The capital of Siam, Manchester!

Shawan and Smith came here in the name of inspecting business.

Although the situation between Zen and Siam is tense now, among the people, many businessmen still cooperate with each other in order to make money.

Now the Zen Kingdom is undergoing a large-scale construction project, and the Jieke Group is spending a lot of money. As a country bordering the Zen Kingdom, Siam's domestic economy is also very developed.

Among the civilian orders distributed by Jieke Group, apart from China, most of them were taken by businessmen in Siam, so the non-governmental economic exchanges between the two countries are relatively frequent.

But when Smith and the others came to Siam City, they certainly didn’t really come here to make money economically.

"Manchester City has been a bit too peaceful recently, I don't like it very much!"

Shawan was sitting in a car, puffing out smoke, looking at the street scene of people coming and going in Manchester, with a bit of amusement on his face.

Manchester is the capital and largest city of Siam, also known as the City of Angels. It is located on the east bank of the Mek River and borders the Gulf of Siam to the south. It is one of the largest cities in Asia, with a population of 13 million, and its economy accounts for 15% of Siam's total. 44%. The Port of Manchester is responsible for 90% of Siam’s foreign trade. As many as 200 to 300 international conferences are held here every year. Among the top 500 cities in the world, Manchester ranks 36th in the world.

"It's a pity for this city. If the plan goes well, I'm afraid this place will turn into a battlefield and it will no longer live up to the name of the City of Angels."

The cigarette butts popped out of the window, and Shawan looked away. It sounds very inhumane to turn a peaceful area into a war, but who calls them the CIA? The CIA specializes in doing this kind of dirty work.

"Have you decided to take action?"

Smith was holding a tablet in his hand and was somewhat surprised to hear the words of Shawang, the new BOSS.

If you look carefully at the tablet in his hand, you will find that it displays a defense map, which shows the layout of Manchester City's Grand Palace and its surroundings.

The Grand Palace of Manchester has been the residence of the Siamese royal family since ancient times. It is close to the Mek River and is a large-scale ancient building complex in the center of Manchester with a total area of ​​218,400 square meters. It was first built in 1782 and has been continuously repaired and expanded by several generations of kings. , this grand palace complex was finally built. The interior is magnificent, the paintings, sculptures and decorative arts are extremely exquisite, and it is very characteristic of the nation.

The national conditions of Siam are different from those of most countries. The royal family here still has great power and can control various domestic factions and the domestic army. Siam's constitution and laws clearly stipulate the real power status of the king, the country's government affairs, military and social management, etc. The highest decision-making power belongs to the king.

Today, with the development of modernization and technology, existences like the Siamese royal family are rare.

The Grand Palace in Manchester is the residence of the royal family. However, in 1946, after the old king was assassinated in the palace, he moved to the newly built Da Palace to the east of the Grand Palace.

In addition to being used for coronation ceremonies, palace celebrations and other ceremonies and activities, the Grand Palace is usually open to the public and has become a famous tourist place in Siam.

"I received news from Director Judien of the General Administration this morning that Project Snipe and Clam was officially launched. I was a little surprised, let alone you."

Shawan said calmly, he was also a little surprised by the news coming from the beautiful country.

He originally thought that things would calm down a bit recently, but he didn't expect that new operational tasks would be arranged in the country so quickly.

"I'm afraid it's because Tianyuan Slimming Pills are so popular. It's said that Jieke Group can generate 30 to 40 billion U.S. dollars in monthly revenue just by relying on a product like Tianyuan Slimming Pills. The revenue in one year is three points higher than ours. One of the military expenditures, who wouldn’t be jealous!”

Smith saw through the essence of the matter in one sentence. As the saying goes, all the bustle in the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit.

The beautiful country is a capital-led country, and even the president must obey the will of capital to some extent.

The huge interests represented by the Jieke Group naturally exposed the greedy claws of the capital represented by the beautiful country.

Sawang coughed twice and said: "Let's not make random guesses about the situation in the country. Anyway, we will act according to the orders. The Loy Krathong Festival will be in a while, and it is time for us to take action. The preparations here are all ready. We The precious chess piece that I have worked hard to cultivate for many years must be allowed to take over this time!”

"There is enough time. We will first mobilize a group of agents to conduct exercises. We also need support from the Special Command to strive for support from Delta Force and SEALs. The time is set for November 13th."

Smith put away the tablet and made his request.

"No problem, I'll handle the communication, and the manpower will be arranged in place."

Shawan smiled and nodded.

