Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 422 Declaration of War

With the assassination of King Raha, the assassination caused a huge shock throughout Siam.

The people in the country were in an uproar and demanded that the murderer be caught.

In addition to stabilizing the situation, the top leaders also fell into a struggle for power.

You know, King Raha had 14 princes. Now King Raha suddenly died, but the heir has not been selected. You can imagine what the consequences will be.

Those princes felt that they had an opportunity to take advantage of it, especially the second prince, the fifth prince, and the eldest prince who were the most favored by King Raha during his lifetime, and they felt that their chance to take the throne had come.

The top leaders of Siam also stood in line, supporting the object of their loyalty and winning the support of the army.

This chaos lasted for a whole week in Siam. After several bloody conflicts, no one expected that the fourth prince Pupeng, who was very obscure on weekdays, would succeed to the throne and inherit the position of King of Siam.

During his succession, his competitors were either bribed or died unexpectedly at home. In the end, a large number of powerful people turned against him, making him the final winner. He cleaned up the losers and replaced them with high-level officials who were loyal to him.

A week later, on November 20.

On this day, Pu Peng took over the king's succession ceremony at the Grand Palace. In the presence of hundreds of senior officials and the flashing spotlights of countless media reporters, he officially took over the dragon seal representing the supreme power of the King of Siam.

After doing all this, Pu Peng stood in front of the microphone, facing a large number of media cameras and facing the live broadcasting camera, and delivered a nationwide television speech.

"I am your new king, Pu Peng! Before this, your king was my father, but he was premeditated, despicable and shameless assassinated on the night of the Loy Krathong Festival."

Phu Peng is 43 years old this year. At this time, his face is sad, his fists are clenched, and two lines of hot tears roll down.

"My father was the king for thirty years. He devoted his life to the development of Siam and worked diligently for the betterment of this country. He should have had a good ending.

But the insidious and despicable enemy assassinated him. They were afraid that we would develop better, afraid that our progress would threaten them, and jealous of our country's economic achievements.

As for the enemy, after a week of investigation, we have locked the enemy.

On the night of the assassination, the enemy came prepared. The assassins were well-trained and had traces of military training.

The more important reason why these assassins were able to complete the assassination was that they were all super soldiers."

When Pu Peng said the last sentence, the media below suddenly became a commotion.

Many domestic and foreign media reporters widened their eyes, smelled the breath of big news, and their eyes gradually became hot.

Now who in the world doesn't know that super soldiers are trained by the Jeko Group.

They have made military exploits in many wars. Although they are not as terrifying as the ace unit Steel Battalion, they are also an awe-inspiring and powerful force.

Their accurate marksmanship, extraordinary physical fitness, and sensitive five senses make them like a sharp knife on the battlefield, often able to tear through the enemy's defense line first, giving the enemy huge mental pressure and damage.

Now Pu Peng said in person that the assassin who assassinated the old king Raha in the Grand Palace during the Loy Krathong Festival was a super soldier, which means something self-evident.

"I am not just saying it without evidence. Now please look at the screen behind me. This is the on-site surveillance video retrieved on the night of the assassination. You can feel it."

Pu Peng waved his hand and played the video on the spot. At the same time, he also broadcast this video to countless viewers waiting in front of the TV through live media.

In the video, the playback of the night of the assassination was clearly recorded.

Although it was night, the lights in the Grand Palace were bright at the time. The surveillance video showed that the assassins were agile and not like ordinary people. Their marksmanship was accurate and deadly. A few people beat dozens of people, and they also brutally killed innocent people at the scene, causing a large number of casualties.

When everyone saw this video, they knew that those who could do this were definitely not ordinary people. Perhaps only the "super soldiers" trained by the Jeko Group could have such powerful combat power. Ordinary soldiers with normal training, even the most elite special forces, could hardly surpass the limits of human beings.

Super soldiers are different. They have broken the limitations of the human body and can do this without any problem.

After watching the video, domestic and foreign media reporters at the scene took a deep breath.

The Siamese people who were watching on TV were furious at this time, and the voices cursing the Jeko Group were endless.

Pu Peng held the microphone, his eyes flashing with anger, waving his fist and shouting angrily: "As you can see, the assassin was sent by the Jeko Group. After conquering the Zen Kingdom, this evil extremist organization once again set its sights on our Siam. They want to enslave our people, embezzle our accumulated wealth, and occupy our land.

