"It's over!"

Su Jie put away the Ten Thousand Souls Banner and absorbed a large number of dead souls on the battlefield. The Ten Thousand Souls Banner was now black and red.

It was a pity that the monks who were killed by the Baichuan Sea-Shifting Formation on the battlefield were both physically and mentally destroyed.

Otherwise, if the Ten Thousand Soul Banner were to absorb their souls, Su Jie's Ten Thousand Soul Banner would have been promoted to the Million Soul Banner.

"There are currently about four to five million ghost souls, and we don't know when we will be able to advance to the million soul flag level."

Su Jie murmured to himself that once the number of ghosts inside the Ten Thousand Soul Banner exceeds one million, its power will be even higher.

Turning his head, Su Jie looked at Han Ruyan, and could vaguely feel the powerful and strange power boiling in Han Ruyan's body.

She gained a lot of fear on the battlefield. If the Tianhun Sect hadn't joined in to fight for food later, Han Ruyan would have been promoted to the seventh-level ghost on the spot.

Because of her ghost king physique, it is more difficult to be promoted than ordinary ghosts.

Correspondingly, once promoted, her combat effectiveness will far exceed that of the same level of fierce ghosts.

In this decisive battle, Su Jie gained a huge amount, not to mention the trophies obtained by the six secret realms that Su Jie killed.

Among them was the immortal seedling Wei Ji, whose low-grade magic weapon and storage bag fell into Su Jie's hands.

Not to mention other spiritual stones and materials, the starting price of a low-grade magic weapon is as high as one million spiritual stones.

Su Jie made a simple calculation. Adding up the spiritual stones from various resources, the value of the spiritual stones Su Jie harvested in this battle was as high as eight million. Among them, Wei Ji alone supplied Su Jie with more than six million spiritual stones.

"As expected of a fairy, you gave me so many gold coins even after you died."

Su Jie smiled and looked at Wei Ji's body in the storage bag. His body alone would cost at least hundreds of thousands of spirit stones if sold alone. I believe many people want the body of a fairy seedling.

While Su Jie happily took inventory of the harvest, the entire volcanic battlefield also completely calmed down.

The pursuing demonic teams retreated one by one, and the senior sect officials also turned back.

They have gained enough in this battle, and if they continue to pursue them, without the Hundred Rivers Overturning Sea Formation, they will lose more than they gain if they are counterattacked by the Righteous Path, although the opponent may not still have the courage to do so.

In the returning team, Su Jie also saw a huge creature.

It was a giant flying boat hundreds of meters long, with seven or eight huge holes in its hull. On the hull made of spiritual materials, the spiritual power has now dimmed and dissipated. It has completely lost its flying power and can only be tied up. It was carried back with huge ropes, dragged by dozens of giant Gu worms.

Such a flying boat was not damaged by the Thousand-Handed Centipede for a long time, but in the end it was still in the running stage, unable to withstand the siege of the demon elders, and was beaten and dropped in smoke.

Under the Dharma Ark, a group of disciples from the Puppet Hall all ran here, staring eagerly at this behemoth.

On the front deck of the dharma boat, a group of elders from Guiling Palace stood here in high spirits, trampling the dharma boat under their feet, which represented the power of Guanchao Pavilion.

"Master, Elder Tang."

Su Jie flew over and landed on the deck of the boat.

The senior officials of Guiling Palace are all here, and they are all Su Jie's acquaintances.

"Yes, you have surpassed being a teacher. Among all my disciples, you are the most promising."

When Qiu Laodao saw Su Jie, his eyes were particularly happy and a little emotional.

Although the Demonic Path grows very fast in the early stage, even a fairy seedling with Su Jie's growth rate is particularly scary.

When the other elders heard Qiu Laodao's words, their eyes could not suppress their envy.

A disciple of the Immortal Miao is a truly grown Immortal Miao. Such a disciple should not be embarrassed by his master.

"That's what you taught me well, Master. Even though I'm very good, I learned it from you. Why didn't I see Senior Sister Yu?"

Su Jie followed the topic and suddenly asked about something. He didn't find Yu Wenxian on the battlefield.

"She disappeared a while ago, and the disciples who followed her on the mission to break up the relationship have all lost contact. It is possible that she was killed by the Zhengdao Sect."

Qiu Laodao shook his head. In this sect war, more than half of his disciples were killed. This shows how tragic the war is and he has taken death lightly.


Su Jie's eyes moved slightly, not knowing whether Yu Wenxian was really dead, or whether she realized something was wrong and ran away early.

While thinking, Zhang Junwei, the leader of Guiling Palace, and Lu Jingshi, the leader of Tianhun Sect, fell from the sky.

