Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 5: Quality is not enough but quantity is enough

After instructing Chen Yaoguang to manage the factory well, Su Jie returned to the rental house in the village in the city with 10,000 scorpions.

10,000 scorpions sounds like a lot, but the actual weight is only 30 to 40 kilograms.

Su Jie's physical fitness is much better than that of ordinary people. It is not good enough in the Tianyuan world, but this thing can still be easily lifted.

After entering the rental house, Su Jie released the Thousand-Handed Centipede, which had been impatient for a long time.

"Go, these are all your food."


The Thousand-Handed Centipede stood up and got into the box excitedly.

In an instant, the scorpion lying quietly in the box seemed to have encountered a natural enemy, and it crawled around frantically.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede that entered the box shook its tentacles excitedly, as if it had come to heaven, emitting extremely exciting pheromones.

Like eating potato chips, it grabbed a scorpion and bit it, and then bit it and swallowed it in a few bites, and then pounced on the next one.

Some scorpions were enraged and raised their tails towards the Thousand-Handed Centipede. The ending was predictable.

Although the Thousand-Handed Centipede was also a low-grade Gu worm, it was from the Tianyuan World after all.

After half a year of cultivation by Su Jie, these scorpions could not hurt it in terms of strength, agility, defense, or toxins.

The scorpions that dared to attack only became more delicious in the mouth of the Thousand-Handed Centipede, and were chewed and swallowed crisply.

Perhaps Su Jie had starved the Thousand-Handed Centipede too much in the past. Seeing so many delicacies now, it was like a mouse entering a rice jar, hunting frantically, and its mouth did not stop.

In just over ten minutes, hundreds of scorpions were devoured by the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

And Su Jie noticed that the luster of the Thousand-Handed Centipede's chitinous shell changed at this time, gradually changing from a deep color to a translucent color.

"It's time to shed its skin and enter the grade."

Su Jie's eyes lit up. As his own Gu worm, he could feel the current state of the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

That was a signal of a strong accumulation of strength and vitality, and a desire to transform.

Another hour passed, and the Thousand-Handed Centipede had eaten at least a thousand scorpions, turning them into nutrients for its own growth.

Because it ate too much, the Thousand-Handed Centipede's movements changed from the previous rapidity to lazily lying in place.

In the end, it even circled into a ball, and its skin turned into a stiff shell, struggling to twist its body out little by little.

"It has begun to transform into a quality product. It seems that my idea is correct. The number can make up for the resources needed by the Thousand-Handed Centipede."

Su Jie was extremely surprised. He saw not only the promotion and transformation of the Thousand-Handed Centipede, but also the hope for the growth of the Thousand-Handed Centipede in the future.

The poisons on Blue Star are very different from those in the Tianyuan World. However, in the Tianyuan World, people cultivate poisonous insects by catching insects in the wild and bringing them back for cultivation. There is no modern large-scale cultivation.

And Su Jie can use a large number to make up for the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

Quality is not enough, but quantity makes up. The rich productivity of modern society is something that the Tianyuan World does not have.

The evolution of the Thousand-Handed Centipede took several hours, and Su Jie was always by its side.

Finally, after three hours, the Thousand-Handed Centipede, which had completely completed its transformation, emerged from its old skin, and its fresh new skin was slightly reddish. Its body length increased from the previous fifty centimeters to about one meter and two meters now.

Looking closely, the insect shell on its body was dark and shiny, and its head had ferocious jaws, which looked very fierce.

In addition, the Thousand-Handed Centipede was called a thousand hands, but in fact it only had 44 pale hands under its abdomen.

Now it has doubled, with as many as 88 pale hands.

"Haha, it's a good grade, and now I also have a low-grade Gu worm."

Su Jie couldn't help but laugh foolishly while holding the newly born Thousand-Handed Centipede, carefully examining it over and over again, and couldn't get enough of it.

Gu worms are divided into three grades: upper, middle and lower. Not many outer disciples have low-grade Gu worms, and most of them have low-grade Gu worms.

Once a Gu worm is good, even if it is only a low-grade one, its ability and strength will increase greatly.

"Wait, no, it's not just low-grade, has it completed a spiritual refining?"

Suddenly, Su Jie seemed to have discovered something, and looked at the forehead of the Thousand-Handed Centipede with a surprised voice.

On its forehead, there was an extra circle of lines like concentric tree rings.

Among the Gu worms, there are high-grade, medium-grade, and low-grade, and each grade has a special promotion branch, which is called spiritual refining.

The so-called spiritual refining is a special metamorphosis of Gu worms, like tadpoles metamorphosing into frogs and caterpillars metamorphosing into butterflies.

Entering Gu worms will further enhance their strength through metamorphosis, and often gain new characteristics and abilities.

Each grade can be spiritually refined up to three times, and there is also a saying of three grades and nine refining.

The strongest Gu worm is the high-grade nine refining.

Because of the difficulty of spiritual refining, it requires resources, luck, environment and other factors to cooperate, and it is hard to come by.

Outer disciples don't have many Gu worms of low grade, let alone spiritual refining, even if it is only one spiritual refining, it is extraordinary.

Su Jie did not expect that the Thousand-Handed Centipede not only entered the rank, but also completed a spiritual refining, and is now a Gu worm of the first rank of the lower rank.

This starting point has surpassed most of the outer disciples.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede did not know how excited Su Jie was now. It was very hungry after just evolving, and all the nutrients were used for evolution. At this time, it rolled into the scorpion box and swallowed scorpions one by one again.

It can be seen that when the pale hand under the belly of the Thousand-Handed Centipede pressed, a large area of ​​the scorpion's body surface turned blue, and the toxin entered the body, and it was poisoned to death on the spot.

This is the ability that the Thousand-Handed Centipede originally had. After entering the rank, the power and speed of the toxin were greatly enhanced.


Several of the 88 pale hands under the Thousand-Handed Centipede's belly suddenly broke from the root, as if they had their own lives, and rushed out to hunt, grabbing scorpions and delivering them to the mouth of the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

Then several arms drilled back into the broken part under the belly, and quickly adhered and healed, looking weird and terrifying.

Su Jie knew that this was the new ability of the Thousand-Handed Centipede, which could make the arms move independently from the body.

The thousands of scorpions in the box were just enough for the Thousand-Handed Centipede, whose demand increased greatly after entering the product.

Half an hour later, the scorpions in the box had been eaten up.

Su Jie picked up the Thousand-Handed Centipede, which had grown fatter, again, put it on his body, and practiced the Hundred Poisons Refining Gu Sutra.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede hugged Su Jie's waist and abdomen tightly, and Su Jie could feel the other party's cold touch, which gradually spread throughout the body and then entered the meridians and flesh.

Gradually, the spiritual power in Su Jie's body became more active.

Just like a river washing away a dry dry road, his spiritual power and body and mind were refreshed, and everything came naturally, and his strength broke through to the third level of the soul.

Originally, it would take another year of hard work to advance, but with the blessing of the Thousand-Handed Centipede of the first level of the entry level, he easily saved this year of hard work.

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