Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 43 Changes in Lazhi Village

In autumn, the golden rice fields sway in the wind, like a wave.

In Lazhi Village, villagers are harvesting rice as usual before the sun rises.

"I asked yesterday, and this year's rice purchase price is much lower than last year."

In the field, a dark-skinned man in his twenties was holding a sickle to harvest rice while complaining to his fellow villagers.

"Millet only makes so much money. When can I make enough money to move to the city? I want to grow rice husk flowers."

The companion next to him was also indignant and complained about this damn world.

"I would never grow rice husk flowers, which harm people."

Miao Lun's face turned black, and he looked at him angrily.

Rice husk flowers are poppies. His father died of opium smoking, and he hated this thing.

"Okay, okay, I'm just talking. Those things are only grown in the north. No one grows them here."

The companion laughed and explained quickly.

Miao Lun's expression eased a little, and at this moment, a strange sound suddenly came.

[Great news! Great news! Jieke Company is now purchasing all kinds of poisonous insects and snakes from the general public, with no limit on quantity, priced by kilogram, and the money will be settled on the spot, and no one will be cheated. ]

[Great news! Great news! Jieke Company is now purchasing all kinds of poisonous insects and snakes from the general public, with no limit on the category, priced by kilogram, and the money will be settled on the spot, and no one will be cheated. ]

A tattered van drove past the muddy road beside the field ridge. The body of the van was pasted with festive red advertisements. The tweeters installed on the roof were playing over and over again, and a group of people working in the fields turned their heads to look.

"What's going on, collecting insects?"

Miao Lun was confused. Where did this Jieke Company come from? It actually came to collect insects.

Just then, a van stopped in front of him. A man in a uniform with the word "Jieke" printed on it got out of the car and shouted to him, "Friend, are you interested in learning more?"

"Do you really collect insects? Pay for it?"

Miao Lun asked tentatively. While speaking, he also grabbed a grasshopper from the ground and held it up, saying, "This kind of insect."

When the employee of Jieke saw it, he immediately laughed and said, "Of course, our Jieke is a company run by a Chinese boss. The goods are absolutely genuine. As for the grasshoppers in your hand, I took a look. Well, they are Class D insects. The purchase price is 5 yuan per kilogram."

"How much, 5 yuan per kilogram, and you pay with Chinese currency?"

Miao Lun couldn't believe his ears. His daily salary was only 15 yuan when converted into Chinese yuan.

Catching three kilograms of grasshoppers is equivalent to a day's salary, and it is paid in Chinese yuan, which is much more convenient than their Zen coins.

Not only Miao Lun, but also the nearby villagers heard these words, which immediately shocked the whole audience.

Where did this sucker come from? He actually bought grasshoppers at such a high price.

"Our Jieke company is a big brand with a very guaranteed reputation. You can feel free to catch them. We will never default on our debt. We not only buy grasshoppers, but also other poisonous insects and snakes, and the price is higher. You can take a look."

Jieke employees picked up leaflets and handed them to the villagers, but some people couldn't help it.

For example, Miao Lun, after confirming that it was not a scam, immediately put down his sickle, took a snake skin bag, and began to look around for grasshoppers.

There shouldn't be too many grasshoppers in the fields during the autumn harvest. A casual stomping of the feet can scare away many of them.

Miao Lun used to catch these things to play when he was a child, and now he can catch one accurately.

Others saw it and followed suit, fearing that all the grasshoppers in the fields would be caught.

In just a blink of an eye, the villagers who were originally harvesting grain turned into insect catching masters, and many even ran back home to call their wives, children and parents, and the whole family went into battle.

As the night was getting dark, Miao Lun went to the Jieke employee for the third time and handed him the two kilograms of grasshoppers he had just caught.

"Ten Huayuan, keep it."

After the two sides settled the payment, the Jieke employee poured all the grasshoppers into a glass box. Seeing that it was getting dark, he had to announce that he would leave temporarily.

"It's too late. I will come again tomorrow and collect the insects as well. Don't worry."

After the Jieke employee finished speaking, he drove the van full of grasshoppers and left slowly.

The villagers at the original place were still talking about it, and everyone's face was full of excitement and excitement.

Because the harvest of insects caught on this day was much higher than their daily salary.

Miao Lun counted the Huayuan in his hand again and again, and there were 27 Huayuan, which was almost his income for two days.

With a silly smile on his face, Miao Lun said excitedly: "If they come to collect money every day, then my mother's medical treatment money can be saved quickly, and my sister can go to school."

His mother was bedridden due to a serious illness two years ago, and she couldn't find a doctor because she had no money.

Now his biggest wish is to save enough money to take his mother to a big city hospital for treatment.

After collecting all the money, Miao Lun returned home.

In the dim and narrow earthen house, his 12-year-old sister was busy in front of the stove, preparing only simple porridge and dried vegetables for dinner, with clear soup.

As soon as Miao Lun entered the house, he couldn't wait to tell his mother and sister what happened today.

Until they saw the Huayuan that Miao Lun took out, they believed that he was really not talking nonsense.

"Mom, I won't talk to you anymore. While there is still time, we have to catch some more insects."

After a quick dinner, Miao Lun took a flashlight and went out again to look for the poisonous insects needed by Jieke Company.

Like toads, poisonous snakes, scorpions, centipedes, etc., they only come out at night, so it is suitable to catch them at night.

There are many villagers who have the same idea as Miao Lun. Today's harvest has stimulated many people and let them know that insects are so valuable.

The next day, Miao Lun stood at the entrance of the village with a group of villagers, waiting eagerly with dark circles under his eyes.

Until the loud horn sounded and the van appeared in sight, Miao Lun and the surrounding villagers cheered and swarmed around it.

The harvest last night was another 20 yuan in the account, and Miao Lun was very excited.

There were also villagers who caught poisonous snakes and boasted loudly, because they sold them for hundreds of yuan.

For the local villagers who mainly engaged in farming, these incomes are much more cost-effective than farming.

So from this day on, the villagers were running around looking for various poisonous insects and snakes every day, and then exchanged them for Huayuan from Jieke Company.

Similar things happened not only in Lazhi Village, but also in more than a dozen nearby villages and towns.

In a short time, the reputation of the Jeko Company soared in the surrounding area, and even Mander City had heard of it.

The local villagers' favorable impression of the Jeko Company increased greatly, and several poisonous insect purchasing stations were crowded every day. Catching insects became the main source of income for many villagers.

While these villagers were excited about the increase in wealth brought by catching insects, they did not know that they had entered a carefully woven big game.

As transactions became more and more frequent, their economy was being tied to the big tree of Jeko.

When people became more and more dependent on Jeko, once Jeko fell, the entire Mander City economy would be in chaos and decline, and that would be the day when Mander City would be completely dominated and bound.

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