"Haha, Su Jie, was it you who made this change in the Baichuan Overturning Sea Formation?"

When Zhang Junwei saw Su Jie, his tone was questioning, but his expression was already very determined.

"It was me who did it. When I discovered the base of the Baichuan Sea Overturning Formation on Raoyang Lake, I didn't choose to destroy it. Instead, I deliberately buried it with a hidden line. I didn't expect that Guanchao Pavilion would actually be fooled."

Su Jie admitted openly that now was not the time to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger.

Besides, with Su Jie's current strength, he doesn't need to be afraid of anyone.

When the surrounding elders of Guiling Palace heard this question, they all looked at Su Jie with admiration and awe.

Su Jie's strong personal strength not only defeated and killed the immortal seedling Wei Ji, the number one young person in Qingzhou, but also defeated five secret realm elders alone.

Coupled with the example of Su Jie just controlling the Hundred Rivers Overturning Sea Formation to kill, even these rebellious demon elders were impressed by Su Jie.

"Okay, okay!"

Zhang Junwei said three good words in a row and couldn't stop smiling on his face.

"Brother Zhang, your sect is really full of talents!"

Lu Jingshi, the leader of Tianhun Sect, was full of envy. Tianhun Sect also wanted a fairy seedling like Su Jie!

"Brother Lu, you are too polite. I believe that after Tianhun Sect regroups, it will surely find many outstanding disciples soon."

Zhang Junwei seemed modest, but the smile on his face did not fade at all.

"It is not easy to cultivate a fairy seedling. I hope that our two families can cooperate more in the future. I will encourage my disciples to take your sect's fairy seedling as a benchmark and learn more from your sect's experience in cultivating disciples."

Lu Jingshi nodded. He glanced at Han Ruyan who was following Su Jie, but did not ask a word. His attitude was obvious.

"Okay, okay."

Zhang Junwei nodded with a smile and promised Su Jie: "You are the first meritorious in this war. Whatever you want, I will satisfy you when I go back."

Su Jie's eyes lit up and pointed to the flying boat under his feet: "Master, can I take this big guy now? Our Puppet Hall wants to study it."

Hearing this, Zhang Junwei said without thinking: "Then leave it to your Puppet Hall, but this boat is seriously damaged. Whether your Puppet Hall can repair it depends on your ability. In addition, as for your reward, we will study it carefully before issuing it to you when we go back."

"Our Refining Hall will also help."

Tang Peiqing spoke on the side, which was to show goodwill to Su Jie.

After today's battle, Su Jie's name will surely resound throughout the Ghost Ridge Palace and Qingzhou, and become an important figure in the sect.

Not to mention that Tang Peiqing himself is on good terms with Su Jie, even if he is a stranger, he will do his best to make friends with him.

"Thank you, Sect Master and Elder Tang."

Su Jie bowed his hands and began to look up and down at the huge magic boat, while calling the disciples of the Puppet Hall to come up.

"Long live the hall master."

When they heard that this huge flying magic boat belonged to the Puppet Hall, the disciples of the Puppet Hall scratched their heads excitedly.

If the sect leaders were not here, they would have jumped up and down.

Su Jie looked at the magic boat, which was made of giant wood and hung with dozens of mysterious array flags.

The top and sides of the boat were made of jasper glazed tiles and Qingming gold copper, reflecting bright light under the sunlight.

The towering cabin on the bow was engraved with mythical beast totems on both sides, and the layout inside the magic boat was the essence of spiritual materials.

The builders used ingenious craftsmanship and skilled refining skills to build this transportation tool and war machine that shuttled through the sky.

However, this beautiful boat, which was once surrounded by clouds, sparkling with fairy light, and flowing with colorful lights, and could shuttle through the sea of ​​clouds, has been severely damaged.

The huge gap that Su Jie saw outside just now was only one aspect. The inside was even more destroyed by various magics. Broken spiritual materials, collapsed and shattered array wood, and traces of fire, lightning, insect bites, flooding, etc. can be seen everywhere.

After observing all the way, Su Jie came to the core part of the flying boat, a huge array array eye that connects the entire boat.

This is a huge jade stone that is ten meters high and can be hugged by one person.

A golden phoenix is ​​sealed inside the jade stone, with its wings spread, as if it will break through the clouds at any time, and its body is burning and emitting terrifying heat.

However, this jade pillar has now shown large cracks, and the high temperature inside has leaked out. With Su Jie's physique, he can feel a wave of spiritual heat coming to his face even if he is dozens of meters away.

Next to it, there is a huge crystal ball that can project the reflection of the entire Dharma Boat and the surrounding sky.

"This should be the Fire Phoenix Feather, a big deal, really a big deal!"