Eight days later!

November 13th is the day of Loy Krathong, a famous local traditional festival in Siam.

The Loy Krathong Festival is held every year on the night of December 15th in the Siamese calendar. Siamese people will put handmade water lanterns into the river on the day of the Loy Krathong Festival to express their best wishes and blessings.

At the same time, on this day, King Raha Jikornlong of Siam also came to the Grand Palace, where he would celebrate with the people.

Also present at the celebration ceremony were his children and the people who came here to revel.

According to tradition, the celebration begins at night, with festively dressed people singing and dancing to celebrate the arrival of the festival in the palace.

"To God, I hope that the Jieke Group can be destroyed soon."

King Raha of Siam wrote his wish on the krathong, which was very simple and unpretentious.

"Grandpa, is the Jieko Group really that dangerous?"

Beside him, his grandson blinked. He was only a teenager and didn't understand much yet.

"How can you allow others to snore and sleep on the side of the bed? You will understand later."

King Laha rubbed his grandson's head, and other royal family members around him felt the same way.

Although the Jieke Group has not been established for a long time, its style is brutal and belligerent. It can be said that it has grown up through wars and killings.

Its former neighbor, Zen, was just a small, poor country where warlords were fighting a civil war. Siam could develop peacefully.

But now it has been replaced by the Jieko Group to take charge of the Zen Kingdom. After the Jieko Group unified the entire Zen Kingdom, the military pressure that Siam needs to face suddenly increased dramatically.

It can be said that Siam did not regret prematurely signing the agreement to join the G8. For the sake of the benefits promised by the beautiful country, it was dragged into the G8 chariot, so that it was hostile to the Jieke Group.

But at that time, Siam did not expect that the Jieko Group could survive the attack of the Group of Eight headed by the beautiful country.

Not only was it not destroyed, but it became stronger with each war until it unified the whole country.

When the Jieko Group successfully entered the Zen Kingdom and began to mobilize troops on the border, Siam felt that it was too late.

They have already boarded the chariot of Beautiful Country. If they withdraw from the Group of Eight in order to ease relations with the Jieco Group, they will only completely offend Beautiful Country, which is not what they can afford.

Siam itself is highly bound to the beautiful country, and domestic high-level officials also pursue a pro-beautiful country policy. This is traditional.

After the end of World War II, Siam became the beautiful country's first ally in Southeast Asia.

The beautiful country also regarded Siam as a bridgehead for returning to Asia and gave it a lot of military support.

At a relatively favorable price, many beautiful Chinese-style weapons were sold to Siam.

Including the shemale culture that is now popular in Siam, it is also an imported product brought by the beautiful country.

During the Vietnam War in the last century, there were more than 40,000 American soldiers in Siam. This was the logistics base for the American army to attack Annam.

And these armies all have physical needs for shame, and those fragrant service places are easy to find around military bases.

At that time, Siam's domestic economy was in dire straits. In order to make money, men who were eager to make money, let alone women, dressed up as women to earn money from the soldiers.

Smart businessmen have gradually taken aim at this business opportunity. In addition, Siamese high-level officials have followed the example to please the beautiful soldiers, and this has gradually given rise to the shemale culture.

It can be seen from this that the beautiful country existed in Siam at the beginning. It is not an exaggeration to call Siam a puppet controlled by them.

Today, on the surface, the power of the beautiful country in Siam has declined significantly.

Especially after the Vietnam War, America's influence was extremely damaged in Southeast Asia. The failure of the Vietnam War caused dissent in many Southeast Asian countries.

But secretly, the beautiful country has always had the power to support itself secretly in Siam.

Siam itself knows this, and everyone knows it tacitly, and they dare not openly show their face. Economically, they still have to rely on the beautiful country.

All of these things have caused Siam to suffer from both sides. On the one hand, he is afraid that this guy from the Jieko Group, who is full of martial arts, will bully him.

On the one hand, there is the fear that the beautiful country will make more excessive demands and make itself a bridgehead against the Jieko Group.

Although Siam is currently expanding its military and has purchased all kinds of advanced weapons from the beautiful country, to be honest, Siam does not want to start a war with the Jieko Group at all, and there is no benefit. Why should it fight life and death for the beautiful country? The only one who gets hurt is himself.

Not to mention, the position of the Siamese royal family in Siam itself is not strong enough.

Modern technology has brought enlightenment, and even in Siam, calls for restricting the king's power are growing day by day.

If there is a war with the Jieko Group and the outcome is unfavorable, the king will definitely be held responsible afterwards.

