Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 412: Big Victory

Zhuang Liangru's face twitched, and the anger and anxiety in his heart made him tremble, but fortunately his reason was still there.

He held the formation decree in his hand and wanted to stop the Hundred Rivers Overturning the Sea Formation immediately.

This avenue formation, which was originally a decisive victory, has now become a super weapon that destroys the righteous front. Zhuang Liangru just wants to stop it immediately.

However, what made Zhuang Liangru despair was that he could no longer fully control the formation and could only barely control a part of the sky river close to him.

If divided by authority, he only occupies 30% of the authority of the Dao Dharma Array. This is no longer something he can stop if he wants.

"Damn, there are too many spiritual stones in reserve. I wonder if the rear array has discovered something is wrong."

Zhuang Liangru was sweating profusely. Now he could only hope that the Baichuan Overturning Sea Formation would stop operating automatically.

A great avenue formation like the Baichuan Overturning Sea Formation requires a huge amount of spiritual stones and various resources.

In order to ensure the operation of the formation, Guanchao Pavilion prepared a lot of spiritual stones and placed them in the formation.

This is like a car filled with gasoline. Even if Guanchao Pavilion finds a problem and no longer provides the car with spiritual stones to fill the gasoline, the circle will not stop until the gasoline inside the car is burned out.

"Hahahaha, Sect Master Zhang, I admire you. It turns out that you have anticipated this step and set up a game within a game for them."

After Lu Jingshi was briefly shocked, he looked overjoyed.

When he appeared at Lingfa Temple and Baichuan Sea Formation just now, he already thought that this sect war was destined to fail.

As a result, Guiling Palace gave him a big surprise, and the activation of the Baichuan Sea Formation made Zhengdao shoot himself in the foot.

"After this battle, the situation where the Qingzhou Zhengdao family is the only one will no longer exist."

Zhang Junwei smiled and looked at the dozens of roaring rivers in the sky, which were coming towards Guo Yanan and Zhuang Liangru.

Zhuang Liangru and Guo Yanan's expressions changed drastically, and they hurriedly started to dodge.

Because even they can't bear such a great avenue formation. Once involved, they will end up with a narrow escape.


Zhuang Liangru shouted softly, and relying on his control over part of the Hundred Rivers Overturning Sea Formation, he reluctantly allowed the Sky River that was close to him to deviate from the direction and avoid this dangerous avenue formation.

But all their actions fell into the eyes of Zhang Junwei and Lu Jingshi opposite them.

It goes without saying that the two Taoist realm demons are adding insult to injury, and they cooperate with the Taoist magic circle very tacitly to attack the two of them.

Zhuang Liangru had to spend his energy to control the attack of Baichuan Sea Overturning Formation, and at the same time he had to face Zhang Junwei's siege. He was suddenly at a disadvantage and was in danger.

"Sect Master Lu!"

Zhang Junwei suddenly spoke and took the initiative to fight Zhuang Liangru even more fiercely, stretching the battlefield apart.

Lu Jing was born in the Taoist realm and had experienced hundreds of battles, large and small, in his life. He had extremely rich combat experience and sense of smell.

When he saw Zhang Junwei's actions, he immediately understood Zhang Junwei's thoughts without using his spiritual consciousness to transmit his voice.

So Lu Jingshi tried his best to hold back Guo Yan'an, his mortal enemy. The four Daotai realms were originally fighting on the same battlefield, but now they are divided into two, separated by twenty or thirty kilometers from each other.

And this distance made Zhuang Liangru no longer able to take care of Guo Yanan.

The Baichuan Sea-Covering Formation he controls cannot control the Sky River on Guo Yanan's side at such a distance.

Without Zhuang Liangru's interference, the dozens of rivers in the sky were suddenly in full bloom, roaring and entwining, blocking out the sky and the sun, like blue sky-swallowing pythons, strangling Guo Yan'an.


The compassion on the face of Guo Yan'an, the leader of the Discipline Hall of Lingfa Temple, disappeared, replaced by a look of ashen color, and his eyes were so anxious that they were about to burst into flames.

His body was empty and solid, and the power of heaven turned into Buddha's light, dodging under the sweep of countless rivers in the sky. A smash of the demon-conquering pestle in his hand could shake the sky and slightly change the direction of the river in the sky.

Lu Jingshi's eyes were cold, staring at Guo Yan'an who was dodging.

Suddenly, under the cover of several rivers in the sky, Lu Jingshi's eyes flickered.


A gust of sinister wind blew past, and a fierce ghost appeared with evil energy all over it.

Its appearance is ferocious, its skin is as pale as paper, and it has four eyes. The pupils of each eye are different in size and color, but they seem to be able to see through the deepest fears in people's hearts.

In addition, his hands were not of normal shape, but had two black tentacles dripping with black liquid, and every drop of liquid exuded a strong corpse smell.

