
The White Bone Sword of Heavenly Evil hovered in front of Su Jie, and the sword was not stained with blood, as if the killing and beheading just now was just an illusion.

The pupils of the Mande United Army shook violently, and their mouths opened wide. They saw Su Jie standing there, with a strange flying sword spinning in front of him, and cut off the necks of more than a dozen comrades in an instant.

This strange and terrifying scene made a large number of soldiers cold in their hands and feet. For a moment, all kinds of superstitious legends were recalled in their minds.

Su Jie gently stroked the White Bone Sword of Heavenly Evil, chuckled and said: "Go, kill them all."


The White Bone Sword of Heavenly Evil vibrated, galloped away, turned into a silver line of death, and cut off the necks of the soldiers who were still at a loss.

The speed of the flying sword was so fast that it was difficult for ordinary people to catch it with their naked eyes.

Wherever the flying sword passed, many soldiers had no time to react, and their heads rolled off their necks with a click.

A large smell of blood filled the air. In just a dozen seconds, a large number of soldiers died under the White Bone Sky Sword.

"Fire, fire at this monster."

Some soldiers finally reacted and shouted a warning. Some soldiers aimed their guns at Su Jie, while others tried to shoot the White Bone Sky Sword.

The bullets that shot at the White Bone Sky Sword all missed, and the bullets that attacked Su Jie came. The Thousand-Handed Centipede came out of his sleeves and turned into a human shield to block in front. The bullets were bounced off by the insect shells, leaving only a little white mark.

These troops fed with drug money are still very tough. Some soldiers saw that the bullets were not working, so they picked up the rocket launcher, aimed at the Thousand-Handed Centipede and pulled the trigger.


The fireball from the rocket made the Thousand-Handed Centipede scream twice, and the insect shell was cracked a little.

A heavy machine gun on an infantry fighting vehicle turned, and the hot flames sprayed out two meters. 30mm armor-piercing incendiary bombs flew in, piercing the shell of the Thousand-Handed Centipede, and green blood flowed out.

Fortunately, the Thousand-Handed Centipede has a strong self-healing ability. The injured part turned into a small centipede and peeled off, and the wound recovered very quickly.

"It works. He is afraid of rocket launchers and machine guns. Open fire and kill him."

The soldiers shouted excitedly, seeing hope, and more heavy weapons focused on them.

"It seems that it still can't resist heavy firepower."

Su Jie tested the defense ability of the Thousand-Handed Centipede, which is just ordinary heavy firepower.

If the tank's armor-piercing shells or missiles are used, the Thousand-Handed Centipede at this stage will definitely not be able to withstand it.

"Forget it, let's deal with them first."

After finding the defense limit of the Thousand-Handed Centipede against modern heavy firepower, Su Jie changed his mind and used all his strength to operate the Qinghong Sword Technique.

The White Bone Sky Evil Sword whistled in, and the flying speed increased sharply.

Several soldiers carrying rocket launchers were cut in half by the flying sword after their eyes blurred.

The flying sword continued to move forward, piercing the armor of an infantry fighting vehicle, killing all the people inside and drilling out from the top.

Suddenly, there was a bang in the air.

A missile flew from a distance and landed at the location of the White Bone Sky Demon Sword, causing a huge fireball.

The nearby soldiers were not spared either, and were swept by the huge shock wave, knocking down a large area. The violent explosion made the entire battlefield fall into silence.

Then the sound was restored, and the White Bone Sky Demon Sword flew out of the smoke without any damage, flying towards the armed helicopter that had just attacked it.

The armed helicopter flying from the back had just opened the rocket launch nest when it saw silver light coming in an instant and cutting off the propeller in mid-air.

"Fall, fall, the plane has lost control"

The two pilots were terrified and frantically pulled the joystick, trying to make the helicopter spin and land.

Unfortunately, all this was in vain. The high-speed and irregularly rotating helicopter made them swing around in the cockpit. The helicopter also lost all control and exploded into a ball of fireworks on the ground.

After solving several huge threats, the White Bone Sky Sword was even more reckless.

Military vehicles were pierced by the flying sword, and blood flowed wantonly, dyeing the earth red.

Soldiers with light weapons were even more miserable. Wherever the flying sword passed, the soldiers were cut in half by the flying sword, whether they were standing or lying.

They had not died for a while, so they could only crawl on the ground with half of their bodies, and the screams were endless, which made people terrified.

"My waist, my waist is broken, who can save me?"

"Woo, this guy is not a human, I want to go home, I want to go home."

"We have angered the gods, this is his punishment for us, everyone kneel down and pray with me, pray for the forgiveness of the gods."

The morale of the Mande United Army suddenly collapsed. It is said that the defeat was like a landslide. The Mande United Army, which had the courage to resist before, was strangled by the flying swords. Everyone was shouting in fear, and all the thoughts of resistance were reduced. They just threw down their weapons and fled.

Patting the Thousand-Handed Centipede, Su Jie calmly issued an order: "Don't let anyone run away."

Su Jie was destined not to let them go. Only the dead can keep secrets. All witnesses today must be eliminated.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede hissed, and pale corpse hands fell off the insect body, chasing the fleeing soldiers, and the corpse hands climbed onto their bodies and twisted their necks.

At the same time, the soldiers were accurately killed by the flying swords one by one, even if the soldiers tried to throw smoke bombs to interfere with the flying swords' sight.

Soldiers died every minute and every second, and the entire Mande Joint Army turned into a slaughterhouse and was dying at a terrifying speed.

Lv Wenbo, who was waiting for Su Jie to be captured, heard the firing and did not take it seriously at first, thinking that Su Jie had only brought some people to resist.

But huge explosions continued to be heard, and he even witnessed his own armed helicopter crashing and exploding next to him.

"What happened, what happened?"

Lv Wenbo grabbed the staff officer and wanted to get an answer.

"Report to the general, the soldiers said they encountered non-humans, and the boss of the Jake company is... a monster."

The staff officer trembled and was slapped down by Lv Wenbo.

"I don't have time to joke with you now. Did the security department of the Jake company come? He got the arms from there."

Lv Wenbo's face was ferocious, and he didn't believe the staff officer's nonsense at all. Normal people wouldn't believe it.

He thought that it must be the Jake company that secretly purchased arms, armed those mud legs, and launched an attack on his own Mande United Army.


Just when Lv Wenbo thought so, he suddenly felt that the sky had darkened, as if something blocked the sun.

Lv Wenbo raised his head and saw a scene that he would never forget.

A nearly ten-meter-long, extremely hideous and terrifying giant centipede pressed on his head, and its cold and ruthless eyes turned, making his hair stand on end and his breathing stagnate.

"Hey, this is General Lu, right? I'm the boss of Jieke Company. Didn't you ask me to come to see you? I shouldn't be late."

Su Jie stood on the head of the Thousand-Handed Centipede, looking down at Lu Wenbo with a kind smile.

If you can ignore the burning chariot behind Su Jie, the broken limbs and arms all over the ground, and the soldiers who are screaming and not yet completely dead, then this smile can be completely harmless.

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