When the king's prestige is damaged, it will only lead to a decline in power. This is something the Siamese royal family is absolutely unwilling to see.

"Father, I believe that the Jieko Group will not be able to be ruthless for long. As the saying goes, if you are warlike, you will perish. The Jieko Group is so arrogant now, and the countries in the surrounding areas have been blamed for it. We just need to wait and there will always be Jieko. The day the group dies.”

Seeing that the king's father was worried about the Jieko Group, several of King Raha's sons came forward to comfort him. Among them, the words of the fourth prince Pupon Aduud were particularly thoughtful.

"A warlike person will perish. Yes, the Jieke Group has been arrogant for a while. He, Su Jie, is a Chinese who occupies the rule of the Zen Kingdom. He is a foreigner who comes to a foreign country. Sooner or later, he will be overthrown by others."

King Laha nodded. The Jieko Group has become a worry for him recently. The better the other party develops, the more uneasy he becomes.

"So, father, you don't have to worry. We have an army of 600,000 in Siam, and with your wise leadership, a mere Jieke Group is nothing to worry about. My wish this year is that my father will be in good health, so that the Jieke Group can Collapse as soon as possible to stabilize our royal family.”

The fourth prince Pu Peng spoke, then walked to the edge of the pool and personally put down his wishful water lantern.

"I'm determined."

King Laha nodded happily and tapped his thigh: "I'm getting older and I can't stand standing on my legs for a long time. Let's go and finish the celebration."

"Yes, father."

A group of royal family members all took the water lanterns they folded and prepared to pray.


But at this moment, there was a loud bang.

An explosion was heard in the Grand Palace, and the flames shot up into the sky, accompanied by the sound of gunfire like frying beans, spreading all the way to where the king was.

"No, there is an assassin, protect the king."

The king's guards nearby were horrified. Hearing the dense gunfire and screams, they realized that something was wrong and immediately wanted to take the king away.

At this time, the royal family members were stunned for a long time before they reacted. They were scared and pale, and panicked. They experienced this kind of thing for the first time. In Siam, someone was so bold that he dared to assassinate the royal family. This is a capital crime!

King Raha was very nervous and said repeatedly: "Immediately notify the army and police to come to the Grand Palace, take my children and wife."

Before he finished speaking, several grenades were thrown in.

The grenades exploded after landing, and the crowd nearby immediately wailed and fell down.

The people who were singing and dancing here saw their companions who were injured and bloody, and screamed and ran around, and the situation was in chaos.

This kind of chaos was just right for assassination. Several fully armed soldiers, armed with various light and heavy weapons, rushed into the celebration site.

They completely ignored the chaos at the scene and shot directly at the guards.

The civilians along the way were also shot without scruples and became victims of this chaos.

When the guards fought back, they were sometimes afraid to fight because of the civilians running around. They could only shout "lie down", but in the chaos, the civilians had no time to care about this.

Although there were only a few people, these people had accurate shooting skills and were agile like ordinary people. They could often shoot the guards in the head with a few shots.

Most of the guards were carrying pistols, and their firepower was too weak. Even if they fired back, most of the bullets were dodged by them through bunkers and civilians.

Therefore, in the shooting, dozens of guards were suppressed and were no match at all.

"This is a super soldier."

The pupils of the guard who was protecting King Laha shrank. He just cooperated with several companions to shoot an assassin with a burst of bullets. The opponent was always able to move and roll swiftly to dodge, using the chaotic crowd as cover. The movement was too fast and beyond common sense. Even elite special forces could hardly do this.

A thought appeared in the guard's mind, a super soldier, only the super soldiers of the Jeko Group could do this.

Seeing the other party pointing a gun at the king, he directly threw the king to the ground and acted as a shield.

Puff puff puff puff!

A series of bullets swept over and shot him into a hornet's nest.


King Laha screamed in fear, and suddenly a grenade rolled to his neck.


A flash of fire, two bodies were blown away several meters.

"The target has been killed, retreat, the second team is ready to respond, the third team is creating chaos outside, and the fourth team is ready for the retreat."

Seeing this, several attacking assassins turned around and ran after achieving their goals.

The chaotic crowd at the scene made it more difficult to track them, and they disappeared in the crowd in a blink of an eye.

It was not until 20 minutes after the assassin left that the police finally arrived at the scene, but it was too late.

This night was destined to be an unforgettable night for Siam.

Because the king who ruled Siam for 30 years was assassinated during the Loy Krathong Festival.

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