Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 420: The Mecha of the Beautiful Country

‘The magical Tianyuan weight loss pill actually made me lose nearly 100 pounds in a month. ’

‘My wife originally weighed 200 kilograms, but now after losing weight, she is simply beautiful. ’

‘Years of beer belly have finally been resolved, long live Jieke Group, long live Tianyuan Slimming Pills. ’

‘I hereby solemnly advise every beautiful Chinese citizen not to buy Tianyuan Weight Loss Pills. This is helping the Jieco Group to destroy world peace and order. We must consciously unite and not be bribed by some small products of the Jieco Group. ’

‘Go away, you have to target the Jieke Group yourself. I only care about my own health. This is the most important thing. ’

‘Jieco Group is a garbage company. A Tianyuan slimming pill sells for five hundred dollars in our beautiful country, which is much more expensive than countries such as China and Mao Xiong. We must resist the price discrimination of Jieco Group. ’

‘Jieke Group is doing business legally in our country, China. Why are the prices so high in European and American countries that you can’t afford it? You should look for more problems within yourself and reflect on yourself. ’

After the launch of Tianyuan Weight Loss Pills, it received a lot of praise on the Internet, and the few who criticized it were drowned in everyone's criticism.

With the popularity of Tianyuan slimming pills, huge sums of money have been made from all over the world.

Europe and the United States are helpless about this, but they are envious and jealous.

Jieke Group once again became famous with this Tianyuan slimming pill and became a new hot spot around the world.

In the beautiful country, the Tianyuan slimming pills sold locally are more expensive due to smuggling.

Many middle-class people are also very unhappy with their consumption. People are very dissatisfied with this. They once again accused the American government of being inappropriate and restricting the products of Jieke Group. As a result, they were forced to buy from the black market at high prices, which invisibly increased the number of people. their burden.

For this reason, many people from beautiful countries organized spontaneously and held demonstrations in beautiful countries.

Ask the beautiful country's government to lift sanctions on Jieco Group so that they can buy affordable products from Jieco Group.

Then, with the participation of a large number of Nicos, they started traditional performances. The demonstrations soon turned into smashing, smashing, looting and burning, and zero-dollar shopping sprees began in many cities in the beautiful country.

The American government was so overwhelmed that it could only speak out from the official level.

"The sanctions against the Jieko Group will not be lifted. Our beautiful country is a free and democratic country and will never compromise with extremist organizations like the Jieko Group. To this end, we have announced that we will dispatch an additional infantry battalion to Siam in the near future and increase the number of anti-smuggling police officers at the border to combat the illegal smuggling of the Jieko Group. 》

At the same time, in order to consolidate the confidence of the people, the beautiful country officials once again announced that they have made a major breakthrough in the field of mecha research, and will soon break the Jieke Group's mecha hegemony and break the Jieke Group's monopoly on mechas. The day to expel the Jieko Group.

I don’t know if this news is true or not, but the attention has been diverted well.

Many people in the beautiful country are paying attention to their first mecha and want to know when it will be offline and used in actual combat.

Beautiful country, San Francisco Bay Area, California, Silicon Valley!

This famous technology and Internet mecca is where Boston Dynamics is located.

This company, founded in 1982, is world-famous for its robot manufacturing. Its most famous robot dog is named Spot, which can walk, run, climb stairs, and go up and down slopes.

This company changed hands several times, and was acquired by Google again from Hyundai Motor Company half a year ago. Google took this opportunity to add a new research and development project to Boston Dynamics, the humanoid power mecha, known as Comparing with the biological reproductive equipment of Jieke Group and the tiger-type main battle mecha.

Judien came to this technology company with a senior military executive.

Now he has been promoted to the director of the CIA, managing the beautiful country's external intelligence agents and holding great power.

Boston Dynamics also has financial funding and technical support from the US military and government, and has cooperated with US government departments on many occasions.

In order to cope with the Jieke Group's mecha hegemony, the Beautiful Country has successively allocated more than 80 billion US dollars in funding, which was distributed to many domestic military-industrial complexes for mecha research and development.

Because Boston Dynamics is professional enough, they have also developed humanoid robots. From the perspective of the US military, this research on mechas is a professional counterpart, so one-fifth of the funding falls on Boston Dynamics.

