With the end of the meeting, the entire Jieke Group mobilized to promote Tianyuan Weight Loss Pills.

In major online media and networks, Jieke Group spent a lot of money to promote this product, using those overweight and obese patients as cases to carry out all-round product promotion.

Offline, with the help of the channels of Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid and Tianyuan Myopia Pills, it launched a large-scale promotion.

With two-pronged approach, Tianyuan Weight Loss Pills became popular before they were sold.

Jieke Group itself is well-known. The super efficacy of hair growth liquid and myopia pills before, in the eyes of people all over the world, Jieke Group's products are a guarantee of efficacy.

When the time came to September 5, 2025, Tianyuan Weight Loss Pills began to be sold all over the world.

Huaguo Huadu!

On the bustling city commercial street, Jieke Group spent a lot of money to open a direct flagship store here, covering an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters.

Early in the morning, a long queue began to form in front of the direct flagship store.

Before the fog dissipated in the morning, the queue had reached more than 100 meters away.

"Quick, quick, quick! Set up the camera."

Song Yingyi, a reporter from Shanghai TV, held a microphone and smiled at the camera with the flagship store of Jieke Group as the background: "Hello everyone, I am now at the door of the flagship store of Jieke Group in Shanghai. It is now 8:03 in the morning. You can see that there are many people queuing on the spot. The length of the queue has reached 200 meters and is still increasing. Now let's interview these customers on the spot."

After a brief introduction, Song Yingyi found a fat uncle.

The other party weighed about 200 kilograms, wore shorts and slippers, and his outfit did not look more than 200 yuan.

"Hello sir, I am a reporter from Shanghai TV. I want to interview you. Do you think the effect of Tianyuan slimming pills is as magical as Jieke Group advertises?"

The microphone was handed over, and Song Yingyi blinked her eyes, relying on her outstanding appearance, and asked in a gentle tone.

The fat uncle being interviewed scratched his head and said, "There shouldn't be any problem with the products of the Jieke Group. I used their Tianyuan hair growth liquid and myopia pills before. The effect is amazing. They even cured my thrush.

But I didn't expect that the Jieke Group could also launch weight loss pills. It feels like they are tailor-made for me. I believe that the Jieke Group will not make false propaganda."

"The price announced by the Jieke Group is that a Tianyuan weight loss pill costs as much as 1999 yuan. If possible, wouldn't it be more cost-effective to exercise and lose weight by yourself?"

"Exercise by yourself, no, no, no, I can't bear that hardship. I can't stand running and controlling my diet at the same time."

The fat uncle immediately showed a bitter face, waved his hands and shook his head, as if asking him to exercise was like asking him to die.

"Then may I ask how many Tianyuan slimming pills you plan to buy."

"I plan to buy 100 pills, take 60 to lose weight, and keep the rest for future use."

"100 pills? That's 200,000 yuan. Do you think the price of 1999 yuan for the slimming pills of the Jieke Group is too high? Many people who want to lose weight can hardly afford it."

"High? It's not bad. It's just my monthly income. I think it's a good deal. Besides, I think the Jieke Group is pretty good. They fight the Self-Defense Forces of the Sakura Country. I like to watch anti-Japanese dramas the most. Now there is a real version. I will definitely support them in fighting the Japanese. I will buy more weight loss pills and consider it as raising military funds for the Jieke Group. I hope that the Jieke Group will continue to work hard and beat those Japanese devils for me. "


The topic was a bit sensitive. Song Yingyi swallowed her saliva and said quickly: "May I ask what job you do, uncle? Isn't it financially stressful to buy so many pills at once?"

"I don't have a job, but I have ten houses to collect rent."

Hearing this answer, Song Yingyi was speechless. It turned out that the fat uncle in front of her who looked plain was actually a rich man with a house at home!

Sorry, I disturbed you.

Song Yingyi, who was hit by a 10,000-ton critical blow in her heart, twitched her mouth. She thought that she could buy a few Tianyuan weight loss pills with her monthly salary, but she didn't even blink when she bought them.

After cheering up, Song Yingyi found another young man.

The other party was only in his twenties. What interested Song Yingyi more was that the other party looked very good and didn't look overweight at all.

"Hello sir, I'm a reporter from Shanghai TV. I want to ask you a few questions. I see you have a good figure and you should exercise regularly. Why do you want to queue up to buy weight loss pills?"

"Uh, I'm a scalper. I buy them and sell them to others."

The scalper's answer was particularly sincere, which shocked Song Yingyi.

