Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 42 I want this land to be renamed Su

Chan Kingdom, East Chin State, Mande City, Silat Airport.

After a transfer, Su Jie and his group arrived here and a heat wave swept over them as soon as they got off the plane.

Chan Kingdom is located in the tropics, and even in autumn, the temperature is still quite high.

"This is Chan Kingdom!"

Su Jie looked around the airport. There were not many people at the airport, and some locals, both men and women, were dressed relatively simply.

Most men wore a tube skirt and slippers, and most women wore colorful shawls and high, shiny buns.

When they walked out of the airport, many drivers soliciting passengers immediately surrounded them.

Many people recognized Su Jie and others as Chinese, and the language was changed to Chinese, but the accent was a bit heavy, but they could generally understand it.

Because Chan Kingdom borders China, it has been influenced by culture since ancient times.

Many people in Chan Kingdom can speak Chinese and write Chinese, and even Chinese yuan can be used directly here, and it is particularly strong, much better than the Chan currency with severe exchange rate fluctuations.

"Arrange the staff to go to the hotel first. Yingying and Lao Liang will go to the company with me."

Everyone got in the car, started the car, and drove towards the company on the outskirts of the city.

The driver was a talkative man and asked, "Going to Lamao District, are you also here to do timber business?"

"How did you tell?"

"Haha, there are many timber merchants like you from China. I have picked them up many times."

The driver laughed and reminded, "But when you do business, don't go to too remote places. Just stay around the city, otherwise it may be dangerous."

"Is the local area very chaotic?"

"It's very chaotic, too poor, not comparable to you Chinese people. The average salary is only equivalent to 400 to 500 yuan in your country. If you don't have money, you will do all kinds of crooked ways."

The driver's words made Liang Lianjun tremble frequently. Thinking of the legends of various opium plantings, fraud gardens, and kidney cutting in Zen Country, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"Local officials don't do anything?"

"They only sit there and collect benefits. What can they do? Take the road we drive on now, for example. It's full of potholes. It hasn't been repaired for many years. All the money has been embezzled."

After a few words, it can be seen that the driver is quite resentful.

At this time, the car passed a checkpoint, and several soldiers holding AKs and wearing green uniforms were stopping cars here to collect fees.

"Don't talk for a while."

After a reminder, the driver stopped the car, took out 500 yuan of Zen coins and handed them to a soldier. He said a few words in the local language before being allowed to leave.

The vehicle restarted and drove away. Liang Lianjun asked curiously, "Who are those people? Why are they still charging money?"

"Our army here, the Mande United Army, charges vehicle operation fees. All vehicles have to pay, including motorcycles and bicycles."

The driver smiled bitterly, afraid that Liang Lianjun didn't understand, and said, "It's not the government's army, it's the local armed forces."

Liang Lianjun said speechlessly, "They set up checkpoints everywhere to collect fees. They can do such things."

Liu Yingying explained, "It's very chaotic here in Chan. They are a multi-ethnic country with more than 100 ethnic groups. Then there were local warlords of all sizes. The relationship between them was complicated and they have always been in a semi-independent state, just like the separatist regimes in the late Tang Dynasty."

She had been to Chan once and had an impression of it. She knew that the chaos and division in this country were very serious.

During the chat, the car gradually left the city and came to a large and endless warehouse area.

There were many logs placed here, some were placed outside in the open air, and some were piled in the warehouse. From time to time, vehicles carrying logs passed by on the road, and smoke and dust rolled.

This is Lamao District, a timber storage and trading center.

Zen is a major timber exporter, exporting millions of tons of timber annually. This is the pillar industry of Zen, and there are countless timber trading centers like this in various places.

The car kept driving and finally stopped in front of a three-story building.

The small building was hung with the sign of Jindedi Company, and there was a row of warehouses behind it.

This was the shell company that Liu Yingying registered in Zen according to Su Jie's instructions.

There were not many employees in the small building, only six people, all of whom were locals. After seeing Liu Yingying, they greeted her in slightly broken Chinese.

"This small building and the warehouses behind it have been bought. The small building is used as an office, and the warehouses behind are used for timber storage and transportation."

