Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 411 Chapter 326: Reversal of the Battle Situation

The torn sky twisted and twisted, black cracks spread to the horizon, and violent vibrations resounded throughout the battlefield.

Both the good and evil sides of the battle could not help but raise their heads, and heard a loud sound like the sky cracking. A huge crack appeared in the sky, and countless electric lights danced in it.

In the crack, a heart-pounding breath drifted out from the crack.

Through the crack, you can vaguely see the wisps of chaotic air inside, with colorful glow flashing.

This is the real long river of the avenue, which means that it has not been truly opened. Otherwise, I don’t know how many monks’ eyes and heads would explode if they dared to look directly at the long river of the avenue.

Layer after layer of blue light runes appeared densely around the crack, and finally formed a vast array diagram like stars, covering the sky in sight.

"Hundred Rivers Covering the Sea Array, it is your honor to die under the avenue array."

Zhuang Liangru looked at the opened Hundred Rivers Covering the Sea Array, and a touch of pain flashed in his eyes.

If it weren't for preserving the survival rate of the righteous disciples and not wanting to suffer too many casualties, he would not be willing to open the Hundred Rivers Covering the Sea Array.

Because such a great array, the cost of opening it is too expensive.

Even Guanchao Pavilion, the first sect in Qingzhou, felt distressed.

Especially since the Hundred Rivers Covering the Sea Array had been destroyed, a lot of Guanchao Pavilion's resources had been spent to repair it.

But the change in the situation forced Zhuang Liangru to use this last trump card, unless he wanted a tragic victory. Even if he won, he didn't know how many disciples and elders would die.

"It was obviously destroyed, but you were able to rebuild the Hundred Rivers Covering the Sea Array in such a short time."

Zhang Junwei's face was gloomy. Looking at the Hundred Rivers Covering the Sea Array slowly taking shape above the sky, and feeling the unique aura of the great array, he froze.

"Haha, how can you, the demon who only sees the sky from the bottom of the well, know the foundation of our Guanchao Pavilion? Just because you can't build the Great Dao formation doesn't mean we can't."

Although Zhuang Liangru felt pain in his heart, because the opening and use of the Great Dao formation is worth billions, but in front of Zhang Junwei, he remained calm and indifferent, as if money was dirt.

It can be said that even if the Guiling Palace was destroyed, the profits earned would not be enough to make up for the consumption of the Great Dao formation. This sect war was a big loss.

But now, Guanchao Pavilion is in a difficult situation. In order to consolidate its reputation as the first sect in Qingzhou, it has to bite the bullet and increase investment.

"Amitabha, good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be punished with evil. The Guiling Palace and the Tianhun Sect have harmed the world and caused chaos in the world. They deserve this disaster."

Guo Yan'an of Lingfa Temple clasped his hands together and began to pray the Sutra of Deliverance, preparing to save the souls of the demons who were full of hostility.

"There is such a trump card."

Tianhun Sect's head, Lu Jingshi, had a look of despair in his eyes. With the successful launch of the Dao-level magic array such as the Hundred Rivers Covering the Sea Array, the battle situation had been completely established.

"Now send the big and small demons below on their way."

Zhuang Liangru saw that the Hundred Rivers Covering the Sea Array had been fully formed, and waved his hand.


In an instant, the sky turned upside down, and the Hundred Rivers Covering the Sea Array launched an attacking technique at the crack.


At the same time, when Su Jie was fighting with Monk Huiji, he felt the changes in the sky, especially the breath of the Hundred Rivers Covering the Sea Array, which Su Jie was not unfamiliar with, and he couldn't help but smile on his face.

"Haha, hahaha, hahahaha! Finally I've waited for you, finally I've waited for you!"

Su Jie stroked his forehead with one hand, looked up at the sky and laughed wildly, and looked at Monk Huiji opposite with a confused look on his face, not knowing what Su Jie was doing.

"Did you go crazy under the desperate avenue formation? If I had known this would happen, I would not have done it in the first place. But fortunately, God is merciful and saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda. Now I will give you a chance. If you surrender, you may still have a chance to survive."

But soon, Monk Huiji guessed that Su Jie saw that the defeat was inevitable and went crazy under the huge pressure.

Su Jie smiled and looked at Monk Huiji opposite him, with three parts of sarcasm and seven parts of teasing in his eyes.

"How ridiculous! You still want me to surrender now, haha, you can't save yourself, but you can!"

"What did you say? It seems that you are really crazy. Do you know how powerful the Dao array represents?"

