Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 47 Entering the City

Seeing the villagers getting more and more excited, Su Jie threw the last bomb and announced the benefits of joining the Security Department.

"Those who want to sign up for the Security Department now, come to the right and sign here. After being screened, you can become a member of the Jake Security Department.

At the same time, I solemnly announce that anyone who joins the Security Department will receive medical insurance from Jake Company if their family members are sick, and their children can go to school for free, and they will enjoy a monthly salary of 4,000 yuan.

If you are injured in a battle assigned by the Security Department, the company will subsidize your salary. In addition to a large subsidy for death, your family members will also be supported by Jake Company, and the elderly will take care of them and raise their children.

The Security Department has only one goal, which is to protect the safety of Jake Company's employees and property, and to crack down on all organizations and forces that want to persecute Jake Company, including the Mande United Army I mentioned. Are you willing to join?"

As soon as these words came out, the villagers who were originally just excited became even more excited.

Such a good salary is almost ten times their previous salary.

Coupled with other benefits and treatment, now even the villagers who originally wanted to retreat are now scrambling to sign up.

Such treatment, even if you go to serve the Chan government as a soldier, is far inferior to this condition.

It's just a matter of risking your life!

Anyway, they have nothing to lose, as long as they have money, who is afraid of this!

In a short time, the registration point was almost crowded by villagers.

Not only young men were queuing up, but also uncles and women in their forties and fifties.

As for fighting or something, Chan has always been a tough country. After all, it is a multi-ethnic country. The wars brought about by the conflicts between various ethnic groups for so many years have already penetrated into their bones, so there is no psychological burden or fear at all.

"Don't be nervous, now is the time for us to control Mander City. It is others that should be afraid."

Su Jie walked down the platform, noticed the fear and uneasiness in Liu Yingying's heart, and comforted her very naturally.

"Are we going too far by doing this?"

Liu Yingying did not doubt whether Su Jie could do it, but the Jieke Company, which used to be an ordinary business, now had to do a big thing to overthrow the rule of the local warlords, and it was a bit difficult to change for a while.

"Others are going to plunder our property, and we are not allowed to resist?"

Su Jie patted Liu Yingying on the shoulder and chuckled: "Look at these villagers who are so enthusiastic about joining our Jieke Security Department. This has proved that we are on the right path."

Liu Yingying hesitated for a while and finally nodded.

Now even if she wants to oppose, it is impossible. Su Jie's will is not something she can control.

"Su Jie, you are right."

Biting her lips, Liu Yingying made up her mind.

"You will see that I succeed. Next, this place will become the territory of Jieke Company, and we can take whatever we want."

Touching Liu Yingying's pretty face, Su Jie did not hide his ambition for the Mand City area.

Looking at Su Jie's confident and ambitious eyes, Liu Yingying didn't know why her heart beat faster and faster, and she felt that the man in front of her became more attractive.

After Jieke Company announced the establishment of the Security Department, it swept hundreds of villages and towns around Mand City in just three days.

The employees of JECO who had previously gone to the countryside to buy poisonous insects suddenly transformed themselves into recruiting officers, holding loudspeakers and promoting the recruitment in the streets.

After hearing the news, there was a steady stream of applicants, and the recruitment stations in each township were crowded with villagers.

After three days of screening, 8,000 young and middle-aged people officially became employees of the Security Department, and this was the result of strict selection.

If they were released, the number would have to rise sharply.

The big move of JECO Company was so fast that the JECO Security Department had been established before the Mande United Army could react.

The newly established JECO Security Department received an order after a simple training to eliminate the cancer of the Mande United Army that had been entrenched in Mande City for many years.

For a while, on the muddy roads from various villages to Mande City, old tractors, vans, and tricycles were full of people.

Members of the Jeko Security Department in blue uniforms, holding spears, earth guns, and detonators, sat in the tractor dump, gathered into long lines, and headed towards Mander City from all directions.

In front of a police station in Mander City.

Several policemen stared in amazement at the endless long line of tractors coming in front of them.

The black smoke from the tractors rose up, almost covering half of the sky. From a distance, it looked like a steel torrent composed of tanks.

"What's going on? What are they going to do? Are they rebelling?"

A policeman was confused and puzzled, but before he could figure it out, dense gunshots came over.

Bang Bang Bang!

The range and accuracy of the earth gun were too poor. The security department in the tractor dump only aimed roughly, and the bullets didn't know where they flew.

Unfortunately, these policemen are not elite. On the contrary, they are full of eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. When it comes to the moment of life and death, they don't have the courage to draw their guns.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot, don't kill us, we surrender, surrender."

A group of policemen lay on the ground and trembled until the gate was broken and a large number of Jake security members disarmed them. There was no resistance throughout the whole process.

"Let you bully people on weekdays."

A group of Jake security members grabbed the police, some of whom had been bullied and blackmailed, so they naturally had to beat them up, making the police scream.

After a small episode, the security army marched into Mande City in a mighty manner.

The residents in the city were also confused, and then they saw that under the guidance of some Jake company employees, the members of the security department had a clear division of labor and rushed to the casinos, brothels, opium factories, fraud parks, and some mansions where the rich and powerful lived in Mande City.

These are all Lv Wenbo's industries, as well as the officials and dignitaries who colluded with him.

Lv Wenbo has been dominating Mande City for many years and has become a local emperor.

There are countless people in Mande City who have colluded with him, and these industries have been developed and expanded by him, becoming a cash cow to maintain the Mande United Army.

Lv Wenbo did not arrange many people to garrison these industries, and the weapons were also backward, with a small number of firearms.

Because in his opinion, Lv Wenbo was the emperor of Mande City, who would dare to provoke him.

Therefore, when the members of the security department arrived, facing the thousands of security department members who came aggressively, the thugs of the fraud park and the casino were dumbfounded.

Even though the members of the Jake security were only armed with homemade guns and hunting rifles, and even though the Jake security was also a mob, the two sides still easily defeated them in the fight, and most of them even surrendered directly.

In just a few hours, Mande City was completely occupied by the security department.

In addition to Lv Wenbo's industry, there were also local power stations, government buildings, TV stations, airports, grain depots and other key places.

The number of people arrested and detained was as many as 700 to 800, most of whom were Lv Wenbo's lackeys and colluding officials.

It was not until this time that Lv Wenbo, who was far away in the military camp, received the news and was furious.

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