"You also stock up Tianyuan weight loss pills? Can this be considered hunger marketing?"

Song Yingyi was very surprised. She had heard of scalpers for mobile phones before, but she had never heard of scalpers for weight loss pills.

"It's not that you are surprised by the rare things. This is the product of Jieke Group. According to past experience, Jieke Group has limited stock when it first went public. Before the other party's production capacity is increased, it can't cope with the huge demand market at all. That's when we increase the price. At that time, it may be sold for 3,000 yuan. For this reason, I went to the bank to borrow money to make a big profit. At worst, with the quality and reputation of Jieke Group, the worst is to sell it at the original price, and it won't lose money."

The scalper looked proud and said that his way of making money was very promising.

Song Yingyi was speechless. Seeing the other party's proud look, she felt like she was a little out of date.

During interviews one after another, the time came to nine o'clock in the morning, and the flagship store of Jieke Group officially opened its doors.


As soon as the door opened, the crowd rushed into the store and shouted at the clerk.

"Give me fifty weight loss pills."

"I want two hundred weight loss pills, hurry up."

"Hey, those in front, don't cut in line. I want thirty weight loss pills."

The crowds of people kept scanning the code, and Tianyuan weight loss pills were delivered one after another.

"Limited edition health and weight loss pills, give me a hundred."

In the midst of the commotion, a voice suddenly sounded, and the scene fell silent.

Countless eyes turned around and saw an ordinary fat man wearing slippers and shorts talking.

You should know that the Tianyuan slimming pills launched by Jieke Group, in addition to the regular model priced at 1,999 yuan, also have a health-care commemorative model priced at 9,999 yuan a pill, and a health and longevity limited edition priced at 49,999 yuan a pill.

It is said that this slimming pill packaged in gold foil and added with various precious herbs can not only lose weight, but also effectively moisturize the body, regulate the body's meridians and other effects.

"Sorry sir, we don't have that many limited-edition health and weight-loss pills here, only fifty. We will immediately notify other stores to restock."

The clerk at the scene was also shocked and looked apologetic after reacting.

They also didn't expect that someone would buy a hundred of the limited edition health and weight loss pills with such a high price without blinking an eye. This is worth five million! It’s almost like selling jelly beans.

"Then I'll come over in the afternoon to pick up the goods. I'll swipe my card to pay first, and you can just prepare it for me then."

The fat uncle had a nonchalant look on his face and just swiped his card to pay, which was extremely cool.

"Sir, it turns out that when you said you wanted to buy a hundred pills, you were referring to the limited edition slimming pills!"

On the other side, Song Yingyi, who squeezed in for an interview, also saw this scene and discovered that this wealthy man was the fat uncle she had interviewed before.

"Yes, I'm getting older. I want to be nice to myself and do some health care. Anyway, the price is not expensive, it's just one month's rent."

The fat uncle smiled and acted very magnanimously.

"What, rent collection is too profitable now, isn't it? How much can you earn from ten houses?"

Song Yingyi took a breath of cold air and felt that her views had been rewritten.

“It’s not 10 suites, it’s 10 houses!!!”

The fat uncle was stunned and corrected the other person's statement.


Song Yingyi was silent. Now the rent of the house is actually collected by the building?

All the customers in the flagship store were silent for a while, silenced by this invisible pretense.

Thinking of my unfinished mortgage, car loan, and daily necessities of food, rice, oil, and salt, I could only silently shed tears of dissatisfaction.

In China, the Bear Country, and countries in the Middle East, Jieke Group sells Tianyuan Weight Loss Pills through various legal procedures.

Among them, those commemorative and limited-edition Tianyuan weight loss pills have seen unexpectedly high sales.

This commemorative and limited edition weight loss pill was packaged by Liu Yingying herself, adding some more herbs without affecting the efficacy of the medicine.

You want to say that these weight-loss pills, which sell for 10,000 or even 50,000 pills, are different from ordinary weight-loss pills. In addition to the extremely exquisite and precious packaging, you can't say that they don't have redundant medicinal functions. You can only Saying there is no difference, the main purpose is to provide psychological comfort.

But it was such a high-priced weight loss pill that seemed to be the same in the Jieke Group, but it was bought up by those rich people.

In China, every rich man takes limited edition weight loss pills so that he can show his strength.

Those petty bourgeoisie who don’t have enough money will bite the bullet and buy a 9,999 yuan commemorative weight loss pill.