Monk Huiji laughed angrily. He pointed at the cracked array in the sky. The aura of the Dao with blue halo had permeated out. He said coldly: "Since you are so stubborn, then sink into the boundless waves with your Guiling Palace. I also have the opportunity to see the power of Guanchao Pavilion."

On the sky, the floating blue runes gradually dissipated, but the huge crack in the sky was accompanied by the surging waves.

Under the gaze of tens of thousands of righteous and evil monks, the crack snapped, as if it was completely broken.

Turbulent blue waves fell from the sky, like a waterfall falling from the sky, and as if the blue sky was turned upside down.

Hundreds of huge torrents as wide as a hundred feet flowed in the sky, like a blue tsunami, covering hundreds of square kilometers of the sky, with more than hundreds of millions of tons of seawater on it.

Every cultivator who saw it had their pupils contracted and their bodies trembled violently. They instinctively felt panic from the inside out in the face of such a natural disaster.

But the most terrified ones were the Demonic Guiling Palace and Tianhunmen, because everyone knew who this sea of ​​​​sky was coming for.

"Kill all these demon cultivators, whether it is the Ghost Ridge Palace or the Tianhunmen."

"Kill, kill, kill, let the formation destroy any demon, and avenge the dead brothers and sisters."

"Today is the day when your evil ways will perish, and Qingzhou will be completely taken over by our righteous way."

"Haha, I am invincible in Guanchao Pavilion. This formation was arranged by our sect. After the war, I will definitely get the most spoils."

After a short silence, the disciples on the Zhengdao side went crazy, roaring with excitement, seeing the hope of winning the war and destroying the Ghost Ridge Palace.

Hundreds of blue torrents formed by the sea-covering array formed by hundreds of rivers in the sky slowly descended at an increasingly faster speed. Their huge area and quantity were enough to cover any area on the battlefield.

And these blue torrents are actually the changes of chaotic airflow. In the long river, time, space and energy are all disordered rules. The Baichuan Sea Overturning Formation only needs a little bit of the power of the long river to create such a The terrifying avenue magic circle.

Su Jie pinched the spell with both hands, and his soul erupted with dazzling divine light, using his soul to make contact with the avenue.

"Amitabha, it's useless. Personal power is really insignificant in front of the Dao Dharma Formation. How much power can you interfere with the Dao and borrow it?"

When Monk Huiji saw this, he thought that Su Jie was jumping over the wall and wanted his soul to communicate with the way of heaven in a last-ditch effort, so he quickly backed away as he spoke.

There is no need for him to fight with Su Jie, because in Huiji's opinion, Baichuan Fuhai Formation will teach Su Jie how to behave.

"That's very good. Then let yourself experience the horror of the Great Dao Array."

Su Jie had a smile on his face, and under Hui Ji's unclear gaze, Yuan Shen successfully connected with the Great Dao River.

On the formation of Baichuan Sea-Covering Formation running in the long river of the avenue, there are inexplicably more tentacles wrapped around it. The huge formation is wrapped like a prey entangled and strangled by a giant python.

These tentacles were the mines that Su Jie had laid under the Baichuan Sea-Covering Formation. Before leaving Raoyang Lake, Su Jie did not destroy the Baichuan Sea-Covering Formation just for today.

These tentacles are the product of Su Jie's soul being stripped off, and part of Su Jie's will still remains on them. They are like a standby virus program. Now that they receive Su Jie's instructions, they are fully activated.

"Enjoy it."

Su Jie smiled cruelly and crazily, and the virus began to spread throughout the Baichuan Sea Formation. The huge tentacles of the soul clung to the formation, twisting it into the shape Su Jie wanted.


One after another, the rivers of the sky roared and quickly approached the ground, and the disciples of the Zhengdao Sect cheered even louder.

However, Guiling Palace and Tianhun Sect were on the verge of despair, and some disciples had begun to flee in all directions.

In the eyes of the disciples, this is not a power of heaven that human beings can resist. The power from the power of heaven, even the secret treasure realm and the Tao platform realm, pale in comparison to it.

The first long river of the great avenue rushed towards me. As a disciple of the Chao Guan Pavilion looked at it, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. Why did the river in the sky seem to be coming towards him?

"Something's wrong, something's wrong, why are you coming after me?"

The Guanchao Pavilion disciple swallowed his foam and subconsciously turned around and moved his steps.

But what made him even more frightened was that as he moved, the river in the sky also changed simultaneously, chasing him and swallowing him down.

" no..."

The disciple of Guanchao Pavilion shouted, but before he could finish his sentence, he was sucked into the river of the sky. His body didn't even have to struggle at all, and was instantly torn apart by the impact of the current.

When this river of sky fell, hundreds of nearby righteous disciples who had no time to dodge were also affected, as well as an elder from the secret realm.