Liu Yingying briefly introduced it, and then said to Su Jie: "Now all the procedures have been completed, just waiting for your instructions."

"Nothing else, just follow me to get the goods."

Su Jie smiled, and this immediately made Liang Lianjun next to him excited. He had been waiting for the logs promised by Su Jie for a long time.


The next day.

In an empty space, Su Jie took out the ancient mirror and sneaked back to the Tianyuan world. He found the logs he had cut down near the black market, and then transferred them from the ancient mirror to Blue Star to let the convoy come and take them away. Su Jie completed the whole process very quickly. Because he found that some disciples were tracking him again, he could only quickly hide in the crowd of the black market, and then enter the room to take the opportunity to shake off the pursuers.

The number of logs was more than before. Su Jie had nothing to do in the Tianyuan world, and he cut down a lot of them.

When all these logs entered the Jindedi warehouse, Liang Lianjun almost cried with excitement.

"Small-leaf red sandalwood, golden nanmu, huanghuali, golden camphor"

Liang Lianjun clearly called out the type of each log, while stroking the logs piled in the warehouse, his fingers were trembling slightly.

Because the value of these logs alone is already as high as more than one billion. If they are made into furniture, the price will double.

"Mr. Su, when are we going to start shipping? With this batch of logs, Tianyuan Furniture in China can become famous immediately."

Liang Lianjun's face turned red. Once these logs returned to the country, it was foreseeable that Tianyuan Home Furnishing would become popular.

Su Jie turned to Liu Yingying and said: "Yingying, ask Jin Dedi Company to contact the international air cargo company and transport all these logs back to China."

"Shall we send it by air? The price is quite high."

"It doesn't matter, we don't have to pay the shipping fee, time is more important."

Generally speaking, logs are transported by sea and land, and the cost of air transportation is too high. But Su Jie's logs have no cost, and the freight cost of only tens of millions is nothing.

Liu Yingying nodded in agreement, turned around and went to make arrangements.

In the next few days, the entire Jindidi company was operating at full capacity.

Contact the international air transport company, declare to the Chinese customs, pre-sterilize, trim and split the logs, etc.

It wasn't until the logs were loaded onto five cargo planes and flown to China that the matter came to an end.

Liang Lianjun also returned to China and worked overtime to preside over the production and sales of furniture made of these precious woods.

Su Jie did not go back, but instead registered a new company locally called Jieke Biological Development Company.

"How much money does the company still have on its account?"

In the boss's office, Su Jie asked his little secretary.

"There are 5.5 million Chinese dollars left."

Liu Yingying said without thinking.

Before that batch of wood was sold, this was all the working capital.

"A bit less, but it's almost enough in the early stage."

Su Jie touched his chin and turned around.

On the wall behind, there is a map of Mandeb City and surrounding towns. Three different ethnic groups live in this area, with a population of about 700,000.

Mandeb City belongs to Eastern Chin State, which has a population of approximately 3.5 million.

"Let's start from here, Yingying, let the employees of Jieko Biotech go to the countryside to promote and launch the first set of plans. Jieko Company will purchase various poisonous insects in large quantities and buy them in unlimited quantities from the local people, so that they can Everyone goes into the mountains to catch insects.”

Liu Yingying nodded, then looked at Su Jie's back. She couldn't help but asked, "Su Jie, why are we doing this?"

She knew that Su Jie had an insect breeding farm under his name, but she didn't know why he came to Zen to open a new insect breeding company.

"Do you think I really just want to raise insects?"

"Isn't it?"

"That's just one aspect."

Su Jie chuckled lightly, picked up a pen, drew a circle on Mandecheng City, and said slowly: "Now is just the beginning. Next, I only do one thing, I want to make the Mandecheng area From now on, I will change my surname to Su and become my private kingdom."


Liu Yingying's heart almost stopped, her bright eyes widened, and she didn't say anything for a long time because she didn't know whether to say Su Jie was whimsical or too ambitious.

Su Jie didn't look away, just waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about it, go down and do your work."

After Liu Yingying left, Su Jie touched the Thousand-Handed Centipede that emerged from his collar and murmured to himself: "Don't worry, very soon, this will be your paradise, our Gu Insect Kingdom, will Grand opening in this land.”

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