Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 44 Funding in place

The insect purchase plan went smoothly and in an orderly manner.

In a warehouse in La Mao District, various poisonous insects and snakes purchased from the outside world were sent here.

At this time, the Thousand-Handed Centipede was lying on the ground, and its length was more than nine meters long.

The large amount of food eaten during this period allowed it to grow crazily. If someone discovered the Thousand-Armed Centipede, it would probably faint from fright.

Not far from the Thousand-Hand Centipede, Su Jie sat cross-legged on a purple futon, with refreshing sandalwood burning beside it. He took out a Nine-Yang Pill from a jade bottle, threw it into his mouth and swallowed it.

The surging spiritual energy travels through the limbs and bones, and is then absorbed and stored in the meridians.

During the practice, the Thousand-Handed Centipede shrank its body and lay on Su Jie's waist, with each pale corpse hand attached to it.

Time passed, hours passed.

Su Jie's spiritual energy became stronger and stronger, like a lotus breaking through the mud and emerging from the water. Finally, the accumulated spiritual power reached its peak and broke through a blocked meridian line.


Su Jie's spiritual energy shone all over his body, and he was promoted to the fifth level of Yunling Realm as if it were a matter of course.

The resources purchased from the thousands of blood marrow crystals prepared in Tianyuan World allowed Su Jie to improve by leaps and bounds in just two weeks. Now he has reached the fifth level of Yunling Realm, which was unimaginable in the past.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede climbed up Su Jie's neck, rubbing it happily back and forth, and was also happy for Su Jie's promotion.

"You will be promoted soon."

After touching the cold body of the Thousand-Hand Centipede, Su Jie could feel the abundant vitality and vitality in the Thousand-Hand Centipede's body.


Thousand-Handed Centipede neighed in response.

It is evolving step by step towards the third spiritual refinement.

With a rich supply of poisonous insects, there will be almost no obstacles before it can be promoted to a mid-level Gu insect.

But Su Jie thought more.

Because according to the records in the classics, after being promoted to the middle-grade Gu insect, if the Gu insect wants to continue to advance, in addition to relying on natural materials, earthly treasures and time training, swallowing ordinary poisonous insects has no effect. It must be high-grade poisonous insects, such as Blue Star. The poisonous insects will lose their effectiveness by then.

When Su Jie came to Zen Country, he was prepared for a rainy day and prepared in advance.

Once the Thousand-Handed Centipede is promoted to the middle level, Su Jie will bring over some poisonous insects from the Tianyuan World.

For example, the human-faced moth is a poisonous insect that is not of high quality. Then it is promoted to a lower grade by feeding a large number of poisonous insects, and then it is eaten by the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

In this way, the small fish eats the shrimp, and the big fish eats the small fish, completing a new set of evolutionary processes.

To do this, Su Jie must completely control an area.

After all, the poisonous insects in Tianyuan World brought Blue Star. Once discovered, Su Jie would inevitably become the center of attention and be observed under a magnifying glass by various forces and countries.

In China, it would definitely not be possible for Su Jie to do this. He has too many poisonous insects, which can easily arouse curiosity and inquiry from others.

When the time comes for inspection, the matter will be exposed.

It is completely different in the Zen Kingdom. The state machine here is weak. Controlling a region is equivalent to being independent. You can be the master of your own affairs. The confidentiality is much stronger.

Leaving Thousand-Hand Centipede in the warehouse to continue eating, Su Jie turned around and left, driving back to Jieke Company's location.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Liu Yingying walking over happily.

"Su Jie, we succeeded."

Holding Su Jie's neck, Liu Yingying jumped and screamed happily.

"Stop, stop, stop, what's going on?"

Su Jie patted the girl's butt and asked her to pay attention to her image.

"Hey, it's Manager Liang who's back, and he brought good news."

Liu Yingying blushed and looked around with a guilty conscience. She was relieved when she found that no employees were paying attention.

As soon as Su Jie heard this, he knew what was going on.

When I walked into the company office, I saw Liang Lianjun as expected.

"Thankfully, Mr. Su, our furniture has successfully opened up the market."

As soon as Liang Lianjun met, he immediately stood up and reported to Su Jie, with joy in his eyes overflowing.

"Tell me more about it."

Su Jie asked Liu Yingying to pour tea while he sat opposite Liang Lianjun.


Liang Lianjun moistened his throat and said: "After the batch of wood was transported back to the factory, I arranged manpower non-stop and worked overtime to design and build it. First, I rushed to make a batch of furniture, and then contacted some wealthy business owners I knew before. A small furniture sale was held.

As soon as our furniture was unveiled, it immediately attracted the bosses and most of them were bought on the spot.

Most of the friends of those wealthy businessmen were also wealthy people, and all the remaining furniture was sold the next day.

And the news spread by word of mouth, and many wealthy people came to Tianyuan Home Furnishing to pay deposits and customize high-end furniture.

At present, the first batch of payment and deposit we have received totals 500 million yuan. It is expected that all the timber will be sold, which will bring back 4.5 billion to 5 billion yuan. "

Holding back his excitement, Liang Lianjun reported the progress of Tianyuan Home Furnishing one by one.

At present, the high-end furniture market in China has always been in short supply. The emergence of Tianyuan Home Furnishing, relying on those top-quality woods, can easily carve out the most delicious piece of the market cake into your own bowl.

With the temperament of wealthy people in China, it is impossible not to be tempted by high-end furniture that can show their taste and wealth.

That’s why after discovering that Tianyuan Home Furnishing sells high-end furniture, there was such a hot buying scene.

Su Jie's eyelids jumped when he heard the number 500 million.

It's not his fault that he has no determination. A year ago, he was just an ordinary person who had just graduated and couldn't even find a job. Now he has hundreds of millions of cash flow and a batch of goods worth billions.

Even if Su Jie had already prepared himself, he would still feel excited.

"Haha, Manager Liang, I really didn't misjudge you. Let's not talk about anything else. You must stay for a drink tonight. In addition, you will not be left out of the dividends."

"I dare not, I rely on the batch of logs from you, Mr. Su. Otherwise, I can't sell it at this price even if I have great ability."

Liang Lianjun waved his hands modestly, and this was the truth.

The biggest key to the great success of Tianyuan Home Furnishing is that the quality of the logs is really too high. Su Jie's words made him blush a little.

"Manager Liang, don't be modest. How can you not drink a glass of wine for such a big event?"

"Then I will drink two glasses with Mr. Su."

Liang Lianjun felt that Su Jie valued him, and he felt that he would die for his confidant.

After chatting with Liang Lianjun for a few more words, Su Jie saw that Liang Lianjun was a little tired after taking a car all the way here, so he asked him to go down and rest first.

"Yingying, notify Jieke Biology to start the second set of plans. The scale of our Jieke company should be expanded."

Su Jie instructed Liu Yingying. Previously, due to the shortage of funds, the insect catching plan was only carried out in a dozen villages and towns.

Now that the funds are in place, Su Jie naturally does not want to do small things anymore, and plans to completely cover the entire area around Mande City.

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