They were unaware of it and did not think that the Sky River would harm them. As a result, they were swallowed up and swept into the river without any suspense.

The bodies of the disciples were torn apart one after another. The female cultivator from the secret realm who belonged to Miaoyin Temple still wanted to struggle, but the river in the sky was stained with the aura of the avenue. This was not an ordinary river. One drop of water weighed a thousand kilograms, and it was Impacted down at such high speed.

I saw that the secret realm elder struggled for only three seconds before being dragged into the whirlpool by the roaring sky river. His body was cut and twisted into tiny pieces of flesh, and his whole body turned into a hundred thousand parts. He could no longer die.

The magical weapons and talismans he carried were useless in the river of the sky, and they were also broken into powder in an instant.

This is the power of the Great Dao Array. Killing the Yunling Realm is like stepping on an ant. Destroying a Secret Realm is no more difficult than killing a chicken.

On the battlefield, the excited expressions of the righteous monks froze in an instant. They looked at the sky river that was attacking their own people with dumbfounded eyes, and felt that their brains were about to burn dry.

Why would the Baichuan Overturning Sea Formation set up by his own people attack them? Only Zhuang Liangru can control this formation. Could it be that Zhuang Liangru is a traitor?

"What's going on, what's going on, why did the Baichuan Overturning Sea Formation attack us?"

"Wrong call, I am one of our own, I am a disciple of Guanchao Pavilion!"

"Ahhh! Run away, run away! Don't get sucked into the river, you will die."

The righteous disciples were at a loss as they faced a doomsday-like formation attack.

Rivers of blue sky overturned, each river was hundreds of feet wide and more than tens or hundreds of kilometers long, like world-destroying pythons, swallowing up any enemy caught in it.

Not to mention the disciples of the Yunling Realm, even the elders of the Secret Realm were running away frantically in the hope of escaping with their lives.

In the face of such a Dao-level formation, death is just an instant for the elders of the Secret Realm, and there is no way to survive if they are involved.

Not to mention the physical body, the magic weapon and the soul will be completely annihilated, not even a residue will be left, the real body and soul will be destroyed.

On the contrary, on the side of the demon path, each demon cultivator was stunned.

Originally thought that they would bear the catastrophe, how come the righteous path suffered the disaster.

Seeing countless righteous disciples and elders being swallowed, they couldn't close their mouths for a long time, feeling that the world suddenly became so strange, and even thought that this was their fantasy before death.

"Am I dazzled?"

Old Taoist Qiu's expression was indescribable. His eyes, which had always been cold and vicious, were now as big as copper bells, showing how shocked he was.

"I think I guessed who it was, Old Taoist Qiu, you really cultivated an extraordinary disciple! My Guiling Palace can be saved, it can be saved!"

On the other side, Tang Peiqing couldn't help laughing, patting Old Taoist Qiu's shoulders hard, laughing so hard that tears came out, and his excitement was beyond words.

Old Taoist Qiu was slightly startled, and at the same time looked at Su Jie, and seemed to understand it as well.

"It was Su Jie, it was my disciple who did it, I said... I said the mission was not a failure, but he played a big chess game."

Old Taoist Qiu also laughed excitedly with trembling body, his smile was full of pride and pride, looking at the reversal of the battle situation, a calm heart couldn't help but feel excited.

Above the sky tens of thousands of meters high, there were also four Daotai Realm strongmen who witnessed this scene.

But their expressions were particularly wonderful at this time. Zhuang Liangru, who was originally full of self-satisfaction, was motionless, staring blankly at the Hundred Rivers Covering the Sea Formation raging in the righteous camp below, feeling that his brain was about to explode with stimulation.

"How could this happen, my Hundred Rivers Covering the Sea Formation, no, who moved my Hundred Rivers Covering the Sea Formation, who is setting a trap."

Mumbling to himself turned into a thunderous roar, Zhuang Liangru's mood at this moment was like a roller coaster, how excited he was originally, how angry he was now.

"Hahaha, idiot, do you think that we in Guiling Palace will watch the formation of the Hundred Rivers Sea Formation? Everything is within my expectations."

Zhang Junwei's mouth was about to crack to his ears, and he immediately thought of the reason for the change of the Hundred Rivers Sea Formation, which must be Su Jie.

Because only Su Jie had carried out the task of destroying the Hundred Rivers Sea Formation, and it was a task he personally ordered.

Originally, he thought that Su Jie had failed, but he didn't expect that Su Jie had buried such a huge thunder for the righteous path invisibly, which was beyond his imagination.

Although he didn't know how Su Jie did it, this matter must be related to Su Jie.

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