gas reserves.

According to statistics, the field with the largest foreign investment in Zen is the oil and gas industry, with a total of 184 projects and a total investment of US$28.41 billion, accounting for more than 71% of the total foreign investment. Because Zen did not have the oil and gas technology to exploit at the time, it could only rely on these foreign capital.

Hearing what Su Jie said, Liu Yingying's eyes immediately lit up.

"I understand how to do it."

Liu Yingying gritted her teeth and ran out in a hurry to give Europe, America and ASEAN a good look.

The next day.

Jieke Group issued an announcement in tit-for-tat confrontation with Beautiful Country.

"In order to safeguard the country's basic people's livelihood and energy security, starting today, the Zen Kingdom will return the assets of the following companies to state control. The specific list is as follows: General Electric Company, Caterpillar Company, Chevron Oil Company, Exxon Mobil Oil Company , Royal Shell Oil Company, Total Gas Company, Sumitomo Trading Company, Mitsubishi Trading Company... all the assets of the above companies in the Zen Kingdom will be nationalized immediately. 》

As soon as the news came out, the Jieco Group had already taken action. Soldiers stationed in these companies to control and seal them to prevent them from being deliberately destroyed. These are now the assets of the Jieco Group, and they must be well protected.

After the announcement of Jieke Group appeared in the international community, the world was shocked. A large number of people watched the show and the discussion was in full swing.

And those companies that were named were confused. Damn it, my money is still there.

It was obviously the beautiful country's military-industrial complex that loaned money to buy arms and gave it to the Zen government. The Zen government was wiped out and the money was lost, so they confiscated money from the Central Bank of Zen to compensate for part of the losses. How come this war is burning to me? On the head.

Countries all over the world were shocked by the saucy operations of the Beautiful Country and the Jieco Group.

You two are hurting each other, stabbing each other to bleed each other, right? It's too shameless to play like this in a business war.

This is simply like two thugs fighting each other shirtless, using all kinds of lime powder and buttonholes to lift the vagina and legs, without any regard for benevolence, justice and morality.

After Jieco Group issued an announcement to confiscate the assets of the oil company, it was the beautiful country's turn to be anxious. The Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Energy jointly issued a statement in a hurry.

"The assets of our businessmen in Zen are legal, and the main purpose is to help Zen develop oil and gas resources, promote Zen's international trade, and ensure the stability of the country's energy supply. Jieco Group has no right to confiscate it, which is a bad act that violates international norms. 》

The oil companies whose assets were confiscated by the Zen Kingdom are jumping up and down. These companies have a lot of energy and want to get their assets back. Even the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Commerce of the United States have persuaded them.

"According to the provisions of Article 283 of my country's Special Economic Act, my country has the right to withdraw all foreign-invested assets for emergency use. 》

Jieke Group responded concisely and concisely. You have to ask when this legal regulation was promulgated. Sorry, it was just passed by Congress yesterday.

As for those foreign oil companies who came to act as lobbyists to plead for mercy, they were ignored and did not take them seriously at all.

These foreign-funded oil companies are feeling aggrieved and itching to hate them.

However, there is nothing that can be done against the Jieko Group. If it were other forces or even countries, they would dare to make some small moves.

But this is the Jieke Group, and no one wants to try the other party's famous dump truck business war, for fear that the other party will send genetic warriors to attack competitors with physical physical elimination.

In the end, these foreign-funded oil and gas companies could only break their teeth and swallow them. They were stripped of their money in tears and fled the Zen Kingdom in despair. All their assets became the spoils of the Jieke Group.

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