The assassination of my father is their first step. If we do not respond, this greedy force will invade and colonize our country little by little. This is a bad act that I will never allow, and it is also a bad act that the 70 million people of Siam will not allow.

We will use blood and bullets to tell the Jeko Group that blood debts must be paid with blood. If the Jeko Group does not give us an explanation, then we will use war to take back our dignity for my father and for our Siam.

Now, on behalf of Siam and all 70 million citizens, I officially issue an order to mobilize the whole country for war.

From today, the national power will be transferred from peacetime to wartime, and the human, material and financial resources used for war will be under unified command. Political, economic, cultural and other activities will all be subject to the state of war. All mobilized and recruited personnel and materials must arrive at the specified time and place and wait for deployment. Any violation of the mobilization order will be punished or sanctioned by military law.

At the same time, I require the Jeko Group to hand over the assassin who killed my father within one month. Su Jie of the Jeko Group must come to my father's tombstone to publicly kneel down and apologize, and make relevant negotiations for compensation, and pray for the understanding of all Siamese citizens. Otherwise, the only way waiting for you is war.

We will defeat the prisoners of your Jeko Group and bring them to my father's tombstone to comfort my father's spirit in heaven. "

After hearing Pu Peng's high-profile and tough words, the domestic and foreign media reporters below were stunned.

Except for the senior officials who had communicated with him long ago, they didn't expect Pu Peng to be so brave and dare to directly issue a war declaration.

Yes, what Pu Peng said just now was no different from declaring a war.

But everyone also understood Pu Peng's feelings. Knowing the cause of his father's death, he, as a son, certainly couldn't sit idly by.

The Asian circle pursues a culture of filial piety. If people knew that he didn't even dare to deal with the murderer of his father, his position as king might not be stable.

However, many reporters thought of the abundant martial virtues of the Jeko Group. Can Siam's long-standing army fight against the tiger and wolf army of the Jeko Group?

Even if Siam has recently expanded its army and has a large amount of arms purchased by the United States, this It also has to be questioned.

But no matter what, today's incident means that the Jako Group and Siam cannot be reconciled. Such big news will definitely shock the world.

After delivering the full speech, Pu Peng returned to his residence.

His residence moved to the Ta Palace where his father lived before his death. This magnificent residence has now become part of his supreme royal power.

In the study, Pu Peng dismissed his left and right, and he walked in alone.

He is not the only one here, there are two others.

These two people are none other than Sawang, the intelligence officer of Zen affairs of the Jako Group of the CIA, and Smith, a senior strategic analyst.

They are drinking coffee here, looking like they have been waiting for a long time.

"Everything has been done according to your requirements, and the cooperation has been reached."

At this time, Pu Peng looked at the two CIA personnel with a blank expression on his face.

"Don't be cold, we are close strategic allies, and your attitude makes us feel disappointed! Let's have a cup of coffee first. "

Sawang snapped his fingers and complained with some dissatisfaction on his face.

"Facing the murderer who killed my father, he is still my father after all. I am very restrained to sit here and talk with you."

Pupong sat on the chair and did not touch the coffee in front of him.

Because the two people in front of him, the CIA they represented, were the real murderers who killed his father, King Raha.

As a personal experience and participant, he was kept in the dark by others, thinking that the murderer was the Jeko Group. In fact, he knew very well that the real murderer was planned and executed by the two people in front of him.

If his words were heard by the people of Siam, it would definitely cause an uproar and shock the whole country.

Their new king actually had a cooperative and allied relationship with the murderer who killed the old king.

"But you have to think about it too. If we hadn't helped you solve the old king, with your ability, how could you compete with your brothers, dominate this country, and become the king with the final say? "

Smith stirred the coffee with a spoon, pushed his gold-rimmed glasses, and told the facts in a bland manner, which hit Pu Peng's heart directly.

The CIA planned the assassination of King Raha with the purpose of supporting the fourth prince Pu Peng to take the throne.

Pu Peng studied in the United States in his early years, and the United States had some contact with the other party at that time.

The influence of the United States in Siam has only faded on the surface, and it has been supporting its own forces in secret.

