Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 423: One punch is enough to prevent a hundred punches

"The latest developments in the assassination of the King of Siam. The assassin is a super soldier, and the murderer is actually the Jieko Group. 》

"The new king of Siam, Puppon, delivered a tough speech at the ceremony to inherit the throne, and the situation in the southeast became a powder keg of war. 》

"The Siamese people broke out in massive demonstrations in many cities such as Manchester City, Chiang Yai, Mai Ha, Chi Chiang, Santhiya and other cities, demanding severe punishment and retaliation against the Jieco Group. 》

"Siam is mobilizing its national army, and troops are gathering on the border with Zen. The war is about to break out. 》

"Many countries have called on both Zen and Siam to exercise restraint and handle conflicts calmly. The United Nations Security Council is holding a mediation meeting on this matter. 》

After the new king launched a high-profile attack on the Jieko Group during the succession ceremony, the situation in Southeast Asia suddenly became tense, and the smell of gunpowder was extremely strong.

Major news media around the world were like sharks smelling blood, reporting overwhelmingly on this breaking news.

In Siam, the voices calling for retaliation against the Jieko Group are getting louder and louder than ever.

The people of Siam were furious about the assassination of their king, which was simply a slap in the face to their country.

Assassinating the head of a country is an act that can cause war in any country.

Therefore, after Pupeng revealed that the murderer was the Jieko Group, one can imagine the public outrage aroused in Siam, with demonstrations everywhere.

"Down with the hegemony of the Jieko Group!"

"Hand over the assassin, severely punish the murderer, and demand blood debt from the Jieko Group."

"Use war to make the Jieko Group understand our attitude!"

In Manchester City, groups of Siamese people held high banners and portraits of King Raha, shouted slogans through loudspeakers, and kept walking through the streets.

Looking down from a high place, there are dense crowds of heads blocking every street.

"I heard there were half a million people demonstrating in Manchester?"

In a building, Shao Mengjun opened the curtains and looked coldly at the parade passing by below.

There were only two people in the huge room, including Shao Mengjun. They were from the Intelligence Department of the Jieke Group. Every official member inside was a genetically modified human being.

The only difference is that they are different from the full-time genetic warriors of the Steel Battalion. Their genetic modification focuses on reconnaissance, and the gu insect genes they incorporate are also biased toward reconnaissance.

Shao Mengjun is the Minister of Intelligence. He is a fusion of two Gu insect genes. One of the Gu insect genes is called Youfeng Firefly. His ears can pick up extremely subtle movements within a range of 250 meters, including slight voices.

"No, this matter is the most popular in Siam right now. The beautiful country's ability to provoke and publicize is very powerful."

Zang Baomiao, who was sitting on the sofa, spoke. His nose was fused with Gu insect genes and was more sensitive than a dog's nose. As long as he remembered the smell, he would not lose him even if he was ten kilometers away.

While he was talking, he walked to the window and looked far away. The position of this window corresponded to the Prime Minister's Office of Siam.

As Zang Baomiao said, this large-scale parade in Manchester City is more clearly planned than previous parades.

The demonstrators in Manchester City first preached on Twitter, reminded each other, and prepared umbrellas, masks, medicines, as well as generators, tents, and mobile toilets. They were obviously prepared.

At this time, the demonstrators below arrived outside the Prime Minister's Office and made loud accusations. They even broke through the obstruction of the military and police, and a fierce confrontation broke out on the scene.

Some demonstrators ran into the Prime Minister's Office and kicked and punched officials who called for restraint in the war. However, most of the military and police were perfunctory and would not intervene too much as long as no one was killed.

Once you see this behavior, you can tell that it is very purposeful.

Shao Mengjun looked back and asked: "According to the plan, we are going to find some people who listen to us. Do you have a goal?"

"There are many princes who lost power and were put under house arrest by Pupeng after Kowloon seized the throne. Pupeng doesn't dare to kill yet, but when the time comes, he may need help from his brother's department, the Steel Battalion. You know, we are not very good at fighting."

Zang Bao shrugged at first. They don't focus on fighting. Although they are better than ordinary soldiers, it is not a problem for one to fight ten, but compared with those monsters in the Iron Battalion who can fight one against a hundred, fighting is not their field, and they specialize in martial arts.

"Well, now I have news about Pu Lie. I don't know where he is."

Shao Mengjun nodded, and while he was speaking, a voice interrupted him.

I saw a shadow outside the window sill, the air blurred slightly, and a human crawling on the glass wall like a gecko got into the window.

He is the Pu Lie that Shao Mengjun calls him. He can crawl like a gecko and hide his figure in the shadows, making it difficult to detect by sight.

"You got through the window again, so you can't enter the house normally!"

Zang Bao closed the window first and said angrily.

"No way, professional habit."

Pu Lie took off his black tights jacket, picked up the mineral water and drank several sips.

Shao Mengjun walked over and asked, "What's the result of the action?"

"Here, I took a lot of photos of Pu Peng and the CIA's plots."