Now that half a year has passed, Judith plans to come over to inspect their research and development results to see if the tens of billions of dollars in funding approved by the state have been used in any practical way.

"Director Judith, General McCann"

A man ran over quickly. His name was Corjero Clayton. He was 52 years old and was the head of Boston Dynamics. He had a luxurious background, which was why he got this good job.

"Cojero, how is the progress of your mecha research? Show it to us."

Judien stared at the other party. This surprise inspection was only notified at short notice the day before, and then he brought the top military officials over, even if he did not want the other party to deceive him.

A few drops of cold sweat broke out on Cogelo's forehead, and he showed a forced smile: "Well, Director Judien, we..."

Judien's eyes gradually became dangerous, and she said: "A while ago, you said that your research had made progress and that you had obtained US$1.2 billion in funding. Don't tell me that no results have been achieved?"

Feeling Judien's gaze, Cojero could only bite the bullet and said to the researchers beside him: "Go and transport our fearless mecha and diamond mecha."

Soon, two mechas were transported out.

One of the mechas was about two and a half meters tall, painted silver, and overall looked a bit like the large steel battle suit in the movie. If it weren't for the big bulge on the back, it would still look very good.

The other mecha was sixteen meters tall and extremely bloated. Its legs were wheels that were almost more than one person tall, and its body was full of metal skeletons and large areas of exposed messy wires.

"Director Judien, this is our research. The former is a fearless mecha, using a new type of aluminum alloy composite material. It weighs only one-third of traditional steel. While meeting the lightweight requirements, it can also take into account good defense."

As Cojero spoke, a tester walked up to the fearless mecha.

The back of the mecha can be opened flexibly. The tester first stuffed his two feet in, then bent over and got into the mecha.


The mecha sensor fits the human skin, and the next moment, the mecha moves.

It moves in front of Judith with a slightly stiff movement.

Just this movement makes Judith frown, and the military representative General McKen next to him can't help but complain: "Fuck, this is slower than my grandma's walking speed, and it's too ugly. My soldiers will carry this turtle armor on the battlefield in the future, and the enemy will laugh at them."

When the fearless mecha walks, it emits a huge buzzing noise all over its body, and the arched back is like a turtle shell, making it extremely difficult to turn, squat, jump, etc. except walking. It's like a polio patient, which is really unbearable to watch.

"General McKen, due to the limitation of our energy, we can only use batteries. In order to ensure the endurance of the mecha, the battery storage is relatively large."

Cojiero explained very awkwardly. Even if light aluminum alloy is used, the weight of this two-meter-and-a-half-high mecha is still overweight. In order to supply the mecha, the batteries can only be prepared as much as possible, causing the mecha to carry a turtle shell with all the battery packs inside.

In addition, due to the limitation of transmission and joint technology, the entire mecha moves very stiffly.

During the test, the fearless mecha picked up the weapon and began to do further testing. It raised an M2 heavy machine gun, aimed at the target and pulled the trigger.

Flames spewed, shells were thrown, and the huge recoil caused the mecha's arm to rise, the muzzle moved up, and the arm malfunctioned in the violent vibration. The entire mecha's arm and right shoulder were stuck.

"Oh no, I can't stop."

The tester who controlled the mecha changed his face, staggered, and the muzzle began to drift.

A burst of bullets flew over the heads of General McKen and Judien, causing them to fall to the ground immediately, their faces pale with fear.

"Idiot, activate the power-off fuse quickly."

Cojero jumped up and cursed, and hurriedly reminded the operator.

Ten seconds later, as the power was cut off, the fearless mecha finally stopped.

At the same time, General McKen, who had gotten up from the ground in a panic, was full of anger and yelled at Cojero: "Shit, what kind of shitty mecha is this? It almost took my life just now. I will never allow such garbage to appear in the military procurement of our army. Never allow it."

Judien looked ugly and said: "This is the single-soldier mecha developed by your Boston Dynamics. I can't see any advantages in it. It moves slowly and stiffly, has a high failure rate, and its defense ability will destroy itself without the enemy attacking it. Such a mecha is the result of your research at a cost of tens of billions of dollars?"

Comparing the strengthening of the warriors by the Jeko Group's biological colonization suit, in Judien's view, the fearless mecha in front of him is an insult to the biological colonization suit.

