Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 382 Military Intimidation (First Update)

The Jieco Group and the Beautiful Country hurt each other. Seeing that the Jieco Group was so rogue, the Beautiful Country took action again.

The Zen Kingdom has a naval force with 15,000 naval personnel, which mainly operates in the offshore waters of the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea.

The entire Zen Navy has 2 Jianghu-2 frigates, 3 Anuruddha-class light frigates, 1 Yongjiya-class frigate, 2 Jiangxituo-class frigates, 1 amphibious dock landing ship, and 1 Kilo-class Submarines and one 035B conventional submarine, as well as about twenty small patrol boats of several hundred tons, missile boats, inland river gunboats and other equipment.

The most powerful of these naval warships only has a displacement of more than 2,000 tons.

This is completely worth mentioning in the world's navy, and the entire Zen navy is very inconspicuous.

When the Jieco Group fully occupied the Zen Kingdom, this naval force naturally surrendered to the Jieco Group.

With their own navy, it is impossible to fight against the Jieko Group, and their ships cannot reach land.

But the United States is intervening at this time. Previously, the United States, together with the G8 members, conducted ocean convoy operations near the Bay of Bengal to combat passing pirates and maintain the safety of waterways.

This is actually aimed at blocking the Jieke Group's shipping lines.

At that time, the Zen Kingdom also participated in this ocean convoy operation. Among them, two Jiangxituo frigates, independently built by the Zen Kingdom and with a displacement of 2,500 tons, accompanied the fleet.

This frigate has a 30mm close-in defense gun, gun-type anti-aircraft missiles, a 76mm rapid-fire gun, two C802 quadruple anti-ship missile devices, three 324mm torpedo launchers, 5-tube anti-submarine rocket launchers, 14.5mm It has multiple machine guns and can also carry an anti-submarine helicopter.

It can be said that although the Jiangxituo frigate has no reputation in the world and can only be regarded as a small unknown ship, it is already the most powerful warship in the Zen Kingdom.

When the Zen Navy fully surrendered to the Jieke Group, the two Jiangxituo frigates, which were originally sailing in the Group of Eight ocean escort fleet, originally planned to return to the military port in the Zen Kingdom and accept the arrangements of the Jieke Group.

However, before the two Jiangxituo frigates left the ocean convoy, they were surrounded by the fleet of the Group of Eight. The naval soldiers of the two Jiangxituo frigates were guarded and the warships were also detained.

"Recently, two Jiang Xituo frigates caught fire during the escort process, injuring our fleet. Until the truth is found out, the ship will be temporarily detained by the Group of Eight and taken to Siam for incident investigation. The return process will not be carried out until the investigation is clear. . 》

This is what the spokesperson of the Group of Eight headquarters said. Anyone with a discerning eye will know that the beautiful countries are playing tricks again.

"We will complete the incident investigation as soon as possible and will never unjustly accuse a good person. 》

This was Siam's reply. It followed the path of the beautiful country and dispatched a large number of naval forces to complete the escort and handover of the Jiang Xituo frigate on the high seas.

This move was mainly due to fear of interference from the Zen navy, just in case.

In terms of naval strength comparison, the Siamese Navy has a total strength of 66,000, including 20,000 Marines, 8,000 Air and Coast Defense Command soldiers, and 1,150 Naval Aviation.

In terms of warships, the Siamese Navy has a light aircraft carrier with a full load displacement of 11,500 tons, a comprehensive supply ship Similan with a full load displacement of 20,000 tons, a 20,000 ton Type 071E dock landing ship, and two fully loaded displacement ships. The 8,500-ton Tenacity-class tank landing ship, two 3,000-ton F25T Naraisongen-class frigates, and four 2,000-ton class 053H2 improved Chao Phraya-class frigates.

The overall strength of the Siamese navy is much stronger than that of the Zen navy. With such a large number of navy dispatched, naturally there is no fear that the Zen navy will come out to cause trouble.

When the news of the seizure of the Jiangxituo frigate reached the Zen Kingdom, it immediately caused an uproar.

Although the Zen government has been destroyed, the two Jiangxituo frigates, as the most powerful warships independently built by the Zen country, occupy a very important position in the hearts of the people of the Zen country. When they were launched, many people felt deeply proud. .

Now that they heard that two Jiangxituo frigates were seized by the beautiful country, countless people in the Zen country were filled with indignation and spontaneously took to the streets to protest against such actions of the Group of Eight.