Pu Lie took out a USB flash drive with a bit of pride. He cooperated with several other members of the intelligence department and successfully captured a lot of important video materials.

Shao Mengjun took the USB flash drive and inserted it into his computer, and saw the video of Pupeng and Shawang conspiring on it, as well as photos of related cooperation documents.

Some of these provisions can be described as extremely humiliating and humiliating to the country.

After Pupeng became king, he became a puppet regime and was forced to sign a treaty with the beautiful country in exchange for benefits.

"Tsk, this is a beautiful country that flaunts freedom and democracy all day long, but is secretly full of evil."

Shao Mengjun mocked that in the eyes of beautiful countries, they always only focus on their own interests and "interfere in other countries' internal affairs" just because of interests. "Human rights" and "freedom" are all high-sounding excuses.

Other countries are just means or tools that can be used. Once they are not used satisfactorily, no matter how "obedient" they are, they will be discarded like worn out shoes.

Zang Bao first saw the plan to assassinate the old king, as well as the intelligence and cooperation provided by Pupeng, and couldn't help but curl his lips.

"He is really unscrupulous enough to get power. That's his father! They say that the emperor's family has been ruthless since ancient times. I have experienced it."

Pu Lie stretched out and said to Shao Mengjun: "Boss, now that we have this detailed and undoubted evidence, Pupeng is finished. We can expose it at any time and give Pupeng a general. This can also avoid war. occur."

Shao Mengjun shook his head, put away the USB flash drive, and patted Pu Lie on the shoulder: "No, we can't decide whether it's a war or not. It depends on what Commander Su thinks. But we have this information in our hands. We can take the initiative. The power belongs to us. You did a good job this time, Pu Lie. I will thank you in front of Commander Su later."

"Hey, that's a good feeling."

Zen Kingdom Mandecheng!

At Fumen Breeding Farm, Su Jie sat cross-legged on the ground alone.

A small ninth-grade holy lotus swayed in front of her. The flower pot was filled with five elements of spiritual soil, and Su Jie was fertilizing it.

The fertilizer was made up of high-grade spiritual stones. Such a treasure, which was worth thousands of ordinary low-grade spiritual stones, was buried in the Five Elements Spiritual Soil by Su Jie without hesitation.

After absorbing the fertilizer of the high-grade spiritual stone, the ninth-grade holy lotus releases little spiritual rays of light, like stars, which is dizzying to the eye. Sometimes it gathers into a river, and sometimes it disperses into the phantoms of mythical beasts such as unicorns and phoenixes, and the sound of the great heaven resounds in the void.

"Hey! This is..."

Suddenly, Su Jie's eyes narrowed and he unexpectedly noticed that a tiny bud emerged from the top of the ninth-grade holy lotus.

It was as if Xiao He had just revealed his sharp horns, which made Su Jie suddenly excited.

"The fourth leaf, finally the fourth leaf has grown."

Su Jie's eyes were bright and he was filled with emotion.

He had been cultivating this ninth-grade holy lotus for a long time before finally letting it grow a new cotyledon.

"Currently, it will take another month for this leaf to fully grow. It is not easy to raise such an innate spiritual creature."

Su Jie put down the white-bone Tiansha Sword that loosened the soil, and looked at the ninth-grade holy lotus that was about to turn into a four-leaf state, with a satisfied smile on his face.

Although a lot of resources have been invested in it, the mature ninth-grade holy lotus is a sect-suppressing treasure that even big sects have to be greedy for.

The sect war that broke out between the five sects including Qingzhou Ghost Ridge Palace and Guanchao Pavilion was caused by the innate spiritual object, the Ninth Grade Holy Lotus. One can imagine the value of the innate spiritual object.

Just when Su Jie was delighted with the growth of the Ninth Grade Holy Lotus, he suddenly sensed changes in the external formation.

With a sweep of his consciousness, Su Jie put away the ninth-grade holy lotus, walked through the underground Gu insect base, and took the elevator to the surface.

When he opened the door, he saw Liu Yingying and Shao Mengjun waiting outside.

"Commander Su!"

Seeing Su Jie, Shao Mengjun's eyes were filled with admiration and his voice was filled with excitement.

Those who can become genetic warriors, in addition to their own talents, are also the most ardent believers in Su Jie.

Su Jie smiled and said to the intelligence chief he had trained and promoted: "You don't have to be so polite. It's hard work all the way back from Siam."

The Jieko Intelligence Department was established by Su Jie half a year ago. Currently, there are not many official members, only about thirty people.

Each of them is a genetically modified person with rich biological reconnaissance methods, in addition to hundreds of informants of various types.

Although the number of people was small, their results were quite impressive.

For example, the changes in the political situation in Siam this time are under the surveillance of the Intelligence Department of the Jieko Group.

"I don't trust others to get this USB flash drive, and the network transmission is not secure enough, so I personally escort it back. This is what I should do."

Shao Mengjun sat half-assed on the chair, staying here with Su Jie and having close contact with his idol, which made him somewhat nervous.

