Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 48 Mande United Army

Fifty kilometers southwest of Mandeb City, a military camp with guard towers, combat readiness warehouses, barracks, school grounds, and soldiers patrolling back and forth is located here.

This is the base camp of the Man-Democratic United Army, where thousands of soldiers are stationed.

These troops, which were cultivated by relying on drug trafficking, casinos, fraud parks, brothels, etc. as military resources, are Lu Wenbo's biggest trump card and the capital that enables him to run rampant in the Mandecheng area.

At this time, in a luxuriously decorated villa in the military camp, Lu Wenbo held the phone tightly and shouted angrily: "You can't deal with a group of farmers. They are trash. They are all trash. What's the use of raising you?"

The person on the other end of the phone was the mayor of Mande City, who was reporting to him in a panic about the riots that occurred in Mande City.

After learning that a large number of his properties had been occupied and destroyed by the security department of Jieco Company, the warlord leader was furious. He ignored the call for help from the market on the other end of the phone and threw the phone down.

"Come here, immediately order the entire army to mobilize, prepare weapons and ammunition, and follow me into the city to quell the riot. Anyone who sees anyone from Jieke Company will be killed without mercy."

Lu Wenbo found his adjutant and issued murderous instructions.

"Yes, General, I will mobilize the troops now."

The adjutant saw that Lu Wenbo was in a bad mood, so he did not dare to offend him again and hurriedly took the order and left.

Soon, there were shouts and rallies throughout the military camp, and groups of soldiers ran out of the barracks and gathered on the school field.

Lu Wenbo put on a general officer's uniform full of medals, and with a command knife on his waist, he walked up to the podium in front of the school ground. He stood in front of the microphone and loudly said: "My children, today, something happened in Mander City." In a premeditated and vicious riot, thugs hired by Jieco Company attacked Mande City, occupied and destroyed our casinos, brothels and fraud parks, and even threatened to wipe out our United Mande Army. "

The voice spread throughout the audience through the microphone, and the faces of the soldiers in green uniforms changed slightly, and their eyes became particularly fierce.

"How did you get the funds to join the Mander United Army and allow you to live a prosperous life? It all depends on my various industries in Mander City. The Jieko Company is cutting off our roots. We can let them go. Well?"


The roar of mountains and tsunamis came, and thousands of soldiers raised their guns and responded to Lu Wenbo with their anger against Jieke Company.

As soldiers of the Mander United Army, they certainly know what they are doing, and they have never scrupled about following the warlords to do evil. As long as they can make money and get rich, they are willing to kill people and do evil.

"Jeko Company, a despicable and shameless company, is trying to unite with those mud-legged people to overthrow my rule. Today we will tell him that no matter how capable your Jieko Company is, only we, the United Mander Army, are the ones who call the shots in Mander City. . Children, take your spears and steel knives, follow me into Mander City, and kill everyone in Jieko Company."

Lu Wenbo showed a cruel smile and loudly announced the order to mobilize for war.

"Kill, kill, kill them all."

The soldiers stood up suddenly, loaded their guns on their backs, and ran towards the military vehicles in an orderly manner.

Several infantry fighting vehicles also started driving, and an armed helicopter was hovering in the sky. This was Lu Wenbo's entire wealth.

"Jeko Company, I really think it's still ancient times! You still want to rely on your own mud to achieve success."

Seeing the spectacular sight of his own army traveling, Lu Wenbo suddenly felt proud.

What bullshit Jieco Company is, it just relies on a bunch of idiots and doesn't even have a few good guns.

As soon as your own army arrives, you can destroy it with overwhelming force.

The leader of the army had just walked out of the military camp and was about to rush to Mande City. However, a military vehicle driving in front suddenly slowed down and stopped, and the long queue that followed also stopped.

"what happened."

Lu Wenbo, who was sitting in the jeep, asked dissatisfiedly. The staff officer next to him hung up the communication and said in shock: "General, there is someone blocking the road ahead. He claims to be the boss of Jieke Company and wants to come see you."

"What, you heard that right."

Lu Wenbo was also stunned when he heard this, almost thinking that he heard wrongly.

He didn't go to Jieke Company to cause trouble, but their boss actually dared to come to him alone. Is he really not afraid of death?

"General, the other party calls himself Su Jie. This is the name of the boss of Jieke Company."

The staff officer confirmed, his face full of surprise.

If we can take down the big boss of Jieko Company first, then most of the battle will have been won.

"Haha, what a fool. I asked him to catch him in front of me. I want to see what he looks like. He actually dares to tease us, the United Mander Army."

A cold smile appeared on Lu Wenbo's lips. If it weren't for Jieke Company, he wouldn't have suffered such a big loss. As for Su Jie, the mastermind behind all this, he wanted to tear him apart and skin him.

At this time, in front of the army, Su Jie was standing alone with his hands folded on his chest, looking at the army.

Most of the soldiers march on two legs, and their individual equipment is only an AK. There are only dozens of military vehicles and other vehicles, plus a few infantry fighting vehicles and an armed helicopter, which is what this unit has. All firepower equipment.

"It's so shabby! Even after making so much money, I didn't know how to equip the troops with some good equipment. I spent it all on enjoyment."

Su Jie shook his head, thinking about the news he heard.

It is said that Lu Wenbo likes to have fun. He not only owns a private jet, but also buys many luxury homes and cars around the world. Most of the money earned through various illegal businesses is spent on personal enjoyment.

While Su Jie was looking at the army, a dozen armed soldiers surrounded him, looking at him with mockery and indifference.

"He is the boss of Jieke Company. He is so young. It must be very satisfying to torture him. I want to see him kneeling down and begging for mercy."

"I heard that he is a Chinese. He didn't think we would reason with him. He dared to come here alone."

"Haha, I like killing Chinese the most. I was sent to the fraud park for supervision. The Chinese there are so interesting. When they first came, they all clamored to go home. After we cut off their hands and feet and put them in the water prison, they were all docile and honest."

The soldiers commented on Su Jie unscrupulously, and laughed from time to time.

"The general said, arrest him and meet him."

A platoon leader put down the walkie-talkie, and after receiving the order, he waved his hand, and the soldiers immediately rushed up to arrest Su Jie and take him to meet Lv Wenbo.

Su Jie moved his shoulders and chuckled, saying, "Don't bother with that. I'll go meet him myself."

As soon as he finished speaking, the soldiers suddenly saw a flash of silver light from the corner of their eyes, and then they felt a pain in their necks, their vision swirled, and they lost consciousness.

In just a moment, the soldiers surrounding Su Jie had their necks cut off, and their heads rolled to Su Jie's feet.

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