Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 46 Security Department

"The Manderian United Army attacked our company headquarters this morning and shot and wounded an employee. General Lu Wenbo of the Manderian United Army also promised you to go to the military camp to meet him."

Liu Yingying quickly reconstructed what happened at Jieke Company.

From her hurried tone, it was not difficult to hear her anxiety.

After operating in Mande City for more than a month, no one has heard of the evil reputation of the Mande United Army and Lu Wenbo.

"Let me go meet him. It's interesting."

After listening to Liu Yingying's story, Su Jie seemed very calm.

"Su Jie, that warlord wants to take away our property, and it seems they won't let it go."

Seeing Su Jie still smiling, Liu Yingying thought that Su Jie didn't understand the seriousness of the matter.

"I know."

Su Jie nodded and said calmly: "After all, we have touched their interests. I am not surprised at all by such a reaction."

"Boss Lu Wenbosu, Lu Wenbo is causing trouble for you."

At this time, Miao Lun, who was standing aside, heard Liu Yingying's words because he was close, and his eyes became fierce.

Su Jie glanced at the other person and said, "Do you have a grudge against him?"

"Not just me, many people have a grudge against him. The opium he grew has harmed many people. He also has the final say in the grain companies in the city. He sells fertilizers and pesticides at high prices every year, and the prices of the purchased grains are extremely low. , making us unable to make money all year round, and sometimes we have to lose money.”

Miao Lun gritted his teeth and shouted to the surrounding villagers: "Everyone, Jieke Company is going to be destroyed by that bastard Lu Wenbo. We absolutely cannot sit idly by."

"What, you want to destroy Jieke Company, no, absolutely not."

"We want to sell insects, but we can't let that bastard spoil the good thing!"

"But that's Lu Wenbo, who has an army in his hands. What can we do?"

As soon as these words came out, many nearby villagers responded in unison. Of course, there were also some who were afraid. They lowered their heads and did not dare to speak out, or hid silently back home.

"You see, people's hearts can be used!"

Su Jie smiled at Liu Yingying. Perhaps these villagers were just doing it for the promise of Jieke Company and the improvement in their lives brought about by the year-round insect purchase contract.

But being able to stand up at this time represents the importance of Jieke Company in their hearts and their willingness to contribute. Su Jie is already very pleased.

"I have seen everyone's thoughts. If you are interested, you can join the newly established security department of our Jieco Company to protect Jieco Company from criminals."

Su Jie saw people's public opinions and announced the news.

"Security Department, can I sign up now?"

It was Miao Lun who spoke, and his support for Jieke Company was sincere.

Without Jieko Company, my mother is still bedridden and my sister cannot go to school, so the last thing I want to see is Jieko Company be destroyed.

Many villagers are in the same situation as Miao Lun. Jieke Company has brought them a new life, so they all expressed their support.

"Yingying, go arrange the manpower to prepare for registration. Write down everyone who signed up."

Su Jie gave an order, then walked up to a high platform, looked around, and said: "Think about what this land has brought to you. Apart from poverty and chaos, the rulers here only need you to do honest farming. Machines, they have sold their blood and sweat for their glory and wealth. Now that they see Jieko Company leading you to make a fortune, they are anxious, scared, afraid that you people will no longer obey their orders and make money for them honestly. "

Su Jie slowly raised his right hand, his voice calm and bewildered.

"What salary did you earn in the past? Three to four hundred Chinese dollars a month. You lived a life without a meal. How many people were sick and had no money to see them. Your children couldn't read a single word. Your mud house was in dilapidated condition.

Look now, after our Jieke company came, we built roads and primary schools in your village, which doubled your income. Last week, we even sent doctors to the countryside for free to check and treat the villagers. "

Su Jie's tone became increasingly fierce, and the sincere emotion in his eyes made many villagers think back on the past and feel more and more good about Jieke Company.

"I am a Chinese and have not long since arrived in Mandeb City, but I have also heard of Lu Wenbo's reputation. This warlord monopolized the transportation and electricity here, and ran illegal mining, gambling, brothels, opium and other businesses. Your Poverty was brought about by him.

And Jieke Company, which led you to make a fortune, has naturally become a thorn in the other side's side.

Some people may ask, you are just a Chinese, what does this have to do with you?

I tell you, just because I have also suffered poverty and suffered a brutal dictatorship like you, I sympathize with you, so I came all the way here to create Jieke Company. Everything I did was for Lead everyone out of poverty.

Now there are people who don't want you to live a good life and want to destroy everything for you. You ask, what should we do? "

The last sentence turned into a loud roar.

"Kill them."

"If we drive away Jieko Company, won't we have to live the same miserable life as in the past? Whoever dares to touch Jieko Company, I will fight with him."

"My five children now rely on Jieko Company to have enough food to eat. If Jieko Company disappears, who will feed my children?"

Incited by Su Jie's words, the villagers immediately became violent, holding up sickles and hoes, and some even brought home-made shotguns, shouting one after another.

Liu Yingying trembled slightly, seeing the incited villagers around her, their faces were so unfamiliar.

Pairs of red eyes, faces ferocious with anger, this was a scene she had never seen before.

Chen Yaoguang took a breath of cold air, things that he had only seen in history books in the past, now seemed to be performed in front of him personally, he felt that Su Jie's actions might cause a big turmoil in Mande City.

Su Jie saw the fiery scene below, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Zen Country itself is a poor and chaotic country. Since its founding, there has been no end to the civil war here, and news of warlords fighting can be heard from time to time.

Such a country is fragile, especially in the surrounding areas of Mande City, where Lv Wenbo controls most of the money-making livelihoods, and operates various illegal businesses as a human being, exploiting the local poor farmers.

This also caused the local class contradictions to be particularly fierce, which only needed a little spark to explode, and Jieke Company was the key to igniting this powder keg.

People! As long as you have experienced beautiful things, it is difficult to accept the gap to return to the poor and backward life in the past.

After experiencing the rule of Lv Wenbo and the good life brought by Jieke Company, it is self-evident who the villagers will choose.

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