This is an eighth-grade fierce ghost named Earthly Ghost.

The earth evil ghost turned into a black smoke and came erratically behind Guo Yanan. Two tentacles were placed on Guo Yanan's temples and were about to be inserted into his brain.

"Pudu cassock!"

Guo Yanan secretly screamed something bad, and layers of Arhat golden light appeared on his cassock, causing the evil spirits to retreat slightly.

"Die to me."

Lu Jingshi snorted coldly, and the evil ghost tore his chest apart. His chest was completely black and bottomless, but he could hear a dull and crazy roar coming from inside, as if the sound came from the abyss of hell, which made people feel chilled in their hearts.

Earthly evil ghosts are naturally bred from the earth's evil energy roots. It is said that the evil energy roots are the transfer station from the underworld to the human world. They are famous for their dense ghost energy and powerful evil energy.

The Earthly Evil Ghost, who has been refined to the eighth level, claims to be able to borrow the power of hell and use his body to connect to an unknown and terrifying hell somewhere.

In the torn chest of the Earthly Demon Ghost, a pair of terrifying and strange eyes emerged in the darkness, like demonic shadows grinning ferociously, and a strong suction force came, trying to suck Guo Yanan into the darkness of his chest.

This is the strongest killing move of the eighth-grade Earthly Evil Ghost. If it is a ninth-grade Earthly Evil Ghost, it can release the hellish ghost in the chest, which is the real horror.

"A mere ghost wants to cholera my golden body, the Great Luo spell!"

Guo Yanan shouted angrily, and while resisting the suction, a round of Buddha light shone on his back, and each Buddha light condensed into a phantom.

They were Arhats, sitting or standing, and at this time they all glared at the Earthly Evil Ghost, which directly shook the Earthly Evil Ghost away.

The skills of Lingfa Temple are very restrained against ghosts, and even the eighth-grade evil ghosts can't do anything about it.

But when Lu Jingshi saw this, a deep smile appeared on his face, because his goal had been achieved.

Just when Guo Yanan was distracted to deal with the Earthly Evil Ghost, a river of the sky had already rushed over, like hitting a reef. After only a few seconds of stability, Guo Yanan was swept into the river.

The river water, which was stained with the breath of the Great Dao, formed a vortex with Guo Yanan as the center.

Guo Yanan's body was like being thrown into a blender, and countless flesh, blood and bones were crushed layer by layer.

The Yuanshen in the Heshen realm struggled to escape, but was dragged by the river water and finally disappeared in the river water, leaving only the last sad and angry roar.

"Zhuang Liangru, you have hurt me."

This was the last voice Guo Yanan left in the world, and then his body and soul were annihilated in the Sky River. In less than a minute, a Daotai realm fell.

Anything that was stained with the word "Dao", whether it was elixir, formation, magic weapon or technique, was absolutely terrifying.

The Daotai realm could dominate a state, but under the attack of the Great Dao level, it was at most a stronger little bug.

The death of a Daotai realm made a lot of noise. When many elders and inner disciples saw such a scene, their morale was on the verge of collapse.

Zhuang Liangru, who also saw this scene, had no time to feel sad. Seeing Zhang Junwei approaching again and the Sky River nearby ready to move, he could only suppress his frustration and shouted loudly to the whole audience.

"All righteous people, listen to my order, retreat, and withdraw from the battlefield."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhuang Liangru took the lead in running away.

He was not sure that he could deal with Zhang Junwei while facing the attack of the Sky River.

The Hundred Rivers Covering the Sea Array that he had released had now become the most deadly threat.

Seeing Zhuang Liangru fleeing, Zhang Junwei coiled a crystal clear jade worm in his hand.

This worm was only the size of a baby's fist. Its skin was translucent, and you could see the outlines of circles, as if it was made up of layers of skin, with thousands of layers.

This is a top-grade nine-refined poisonous insect, a ring worm. The ring worm is like a tree. It grows a layer of annual rings every year and its body size increases slightly.

Its biggest feature is its long lifespan. The older the ring worm, the more terrifying its combat power will be.

Like the one in Zhang Junwei's hand, it was the natal Gu worm of the previous sect masters. It outlasted several sect masters. Before each sect master abdicated or died, he would release the contract with this annual ring worm and hand it over to the next sect master.

Its lifespan can be traced back to a thousand years ago. It has witnessed the ups and downs of Guiling Palace. It is equivalent to living from the Song Dynasty to modern society. It is definitely an ancestor.

This is the real treasure of Guiling Palace and cannot be used easily.

Because it is extremely sleepy, once it is used, it will fall into a short sleep of several years or even decades.


Zhang Junwei took a deep breath and aimed the annual ring worm at the fleeing Zhuang Liangru.

He did not use the annual ring worm in the previous battle, just waiting for an opportunity to kill with one blow.