Tang Peiqing, who came in with Su Jie, suddenly lit up after seeing the Fire Phoenix in the middle.

"Fire Phoenix, the phoenix that is as famous as the real dragon!"

Su Jie took a closer look and found that the phantom of the Fire Phoenix in the jade pillar was actually just a feather as long as an arm.

This feather shone with a deep red color, and the feather jumped like a flame, as if it was forged from a raging fire, revealing the terrible flame breath of immortal nirvana.

After getting closer, the heat wave was even more amazing. The heat released by the feather seemed to distort the air.

Su Jie had an illusion in front of him, as if there was really a Fire Phoenix flying with its wings spread, and the blazing flames burned the entire sky, like a shining flaming star, which made Su Jie's eyes hurt.

Fire phoenix, a kind of phoenix, is a spiritual beast as famous as the real dragon. It is known as the king of birds, the most divine and holy, representing life, spirituality and immortality.

The feather in front of him is obviously a genuine fire phoenix feather. Only such a top-level spiritual beast can make a core of a flying magic boat hundreds of meters long with just one feather.

Su Jie looked at this eternal fire phoenix feather, which emits infinite light and heat, just like nuclear fusion, and it is still controllable.

"Unfortunately, this magic boat is too badly damaged. I don't know how much money and spiritual stones it will cost to repair it. This fire phoenix feather can't be used for the time being."

Su Jie sighed and looked at Tang Peiqing beside him helplessly.

Tang Peiqing spread his hands and said, "It's not that we didn't hold back, but those array masters on the magic boat destroyed it themselves, and didn't want us to get a complete flying magic boat."

Su Jie didn't say anything after hearing this. Such a magic boat, no matter how much damage it has, is of great significance to Su Jie.

The technology contained therein can not only enhance the Puppet Hall's foundation, but if Su Jie learns it, he can also apply it to Blue Star. Don't forget, he is also a puppeteer.

Just as the research was going on, the entire battlefield of the volcano group was also cleaned up by the demon cultivators one by one, and the surviving demon cultivators returned triumphantly with the spoils.

And the news about this battle, along with the defeat of the righteous coalition, began to spread like the wind.

A few days later!

Qingzhou was shaken violently by the famous families, dignitaries, cultivation families, and immortal sects.

The five sects of Guanchao Pavilion, Miaoyin Temple, Zixia Sect, Longhu Gate, and Jinjian Gate joined forces, and Lingfa Temple provided external assistance. There were 80,000 cultivators, and their strength was enough to crush Guiling Palace, but they were defeated in the sect war to encircle Guiling Palace.

Of the 80,000 cultivators, less than 5,000 came back alive, and as many as 83 elders of the Secret Treasure Realm died, and two Daotai Realm elders died and one was seriously injured.

It can be said that such news was no less than a magnitude 10 earthquake for Qingzhou, and all those who knew about cultivation in Qingzhou were shocked beyond words.

For so many years, the righteous have been suppressing the evil. If we talk about the history of the rise of the evil and the decline of the righteous in Qingzhou, we don't know how many years ago it can be traced back.

Soon, as more details of the battlefield came out, a name spread throughout Qingzhou, known by countless casual cultivators, and also hostile to countless righteous.

Su Jie, who beheaded Wei Ji in the sect battle, and also had a brilliant record of killing five secret treasure realms in a single formation.

When many cultivators heard this news, they didn't believe it at all.

What kind of person is Wei Ji? He is the number one of the younger generation in Qingzhou. He has no rivals among the younger generation. At a young age, he stood at the top of the secret treasure realm and looked down on all the mountains.

It was such a fairy seedling figure, but it was said that he fell in the hands of an unknown demon cultivator named Su Jie, and he was defeated and killed in a head-on battle. No matter how you think about it, it is unreliable.

Compared with Wei Ji's great name, Su Jie is indeed not famous enough.

Although he had made some achievements before, his achievements were mostly won in the Yunling Realm.

After being promoted to the Secret Treasure Realm, Su Jie's record was really unremarkable and unknown.

However, no matter how unknown Su Jie was before, and no matter how hostile those righteous ways were to Su Jie, after killing Wei Ji, the immortal seedling, Su Jie's name really resounded throughout Qingzhou, and he became the veritable first person of the young generation in Qingzhou, and his name became more and more terrifying.

Even some civilians, when dealing with disobedient children, as long as they mentioned Su Jie's name, they would immediately scare the children into being obedient and shrinking into their mother's arms, reaching the point where the children stopped crying.

Even Su Jie's reputation not only spread throughout Qingzhou, but with the end of the sect war, the nearby states also heard the name of Su Jie, the butcher with corpse hands.

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