Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 45 Something happened (please give me a monthly ticket, please read it later)

Following Su Jie's order, Jieco Company received the order, and Jieco employees rushed in all directions to spread the scope of the insect catching plan to the entire Mandecheng area.

Especially in hundreds of towns and villages, farmers with meager incomes celebrated with their families and happily joined the insect catching team.

Suddenly, the Mandecheng area was full of people wandering in the mountains and fields.

These people all went into the mountains to catch insects in order to sell poisonous insects and snakes to Jieke Company.

At each of the sales stations set up by Jieke Company, there are long queues in front of the door. There is a constant flow of people from morning to night, carrying newly caught poisonous insects to sell.

The sudden surge in the number of insects was more than the Thousand-Handed Centipede could digest at once, so large tracts of land and warehouses were purchased.

Chen Yaoguang, who was specially transferred from China by Su Jie, led a group of breeding experts to transform these warehouses into insect farms, allowing more people to work for Jieke Company.

Not only in rural areas, but also in Mander City, a large number of citizens joined the insect-catching team.

Because the income from catching insects is far greater than the meager salary earned from work.

The vigorous insect-catching plan of Jieco Company was launched with great vigor, and some local rentiers only viewed it as a joke.

Because in their opinion, Jieke Company simply has money and nowhere to spend it, and it won't take long for the company to run out of money.

But after ten days, Jieke Company is still prosperous.

Twenty days have passed, and Jieke Company's acquisition site is still crowded with people every day.

One month later, the expansion of Jieko Company continues, and the number of employees recruited has even exceeded 2,500. Hundreds of thousands of people in most of the Mandalay region are working for Jieko Company, catching bugs for it.

Even because there are so many people, in order to protect local insect resources and reduce the number of poisonous insects brought by insect hunting, resulting in a sharp drop in people's income, Jieke Company has thoughtfully proposed the idea of ​​using people to raise insects.

They distributed poisonous insects to the local people for free and taught them how to cultivate them artificially. They chanted loud slogans such as 'Get rich by raising insects', 'To be well-off, raise insects first', 'If you want to get rich, Jieke will lead the way' and so on.

Under this overwhelming publicity and wealth offensive, almost all the labor force in the Mander City area was involved in the insect-catching torrent set off by Jacko.

At this time, the rentier class in the Mandecheng area could no longer sit still.

Because people don't want to give them jobs anymore, they just want to go to Jieke Company.

In front of the building where Jieke Company is stationed, a jeep drove over, followed by two military vehicles and jumped out of a group of green uniformed soldiers holding AKs.

A well-dressed officer in a crisp military uniform and shiny leather shoes stepped out of a jeep, and swaggered into Jieco Company with the support of a group of soldiers.

The employees working in the building looked stunned and didn't know what was going on.

It wasn't until they saw the leading officer clearly that many of the employees' expressions changed and they recognized the other person's identity.

Because this face is so famous in the Mandeb area.

This person is Lu Wenbo, the actual controller of the Mander-Mande Alliance Army, and more people call him General Lu.

This person is from the Lu family, one of the three major families. He has more than a thousand troops in the Man-Deliver Army, possesses a large number of guns and ammunition, light and heavy machine guns, mortars, rocket launchers and other armaments. He also operates tax collection, casinos, brothels, entertainment cities, Opium, fraud, organ trading and other businesses are the proper local overlords in the Mandeb area.

In the Mande area, the most sensational thing Lu Wenbo did was that a large-scale escape occurred in an electronic fraud park under his name. He sent troops to encircle and suppress an unknown number of people, killing and wounding an unknown number of people. Half the street was stained with blood. red.

Wu Wenbo pointed at an employee and said, "Where is the person in charge here?"

"The boss boss went out to the countryside to inspect insect farms."

The employee who was pointed out trembled all over and explained shakily.

"Are you kidding me?"

Wu Wenbo showed a ferocious smile, pulled out the pistol from his waist and pulled the trigger without saying a word.


The employee who was being questioned was shot in the stomach, blood gushed out and stained his clothes red, and he fell to the ground struggling in pain.

"Tell me, where is our boss?"

Pointing at another employee, Wu Wenbo continued to ask, highlighting his arrogance and not taking shooting in the street seriously at all.

"I really went to the countryside. I don't know where the boss is!"

The second employee almost burst into tears when he saw the unlucky guy from before.

None of the other employees dared to speak up. They were all trembling because other soldiers were also aiming their AK guns at them.

Wu Wenbo snorted coldly, knowing that his visit was not a coincidence this time, and the employees did not have the guts to lie to him.

"Ask your boss to come to my military camp when he comes back. From now on, your Jieko company must pay 80% of the special business tax. If you don't pay, then you tell him what will happen to a Chinese who offends me here."

After saying that, Wu Wenbo pointed his gun at the ceiling and fired all the bullets in one shot.

Then he waved his hand and led the team away with his hands behind his back.

It wasn't until Wu Wenbo walked away that the employees panicked and rescued the injured on the ground and hurriedly sent them to the hospital for treatment.

As for calling the police, no one did that.

Because the police station is just Wu Wenbo's dog, no dog dares to control its owner.

Lazhi Village!

Su Jie is inspecting a breeding farm here, and Chen Yaoguang is accompanying Su Jie.

"Mr. Su, we have helped the villagers transform the centipede and scorpion breeding farms according to local conditions. The tropical climate and temperature here are very suitable for the growth of poisonous insects. As long as there are no serious diseases, breeding can be completed easily."

Chen Yaoguang pointed to a small breeding farm, which was transformed from an abandoned earth house. Centipedes crawled in and out of the gaps between bricks and stones and broken tiles.

A dark-skinned young man was working, throwing yellow mealworms into the farm as food for these centipedes.

Su Jie nodded, walked up and asked the dark-skinned young man, "What's your name?"

"This is Mr. Su, the boss of our Jieke Company."

Chen Yaoguang reminded that many people recognized him because he often went to the countryside to teach villagers breeding techniques.

"My name is Miao Lun, are you the big boss of Jieke Company?"

Hearing Chen Yaoguang's words, Miao Lun trembled all over, and wanted to come up and shake hands excitedly but didn't dare.

"It's true. I want to ask, are you satisfied with your current life?"

Su Jie took the initiative to step forward, patted the other person's shoulder, and asked with a kind smile.

"Satisfied, of course I am satisfied. Since your Jieke company came, the money I earned from catching insects has cured my mother's illness and allowed my sister to go back to school. Now my family has also invested in the village-run poisonous insect breeding farm. This is the life I hope to live day and night."

Miao Lun excitedly recounted what happened around him, and the villagers working near the breeding farm heard that the big boss of Jieke company had come, and they all gathered around him, talking about their gratitude.

Su Jie smiled and responded one by one. At this moment, Liu Yingying ran over in a panic and shouted to Su Jie: "Boss Su, something happened."

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