"What kind of information! You, the minister, are allowed to mobilize so much troops and people."

Liu Yingying looked at it curiously while making tea.

"The political situation in Siam is controlled by the CIA behind the scenes, and Pupeng is just a puppet they pushed to the front."

Su Jie plugged the USB flash drive into the computer and touched his chin to watch the videos and photos inside.

When she saw the good things the CIA had done, subverting Siam's political arena, assassinating the old king and replacing him with an obedient puppet, and a series of cooperation agreements against the Jieko Group, Su Jie didn't say anything, and Liu Yingying became angry.

"CTNN, this CIA is really indifferent and is trying every possible means to cause trouble for us."

Liu Yingying swore directly, making Shao Mengjun shrink back in fright. He didn't expect that Liu Yingying, the number two figure in the Jieke Group, would have such a violent temper.

Seeing Shao Mengjun's actions, Liu Yingying restrained her anger and said, "I'm sorry, I lost my temper a little. I just saw that the CIA was throwing dirty water on us again, and I was really angry."

Normally, Liu Yingying wouldn't be so angry, but there have been too many troubles recently.

Because Siam accused the Jieko Group of assassinating its own king, the Jieko Group fell into a storm of public opinion.

Many media are controlled by beautiful countries, and with the help of the other side, there are now endless negative comments about Jieke Group on the Internet.

Including at the just-convened Joint Security Council meeting, many countries also sided with Siam regarding the conflict mediation between Zen and Siam, believing that the Jieko Group was a bit too bullying.

Say what the Jieko Group is, the dragon slayer will eventually become the evil dragon.

Mingming had just dispelled the interference of the beautiful country in the Zen country not long ago, but he turned around and bullied his neighbors and imitated the hegemony of the beautiful country.

But the actual situation is not like that at all.

"I understand, I understand, the CIA is so indifferent. They have always been like this."

Shao Mengjun nodded repeatedly, looked at Su Jie, and asked cautiously: "Commander Su, you see, we now have evidence in hand that Pu Peng colluded with the CIA. What should we do next?"

"what are you thinking?"

Su Jie crossed his legs and asked with a smile.

"Ah! Me?"

Shao Mengjun was very surprised.

"Yes, you have witnessed the changes in Siam's political situation with your own eyes. What do you think about this matter?"

Su Jie cast an encouraging look and asked Shao Mengjun to speak boldly.

Shao Mengjun swallowed his saliva, thought carefully, and then replied: "I think this battle should be fought."


Su Jie raised his eyebrows.

"This is what I think. The beautiful country controls Siam just to seduce us into fighting. The purpose is to consume our national power, make us alienated in Southeast Asia, and label us as invaders so that they can promote the threat of the Jieko Group. theory, taking this as an opportunity to organize coalition forces, and want us to fall into the quagmire of war and be dragged down by the war.

But the beautiful country has overlooked a problem, that is, they may have overestimated the military strength of Siam and Southeast Asian countries.

According to my inspections in Southeast Asian countries, most of their armies are vulnerable to defeat.

As long as we achieve a brilliant enough victory, we can greatly deter neighboring countries and make them dare not act rashly.

At that time, throwing out the evidence can still save our image.

In this way, we can not only teach Siam a lesson and expand our living space, but also scare the monkeys and establish our position in Southeast Asia. "

After hearing Shao Mengjun's thoughts, Su Jie couldn't help but give a thumbs up and laughed: "Haha, Yingying, listen, let me just say that our Jieke Group is all talented people."

Liu Yingying poured tea for the two of them and said to Shao Mengjun: "Minister Shao, I was thinking of just throwing out the evidence and exposing the CIA's conspiracy. You are more thoughtful in trying to clear our names."

"No, no, I'm just a little bit ignorant."

Shao Mengjun was a little embarrassed by the praise.

"Look at this."

Su Jie took out a military action plan. This was a war plan against Siam. It marked the scheduled attack time, location, and dispatched troops.

"Operation Overlord, it turns out that Commander Su, you have already planned a battle."

Shao Mengjun saw this military action plan and was surprised by the bold goals and action plans preset above.

Su Jie slowly took a sip of tea, and after putting down the tea cup, his voice gradually turned cold: "As the saying goes, if you hit with one punch, you won't get hundreds of punches.

The beautiful country wants to use the countries in Southeast Asia as a rope to slowly suffocate the Jieko Group.

But I will tell them that even the combination of rotten fish and rotten shrimps cannot change their nature.

And our Jieke Group is a dragon that they can never restrain. If we dare to provoke us, it will give us an excuse to fully intervene in the region and beat them to death.

Especially for Siam, it would be too easy for them to just throw away the evidence. They want to escape unscathed after offending us. This is just for other countries to see the consequences of offending the Jieke Group, and no other cats or dogs dare to mess around. "

Shao Mengjun and Liu Yingying opened their mouths slightly, feeling that in front of Su Jie, they completely regarded these Southeast Asian countries as chickens and dogs.

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