Jieke Group responded immediately, but it was not about the Jiangxituo frigate.

Liu Yingying faced countless reporters and media cameras and did not verbally protest against the Group of Eight's seizure of the Jiangxituo frigate. Because the beautiful country had such shame, it would not care about such a mere verbal condemnation.

"In order to cope with the recent international tensions, we will carry out a new round of military expansion. The army plans to expand to 500,000. At the same time, we will establish a larger navy and air force, and independently develop self-produced naval warships and air force fighters."

Liu Yingying said something that seemed unrelated, but then, while the entire Jieke Group was frantically expanding its army, one army after another began to move out.

On April 3, the 1st Heavy Combined Brigade of the Jieko Group was deployed to Sammok City on the border with Siam.

On April 5, the 6th Mechanized Infantry Division of the Jieko Group, the 23rd Mountain Infantry Division, and the 2nd Army Aviation Regiment entered the border between Zen and Siam.

On April 9, the 3rd Artillery Brigade of the Jieke Group and the 3rd, 9th, 11th, 17th, and 37th Mountain Divisions once again entered the Songgu Mountain Forest.

Armies of the Jieko Group set off and launched large-scale exercises at the border in a high-profile manner.

At the same time, some people were surprised to find that the Iron Battalion, which had just made outstanding military achievements, did not return to the barracks after receiving the grand award, but went straight to the Siamese border.

The move of the Jeko Group caused an uproar in the world, and Siam was even more frightened.

The Jeko Group, which had just destroyed the Zen government, was at its peak. Such a group of fierce troops, plus the existence of the Iron Battalion, such a large army stationed on the border, put too much psychological pressure on Siam.

Although the Siamese navy was strong and the air force also had an advantage, the army was weak, with only 200,000 people and very old equipment.

Moreover, Siam was very similar to Zen, and it also had many mountains and forests in its territory.

In such an environment, the power of the air force would be extremely limited, but it would be a holy place for ground forces to wage guerrilla warfare.

Not to mention that the Jeko Group has trump cards such as super soldiers and steel battalions. Once the Jeko Group enters Siam, Siam's own army of only 200,000, which has been peaceful for a long time and has old equipment, will never be able to stop the arrogant soldiers of the Jeko Group.

For a while, the whole Siam was in a panic, nervously mobilizing its own troops to reinforce the border, and constantly recruiting veterans who had retired in the past as reserves.

At the same time, it sent a request for help to the international community and accused the Jeko Group of military provocation in the United Nations Security Council.

The entire international community was also stunned by the Jeko Group's move. This TM is tougher than the Russians! Others seized two of your frigates, and you have to send out a large army to kill them.

"The Jeko Group is greedy. After forcibly occupying the Zen Kingdom, it even wants to attack Siam. Such an arrogant organization that ignores international peace and order, are we going to let it do whatever it wants?"

This is what the Siamese representatives said in the United Nations Security Council, and they acted very aggrieved.

The representative of Zen also attended the meeting of the United Security Council. Facing Siam's accusation, he sneered and responded: "Siam illegally seized our Jiang Xituo frigate and provoked our Zen country first. We will use our own methods to get the warship back."

"It was the United States that seized your warship. We are just temporarily keeping it."

The representative of Siam was furious. He had actually guessed the cause of the incident, but the reaction of the Jeko Group was unexpected. They wanted to start a war because of two frigates.

"The warship is in your hands now, so we will naturally look for you. Besides, Siam is a member of the G8. The Jiang Xituo frigate was seized in the name of the G8. There is nothing wrong with looking for you."

The representative of Zen said coldly that the United States could not deal with it for the time being, and it would be easy to beat Siam.

"Your Jeko Group are crazy! You want to start a war. Do you think you can annex everything by force?"

The representative of the United States slammed the table and his face turned blue with anger.

Siam is his younger brother. If he just watched the Jeko Group attack Siam and he, as the boss, remained indifferent, how would the other younger brothers look at him?

"Then we'll see what happens."

The representative of Zen turned around and left, frightening the Siamese representative pale.

Because the United States doesn't care, but Siam can't beat the Jeko Group now!

The United States can just pat its butt and leave, just like it did at the Yangcheng Airport in Zen.

But Siam borders a large territory of Zen, and there is no way to escape.

As the incident fermented, the Jeko Group once again mobilized 30,000 troops to enter the Siamese border. Even Siam caught super soldiers crossing the border to scout the enemy.