The annual ring worm in the palm of his hand, like a piece of warm jade, swelled slightly, and he did not see any movement.

In the distance, Zhuang Liangru, who was fleeing, froze, his eyes widened, and a terrified expression appeared on his face.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

A series of self-activated protective talismans and magic weapons shone for a second and then instantly shattered, and his body began to undergo horrible changes.

The traces of tree rings appeared on his scalp, and the next moment, Zhuang Liangru's skin began to fall off layer by layer like old bark.

With each layer of skin that fell off, what was exposed under the body was not bloody muscles, but a more delicate and white layer of skin.

"Annual ring worm!"

Zhuang Liangru's voice was horrified. Of course, he had heard of the famous annual ring worm of Guiling Palace. This thing has lived for so long and was used by the former leader of Guiling Palace to fight against the enemy. It can be said that every time the annual ring worm is deployed, even a Daotai realm will be killed or injured.

Tear! Tear!

Zhuang Liangru's body was completely out of control. His skin and body were completely mismatched. Layer after layer fell off, and his body became smaller and younger, and his strength was constantly weakening and regressing.

Seeing that he was powerless and his spiritual power could not stop this transformation, Zhuang Liangru gritted his teeth and took out a golden talisman.

This was specially prepared before the war, and the leader of Guanchao Pavilion distributed it as a trump card to deal with the annual ringworm. It was an extremely expensive spiritual treasure talisman, and it was also the means they prepared after years of research on the annual ringworm.


The golden light of the talisman flashed, and suddenly, the lower half of Zhuang Liangru's body was completely exploded, and only half of his body was left.

The golden light on the talisman dissipated and turned grayish white. The last gust of wind blew, and the entire talisman turned into debris.

And the strange peeling of his body also disappeared at the same time.

Although it was extremely miserable, at least his life was saved.

Zhuang Liangru, who was left with only half of his body, quickly got into a flying magic boat, and then controlled the magic boat to flee away from the battlefield without looking back.

"Damn it."

Zhang Junwei's face darkened. Just as he was about to control the annual ringworm, he saw the two sesame-sized eyes of the annual ringworm in his palm, rolled his eyes arrogantly, and then got into a jade box with a quilt made of ice silkworm silk inside. He curled up in the quilt and fell asleep, ignoring everyone.

Although he signed a contract with the annual ringworm, it was difficult for Zhang Junwei to use the annual ringworm that had experienced many sect masters.

It was also difficult to simply rely on the contract to restrain the other party. I don't know if it was because of the frequent unbinding and re-contracting, the annual ringworm had developed resistance to the contract, and it was difficult to forcibly control the other party by relying on insect control methods.

"You're lucky."

Zhang Junwei carefully put the annual ringworm away, and did not continue to chase. He watched the large flying magic boat go away, and turned to find trouble with other righteous monks.

At this time, on the battlefield, with the escape of Zhuang Liangru and the death of Guo Yanan, the righteous camp has completely collapsed.

Countless righteous disciples and elders were strangled to pieces by the Hundred Rivers Covering the Sea Array. When they heard the order to retreat, they no longer cared about anything and ran away without looking back.

And behind them, the completely crazy demon monks would naturally not miss the opportunity to beat the fallen dog. They kept following and killing them. A large number of righteous disciples were killed and the mountains and plains were full of corpses. It was a terrible sight.

"Let's go."

Su Jie saw this scene and gently hooked his fingers.

A river of the sky roared past and swallowed the desperately fleeing monk Huiji.

This big monk who was fighting with Su Jie, Su Jie deliberately kept the other party alive until now, just to let the other party see how his righteous camp was defeated.

Now with the defeat of the entire righteous camp, Su Jie naturally had no reason to let the other party leave alive. Like countless other enemies, he became a wronged soul under the Hundred Rivers Covering the Sea Array.

Compared with the pursuit of the demon disciples, the Hundred Rivers Covering the Sea Array controlled by Su Jie was the real main force. Under Su Jie's control, hundreds of rivers in the sky were like giant pythons, swallowing and crushing those righteous monks into powder.

This pursuit lasted for more than ten minutes, and the speed of the array controlled by Su Jie became slower and slower, because the Hundred Rivers Covering the Sea Array was no longer under Su Jie's control.

To be precise, the Hundred Rivers Covering the Sea Array itself could no longer be controlled.

Because the spiritual stone resources left by the Hundred Rivers Covering the Sea Array were consumed, without energy supply, the array naturally dissipated.

Su Jie took advantage of the last moment to kill another group of righteous monks.

When the entire Hundred Rivers Covering the Sea Array disappeared, Su Jie looked at the entire battlefield and could no longer see the figure of a righteous monk.

All that was left were broken corpses. In the entire volcanic group battlefield, Guiling Palace achieved an unprecedented victory.

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