Other people's biological colonization suits strengthen the combat effectiveness of the driver, while this fearless mecha weakens the combat effectiveness of the driver. It moves stiffly and slowly when used, and it is not even as fast as ordinary people. The failure rate is so high that it is simply unbearable to watch.

"Director Judien, we have tried our best, but mecha research is too difficult. We have just started, and we still have a long way to go to reach the level of the Jeko Group."

Cojiero was very panicked. If the US government no longer provides financial support, companies like Boston Dynamics that lack commercial value will find it difficult to find a real profit point.

Judien said coldly, pointing to the other large diamond mecha, which was brought here by a heavy flatbed truck, and said, "Don't make so many excuses, continue testing, I want to see what you have researched."

"This, this. We have just developed this diamond mecha, and it has not been tested yet."

"Then let's test it for the first time today."

Judien interrupted Cojiero's delay without saying anything.

"Come on, go drive the diamond armor."

Cojiero gritted his teeth and could only muster up the courage to hope that this diamond mecha would not go wrong.

"Wait a minute, Judith, let's go a little further away, don't lose your life here."

General McCann spoke directly, showing his distrust of Boston Dynamics without mercy, and he took a step forward and walked away directly.

Cojero stood there motionless, it was so embarrassing.

Don't mention him, the researchers nearby all lowered their heads, obviously feeling too embarrassed.

"Test as soon as possible."

Judien shook his head, thinking of the test of the fearless mecha just now, and followed General McKen very sincerely, turned around and came to a safe position, and then signaled the other party to start the test.

Soon, a tester climbed up the ladder behind the diamond step by step to the head of the diamond mecha. This is a driving position with various gears and buttons.

"Our diamond mecha is 16.35 meters high, benchmarking the tiger-type main battle mecha exhibited by Jeko Company during the military parade, with..."

When Kojero was introducing it to Judien, the diamond mecha that had just started up suddenly overturned.

The real overturning was when the hydraulic transmission of the diamond mecha's legs was opened, and the huge weight made it difficult for him to master the balance.

Nowadays, humans have many difficulties in using humanoid robots, and walking is one of them. Even robots with the height of a person are difficult to adjust to the point where normal people walk, let alone such a mecha that is more than ten meters high and weighs hundreds of tons.

As soon as one foot of the diamond mecha landed, sparks appeared in the joints.

Then the body tilted, and fell heavily from the flatbed trailer, hitting the floor, various parts splattered and flew everywhere, black diesel and engine oil flowed everywhere.

The head on the neck of the mecha was like an iron ball, it separated and rolled, and the driver fell inside covered in blood.

Then black smoke came out from all parts of the mecha, flames began to appear, and a big fire broke out on the mecha. The staff on the scene were in a mess, and they hurriedly found fire extinguishers and water pipes from all over to put out the fire.

"I knew it, fortunately I was far away."

General Mike looked fortunate. If he hadn't left just now, he might have been killed by the flying parts.

Judien said nothing, just stared at Cojiero, and Cojiero was sweating all over.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, Director Judien, this kind of heavy mecha has too many difficulties, energy, transmission, intelligent control. We will definitely work hard to improve it, please believe us."

Cojiero ran over to explain to Judien, he also had a lot of troubles.

Although the performance of the diamond mecha was very poor just now, Boston Dynamics has really done its best to make such a heavy mecha. Even if it is just a fake, it can at least move.

Judien turned around and left with a dark face, and was extremely disappointed with Boston Dynamics.

This was far from the result of the mecha he expected, and it was completely unrealistic.

The only thing that comforted Judien was that large mechas were so difficult to use, and it was obvious that this type of design had major flaws.

Since he couldn't develop it himself, I think the Jake Group was also half-baked.

If he really got to the battlefield, he would just be a target, so there was no need to worry about their Tiger-type main battle mecha killing everyone.

The series of actions that the United States originally planned to launch were to take into account the threat of the Tiger-type main battle mecha.

Now in Judien's view, even if the Jake Group is ahead of the United States in mechas, it will definitely be difficult for the other party to fight in large mechas.

Otherwise, why have there been no more rumors about the Tiger-type main battle mecha after the military parade? This shows that this large mecha must have many flaws, and they can boldly carry out their plans.

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