The Siamese army was frightened. The battle hadn't even started yet, but the Siamese soldiers who had heard about the brutality of the Steel Battalion had already deserted.

The King of Siam even summoned ministers overnight. After three days of meetings, he ignored the request of the United States and took the initiative to bow to the Jeko Group.

"After a thorough investigation, the firing of the Jiang Xituo frigate was a blunder. We will now immediately return the two frigates to the Chan Kingdom and compensate them with $1 billion as compensation for the delay in military intelligence during the investigation."

The statement issued by the Siamese government focused on admitting defeat. Not only did it return all the warships and naval soldiers, but it also took out $1 billion as an apology.

This price is more than double the cost of the two Jiang Xituo frigates. It can be seen that the Siamese government is really afraid that the Jeko Group will attack it.

Being able to buy peace with $1 billion is worth it for the Siamese government. Their GDP is as high as $700 billion, and $1 billion is nothing to Siam.

And the Jeko Group saw that military intimidation had worked, so it also stopped while it was good.

Now that the Jeko Group has just occupied the Chan Kingdom, it is time to cultivate internal strength and digest the Chan Kingdom well. It is not appropriate to start a war without authorization.

This conflict has been eliminated, but the United States is even more afraid of the Jeko Group.

Seeing the crazy behavior of the Jeko Group beating up its own younger brother at the slightest disagreement, Siam could only strengthen its military and introduce a more severe sanction bill against the Jeko Group, restricting the import of chips, energy, minerals and civilian military materials into the Zen Kingdom.

However, there are many countries on the Blue Star that do not give face to the United States.

As soon as the United States launched sanctions, the Jeko Group quickly finalized a package of procurement cooperation agreements with China.

As the current world factory of the Blue Star, China has a large production capacity, like a natural supermarket, where most materials can be bought, and they are of good quality and low price.

Not only China, the Jeko Group has also signed a large number of commercial cooperation agreements with the Bear Country, such as mining and energy.

Other countries also have a lot of cooperation agreements, including foreign capital coming to invest in Zen.

Jike Group has a lot of money. After fully occupying Zen, Zen has also ushered in great development.

Newly built infrastructure in various places, high-rise buildings, roads, schools, hospitals, steel mills, fertilizer plants, power plants, etc.

The entire Zen is like a big construction site, full of vitality everywhere, and it also brings huge business opportunities.

Even though the Jieke Group just occupied the assets of those oil companies not long ago, there is still capital coming to invest in factories, just because it is profitable, enough profit, let capital dare to take the risk.

The so-called blockade of the United States has naturally become a joke, they can't stop the development of Zen at all.

Because of geography, as long as the Jieke Group has enough funds, the United States cannot effectively block the Jieke Group.

He can't stop the transport ships of the Bear Country at sea. As for the trade between Zen and China on land, the United States is even more out of reach. This is completely different from the United States' backyard like Guba.

As a result, the United States can only try to intensify the crackdown on the economic chain of the Jeco Group on a global scale and ban the smuggling of Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid and Tianyuan Myopia Pills.

But these two products have long been deeply rooted in people's hearts, and they can't be cracked down at all. Enough profits will make people crazy, and they can't catch them all.

The Jeco Group also retaliated. The Tijuana Group in Mexico spared no effort to crack down on the inspectors of the United States while smuggling the products of the Jeco Group on a large scale.

Heavy weapons such as infantry battlefields and anti-tank missiles are used, and sometimes super soldiers are dispatched, all of which are second- and third-class super soldiers.

Needless to say, these super soldiers are naturally trained by the Jeco Group in Tijuana.

Anyway, only the Jeco Group has the strengthening pill, and there is no fear that these Tijuana super soldiers will get out of control. These second- and third-class super soldiers, as long as they are cut off from the strengthening pill, will not have physical fitness and five senses beyond the limits of ordinary people.

Under the brutal attacks and harassment of heavy weapons and super soldiers, the border inspectors of the United States were exhausted and had to upgrade their weapons and equipment one after another.

They used to use rifles, but now they have armored vehicles, armed helicopters, rocket launchers, heavy machine guns, etc. If you don't know, you might think it is a mechanized force. It can be seen how hard they are pushed.

The Jeko Group and the United States are fighting each other. Although there is no large-scale military conflict between the two sides, this economic struggle is equally dangerous and cruel.

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