In various celebrity circles, the most popular thing to show off now is no longer famous watches and luxury cars, but a box of limited edition Tianyuan weight loss pills packaged in gold-plated packaging.

For this reason, many fake socialites did not hesitate to pool money with each other to buy limited-edition slimming pills, and took turns to take photos together, just to post photos in their circle of friends. While drinking morning tea and eating, they inadvertently took pictures of the boxes of limited-edition slimming pills to show their sophistication. Elegant socialite life.

In the country of the Bear, oligarchs sell limited-edition weight-loss pills by the pound for themselves and their families.

In the oil-producing tycoon countries in the Middle East, Tianyuan Diet Pills are also extremely popular. Those tycoons who wear cloths on their heads, spend a lot of money, and frequently buy sports cars, airplanes, and yachts. They buy hundreds of pills, and they are all the most expensive limited editions. Weight loss pills.

As for European and American countries, Jieke Group is not so abiding by the rules. It has started the oldest commercial business in mankind, selling weight loss pills through smuggling into the country.

Since you dare to sanction me, then I will smuggle and not pay taxes to you. If you want to earn my taxes, there is no way.

European and American countries, led by the beautiful country, can be said to be furious. Seeing a large amount of tax revenue slipping through their fingers, they are heartbroken.

You know, in just one week, Tianyuan slimming pills have sold more than 80 million pills.

Many people who had the desire to buy purchased and placed orders first, and subsequent sales began to decline. However, selling 200 million units in the first month was not a problem, and it is expected to maintain sales of hundreds of millions of units each month in the future.

This is such a huge amount of wealth. Including those commemorative and limited edition weight loss pills, in just one week, Jieke Group's revenue reached 27.5 billion US dollars.

Such a sum of money cannot be earned in European and American countries. His eyes are red with envy. He can only use various means to combat the smuggling of the Jieke Group and compete with the Tijuana smuggling group supported by Su Jie.

On the border between the United States and Mexico, a new century of underground warfare has begun. The cat-and-mouse game is played here all the time. Both sides have won and lost, but the Tijuana smuggling group has won more.

Relying on the strengthening pills and heavy weapons provided by the Jeko Group, the Tijuana smuggling group is very arrogant. It uses the second- and third-class super soldiers it has trained to attack the anti-smuggling forces of the United States, and also uses rocket launchers, heavy machine guns and infantry fighting vehicles.

It has forced the anti-smuggling forces of the United States to continuously upgrade their armed equipment to fight back. Now they are equipped with tanks, armored vehicles and armed helicopters.

Wherever there is a smuggling conflict, armed helicopters will take off to reinforce, which is almost like a mechanized force. It can be seen how they have been forced by the Tijuana smuggling group.

If the United States wants to enter to fight smuggling, the Tijuana smuggling group has already arranged all the raw materials and production lines in the slums of Mexico, using the poor people here as workers.

Whether it is the anti-smuggling forces of the United States or the local police of Mexico, entering here will only fall into the vast ocean of people's war.

If you dare to touch the interests of the slum people who have only one life left, they will really dare to fight you with a kitchen knife.

In Europe, the Tijuana smuggling group has more means, and the fragmented country here provides a natural cover for smuggling.

In addition to doing smuggling by itself, the Tijuana smuggling group also actively cooperates with local underworld organizations. The two parties supply and sell, forming a perfect chain of interests.

It can be said that Tianyuan slimming pills have become a hit after they were released worldwide.

Because the sales are too hot, the production capacity of the Jeko Group can only run 24 hours a day, and many places are sold out.

After customers buy and take these slimming pills, their efficacy begins to show the next day.

Many people take them on the same day, because they drink a lot of water, and when they go to the toilet, the water they discharge is full of oil.

The magical effect from the Tianyuan world is extremely amazing in the eyes of humans on Blue Star. Fat is consumed in large quantities by slimming pills, and as the liquid is discharged, the body weight also decreases.

Each person can take up to three pills a day, and can lose three pounds a day. If you keep taking it, the weight loss effect is very fast.

In the face of such a terrifying effect, Tianyuan Weight Loss Pills has completely consolidated its product reputation. Countless people have come forward to tell you, and the weight loss effect that people around them can see, those who are still waiting no longer doubt it, and decisively join the ranks of buyers.

And those obese people who haven't bought it yet, it's not that they don't want to buy it, it's just that they don't have enough money.

But the existence of Tianyuan Weight Loss Pills also makes them want to think about it. Many people will make up their minds that when they have money in the future, they will definitely arrange for Tianyuan Weight Loss Pills.

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