The Pu Peng in front of him is the new spokesperson for the Siamese forces they have found, commonly known as the puppet regime.

The United States has always had a hobby of intervening in the internal affairs of other countries and launching "color revolutions".

They achieve the purpose of controlling the puppet regime, acting as a vanguard, and gaining benefits for it by supporting forces close to them and replacing the "disobedient" governments of other countries.

For example, the civil unrest in countries such as North Korea, Annan, Persia, Ukraine, etc., is full of The figure of the "famous" CIA of the United States is rebuked.

In the United States Central Intelligence Agency, there is a complete process for planning riots and subversions, and there are also training classes specifically for cultivating such "talents".

This assassination operation is completely familiar to the CIA.

They are driven by the interests of supporting Pu Peng to become the king, and at the same time, they use the assassination incident to frame the Jeko Group, arouse the hostility of all Siamese citizens towards the Jeko Group, and finally let the two countries fight each other.

At the same time, further promote the aggressive color of the Jeko Group and make the Jeko Group the enemy of the world.

At that time, taking advantage of the common hatred of the countries in Southeast Asia and the fear of the Jeko Group, telling the truth that the lips and teeth are cold, they, the United States, will unite with various Southeast Asian countries to attack the Jeko Group, and they can sit behind the scenes and reap the benefits.

Even if the Jake Group can win once, twice, or three times and show its strong military power, it will only increase the fear of the countries in the southeast region, making them actively or forced to join the camp against the Jake Group, making the other side fall into the quagmire of war and confrontation, and constantly consuming national strength. This is the snipe and clam plan.

This is like the anti-French alliance. At that time, in order to fight against the First French Empire under the rule of Napoleon, many countries formed the anti-French alliance under the leadership of the British Empire and fought a war with Napoleon's First French Empire for more than 20 years.

At that time, the first five anti-French alliances ended in failure, and the First French Empire under the rule of Napoleon became the overlord of the European continent and flourished for a time.

The fragmented national territory of Southeast Asian countries does not have much cultural commonality and does not have the foundation of great unification. The more brutal and terrifying the Jake Group shows, the more it will arouse the resistance of various countries, and ultimately shake the rule of the Jake Group, consuming a lot of manpower, material and financial resources of the Jake Group.

No matter how rich the Jake Group is, it is just a combination of a company and a poor country, and it can't withstand such war consumption.

The United States is planning to use other countries to fight for itself.

For example, the First French Empire, which once dominated Europe, was hostile to too many countries and eventually declined. Therefore, the Sixth Anti-French Alliance won and overthrew the First French Empire.

Napoleon was exiled to the Island of Elba and restored the Bourbon dynasty, which had already died in French history. The Seventh Anti-French Alliance completely defeated Napoleon, who made a comeback.

There is nothing new in history. It can be said that in terms of stirring up trouble, the United States is no less than its old father, the British Empire.

Facing Smith's faint sarcasm, Pu Peng's face turned a little black, but for Shawang and Smith, even if he was the King of Siam, he had no way to deal with these two CIA agents.

The other party represents not only individuals, but more importantly, behind them stands the most powerful country on the blue planet.

There is no need for the United States to do anything. His father's example is still vivid, and the other party has a lot of black material about him. Once it is announced, he will be finished.

"So you follow the route we planned now, we won't treat you unfairly."

Sawang blew on his coffee. Now the first step has been completed. Pu Peng's personal wishes are not important. From the moment he participated in the assassination, he was branded by the United States and could never get rid of it.

What they need is to make Siam go to war with the Jeko Group. If they can defeat the Jeko Group, it will be better. If they can't, they will publicize the evil deeds and greed of the Jeko Group outside the field and form an anti-Su Jie alliance of Southeast Asian countries. This is their specialty.

The two sides discussed the details of the cooperation against the Jeko Group, and the meeting soon ended with the victory of the CIA.

However, Sawang and Smith, who left proudly, were unaware that outside the Da Palace, a special pedestrian was wearing a peaked cap and holding a notebook to write and draw, as if he was sketching.

But outsiders don't know that this pedestrian has a pair of special fox ears hidden in his hat, shaking from time to time, recording the secrets he heard.

He has another identity, belonging to the intelligence department of the Jeko Group and a specially modified genetic warrior.

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